      method = "processPlayer",
      at =
              value = "FIELD",
              target = "net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.hasMoved:Z",
              ordinal = 2),
      cancellable = true)
  public void proccesPlayerMoved(C03PacketPlayer packetIn, CallbackInfo ci) {
    if (packetIn.isMoving() || packetIn.getRotating() && !this.playerEntity.isDead) {
      Player player = (Player) this.playerEntity;
      Vector3d fromrot = player.getRotation();

      // If Sponge used the player's current location, the delta might never be triggered which
      // could be exploited
      Location from = player.getLocation();
      if (this.lastMoveLocation != null) {
        from = this.lastMoveLocation;

      Vector3d torot = new Vector3d(packetIn.getPitch(), packetIn.getYaw(), 0);
      Location to =
          new Location(

      // Minecraft sends a 0, 0, 0 position when rotation only update occurs, this needs to be
      // recognized and corrected
      boolean rotationOnly = !packetIn.isMoving() && packetIn.getRotating();
      if (rotationOnly) {
        // Correct the to location so it's not misrepresented to plugins, only when player rotates
        // without moving
        // In this case it's only a rotation update, which isn't related to the to location
        from = player.getLocation();
        to = from;

      // Minecraft does the same with rotation when it's only a positional update
      boolean positionOnly = packetIn.isMoving() && !packetIn.getRotating();
      if (positionOnly) {
        // Correct the new rotation to match the old rotation
        torot = fromrot;

      double deltaSquared = to.getPosition().distanceSquared(from.getPosition());
      double deltaAngleSquared = fromrot.distanceSquared(torot);

      // These magic numbers are sad but help prevent excessive lag from this event.
      // eventually it would be nice to not have them
      if (deltaSquared > ((1f / 16) * (1f / 16)) || deltaAngleSquared > (.15f * .15f)) {
        PlayerMoveEvent event =
            SpongeEventFactory.createPlayerMove(Sponge.getGame(), player, from, to, torot);
        if (event.isCancelled()) {
          player.setLocationAndRotation(from, fromrot);
          this.lastMoveLocation = from;
        } else if (!event.getNewLocation().equals(to)) {
          player.setLocationAndRotation(event.getNewLocation(), event.getRotation());
          this.lastMoveLocation = event.getNewLocation();
        } else if (!from.equals(player.getLocation()) && this.justTeleported) {
          this.lastMoveLocation = player.getLocation();
          // Prevent teleports during the move event from causing odd behaviors
          this.justTeleported = false;
        } else {
          this.lastMoveLocation = event.getNewLocation();