public SectionContentsBean(SectionDataIfc section) { try { this.itemContents = new ArrayList(); setSectionId(section.getSectionId().toString()); setTitle(section.getTitle()); setDescription(section.getDescription()); Integer sequence = section.getSequence(); if (sequence != null) { setNumber(sequence.toString()); } else { setNumber("1"); } setNumber(section.getSequence().toString()); // do teh rest later Set itemSet = section.getItemSet(); if (itemSet != null) { setQuestions(itemSet.size()); Iterator i = itemSet.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ItemDataIfc item = (ItemDataIfc); ItemContentsBean itemBean = new ItemContentsBean(item); this.itemContents.add(itemBean); } } // set questionNumbers now setQuestionNumbers(); setMetaData(section); this.attachmentList = section.getSectionAttachmentList(); if (this.attachmentList != null && this.attachmentList.size() > 0) this.hasAttachment = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void deleteItem(Long itemId, String agent) { ItemData item = null; try { item = (ItemData) getHibernateTemplate().load(ItemData.class, itemId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { log.warn("unable to retrieve item " + itemId + " due to:" + e); return; } // get list of attachment in item AssessmentService service = new AssessmentService(); List itemAttachmentList = service.getItemResourceIdList(item); service.deleteResources(itemAttachmentList); int retryCount = PersistenceService.getInstance().getPersistenceHelper().getRetryCount(); while (retryCount > 0) { try { SectionDataIfc section = item.getSection(); // section might be null if you are deleting an item created inside a pool, that's not // linked to any assessment. if (section != null) { Set set = section.getItemSet(); set.remove(item); } getHibernateTemplate().delete(item); retryCount = 0; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("problem deleting item: " + e.getMessage()); retryCount = PersistenceService.getInstance().getPersistenceHelper().retryDeadlock(e, retryCount); } } }