public boolean canHandleStreaming(IRI subject, IRI predicate, IRI object) { // Can handle if object isn;t anonymous and either the object // IRI is owl:Thing, or it is not part of the build in vocabulary return !isAnonymous(object) && (object.equals(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_THING.getIRI()) || !OWLRDFVocabulary.BUILT_IN_VOCABULARY_IRIS.contains(object)); }
private <T extends OWLEntity> T createNewForBuiltInEntity( String entityName, final Class<T> entityType) { if (isPrefixedName(entityName)) { IRI entityIri = expand(entityName); if (OWLRDFVocabulary.BUILT_IN_VOCABULARY_IRIS.contains(entityIri)) { try { return createNew(entityName, entityType); } catch (OWLEntityCreationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } } } return null; }
public void handleTriple(IRI subject, IRI predicate, IRI object) throws UnloadableImportException { if (OWLRDFVocabulary.BUILT_IN_VOCABULARY_IRIS.contains(object)) { if (!object.equals(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_THING.getIRI())) { // Can't have instance of built in vocabulary! // Shall we throw an exception here? logger.fine("Individual of builtin type " + object); } } addAxiom( getDataFactory() .getOWLClassAssertionAxiom( translateClassExpression(object), translateIndividual(subject), getPendingAnnotations())); consumeTriple(subject, predicate, object); }