예제 #1
   * * Protege wont trigger a save action unless it detects that the OWLOntology currently opened
   * has suffered a change. The OBDA plugin requires that protege triggers a save action also in the
   * case when only the OBDA model has suffered chagnes. To acomplish this, this method will "fake"
   * an ontology change by inserting and removing a class into the OWLModel.
  private void triggerOntologyChanged() {
    if (loadingData) {
    OWLModelManager owlmm = owlEditorKit.getOWLModelManager();
    OWLOntology ontology = owlmm.getActiveOntology();

    if (ontology == null) {

    OWLClass newClass =
    OWLAxiom axiom = owlmm.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLDeclarationAxiom(newClass);

    try {
      AddAxiom addChange = new AddAxiom(ontology, axiom);
      RemoveAxiom removeChange = new RemoveAxiom(ontology, axiom);
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Exception forcing an ontology change. Your OWL model might contain a new class that you need to remove manually: {}",
      log.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
  public void testIgnoreAnnotations() throws Exception {
    OWLOntologyManager man = getManager(); // OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
    OWLOntology ont = man.createOntology();
    OWLDataFactory df = man.getOWLDataFactory();
    OWLClass clsA = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create("http://ont.com#A"));
    OWLClass clsB = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create("http://ont.com#B"));
    OWLSubClassOfAxiom sca = df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(clsA, clsB);
    man.addAxiom(ont, sca);

    OWLAnnotationProperty rdfsComment = df.getRDFSComment();
    OWLLiteral lit = df.getOWLLiteral("Hello world");

    OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom annoAx1 =
        df.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(rdfsComment, clsA.getIRI(), lit);
    man.addAxiom(ont, annoAx1);

    OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom annoAx2 =
        df.getOWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom(rdfsComment, clsA.getIRI());
    man.addAxiom(ont, annoAx2);

    OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom annoAx3 =
        df.getOWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom(rdfsComment, clsB.getIRI());
    man.addAxiom(ont, annoAx3);

    OWLAnnotationProperty myComment =
    OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom annoAx4 =
        df.getOWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom(myComment, rdfsComment);
    man.addAxiom(ont, annoAx4);

    reload(ont, new RDFXMLOntologyFormat());
    reload(ont, new OWLXMLOntologyFormat());
    reload(ont, new TurtleOntologyFormat());
    reload(ont, new OWLFunctionalSyntaxOntologyFormat());
  protected Concept getParentConcept(
      OWLOntology o, OWLClass ontologyClass, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations)
      throws IOException {
    Set<OWLClassExpression> superClasses = ontologyClass.getSuperClasses(o);
    if (superClasses.size() == 0) {
      return getEntityConcept();
    } else if (superClasses.size() == 1) {
      OWLClassExpression superClassExpr = superClasses.iterator().next();
      OWLClass superClass = superClassExpr.asOWLClass();
      String superClassUri = superClass.getIRI().toString();
      Concept parent = getConceptByIRI(superClassUri);
      if (parent != null) {
        return parent;

      parent = importOntologyClass(o, superClass, inDir, authorizations);
      if (parent == null) {
        throw new LumifyException("Could not find or create parent: " + superClass);
      return parent;
    } else {
      throw new LumifyException(
          "Unhandled multiple super classes. Found " + superClasses.size() + ", expected 0 or 1.");
  protected void importDataProperty(OWLOntology o, OWLDataProperty dataTypeProperty) {
    String propertyIRI = dataTypeProperty.getIRI().toString();
    String propertyDisplayName = getLabel(o, dataTypeProperty);
    PropertyType propertyType = getPropertyType(o, dataTypeProperty);
    boolean userVisible = getUserVisible(o, dataTypeProperty);
    boolean searchable = getSearchable(o, dataTypeProperty);
    Boolean displayTime = getDisplayTime(o, dataTypeProperty);
    Double boost = getBoost(o, dataTypeProperty);
    if (propertyType == null) {
      throw new LumifyException("Could not get property type on data property " + propertyIRI);

    for (OWLClassExpression domainClassExpr : dataTypeProperty.getDomains(o)) {
      OWLClass domainClass = domainClassExpr.asOWLClass();
      String domainClassUri = domainClass.getIRI().toString();
      Concept domainConcept = getConceptByIRI(domainClassUri);
      checkNotNull(domainConcept, "Could not find class with uri: " + domainClassUri);

      LOGGER.info("Adding data property " + propertyIRI + " to class " + domainConcept.getTitle());

      ArrayList<PossibleValueType> possibleValues = getPossibleValues(o, dataTypeProperty);
      Collection<TextIndexHint> textIndexHints = getTextIndexHints(o, dataTypeProperty);
예제 #5
 public void addAncestor(OWLClass s, OWLClass t) {
   if (!ancestors.containsKey(s.getIRI())) {
     ancestors.put(s.getIRI(), t.getIRI());
   } else {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Child with more than 1 parent ! " + s + " " + t);
   * Создаем фрагмент запроса из списка именованных классов аксиомы и переданной sparql переменной,
   * привоенной субаксиоме.
  public String getSparqlQueryPart(ArrayList<OWLClass> clsList, String SxAxVar) {
    LOGGER.info("   ===getSparqlQueryPart==");
    String fragmentOfQuery = "";
    for (OWLClass cls : clsList) {
      // Находи концепт в ОПП
      IRI conceptIRI =
                  IRI.create(ConstantsOntConverter.SKOS_HIDDEN_LABEL), cls.getIRI());

      // Берем его переменную - нет переменная должна быть равна
      // переменной субаксиомы
      // String var = ontUPO.getAnnotationValue(conceptIRI,

      // Добавляем строку в запрос
      fragmentOfQuery =
              + (SxAxVar
                  + " "
                  + ConstantsOntConverter.IRI_RDF_TYPE_SHORT
                  + " <"
                  + conceptIRI
                  + ">"
                  + ".\n");
      LOGGER.info("   ConceptIRI:" + conceptIRI);
      LOGGER.info("   Var of subAx:" + SxAxVar);
      LOGGER.info("   Fragment:" + fragmentOfQuery);

    LOGGER.info("   ===END-getSparqlQueryPart==");
    return fragmentOfQuery;
 private Set<OWLClassExpression> getInferredParents(
     OWLOntology sourceOntology, OWLClass child, Set<OWLClass> viewed) {
   Set<OWLClassExpression> result = new TreeSet<OWLClassExpression>();
   if (!viewed.contains(child)) {
     Set<OWLClassExpression> parents = new TreeSet<OWLClassExpression>();
     for (OWLClassExpression parent : parents) {
       if (parent instanceof OWLClass) {
         result.addAll(getInferredParents(sourceOntology, (OWLClass) parent, viewed));
       } else if (parent instanceof OWLObjectIntersectionOf) {
         Set<OWLClassExpression> inferredParents =
             ((OWLObjectIntersectionOf) parent).getOperands();
         for (OWLClassExpression inferredParent : inferredParents) {
           if (inferredParent instanceof OWLClass) {
             result.addAll(getInferredParents(sourceOntology, (OWLClass) inferredParent, viewed));
       } else {
   return result;
예제 #8
 public void testNegAllValuesFrom() {
   OWLObjectProperty property = ObjectProperty(getIRI("p"));
   OWLClass filler = Class(getIRI("A"));
   OWLObjectAllValuesFrom allValuesFrom = ObjectAllValuesFrom(property, filler);
   OWLClassExpression cls = allValuesFrom.getObjectComplementOf();
   OWLClassExpression nnf = ObjectSomeValuesFrom(property, filler.getObjectComplementOf());
   assertEquals(cls.getNNF(), nnf);
예제 #9
  private void runWithSeparateFiles() {
    if (owlFile == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("You have to specify an ontology file!");

    OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
    OWLOntology ontology = null;
    OBDADataFactory obdaDataFactory = OBDADataFactoryImpl.getInstance();
    try {
      ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument((new File(owlFile)));

      if (disableReasoning) {
         * when reasoning is disabled, we extract only the declaration assertions for the vocabulary
        ontology = extractDeclarations(manager, ontology);

      Collection<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();

      for (OWLClass owlClass : ontology.getClassesInSignature()) {
        Predicate predicate = obdaDataFactory.getClassPredicate(owlClass.getIRI().toString());
      for (OWLDataProperty owlDataProperty : ontology.getDataPropertiesInSignature()) {
        Predicate predicate =
      for (OWLObjectProperty owlObjectProperty : ontology.getObjectPropertiesInSignature()) {
        Predicate predicate =

      OBDAModel obdaModel = loadMappingFile(mappingFile);

      Ontology inputOntology = OWLAPI3TranslatorUtility.translate(ontology);


      int numPredicates = predicates.size();

      int i = 1;
      for (Predicate predicate : predicates) {
        System.err.println(String.format("Materializing %s (%d/%d)", predicate, i, numPredicates));
        serializePredicate(ontology, inputOntology, obdaModel, predicate, outputFile, format);

    } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #10
  public boolean isDomainOrRangeOfObjectProperty(OWLClass clase, OWLObjectProperty prop) {

    for (OWLClass owlClass1 : _reasoner.getObjectPropertyDomains(prop, false).getFlattened()) {
      if (owlClass1.getIRI().equals(clase.getIRI())) {
            "<isDomainOrRangeOfObjectProperty> "
                + clase.getIRI().getRemainder().get()
                + " dominio o rango de "
                + prop.getIRI().getRemainder().get()
                + "? SI!");
        return true;
    for (OWLClass owlClass1 : _reasoner.getObjectPropertyRanges(prop, false).getFlattened()) {
      if (owlClass1.getIRI().equals(clase.getIRI())) {
            "<isDomainOrRangeOfObjectProperty> "
                + clase.getIRI().getRemainder().get()
                + " dominio o rango de "
                + prop.getIRI().getRemainder().get()
                + "? SI!");
        return true;
        "<isDomainOrRangeOfObjectProperty> "
            + clase.getIRI().getRemainder().get()
            + " dominio o rango de "
            + prop.getIRI().getRemainder().get()
            + "? NO");
    return false;
예제 #11
 public Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesByDomain(OWLClass domain) {
   Set<OWLDataProperty> propSet = new HashSet<OWLDataProperty>();
   Set<OWLDataProperty> objProps = _ontology.getDataPropertiesInSignature();
   for (OWLDataProperty prop : objProps) {
     for (OWLClass owlClass : _reasoner.getDataPropertyDomains(prop, true).getFlattened()) {
       if (owlClass.equals(domain)) {
   return propSet;
예제 #12
   * This method makes sure is used to setup a new/fresh OBDA model. This is done by replacing the
   * instance this.obdacontroller (the OBDA model) with a new object. On creation listeners for the
   * datasources, mappings and queries are setup so that changes in these trigger and ontology
   * change.
   * <p>Additionally, this method configures all available OBDAOWLReasonerFacotry objects to have a
   * reference to the newly created OBDA model and to the global preference object. This is
   * necessary so that the factories are able to pass the OBDA model to the reasoner instances when
   * they are created.
  private void setupNewOBDAModel() {
    OBDAModel activeOBDAModel = getActiveOBDAModel();

    if (activeOBDAModel != null) {
    activeOBDAModel = dfac.getOBDAModel();


    OWLModelManager mmgr = owlEditorKit.getOWLWorkspace().getOWLModelManager();

    Set<OWLOntology> ontologies = mmgr.getOntologies();
    for (OWLOntology ontology : ontologies) {
      // Setup the entity declarations
      for (OWLClass c : ontology.getClassesInSignature()) {
        OClass pred = ofac.createClass(c.getIRI().toString());
      for (OWLObjectProperty r : ontology.getObjectPropertiesInSignature()) {
        ObjectPropertyExpression pred = ofac.createObjectProperty(r.getIRI().toString());
      for (OWLDataProperty p : ontology.getDataPropertiesInSignature()) {
        DataPropertyExpression pred = ofac.createDataProperty(p.getIRI().toString());

    // Setup the prefixes
    PrefixOWLOntologyFormat prefixManager =
    //		addOBDACommonPrefixes(prefixManager);

    PrefixManagerWrapper prefixwrapper = new PrefixManagerWrapper(prefixManager);

    OWLOntology activeOntology = mmgr.getActiveOntology();

    String defaultPrefix = prefixManager.getDefaultPrefix();
    if (defaultPrefix == null) {
      OWLOntologyID ontologyID = activeOntology.getOntologyID();
      defaultPrefix = ontologyID.getOntologyIRI().toURI().toString();
    activeOBDAModel.getPrefixManager().addPrefix(PrefixManager.DEFAULT_PREFIX, defaultPrefix);

    // Add the model
    URI modelUri = activeOntology.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI().toURI();
    obdamodels.put(modelUri, activeOBDAModel);
예제 #13
 private Set<String> getSuperClasses(OWLReasoner reasoner, OWLClass cl, OWLClass owlThing) {
   Set<String> pset = new HashSet<String>();
   Set<OWLClass> reasonerSuperClasses = reasoner.getSuperClasses(cl, false).getFlattened();
   // add cl itself to S(X) computed by reasoner. That is missing
   // in its result.
   // adding equivalent classes -- they are not considered if asked for superclasses
   Iterator<OWLClass> iterator = reasoner.getEquivalentClasses(cl).iterator();
   while (iterator.hasNext()) reasonerSuperClasses.add(iterator.next());
   for (OWLClass scl : reasonerSuperClasses) pset.add(scl.toString());
   return pset;
예제 #14
 private void compareAndPrintEqualSizedClasses(
     OWLClass cl, Set<OWLClass> reasonerSuperClasses, Set<String> superClasses, Jedis idReader)
     throws Exception {
   // compare each element of these 2 sets
   boolean print = false;
   for (OWLClass scl : reasonerSuperClasses) {
     String sclID = conceptToID(scl.toString(), idReader);
     if (!superClasses.contains(sclID)) {
       print = true;
       System.out.print(cl.toString() + " -e- " + scl.toString());
       System.out.print("  ,  ");
   if (print) System.out.println("\n");
예제 #15
  private Iterable<Concept> getDomainsConcepts(OWLOntology o, OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) {
    String uri = objectProperty.getIRI().toString();
    if (objectProperty.getDomains(o).size() == 0) {
      throw new LumifyException("Invalid number of domain properties on " + uri);

    List<Concept> domains = new ArrayList<Concept>();
    for (OWLClassExpression rangeClassExpr : objectProperty.getDomains(o)) {
      OWLClass rangeClass = rangeClassExpr.asOWLClass();
      String rangeClassUri = rangeClass.getIRI().toString();
      Concept ontologyClass = getConceptByIRI(rangeClassUri);
      checkNotNull(ontologyClass, "Could not find class with uri: " + rangeClassUri);
    return domains;
예제 #16
 public Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesByDomainAndRange(
     OWLClass domain, OWLClass range) {
   Set<OWLObjectProperty> propSet = new HashSet<OWLObjectProperty>();
   for (OWLObjectProperty prop : _ontology.getObjectPropertiesInSignature()) {
     for (OWLClass owlClass : _reasoner.getObjectPropertyDomains(prop, true).getFlattened()) {
       if (owlClass.equals(domain)) {
         for (OWLClass owlClass2 : _reasoner.getObjectPropertyRanges(prop, true).getFlattened()) {
           if (owlClass2.equals(range)) {
   return propSet;
예제 #17
  private void recursiveAddTuple(
      String termPath, OWLClass cls, OntologyLoader ontologyLoader, List<Tuple> tuples) {
    String label = ontologyLoader.getLabel(cls).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", " ");
    Set<String> synonyms = new HashSet<String>();
    // listOfChildren.addAll(model.getAssociatedClasses(cls));
    StringBuilder alternativeDefinitions = new StringBuilder();
    for (Set<OWLClass> alternativeDefinition : ontologyLoader.getAssociatedClasses(cls)) {
      StringBuilder newDefinition = new StringBuilder();
      for (OWLClass associatedClass : alternativeDefinition) {
        if (newDefinition.length() != 0) newDefinition.append(',');
      if (alternativeDefinitions.length() != 0 && newDefinition.length() != 0)
    if (alternativeDefinitions.length() != 0) {
    for (String synonym : synonyms) {
      KeyValueTuple tuple = new KeyValueTuple();
      tuple.set(NODE_PATH, termPath);
      tuple.set(BOOST, false);
      tuple.set(ONTOLOGY_IRI, ontologyIRI);
      tuple.set(ONTOLOGY_NAME, ontologyName);
      tuple.set(ONTOLOGY_TERM, label);
      tuple.set(ONTOLOGY_TERM_IRI, cls.getIRI().toString());
      tuple.set(ONTOLOGY_LABEL, ontologyLoader.getOntologyName());
      tuple.set(ENTITY_TYPE, "ontologyTerm");
      tuple.set(SYNONYMS, synonym.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", " "));
      tuple.set(ALTERNATIVE_DEFINITION, alternativeDefinitions.toString());

    Set<OWLClass> listOfChildren = ontologyLoader.getChildClass(cls);
    if (listOfChildren.size() > 0) {
      int i = 0;
      for (OWLClass childClass : listOfChildren) {
        String childTermPath = termPath + "." + i;
        recursiveAddTuple(childTermPath, childClass, ontologyLoader, tuples);
예제 #18
 private void compareClassificationResults(
     OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasoner reasoner, Jedis resultStore, Jedis idReader)
     throws Exception {
   Set<OWLClass> classes = ontology.getClassesInSignature();
   Pipeline resultPipeline = resultStore.pipelined();
   double classCount = 0;
   int multiplier = 1;
   double totalCount = 0;
   for (OWLClass cl : classes) {
     double classProgress = (classCount / classes.size()) * 100;
     Set<OWLClass> reasonerSuperclasses = reasoner.getSuperClasses(cl, false).getFlattened();
     // add cl itself to S(X) computed by reasoner. That is missing
     // in its result.
     // adding equivalent classes -- they are not considered if asked for superclasses
     Iterator<OWLClass> iterator = reasoner.getEquivalentClasses(cl).iterator();
     while (iterator.hasNext()) reasonerSuperclasses.add(iterator.next());
     String classToCheckID = conceptToID(cl.toString(), idReader);
     List<Response<Double>> responseList = new ArrayList<Response<Double>>();
     for (OWLClass scl : reasonerSuperclasses) {
       String key = conceptToID(scl.toString(), idReader);
       responseList.add(resultPipeline.zscore(key, classToCheckID));
     double hitCount = 0;
     for (Response<Double> response : responseList) {
       if (response.get() != null) hitCount++;
     totalCount += (hitCount / reasonerSuperclasses.size());
     if (classProgress >= (5 * multiplier)) {
           "% of no. of classes looked at: "
               + classProgress
               + "\tProgress %: "
               + (totalCount / classCount) * 100);
   double progress = totalCount / classes.size();
   System.out.println("\nProgress %: " + (progress * 100));
 public String[] searchOntology(String term, String ontofilepath, String type) {
   OWLAccessorImpl owlapi = new OWLAccessorImpl(new File(ontofilepath));
   List<OWLClass> matches = owlapi.retrieveConcept(term);
   Iterator<OWLClass> it = matches.iterator();
   String[] result = null;
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     OWLClass c = it.next();
     String label = owlapi.getLabel(c);
     if (label.compareToIgnoreCase(term) == 0) {
       result = new String[3];
       result[0] = type;
       result[1] =
               .replaceFirst("http.*?(?=(PATO|TAO)_)", "")
               .replaceFirst("_", ":")
               .replaceFirst(">$", "");
       result[2] = label;
       return result;
   it = matches.iterator();
   result = new String[] {"", "", ""};
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     OWLClass c = it.next();
     String label = owlapi.getLabel(c);
     result[0] = type;
     result[1] +=
                 .replaceFirst(".*http.*?(?=(PATO|TAO)_)", "")
                 .replaceFirst("_", ":")
                 .replaceFirst(">$", "")
             + ";";
     result[2] += label + ";";
   if (result != null) {
     result[1] = result[1].replaceFirst(";$", "");
     result[2] = result[2].replaceFirst(";$", "");
   return result;
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see ru.iimm.ontology.OWL2UPOConverter.SubAxiom#getNewTitle()
  protected String generateTitle() {
    LOGGER.info("=== Generate title for SubAxiom:\n" + this.getSubAxOWL());
    String namedTitle = "";

    /* В название добавляем имена классов субавксиомы */
    for (OWLClass cls : this.getClsList()) {
      namedTitle += cls.getIRI().getFragment() + ConstantsOntConverter.UPO_TITLE_DELIMITER;

    /* Формируем карту: свойство --- массив субаксиом [] */
    HashMap<IRI, ArrayList<SubAxiom>> map = this.getPropSubaxMap(this.getPrpFromAxList());

    /* Из карты формируем подзаголовки - для сложных субаксиом */
    for (IRI propIRI : map.keySet()) {
      for (SubAxiom subax : map.get(propIRI))
        // namedTitle += subax.getTitle()
        namedTitle +=
                + ConstantsOntConverter.UPO_PROP_VAL_DELIMITER
                + subax.getTitle()
                + ConstantsOntConverter.UPO_TITLE_DELIMITER;

    /* Добавляем фрагмент имени от типизированных свойств */
    namedTitle = namedTitle + this.getDatatypePropNameFragment(this.getDtpPrpList());

    /* Отрезаем лишний делимитер (-) из конца аксиомы */
    namedTitle =
        namedTitle.length() > 0
            ? namedTitle.substring(
                0, namedTitle.lastIndexOf(ConstantsOntConverter.UPO_TITLE_DELIMITER))
            : namedTitle;

    /* Обрамляем скобками субаксиому */
    // namedTitle = namedTitle.length()>0 ? "[" + namedTitle + "]" : null;
    namedTitle = namedTitle.length() > 0 ? UPOont.getSBrackedString(namedTitle) : null;

    return namedTitle;
예제 #21
 public Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesByDomainExtended(OWLClass domain) {
       "<getDataPropertiesByDomainExtended> Buscando DataProperties con dominio "
           + domain.getIRI().toString());
   Set<OWLDataProperty> propSet = new HashSet<OWLDataProperty>();
   for (OWLDataProperty prop : _ontology.getDataPropertiesInSignature()) {
     if (isDomainOfDataProperty(domain, prop)) {
   return propSet;
예제 #22
 private void compareAndPrintUnEqualSizedIndividuals(
     OWLClass cl,
     Set<OWLNamedIndividual> reasonerInstances,
     Set<String> computedInstances,
     Jedis idReader)
     throws Exception {
   // compare each element of these 2 sets
   boolean print = false;
   for (OWLNamedIndividual scl : reasonerInstances) {
     String sclID = conceptToID(scl.toString(), idReader);
     if (!computedInstances.contains(sclID)) {
       print = true;
       System.out.print(cl.toString() + " -ne- " + scl.toString());
       System.out.print("  ,  ");
   for (String s : computedInstances)
     System.out.println("\t -- " + Util.idToConcept(s, idReader) + "(" + s + ")");
예제 #23
  public boolean compare(JSONObject jsonObject, OWLClass owlClass, OWLOntology owlOntology) {
    Set<OWLClass> allClassesInAxiomsRelated = new HashSet<OWLClass>();
    JSONArray jsonAnnotationsArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("annotations");

    Set<OWLAxiom> owlAxiomSet = owlClass.getReferencingAxioms(owlOntology);
    Iterator<OWLAxiom> owlAxiomSetIterator = owlAxiomSet.iterator();
    while (owlAxiomSetIterator.hasNext()) {
      OWLAxiom owlAxiom = owlAxiomSetIterator.next();
      Set<OWLClass> owlClassesInAxiom = owlAxiom.getClassesInSignature();

    Set<String> owlClassesIds = new HashSet<String>();
    Iterator<OWLClass> allClassesInAxiomsRelatedIterator = allClassesInAxiomsRelated.iterator();
    while (allClassesInAxiomsRelatedIterator.hasNext()) {
      OWLClass currentClass = allClassesInAxiomsRelatedIterator.next();
          OwlDataExtrators.getAttribute("id", currentClass, owlOntology).replace(":", "_"));

    Set<String> jsonAnnotationsIdsSet = new HashSet<String>();
    Iterator<JSONObject> jsonAnnotationsArrayIterator = jsonAnnotationsArray.iterator();
    while (jsonAnnotationsArrayIterator.hasNext()) {
      JSONObject jsonAnnottation = jsonAnnotationsArrayIterator.next();
      String jsonAnnotationIdentifier = (String) jsonAnnottation.get("identifier");

    Set<Set<String>> jsonAnnotationsIdPowerSet = SetsOperations.powerSet(jsonAnnotationsIdsSet);
    Iterator<Set<String>> jsonAnnotationsIdPowerSetIterator = jsonAnnotationsIdPowerSet.iterator();
    while (jsonAnnotationsIdPowerSetIterator.hasNext()) {
      Set<String> idsSet = jsonAnnotationsIdPowerSetIterator.next();
      if (idsSet.containsAll(owlClassesIds)) {
        return true;

    return false;
 private void handleNewSplitAxioms(
     OWLClass newlyCreatedClass, OWLClass classThatWasSplit, EntityBasedDiff diff) {
   OWLOntology sourceOntology = diffMap.getSourceOntology();
   Map<OWLEntity, IRI> newTargetToSplitSource =
       Collections.singletonMap((OWLEntity) newlyCreatedClass, classThatWasSplit.getIRI());
   OWLObjectDuplicator duplicator =
       new OWLObjectDuplicator(newTargetToSplitSource, diffMap.getOWLDataFactory());
   Set<OWLClassExpression> inferredParents = getInferredParents(sourceOntology, classThatWasSplit);
   for (MatchedAxiom match : new ArrayList<MatchedAxiom>(diff.getAxiomMatches())) {
     if (match.getDescription().equals(MatchedAxiom.AXIOM_ADDED)
         && cameFromSourceOntology(
             (OWLAxiom) duplicator.duplicateObject(match.getTargetAxiom()),
             inferredParents)) {
       MatchedAxiom modifiedBySplit =
           new MatchedAxiom(null, match.getTargetAxiom(), COPIED_FROM_SPLIT);
예제 #25
  public Set<OWLClass> getRootUnsatisfiableClasses() {
    //	    StructureBasedRootClassFinder srd = new StructureBasedRootClassFinder(this.baseReasoner);
    StructuralRootDerivedReasoner srd =
        new StructuralRootDerivedReasoner(this.manager, this.baseReasoner, this.reasonerFactory);
    Set<OWLClass> estimatedRoots = srd.getRootUnsatisfiableClasses();
    this.cls2JustificationMap = new HashMap<OWLClass, Set<Explanation>>();
    Set<OWLAxiom> allAxioms = new HashSet<OWLAxiom>();

    for (OWLOntology ont : this.baseReasoner.getRootOntology().getImportsClosure()) {

    for (OWLClass cls : estimatedRoots) {
      this.cls2JustificationMap.put(cls, new HashSet<Explanation>());
      System.out.println("POTENTIAL ROOT: " + cls);
    System.out.println("Finding real roots from " + estimatedRoots.size() + " estimated roots");

    int done = 0;
    for (OWLClass estimatedRoot : estimatedRoots) {
      try {
        PelletExplanationGenerator gen =
            new PelletExplanationGenerator(manager.createOntology(allAxioms));
        OWLDataFactory df = this.manager.getOWLDataFactory();
        Set<Explanation> expls =
            gen.getExplanations(df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(estimatedRoot, df.getOWLNothing()));
        System.out.println("Done " + done);
      } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
    for (OWLClass clsA : estimatedRoots) {
      for (OWLClass clsB : estimatedRoots)
        if (!clsA.equals(clsB)) {
          Set<Explanation> clsAExpls = cls2JustificationMap.get(clsA);
          Set<Explanation> clsBExpls = cls2JustificationMap.get(clsB);
          boolean clsARootForClsB = false;
          boolean clsBRootForClsA = false;

          for (Explanation clsAExpl : clsAExpls) {
            for (Explanation clsBExpl : clsBExpls)
              if (isRootFor(clsAExpl, clsBExpl)) {
                clsARootForClsB = true;
              } else if (isRootFor(clsBExpl, clsAExpl)) {
                clsBRootForClsA = true;

          Explanation clsAExpl;
          if ((!clsARootForClsB) || (!clsBRootForClsA))
            if (clsARootForClsB) {
            } else if (clsBRootForClsA) this.roots.remove(clsA);

    OWLClass clsA;
    return this.roots;
예제 #26
  // Main wrapping for adding non-ontology documents to GOlr.
  // Also see OntologySolrLoader.
  private void add(Bioentity e) {

    String eid = e.getId();
    String esym = e.getSymbol();
    String edb = e.getDb();
    String etype = e.getTypeCls();
    String ename = e.getFullName();
    String edbid = e.getDBID();
    // LOG.info("Adding: " + eid + " " + esym);

    SolrInputDocument bioentity_doc = new SolrInputDocument();

    // Bioentity document base.
    bioentity_doc.addField("document_category", "bioentity");
    bioentity_doc.addField("id", eid);
    bioentity_doc.addField("bioentity", eid);
    bioentity_doc.addField("bioentity_internal_id", edbid);
    bioentity_doc.addField("bioentity_label", esym);
    bioentity_doc.addField("bioentity_name", ename);
    bioentity_doc.addField("source", edb);
    bioentity_doc.addField("type", etype);

    // A little more work for the synonyms.
    List<String> esynonyms = e.getSynonyms();
    if (!esynonyms.isEmpty()) {
      bioentity_doc.addField("synonym", esynonyms);

    // Various taxon and taxon closure calculations, including map.
    String etaxid = e.getNcbiTaxonId();
    TaxonDetails taxonDetails = null;
    if (etaxid != null) {
      taxonDetails = createTaxonDetails(etaxid);

    // Optionally, pull information from the PANTHER file set.
    List<String> pantherFamilyIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> pantherFamilyLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> pantherTreeGraphs = new ArrayList<String>();
    // List<String> pantherTreeAnnAncestors = new ArrayList<String>();
    // List<String> pantherTreeAnnDescendants = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (pset != null && pset.getNumberOfFilesInSet() > 0) {
      Set<PANTHERTree> pTrees = pset.getAssociatedTrees(eid);
      if (pTrees != null) {
        Iterator<PANTHERTree> piter = pTrees.iterator();
        int pcnt = 0; // DEBUG
        while (piter.hasNext()) {
          pcnt++; // DEBUG
          PANTHERTree ptree = piter.next();
          // pantherTreeAnnAncestors = new ArrayList<String>(ptree.getAncestorAnnotations(eid));
          // pantherTreeAnnDescendants = new ArrayList<String>(ptree.getDescendantAnnotations(eid));
          if (pcnt > 1) { // DEBUG
                "Belongs to multiple families ("
                    + eid
                    + "): "
                    + StringUtils.join(pantherFamilyIDs, ", "));

          // Store that we saw this for later use in the tree.
          ptree.addAssociatedGeneProduct(eid, esym);
    // Optionally, actually /add/ the PANTHER family data to the document.
    if (!pantherFamilyIDs.isEmpty()) {
      // BUG/TODO (but probably not ours): We only store the one tree for now as we're assuming that
      // there is just one family.
      // Unfortunately, PANTHER still produces data that sez sometimes something belongs to more
      // than one
      // family (eg something with fly in PTHR10919 PTHR10032), so we block it and just choose the
      // first.
      bioentity_doc.addField("panther_family", pantherFamilyIDs.get(0));
      bioentity_doc.addField("panther_family_label", pantherFamilyLabels.get(0));
      bioentity_doc.addField("phylo_graph_json", pantherTreeGraphs.get(0));
      // if( ! pantherTreeAnnAncestors.isEmpty() ){
      //	bioentity_doc.addField("phylo_ancestor_closure", pantherTreeAnnAncestors);
      // }
      // if( ! pantherTreeAnnDescendants.isEmpty() ){
      //	bioentity_doc.addField("phylo_descendant_closure", pantherTreeAnnDescendants);
      // }

    // We're also going to want to make note of the direct annotations to this bioentity.
    // This will mean getting ready and then storing all of c5 when we pass through through
    // the annotation loop. We'll add to the document on the other side.
    // Collect information: ids and labels.
    Map<String, String> direct_list_map = new HashMap<String, String>();

    // Something that we'll need for the annotation evidence aggregate later.
    Map<String, SolrInputDocument> evAggDocMap = new HashMap<String, SolrInputDocument>();

    // Annotation doc.
    // We'll also need to be collecting some aggregate information, like for the GP term closures,
    // which will be
    // added at the end of this section.
    Map<String, String> isap_map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    Map<String, String> reg_map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (GeneAnnotation a : gafDocument.getGeneAnnotations(e.getId())) {
      SolrInputDocument annotation_doc = new SolrInputDocument();

      String clsId = a.getCls();

      // Annotation document base from static and previous bioentity.
      annotation_doc.addField("document_category", "annotation"); // n/a
      annotation_doc.addField("source", edb); // Col. 1 (from bioentity above)
      annotation_doc.addField("bioentity", eid); // n/a, should be c1+c2.
      annotation_doc.addField("bioentity_internal_id", edbid); // Col. 2 (from bioentity above)
      annotation_doc.addField("bioentity_label", esym); // Col. 3 (from bioentity above)
      // NOTE: Col. 4 generation is below...
      annotation_doc.addField("annotation_class", clsId); // Col. 5
      addLabelField(annotation_doc, "annotation_class_label", clsId); // n/a
      // NOTE: Col. 6 generation is below...
      String a_ev_type = a.getShortEvidence();
      annotation_doc.addField("evidence_type", a_ev_type); // Col. 7
      // NOTE: Col. 8 generation is below...
      String a_aspect = a.getAspect();
      annotation_doc.addField("aspect", a_aspect); // Col. 9
      annotation_doc.addField("bioentity_name", ename); // Col. 10 (from bioentity above)
      annotation_doc.addField("synonym", esynonyms); // Col. 11 (from bioentity above)
      annotation_doc.addField("type", etype); // Col. 12 (from bioentity above)
      String adate = a.getLastUpdateDate();
      annotation_doc.addField("date", adate); // Col. 14
      String assgnb = a.getAssignedBy();
      annotation_doc.addField("assigned_by", assgnb); // Col. 15
      // NOTE: Col. generation is 16 below...
      annotation_doc.addField("bioentity_isoform", a.getGeneProductForm()); // Col. 17

      // Optionally, if there is enough taxon for a map, add the collections to the document.
      if (taxonDetails != null) {

      // Optionally, actually /add/ the PANTHER family data to the document.
      if (!pantherFamilyIDs.isEmpty()) {
        annotation_doc.addField("panther_family", pantherFamilyIDs.get(0));
        annotation_doc.addField("panther_family_label", pantherFamilyLabels.get(0));

      // Evidence type closure.
      Set<OWLClass> ecoClasses = eco.getClassesForGoCode(a_ev_type);
      Set<OWLClass> ecoSuper = eco.getAncestors(ecoClasses, true);
      List<String> ecoIDClosure = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (OWLClass es : ecoSuper) {
        String itemID = es.toStringID();
      addLabelFields(annotation_doc, "evidence_type_closure", ecoIDClosure);

      // Col 4: qualifier generation.
      String comb_aqual = "";
      if (a.hasQualifiers()) {
        if (a.isNegated()) {
          comb_aqual = comb_aqual + "not";
          annotation_doc.addField("qualifier", "not");
        if (a.isContributesTo()) {
          comb_aqual = comb_aqual + "contributes_to";
          annotation_doc.addField("qualifier", "contributes_to");
        if (a.isIntegralTo()) {
          comb_aqual = comb_aqual + "integral_to";
          annotation_doc.addField("qualifier", "integral_to");
        if (a.isColocatesWith()) {
          comb_aqual = comb_aqual + "colocalizes_with";
          annotation_doc.addField("qualifier", "colocalizes_with");
        if (a.isCut()) {
          comb_aqual = comb_aqual + "cut";
          annotation_doc.addField("qualifier", "cut");

      // Drag in the reference (col 6)
      List<String> refIds = a.getReferenceIds();
      String refIdList = ""; // used to help make unique ID.
      for (String refId : refIds) {
        annotation_doc.addField("reference", refId);
        refIdList = refIdList + "_" + refId;

      // Drag in "with" (col 8).
      // annotation_doc.addField("evidence_with", a.getWithExpression());
      String withList = ""; // used to help make unique ID.
      for (String wi : a.getWithInfos()) {
        annotation_doc.addField("evidence_with", wi);
        withList = withList + "_" + wi;

      /// isa_partof_closure

      OWLObject cls = graph.getOWLObjectByIdentifier(clsId);
      // TODO: This may be a bug workaround, or it may be the way things are.
      // getOWLObjectByIdentifier returns null on alt_ids, so skip them for now.
      if (cls != null) {
        //	System.err.println(clsId);

        // Is-a part-of closures.
        ArrayList<String> isap = new ArrayList<String>();
        Map<String, String> curr_isap_map =
        isap_map.putAll(curr_isap_map); // add to aggregate map

        //				// Add to annotation and bioentity isa_partof closures; label and id.
        //				List<String> idClosure = graph.getRelationIDClosure(cls, isap);
        //				List<String> labelClosure = graph.getRelationLabelClosure(cls, isap);
        //				annotation_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure", idClosure);
        //				annotation_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure_label", labelClosure);
        //				for( String tlabel : labelClosure){
        //					addFieldUnique(bioentity_doc, "isa_partof_closure_label", tlabel);
        //				}
        //				for( String tid : idClosure){
        //					addFieldUnique(bioentity_doc, "isa_partof_closure", tid);
        //				}
        //				// Compile closure maps to JSON.
        //				Map<String, String> isa_partof_map = graph.getRelationClosureMap(cls, isap);
        //				if( ! isa_partof_map.isEmpty() ){
        //					String jsonized_isa_partof_map = gson.toJson(isa_partof_map);
        //					annotation_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure_map", jsonized_isa_partof_map);
        //				}

        // Regulates closures.
        List<String> reg = RelationSets.getRelationSet(RelationSets.COMMON);
        Map<String, String> curr_reg_map =
        reg_map.putAll(curr_reg_map); // add to aggregate map

        //				///
        //				/// Next, work on the evidence aggregate...
        //				///
        //				// Bug/TODO: This is a bit os a slowdown since we're not reusing our work from above
        // here anymore.
        //				List<String> idIsapClosure = graph.getRelationIDClosure(cls, isap);
        //				Map<String, String> isaPartofMap = graph.getRelationClosureMap(cls, isap);
        //				// When we cycle, we'll also want to do some stuff to track all of the evidence codes
        // we see.
        //				List<String> aggEvIDClosure = new ArrayList<String>();
        //				List<String> aggEvWiths = new ArrayList<String>();
        //				// Cycle through and pick up all the associated bits for the terms in the closure.
        //				SolrInputDocument ev_agg_doc = null;
        //				for( String tid : idIsapClosure ){
        //					String tlabel = isaPartofMap.get(tid);
        //					//OWLObject c = graph.getOWLObjectByIdentifier(tid);
        //					// Only have to do the annotation evidence aggregate base once.
        //					// Otherwise, just skip over and add the multi fields separately.
        //					String evAggId = eid + "_:ev:_" + clsId;
        //					if (evAggDocMap.containsKey(evAggId)) {
        //						ev_agg_doc = evAggDocMap.get(evAggId);
        //					} else {
        //						ev_agg_doc = new SolrInputDocument();
        //						evAggDocMap.put(evAggId, ev_agg_doc);
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("id", evAggId);
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("document_category", "annotation_evidence_aggregate");
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("bioentity", eid);
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("bioentity_label", esym);
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("annotation_class", tid);
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("annotation_class_label", tlabel);
        //						ev_agg_doc.addField("taxon", etaxid);
        //						addLabelField(ev_agg_doc, "taxon_label", etaxid);
        //						// Optionally, if there is enough taxon for a map, add the collections to the
        // document.
        //						if( jsonized_taxon_map != null ){
        //							ev_agg_doc.addField("taxon_closure", taxIDClosure);
        //							ev_agg_doc.addField("taxon_closure_label", taxLabelClosure);
        //							ev_agg_doc.addField("taxon_closure_map", jsonized_taxon_map);
        //						}
        //						// Optionally, actually /add/ the PANTHER family data to the document.
        //						if( ! pantherFamilyIDs.isEmpty() ){
        //							ev_agg_doc.addField("panther_family", pantherFamilyIDs.get(0));
        //							ev_agg_doc.addField("panther_family_label", pantherFamilyLabels.get(0));
        //						}
        //					}
        //					// Drag in "with" (col 8), this time for ev_agg.
        //					for (String wi : a.getWithInfos()) {
        //						aggEvWiths.add(wi);
        //					}
        //					// Make note for the evidence type closure.
        //					aggEvIDClosure.add(a.getShortEvidence());
        //				}
        //				// If there was actually a doc created/there, add the cumulative fields to it.
        //				if( ev_agg_doc != null ){
        //					addLabelFields(ev_agg_doc, "evidence_type_closure", aggEvIDClosure);
        //					addLabelFields(ev_agg_doc, "evidence_with", aggEvWiths);
        //				}

      // Let's piggyback on a little of the work above and cache the extra stuff that we'll be
      // adding to the bioenity at the end
      // for the direct annotations. c5 and ???.
      if (a.isNegated() == false) {
        String dlbl = graph.getLabel(cls);
        direct_list_map.put(clsId, dlbl);

      //			Map<String,String> isa_partof_map = new HashMap<String,String>(); // capture labels/ids
      //			OWLObject c = graph.getOWLObjectByIdentifier(clsId);
      //			Set<OWLPropertyExpression> ps =
      // Collections.singleton((OWLPropertyExpression)getPartOfProperty());
      //			Set<OWLObject> ancs = graph.getAncestors(c, ps);
      //			for (OWLObject t : ancs) {
      //				if (! (t instanceof OWLClass))
      //					continue;
      //				String tid = graph.getIdentifier(t);
      //				//System.out.println(edge+" TGT:"+tid);
      //				String tlabel = null;
      //				if (t != null)
      //					tlabel = graph.getLabel(t);
      //				annotation_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure", tid);
      //				addFieldUnique(bioentity_doc, "isa_partof_closure", tid);
      //				if (tlabel != null) {
      //					annotation_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure_label", tlabel);
      //					addFieldUnique(bioentity_doc, "isa_partof_closure_label", tlabel);
      //					// Map both ways.
      //					// TODO: collisions shouldn't be an issue here?
      //					isa_partof_map.put(tid, tlabel);
      //					isa_partof_map.put(tlabel, tid);
      //				}else{
      //					// For the time being at least, I want to ensure that the id and label closures
      //					// mirror eachother as much as possible (for facets and mapping, etc.). Without
      //					// this, in some cases there is simply nothing returned to drill on.
      //					annotation_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure_label", tid);
      //					addFieldUnique(bioentity_doc, "isa_partof_closure_label", tid);
      //					// Map just the one way I guess--see above.
      //					isa_partof_map.put(tid, tid);
      //				}
      //				// Annotation evidence aggregate base.
      //				String evAggId = eid + "_:ev:_" + clsId;
      //				SolrInputDocument ev_agg_doc;
      //				if (evAggDocMap.containsKey(evAggId)) {
      //					ev_agg_doc = evAggDocMap.get(evAggId);
      //				}
      //				else {
      //					ev_agg_doc = new SolrInputDocument();
      //					evAggDocMap.put(evAggId, ev_agg_doc);
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("id", evAggId);
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("document_category", "annotation_evidence_aggregate");
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("bioentity", eid);
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("bioentity_label", esym);
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("annotation_class", tid);
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("annotation_class_label", tlabel);
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("taxon", taxId);
      //					addLabelField(ev_agg_doc, "taxon_label", taxId);
      //				}
      //				//evidence_type is single valued
      //				//aggDoc.addField("evidence_type", a.getEvidenceCls());
      //				// Drag in "with" (col 8), this time for ev_agg.
      //				for (WithInfo wi : a.getWithInfos()) {
      //					ev_agg_doc.addField("evidence_with", wi.getWithXref());
      //				}
      //				//aggDoc.getFieldValues(name)
      //				// TODO:
      //				ev_agg_doc.addField("evidence_type_closure", a.getEvidenceCls());
      //			}

      // Column 16.
      // We only want to climb the is_a/part_of parts here.
      ArrayList<String> aecc_rels = new ArrayList<String>();
      // And capture the label and ID mappings for when we're done the loop.
      Map<String, String> ann_ext_map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // capture labels/ids
      for (List<ExtensionExpression> groups : a.getExtensionExpressions()) {
        // TODO handle extension expression groups
        for (ExtensionExpression ee : groups) {
          String eeid = ee.getCls();
          OWLObject eObj = graph.getOWLObjectByIdentifier(eeid);
          annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_class", eeid);
          String eLabel = addLabelField(annotation_doc, "annotation_extension_class_label", eeid);
          if (eLabel == null) eLabel = eeid; // ensure the label

          // New

          // Get the closure maps.
          if (eObj != null) {
            Map<String, String> aecc_cmap = graph.getRelationClosureMap(eObj, aecc_rels);
            if (!aecc_cmap.isEmpty()) {
              for (String aecc_id : aecc_cmap.keySet()) {
                String aecc_lbl = aecc_cmap.get(aecc_id);

                // Add all items to the document.
                annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_class_closure", aecc_id);
                annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_class_closure_label", aecc_lbl);

                // And make sure that both id and label are in the per-term map.
                ann_ext_map.put(aecc_lbl, aecc_id);
                ann_ext_map.put(aecc_id, aecc_lbl);

          //				///////////////
          //				// Old
          //				///////////////
          //				if (eObj != null) {
          //					for (OWLGraphEdge edge : graph.getOutgoingEdgesClosureReflexive(eObj)) {
          //						OWLObject t = edge.getTarget();
          //						if (!(t instanceof OWLClass))
          //							continue;
          //						String annExtID = graph.getIdentifier(t);
          //						String annExtLabel = graph.getLabel(edge.getTarget());
          //						annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_class_closure", annExtID);
          //						annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_class_closure_label", annExtLabel);
          //						ann_ext_map.put(annExtID, annExtLabel);
          //						ann_ext_map.put(annExtLabel, annExtID);
          //					}
          //				}

          // Ugly. Hand roll out the data for the c16 special handler. Have mercy on me--I'm going
          // to just do this by hand since it's a limited case and I don't want to mess with Gson
          // right now.
          String complicated_c16r = ee.getRelation();
          if (complicated_c16r != null) {
            List<OWLObjectProperty> relations = graph.getRelationOrChain(complicated_c16r);
            if (relations != null) {

              ArrayList<String> relChunk = new ArrayList<String>();
              for (OWLObjectProperty rel : relations) {
                // Use the IRI to get the BFO:0000050 as ID for the part_of OWLObjectProperty
                String rID = graph.getIdentifier(rel.getIRI());
                String rLabel = graph.getLabel(rel);
                if (rLabel == null) rLabel = rID; // ensure the label
                relChunk.add("{\"id\": \"" + rID + "\", \"label\": \"" + rLabel + "\"}");
              String finalSpan = StringUtils.join(relChunk, ", ");

              // Assemble final JSON blob.
              String aeJSON =
                  "{\"relationship\": {\"relation\": ["
                      + finalSpan
                      + "], \"id\": \""
                      + eeid
                      + "\", \"label\": \""
                      + eLabel
                      + "\"}}";

              annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_json", aeJSON);
              // LOG.info("added complicated c16: (" + eeid + ", " + eLabel + ") " + aeJSON);
            } else {
              // The c16r is unknown to the ontology--render it as just a normal label, without the
              // link.
              annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_json", complicated_c16r);
              LOG.info("added unknown c16: " + complicated_c16r);

      // Add annotation ext closure map to annotation doc (needs to be outside loop since there are
      // multiple extensions).
      if (!ann_ext_map.isEmpty()) {
        String jsonized_ann_ext_map = gson.toJson(ann_ext_map);
        annotation_doc.addField("annotation_extension_class_closure_map", jsonized_ann_ext_map);

      // Final doc assembly; make the ID /really/ unique.
      // WARNING: We're relying on the current truth that the toString() method returns a nice
      // concatenated version
      // of the GAF line, which is fundamentally unique (or should be). If this changes, revert to
      // what we were
      // doing here pre-20150930, which was assembling out own unique line manually.
      annotation_doc.addField("id", a.toString());

      // Finally add doc.

    // Add the necessary aggregates to the bio doc. These cannot be done incrementally like the
    // multi-valued closures
    // sonce there can only be a single map.
    if (!isap_map.isEmpty()) {
      String jsonized_cmap = gson.toJson(isap_map);
      bioentity_doc.addField("isa_partof_closure_map", jsonized_cmap);
    if (!reg_map.isEmpty()) {
      String jsonized_cmap = gson.toJson(reg_map);
      bioentity_doc.addField("regulates_closure_map", jsonized_cmap);

    // Add c5 to bioentity.
    // Compile closure map to JSON and add to the document.
    String jsonized_direct_map = null;
    if (!direct_list_map.isEmpty()) {
      jsonized_direct_map = gson.toJson(direct_list_map);
    // Optionally, if there is enough direct annotations for a map, add the collections to the
    // document.
    if (jsonized_direct_map != null) {
      List<String> directIDList = new ArrayList<String>(direct_list_map.keySet());
      List<String> directLabelList = new ArrayList<String>(direct_list_map.values());
      bioentity_doc.addField("annotation_class_list", directIDList);
      bioentity_doc.addField("annotation_class_list_label", directLabelList);
      bioentity_doc.addField("annotation_class_list_map", jsonized_direct_map);


    for (SolrInputDocument ev_agg_doc : evAggDocMap.values()) {

    // Now repeat some of the same to help populate the "general" index for bioentities.
    SolrInputDocument general_doc = new SolrInputDocument();
    // Watch out for "id" collision!
    general_doc.addField("id", "general_bioentity_" + eid);
    general_doc.addField("entity", eid);
    general_doc.addField("entity_label", esym);
    general_doc.addField("document_category", "general");
    general_doc.addField("category", "bioentity");
        "general_blob", ename + " " + edbid + " " + StringUtils.join(esynonyms, " "));
 public void visit(OWLClass cls) {
예제 #28
    public void ontologiesChanged(List<? extends OWLOntologyChange> changes) throws OWLException {
      Map<OWLEntity, OWLEntity> renamings = new HashMap<OWLEntity, OWLEntity>();
      Set<OWLEntity> removals = new HashSet<OWLEntity>();

      for (int idx = 0; idx < changes.size(); idx++) {
        OWLOntologyChange change = changes.get(idx);
        if (change instanceof SetOntologyID) {
          IRI newiri = ((SetOntologyID) change).getNewOntologyID().getOntologyIRI();

          if (newiri == null) continue;

          IRI oldiri = ((SetOntologyID) change).getOriginalOntologyID().getOntologyIRI();

          log.debug("Ontology ID changed");
          log.debug("Old ID: {}", oldiri);
          log.debug("New ID: {}", newiri);

          OBDAModel model = obdamodels.get(oldiri.toURI());

          if (model == null) {
            model = getActiveOBDAModel();

          PrefixManager prefixManager = model.getPrefixManager();
          prefixManager.addPrefix(PrefixManager.DEFAULT_PREFIX, newiri.toURI().toString());

          obdamodels.put(newiri.toURI(), model);

        } else if (change instanceof AddAxiom) {
          OWLAxiom axiom = change.getAxiom();
          if (axiom instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom) {
            OWLEntity entity = ((OWLDeclarationAxiom) axiom).getEntity();
            OBDAModel activeOBDAModel = getActiveOBDAModel();
            if (entity instanceof OWLClass) {
              OWLClass oc = (OWLClass) entity;
              OClass c = ofac.createClass(oc.getIRI().toString());
            } else if (entity instanceof OWLObjectProperty) {
              OWLObjectProperty or = (OWLObjectProperty) entity;
              ObjectPropertyExpression r = ofac.createObjectProperty(or.getIRI().toString());
            } else if (entity instanceof OWLDataProperty) {
              OWLDataProperty op = (OWLDataProperty) entity;
              DataPropertyExpression p = ofac.createDataProperty(op.getIRI().toString());

        } else if (change instanceof RemoveAxiom) {
          OWLAxiom axiom = change.getAxiom();
          if (axiom instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom) {
            OWLEntity entity = ((OWLDeclarationAxiom) axiom).getEntity();
            OBDAModel activeOBDAModel = getActiveOBDAModel();
            if (entity instanceof OWLClass) {
              OWLClass oc = (OWLClass) entity;
              OClass c = ofac.createClass(oc.getIRI().toString());
            } else if (entity instanceof OWLObjectProperty) {
              OWLObjectProperty or = (OWLObjectProperty) entity;
              ObjectPropertyExpression r = ofac.createObjectProperty(or.getIRI().toString());
            } else if (entity instanceof OWLDataProperty) {
              OWLDataProperty op = (OWLDataProperty) entity;
              DataPropertyExpression p = ofac.createDataProperty(op.getIRI().toString());

        if (idx + 1 >= changes.size()) {

        if (change instanceof RemoveAxiom && changes.get(idx + 1) instanceof AddAxiom) {
          // Found the pattern of a renaming refactoring
          RemoveAxiom remove = (RemoveAxiom) change;
          AddAxiom add = (AddAxiom) changes.get(idx + 1);

          if (!(remove.getAxiom() instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom
              && add.getAxiom() instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom)) {
          // Found the patter we are looking for, a remove and add of
          // declaration axioms
          OWLEntity olde = ((OWLDeclarationAxiom) remove.getAxiom()).getEntity();
          OWLEntity newe = ((OWLDeclarationAxiom) add.getAxiom()).getEntity();
          renamings.put(olde, newe);

        } else if (change instanceof RemoveAxiom
            && ((RemoveAxiom) change).getAxiom() instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom) {
          // Found the pattern of a deletion
          OWLDeclarationAxiom declaration = (OWLDeclarationAxiom) ((RemoveAxiom) change).getAxiom();
          OWLEntity removedEntity = declaration.getEntity();

      // Applying the renaming to the OBDA model
      OBDAModel obdamodel = getActiveOBDAModel();
      for (OWLEntity olde : renamings.keySet()) {
        OWLEntity removedEntity = olde;
        OWLEntity newEntity = renamings.get(removedEntity);

        // This set of changes appears to be a "renaming" operation,
        // hence we will modify the OBDA model accordingly
        Predicate removedPredicate = getPredicate(removedEntity);
        Predicate newPredicate = getPredicate(newEntity);

        obdamodel.renamePredicate(removedPredicate, newPredicate);

      // Applying the deletions to the obda model
      for (OWLEntity removede : removals) {
        Predicate removedPredicate = getPredicate(removede);
예제 #29
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see
  * org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpressionVisitor#visit(org.semanticweb
  * .owlapi.model.OWLClass)
 public void visit(OWLClass axiom) {
 public boolean isRestrictedInstantiator(OWLClass c) {
   return c == null
       || c.isTopEntity()
       || m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer().isIntermediary(c)
       || c.equals(m_referenceClass);