/** @return the port on the parent diagram */ public BasicPort getParentPort() { if (parentPort == null) { try { if (containsSource) { parentPort = IOBlocks.getOpposite(target.getClass()).newInstance(); } else { parentPort = IOBlocks.getOpposite(source.getClass()).newInstance(); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { Logger.getLogger(RegionToSuperblockAction.class.getName()).severe(e.toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.getLogger(RegionToSuperblockAction.class.getName()).severe(e.toString()); } } return parentPort; }
/** @return the child block to put on the child diagram */ public ContextUpdate getChildBlock() { if (childBlock == null) { final BasicPort terminal = getTerminal(); childBlock = IOBlocks.createBlock(terminal); /* * Set the child position */ childBlock.getGeometry().setX(x); childBlock.getGeometry().setY(y); } return childBlock; }