@Override @Test public void testEqualsNegative() throws Exception { OWLClassExpression a = Class(createIRI()); OWLClassExpression b = Class(createIRI()); OWLObject objA = EquivalentClasses(a, b); OWLClassExpression c = Class(createIRI()); OWLObject objB = EquivalentClasses(a, b, c); assertFalse(objA.equals(objB)); }
@Override @Test public void testHashCode() throws Exception { OWLClassExpression a = Class(createIRI()); OWLClassExpression b = Class(createIRI()); OWLClassExpression c = Class(createIRI()); OWLObject objA = EquivalentClasses(a, b, c); OWLObject objB = EquivalentClasses(a, b, c); assertEquals(objA.hashCode(), objB.hashCode()); }
private int countResult(QuestOWLResultSet rs, boolean stdout) throws OWLException { int counter = 0; while (rs.nextRow()) { counter++; if (stdout) { for (int column = 1; column <= rs.getColumCount(); column++) { OWLObject binding = rs.getOWLObject(column); System.out.print(binding.toString() + ", "); } System.out.print("\n"); } } return counter; }
private int executeQuery(String q) throws OWLException { String prefix = "PREFIX : <http://it.unibz.krdb/obda/ontologies/quest-typing-test.owl#> \n PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> \n PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> \n PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"; String query = prefix + " " + q; QuestOWLResultSet res = st.executeTuple(query); int count = 0; int columns = res.getColumCount(); while (res.nextRow()) { for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { OWLObject o = res.getOWLObject(i + 1); System.out.println(o.toString()); } count += 1; } res.close(); return count; }
public ATermAppl term(OWLObject d) { refreshCheck(); visitor.reset(); visitor.setAddAxiom(false); d.accept(visitor); ATermAppl a = visitor.result(); if (a == null) throw new InternalReasonerException("Cannot create ATerm from description " + d); return a; }
private Set<OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom> writeEntityStart( ManchesterOWLSyntax keyword, OWLObject entity) { event = new RendererEvent(this, entity); String kw = keyword.toString(); fireFrameRenderingPrepared(kw); writeSection(keyword); entity.accept(this); fireFrameRenderingStarted(kw); writeNewLine(); incrementTab(4); writeNewLine(); if (entity instanceof OWLEntity) { return writeAnnotations(((OWLEntity) entity).getIRI()); } else if (entity instanceof OWLAnonymousIndividual) { return writeAnnotations((OWLAnonymousIndividual) entity); } return Collections.emptySet(); }
public void writeSection( ManchesterOWLSyntax keyword, Collection<?> content, String delimeter, boolean newline, OWLOntology... ontologiesList) { String sec = keyword.toString(); if (!content.isEmpty() || renderingDirector.renderEmptyFrameSection(keyword, ontologiesList)) { fireSectionRenderingPrepared(sec); writeSection(keyword); writeOntologiesList(ontologiesList); incrementTab(4); writeNewLine(); fireSectionRenderingStarted(sec); for (Iterator<?> it = content.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object obj = it.next(); fireSectionItemPrepared(sec); if (obj instanceof OWLObject) { ((OWLObject) obj).accept(this); } else { write(obj.toString()); } if (it.hasNext()) { write(delimeter); fireSectionItemFinished(sec); if (newline) { writeNewLine(); } } else { fireSectionItemFinished(sec); } } fireSectionRenderingFinished(sec); popTab(); writeNewLine(); writeNewLine(); } }
@Override public void visit(OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom axiom) { if (axiom.getClassExpressions().size() > 2) { Set<Set<OWLClassExpression>> rendered = new HashSet<Set<OWLClassExpression>>(); for (OWLClassExpression left : axiom.getClassExpressions()) { for (OWLClassExpression right : axiom.getClassExpressions()) { if (left != right) { Set<OWLClassExpression> cur = CollectionFactory.createSet(left, right); if (!rendered.contains(cur)) { rendered.add(cur); left.accept(this); writeSpace(); write(EQUIV); writeSpace(); right.accept(this); } } } } } else if (axiom.getClassExpressions().size() == 2) { Iterator<OWLClassExpression> it = axiom.getClassExpressions().iterator(); OWLClassExpression descA = it.next(); OWLClassExpression descB = it.next(); OWLClassExpression lhs; OWLClassExpression rhs; if (subject.equals(descA)) { lhs = descA; rhs = descB; } else { lhs = descB; rhs = descA; } lhs.accept(this); writeSpace(); write(EQUIV); writeSpace(); rhs.accept(this); } }
public void writeSection( ManchesterOWLSyntax keyword, SectionMap content, String delimeter, boolean newline, OWLOntology... ontologiesList) { String sec = keyword.toString(); if (!content.isEmpty() || renderingDirector.renderEmptyFrameSection(keyword, ontologiesList)) { fireSectionRenderingPrepared(sec); writeSection(keyword); writeOntologiesList(ontologiesList); incrementTab(4); writeNewLine(); fireSectionRenderingStarted(sec); for (Iterator<?> it = content.getSectionObjects().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object obj = it.next(); Set<Set<OWLAnnotation>> annotationSets = content.getAnnotationsForSectionObject(obj); for (Iterator<Set<OWLAnnotation>> annosSetIt = annotationSets.iterator(); annosSetIt.hasNext(); ) { Set<OWLAnnotation> annos = annosSetIt.next(); fireSectionItemPrepared(sec); if (!annos.isEmpty()) { incrementTab(4); writeNewLine(); write(ManchesterOWLSyntax.ANNOTATIONS.toString()); write(": "); pushTab(getIndent() + 1); for (Iterator<OWLAnnotation> annoIt = annos.iterator(); annoIt.hasNext(); ) { annoIt.next().accept(this); if (annoIt.hasNext()) { write(", "); writeNewLine(); } } popTab(); popTab(); writeNewLine(); } // Write actual object if (obj instanceof OWLObject) { ((OWLObject) obj).accept(this); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { for (Iterator<?> listIt = ((Collection<?>) obj).iterator(); listIt.hasNext(); ) { Object o = listIt.next(); if (o instanceof OWLObject) { ((OWLObject) o).accept(this); } else { write(o.toString()); } if (listIt.hasNext()) { write(delimeter); if (newline) { writeNewLine(); } } } } else { write(obj.toString()); } if (it.hasNext()) { write(delimeter); fireSectionItemFinished(sec); if (newline) { writeNewLine(); } } else { fireSectionItemFinished(sec); } if (annosSetIt.hasNext()) { write(","); writeNewLine(); } } } fireSectionRenderingFinished(sec); popTab(); writeNewLine(); writeNewLine(); } }
/** * @param object the object to duplicate * @return the duplicate */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <O extends OWLObject> O duplicateObject(OWLObject object) { object.accept(this); return (O) obj; }
private void process(Set<? extends OWLObject> objects) { for (OWLObject obj : objects) { obj.accept(this); } }
/** * A convenience method that obtains the components of an OWL object. Note that by definition, the * components of the object include the object itself. * * @param object The object whose components are to be obtained. * @return The component of the specified object. */ public Set<OWLObject> getComponents(OWLObject object) { result.clear(); object.accept(this); return new HashSet<OWLObject>(result); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.semanticweb.owlapi.io.OWLObjectRenderer#render(org.semanticweb.owlapi * .model.OWLObject) */ @Override public String render(OWLObject object) { object.accept(this); return sb.toString(); }
public int getTypeIndex(OWLObject object) { object.accept(this); return type; }
private void writeNested(OWLObject expression) { expression.accept(this); }