private Collection<ICompletionProposal> getNavigationProposals(IDocument doc, int offset) { String navPrefix = navigationPrefixFinder.getPrefix(doc, offset); try { if (navPrefix != null) { int navOffset = offset - navPrefix.length() - 1; // offset of 'nav' operator char (i.e. '.' or ']'). navPrefix = fuzzySearchPrefix.getPrefix(doc, navOffset); if (navPrefix != null && !navPrefix.isEmpty()) { PropertyInfo prop = findLongestValidProperty(getIndex(), navPrefix); if (prop != null) { int regionStart = navOffset - navPrefix.length(); PropertyNavigator navigator = new PropertyNavigator(doc, null, typeUtil, region(regionStart, navOffset)); Type type = navigator.navigate( regionStart + prop.getId().length(), TypeParser.parse(prop.getType())); if (type != null) { return getNavigationProposals(doc, type, navOffset, offset); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { BootActivator.log(e); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
protected Collection<ICompletionProposal> getFuzzyCompletions( final IDocument doc, final int offset) { final String prefix = fuzzySearchPrefix.getPrefix(doc, offset); if (prefix != null) { Collection<Match<PropertyInfo>> matches = findMatches(prefix); if (matches != null && !matches.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<ICompletionProposal> proposals = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(matches.size()); for (final Match<PropertyInfo> match : matches) { ProposalApplier edits = new LazyProposalApplier() { @Override protected ProposalApplier create() throws Exception { Type type = TypeParser.parse(; DocumentEdits edits = new DocumentEdits(doc); edits.delete(offset - prefix.length(), offset); edits.insert(offset, + propertyCompletionPostfix(type)); return edits; } }; proposals.add(, edits, match, typeUtil)); } return proposals; } } return Collections.emptyList(); }
private Collection<ICompletionProposal> getValueCompletions( IDocument doc, int offset, ITypedRegion valuePartition) { int regionStart = valuePartition.getOffset(); int startOfValue = findValueStart(doc, regionStart); try { String valuePrefix; if (startOfValue >= 0 && startOfValue < offset) { valuePrefix = doc.get(startOfValue, offset - startOfValue); } else { startOfValue = offset; valuePrefix = ""; } EnumCaseMode caseMode = caseMode(valuePrefix); String propertyName = fuzzySearchPrefix.getPrefix( doc, regionStart); // note: no need to skip whitespace backwards. // because value partition includes whitespace around the assignment if (propertyName != null) { Type type = getValueType(propertyName); String[] valueCompletions = typeUtil.getAllowedValues(type, caseMode); if (valueCompletions != null && valueCompletions.length > 0) { ArrayList<ICompletionProposal> proposals = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(); for (int i = 0; i < valueCompletions.length; i++) { String valueCandidate = valueCompletions[i]; double score = FuzzyMatcher.matchScore(valuePrefix, valueCandidate); if (score != 0) { DocumentEdits edits = new DocumentEdits(doc); edits.delete(startOfValue, offset); edits.insert(offset, valueCandidate); proposals.add( completionFactory.valueProposal(valueCandidate, type, score, edits) // new ValueProposal(startOfValue, valuePrefix, valueCandidate, i) ); } } return proposals; } } } catch (Exception e) { SpringPropertiesEditorPlugin.log(e); } return Collections.emptyList(); }