public <T extends Message> List<DeliveryAddress> validateMessageRecipients(MessageWrapper<T> msg) throws InvalidAddressException { LinkedList<DeliveryAddress> outList = new LinkedList<DeliveryAddress>(); // Ok Here we go Set<String> validServices = services.getServiceNames(); Set<Recipient> sendTo = msg.getMessage().getHeader().getRecipientsList(); Iterator<Recipient> itr = sendTo.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Recipient r =; DeliveryAddress adr = r.getDeliveryAddress(); AddressType type = adr.getAddressType(); if (type == null) { InvalidAddressException exp = new InvalidAddressException("Recipient passed with unknown/type"); eventLogger.logUserExceptionEvent("validateMessageRecipients", exp); throw exp; } switch (type) { case Physical: { PhysicalAddress a = adr.getPhysicalAddress(); if (!validServices.contains(a.getServiceId())) { outList.add(adr); } break; } case Group: { // TODO: Should we do a deep validation? - For not no - We // assume Group integrity if (groupMgr.findGroup(adr.getGroupAddress().getName()) == null) { outList.add(adr); } break; } case Party: { // TODO: Should we do a deep Validation? - For not no - We // assume user integrity; if (userMgr.findUser(adr.getPartyAddress().getName()) == null) { outList.add(adr); } break; } default: { outList.add(adr); } } } // Loop Address - Switch by type return outList; }
public List<DeliveryAddress> validateAddress(DeliveryAddress adr) throws InvalidAddressException { LinkedList<DeliveryAddress> outList = new LinkedList<DeliveryAddress>(); switch (adr.getAddressType()) { case Physical: { PhysicalAddress a = adr.getPhysicalAddress(); if (!services.getServiceNames().contains(a.getServiceId())) { outList.add(adr); } break; } case Group: { // TODO: Should we do a deep validation? - For now no - We assume // Group integrity if (groupMgr.findGroup(adr.getGroupAddress().getName()) == null) { outList.add(adr); } break; } case Party: { // TODO: Should we do a deep Validation? - For now no - We assume // user integrity; if (userMgr.findUser(adr.getPartyAddress().getName()) == null) { outList.add(adr); } break; } default: { outList.add(adr); } } // Loop Address - Switch by type return outList; }
@Test public void testRun() { String msgId = "TestMsgId01"; // exception,type,messageId,msg SimpleMessage msg = new SimpleMessage(); PhysicalAddress senderAdr = new PhysicalAddress(); senderAdr.setServiceId("test"); senderAdr.setAddressId("SomeId"); senderAdr.setAddress("Address"); DeliveryAddress senderDa = new DeliveryAddress(senderAdr); msg.getHeader().setSender(senderDa); msg.getHeader().setMessageId(msgId); PhysicalAddress receiverAdr = new PhysicalAddress(); receiverAdr.setServiceId("testrcpt"); receiverAdr.setAddressId("SomeReceiverId"); receiverAdr.setAddress("ReceiverAddress"); DeliveryAddress receiverDa = new DeliveryAddress(receiverAdr); ProcessingException exp = new ProcessingException(); exp.setGeneratingMessage(msgId); exp.setIssuingService("IntegrationTest"); exp.setFault("TestCase"); String serverId = "ITTest"; NotifyUCSClientOfException task = new NotifyUCSClientOfException( cleintReg, exp, ExceptionType.InvalidMessage, msgId, msg, serverId, resolver, receiverDa);; }
@Override public void onTrigger(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session) { FlowFile flowFile = session.get(); if (flowFile == null) { return; } final ProcessorLog logger = getLogger(); final ObjectHolder<Throwable> errorHolder = new ObjectHolder<>(null); final ObjectHolder<MessageWrapper> messageWrapperHolder = new ObjectHolder<>(null); flowFile, (final InputStream rawIn) -> { try { messageWrapperHolder.set(MessageSerializer.deserializeMessageWrapper(rawIn)); } catch (MessageSerializationException ex) { errorHolder.set( new RuntimeException( "Error deserializing FlowFile content into a MessageWrapper instance. Routing to FAILURE", ex)); } }); if (errorHolder.get() != null) { UCSCreateException.routeFlowFileToException( context, session, logger, flowFile, REL_FAILURE, null, "Error in message deserialization: " + errorHolder.get().getCause() != null ? errorHolder.get().getCause().getMessage() : errorHolder.get().getMessage(), ExceptionType.InvalidMessage, null, null); return; } Message message = messageWrapperHolder.get().getMessage(); // resolve the sender. We couldn't resolved it before because we needed // the specific serviceId. UCSController ucsService = context.getProperty(UCS_CONTROLLER_SERVICE).asControllerService(UCSController.class); UserContactInfo uci = ucsService.resolveUserContactInfo( message.getHeader().getSender().getPhysicalAddress().getAddress()); if (uci == null) { UCSCreateException.routeFlowFileToException( context, session, logger, flowFile, REL_FAILURE, null, "Unknown User: "******"Unknown Service " + context.getProperty(SERVICE_ID).getValue() + " for User: "******"GROUP:"). Map<Boolean, List<Recipient>> chatRecipients = message .getHeader() .getRecipientsList() .stream() .filter( r -> r.getDeliveryAddress() != null && r.getDeliveryAddress().getPhysicalAddress() != null) .filter( r -> context .getProperty(SERVICE_ID) .getValue() .equals(r.getDeliveryAddress().getPhysicalAddress().getServiceId())) .collect( Collectors.groupingBy( r -> r.getDeliveryAddress() .getPhysicalAddress() .getAddress() .startsWith("GROUP:"))); Map<String, String> generatedReferences = new HashMap<>(); if (chatRecipients.containsKey(Boolean.TRUE)) { generatedReferences.putAll( this.sendMessagesToPreStablishedGroups( context, session, flowFile, logger, chatRecipients.get(Boolean.TRUE))); } if (chatRecipients.containsKey(Boolean.FALSE)) { List<Recipient> recipients = chatRecipients.get(Boolean.FALSE); if (recipients.size() == 1) { generatedReferences.putAll( this.sendDirectMessage(context, session, flowFile, logger, message, recipients.get(0))); } else { generatedReferences.putAll( this.sendMessageToDynamicGroup( context, session, flowFile, logger, message, recipients)); } } logger.debug("Removing original FlowFile"); session.remove(flowFile); // keep track of the generated references // TODO: is this check correct/enough? if (message.getHeader().isReceiptNotification()) { logger.debug( "The message has ReceiptNotification flag enabled -> We are persisting its references."); generatedReferences .entrySet() .stream() .forEach( (gr) -> { ucsService.saveMessageReference(message, gr.getKey(), gr.getValue()); }); } else { logger.debug( "The message doesn't have ReceiptNotification flag enabled -> We are not persisting its references."); } }
/** * @param adr * @param addressMap * @param exclude - Set of Delivery addresses already seen to avoid loops * @param msg - The Message wrapper for context dependent addressing */ public <T extends Message> void resolveAddress( DeliveryAddress adr, HashMap<String, List<PhysicalAddress>> addressMap, Set<DeliveryAddress> exclude, MessageWrapper<T> msg, Recipient r) { if (!exclude.contains(adr)) { exclude.add(adr); AddressType type = adr.getAddressType(); if (type == null) { eventLogger.logSummaryEvent( LogEntryType.User_SendMessage, EventLevel.warn, "resolveAddress", "RecipientAddress Type Unknown", "Recipient passed with unknown/type"); return; } switch (adr.getAddressType()) { case Physical: { PhysicalAddress a = adr.getPhysicalAddress(); List<PhysicalAddress> list = addressMap.get(a.getServiceId()); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList<PhysicalAddress>(); addressMap.put(a.getServiceId(), list); } list.add(a); break; } case Group: { DeliveryGroup grp = groupMgr.findGroup(adr.getGroupAddress().getName()); if (grp != null) { // Loop the group LinkedList<DeliveryAddress> grpList = grp.getGroup(); Iterator<DeliveryAddress> itr = grpList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { resolveAddress(, addressMap, exclude, msg, r); } } break; } case Party: { UserContactInfo userInfo = userMgr.findUser(adr.getPartyAddress().getName()); if (userInfo != null) { // TODO Extend for context and better address selection - ay need more context for the // operation. // TODO Extend for presence // Resolve the user preferred address PhysicalAddress a = userInfo.getPreferredAddress(); List<PhysicalAddress> list = addressMap.get(a.getServiceId()); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList<PhysicalAddress>(); addressMap.put(a.getServiceId(), list); } list.add(a); } break; } } } }