private void noteHerbs() { if (inventory.containsOneOf(grimyID)) { status = "Noting herbs"; RSNPC leprechaun = npcs.getNearest(leprechaunID); if (!leprechaun.isOnScreen() || calc.distanceTo(leprechaun) > 4) { walking.walkTileMM(leprechaun.getLocation(), 1, 1); sleep(random(3000, 4000)); } int tmp = inventory.getCount(grimyID); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (tmp == inventory.getCount(grimyID)) { inventory.getItem(grimyID).doAction("Use"); sleep(200, 300); if (inventory.isItemSelected()) { leprechaun.doAction("Use"); sleep(3000, 4000); } } else break; } RSObject plot = objects.getNearest(herbPlot); if (plot != null) { if (!plot.isOnScreen()) { walking.walkTileMM(plot.getLocation(), 1, 1); sleep(random(3000, 4000)); } } } }
private void attackSpider() { RSNPC spider = npc.getNearestFreeToAttackByID(4400); run(); if (spider != null) { try { if (spider.isOnScreen() && spider.action("Attack")) { if (tries != 0) { tries = 0; } wait(random(800, 900)); waitToStop(); waitSafely(random(2200, 2400)); } else { if (tries > 60) { // if there is no spider on screen in 6-12 seconds if (room == 1) {; } else {; } tries = 0; } else { tries++; } } } catch (final Exception e) { } } }
private void compostPatch() { status = "Adding supercompost"; RSObject plot = objects.getNearest(herbPlot); if (plot != null) { if (!inventory.contains(compostID)) { RSNPC leprechaun = npcs.getNearest(leprechaunID); if (!leprechaun.isOnScreen() || calc.distanceTo(leprechaun) > 4) { walking.walkTileMM(leprechaun.getLocation(), 1, 1); sleep(random(3000, 4000)); } leprechaun.doAction("Exchange"); sleep(random(1500, 2000));, 265, 10, 10, true); sleep(random(300, 900)); interfaces.getComponent(leprechaunInterface, closeInterface).doClick(); sleep(random(200, 300)); if (!plot.isOnScreen() || calc.distanceTo(plot) > 4) { walking.walkTileMM(plot.getLocation(), 1, 1); sleep(random(3000, 4000)); } } if (inventory.contains(compostID)) { int tmp = inventory.getCount(compostID); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (tmp == inventory.getCount(compostID) && currentState == State.COMPOST) { if (i > 0) camera.setAngle(random(0, 360)); if (inventory.contains(compostID)) { inventory.getItem(compostID).doClick(true); plot.doClick(); } sleep(random(4000, 5000)); } else break; } } } currentState = State.CHECK_CROPS; }
private void navigateClaw() { if (!inControlInterface() || (mollyID < 1)) { return; } RSObject claw; RSNPC suspect; while ((claw = objects.getNearest(Molly.CLAW_ID)) != null && (suspect = npcs.getNearest(mollyID - 40)) != null) { final RSTile clawLoc = claw.getLocation(); final RSTile susLoc = suspect.getLocation(); final ArrayList<Integer> options = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (susLoc.getX() > clawLoc.getX()) { options.add(Molly.CONTROLS_LEFT); } if (susLoc.getX() < clawLoc.getX()) { options.add(Molly.CONTROLS_RIGHT); } if (susLoc.getY() > clawLoc.getY()) { options.add(Molly.CONTROLS_DOWN); } if (susLoc.getY() < clawLoc.getY()) { options.add(Molly.CONTROLS_UP); } if (options.isEmpty()) { options.add(Molly.CONTROLS_GRAB); } final RSInterface i = interfaces.get(Molly.CONTROL_INTERFACEGROUP); if ((i != null) && i.isValid()) { i.getComponent(options.get(random(0, options.size()))).doClick(); } delayTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!hasClawMoved(clawLoc) && (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayTime < 3500)) { sleep(10); } } }
@Override public int loop() { if (!activateCondition() && readyToLeave) { readyToLeave = false; failCount = 0; return -1; } if (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() != -1 || getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { return random(500, 1000); } if (interfaces.getComponent(241, 4).containsText("Ahem, ")) { readyToLeave = false; } if (interfaces.getComponent(241, 4).containsText("Correct.") || interfaces.getComponent(241, 4).containsText("You can go now.")) { readyToLeave = true; } if (readyToLeave) { int PORTAL_ID = 11368; final RSObject portal = objects.getNearest(PORTAL_ID); if (portal != null) { final RSTile portalLocation = portal.getLocation(); if (portal.isOnScreen()) { portal.doAction("Enter"); return random(3000, 4000); } else { walking.walkTileMM( new RSTile(portalLocation.getX() - 1, portalLocation.getY()).randomize(1, 1)); return random(1500, 2000); } } } if (interfaces.getComponent(184, 0).isValid()) { final int modelID = interfaces.getComponent(184, 8).getComponents()[3].getModelID(); String itemName = null; for (int i = 0; i < MODEL_IDS.length; i++) { if (MODEL_IDS[i] == modelID) { itemName = ITEM_NAMES[i]; } } if (itemName == null) { log("The object couldn't be identified! ID: " + modelID); failCount++; if (failCount > 10) { stopScript(false); return -1; } return random(1000, 2000); } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { final RSComponent iface = interfaces.getComponent(184, 8).getComponents()[j]; if (iface.containsText(itemName)) { iface.doClick(); return random(1000, 1200); } } } if (interfaces.canContinue()) { interfaces.clickContinue(); return random(1000, 1200); } final RSNPC certer = npcs.getNearest("Niles", "Miles", "Giles"); if (certer != null) { if (calc.distanceTo(certer) < 4) { certer.doAction("Talk-to"); return random(2500, 3000); } else { final RSTile certerLocation = certer.getLocation(); walking.walkTileMM( new RSTile(certerLocation.getX() + 2, certerLocation.getY()).randomize(1, 1)); return random(3000, 3500); } } failCount++; if (failCount > 10) { stopScript(false); return -1; } return random(400, 600); }
@Override public int loop() { if (!activateCondition()) { return -1; } RSObject statue1 = objects.getNearest(STATUE_IDS[0]); RSObject statue2 = objects.getNearest(STATUE_IDS[1]); RSObject statue3 = objects.getNearest(STATUE_IDS[2]); RSObject statue4 = objects.getNearest(STATUE_IDS[3]); if (getMyPlayer().isMoving() || getMyPlayer().getAnimation() != -1) { return random(550, 700); } if (interfaces.get(241).getComponent(4).isValid() && interfaces.get(241).getComponent(4).getText().contains("catnap")) { finished = true; } if (interfaces.get(64).getComponent(4).isValid() && interfaces.get(64).getComponent(4).getText().contains("fallen asleep")) { finished = true; } if (interfaces.get(242).getComponent(4).isValid() && interfaces.get(242).getComponent(4).getText().contains("Wait! Before")) { forceTalk = true; } if (interfaces.canContinue()) { if (interfaces.clickContinue()) { return random(500, 1000); } } if (forceTalk) { RSNPC servant = npcs.getNearest(2481); if (servant != null && direction == null && settings.getSetting(344) == 0) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(servant.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(servant.getLocation())); return 700; } if (servant.doAction("Talk-to")) { forceTalk = false; } return random(1000, 2000); } if (servant == null) { servant = npcs.getNearest(2481); if (servant == null) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); return random(1000, 2000); } return random(50, 100); } } if (finished) { RSObject portal = objects.getNearest(8987); if (portal != null) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(portal.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(portal.getLocation())); return random(500, 1000); } else { if (portal.doAction("Enter")) { return random(6000, 7000); } return random(500, 1000); } } else { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); } } if (bank.isDepositOpen() && bank.getBoxCount() - bank.getBoxCount(6209, 6202, 6200) >= 27) { RSComponent randomItem = interfaces.get(11).getComponent(17).getComponent(random(16, 26)); int randomID = randomItem.getComponentID(); if (randomID < 0) { return random(50, 100); } log("Item with ID " + randomID + " was deposited."); if (interfaces.get(11).getComponent(17).getComponent(random(16, 26)).doAction("Dep")) { return random(500, 1000); } return random(50, 100); } if (bank.isDepositOpen() && bank.getBoxCount() - bank.getBoxCount(6209, 6202, 6200) < 27) { bank.close(); return random(500, 1000); } if (inventory.getCountExcept(6209, 6202, 6200) >= 27) { RSObject box = objects.getNearest(32930); if (!calc.tileOnScreen(box.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(box.getLocation())); return random(1000, 2000); } else { log("Depositing item(s) to make room."); box.doAction("Deposit"); return random(500, 1000); } } if (inventory.getCount(6202) > 0) { final RSObject pot = objects.getNearest(8985); if (pot != null) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(pot.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(pot.getLocation())); return random(400, 800); } inventory.getItem(6202).doAction("Use"); sleep(random(800, 1000)); if (pot.doAction("Use")) { sleep(1000); } return random(2000, 2400); } else { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); } } if (fishing && inventory.getCount(6209) == 0) { final RSGroundItem net = groundItems.getNearest(6209); if (net != null) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(net.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(net.getLocation())); return random(800, 1000); } else { tiles.doAction(net.getLocation(), "Take"); return random(800, 1000); } } else { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); } } if (interfaces.get(246).getComponent(5).containsText("contains") && settings.getSetting(334) == 1 && direction == null) { sleep(2000); if (calc.tileOnScreen(statue1.getLocation())) { direction = statue1; fishing = true; } if (calc.tileOnScreen(statue2.getLocation())) { direction = statue2; fishing = true; } if (calc.tileOnScreen(statue3.getLocation())) { direction = statue3; fishing = true; } if (calc.tileOnScreen(statue4.getLocation())) { direction = statue4; fishing = true; } log("Checking direction"); return random(2000, 3000); } if (direction != null && inventory.getCount(6200) < 1) { sleep(random(1000, 1200)); if (!calc.tileOnScreen(direction.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(direction.getLocation())); return random(400, 600); } final RSObject spot = objects.getNearest(8986); if (spot != null) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(spot.getLocation())) { camera.turnTo(spot.getLocation()); } if (!calc.tileOnScreen(spot.getLocation()) && walking.walkTileMM(spot.getLocation())) { sleep(random(1000, 2000)); if (!calc.tileOnScreen(spot.getLocation())) { sleep(1000); } } tiles.doAction(spot.getLocation(), "Net"); return random(2000, 2500); } else { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); } } if (inventory.getCount(6200) > 0) { final RSNPC cat = npcs.getNearest(2479); if (cat != null) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(cat.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(cat.getLocation())); } inventory.getItem(6200).doAction("Use"); sleep(random(500, 1000)); cat.doAction("Use Raw fish-like thing -> Evil bob"); } else { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); } return random(1900, 2200); } RSNPC servant = npcs.getNearest(2481); if (servant != null && direction == null && settings.getSetting(344) == 0) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(servant.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(servant.getLocation())); return 700; } servant.doAction("Talk-to"); return random(1000, 2000); } if (servant == null) { servant = npcs.getNearest(2481); if (servant == null) { walking.walkTileMM(walking.getClosestTileOnMap(CENTER_TILE)); return random(1000, 2000); } return random(50, 100); } log("Setting 344: " + settings.getSetting(344)); return random(800, 1200); }
@Override public int loop() { if (!activateCondition()) { log("Molly random finished!"); sleep(500); if (!activateCondition()) { return -1; } } controlPanel = objects.getNearest(Molly.CONTROL_PANEL_ID); while (getMyPlayer().isMoving() || (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() != -1)) { return (random(800, 1300)); } if (interfaces.canContinue()) { interfaces.clickContinue(); return random(250, 750); } if (mollyID == -1) { mollyID = molly.getID(); log("Molly ID: " + Integer.toString(mollyID)); log("Evil Twin ID:" + Integer.toString(mollyID - 40)); } if (interfaces.canContinue()) { setCamera(); interfaces.clickContinue(); return random(500, 800); } final RSComponent skipInterface = interfaces.get(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_INTERFACEGROUP).getComponent(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_SKIP); if ((skipInterface != null) && skipInterface.isValid() && skipInterface.getAbsoluteY() > 5 && skipInterface.containsText("Yes, I")) { skipInterface.doClick(); return random(600, 1000); } final RSComponent noThanksInterface = interfaces .get(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_INTERFACEGROUP) .getComponent(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_NOTHANKS); if ((noThanksInterface != null) && noThanksInterface.isValid() && noThanksInterface.getAbsoluteY() > 5) { setCamera(); sleep(random(800, 1200)); noThanksInterface.doClick(); talkedToMolly = true; return random(600, 1000); } if (!cameraSet) { camera.setPitch(true); cameraSet = true; return (random(300, 500)); } if (finished && !inControlRoom()) { if (!calc.tileOnScreen(molly.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileOnScreen(molly.getLocation()); return random(1000, 2000); } molly.doAction("Talk"); return (random(1000, 1200)); } if (finished && inControlRoom()) { if (!openDoor()) { return (random(1000, 1500)); } return (random(400, 600)); } if (!inControlRoom()) { if (talkedToMolly && !finished && (interfaces.get(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_INTERFACEGROUP) == null || interfaces.get(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_INTERFACEGROUP).getComponent(0).getAbsoluteY() < 2) && (interfaces.get(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_NOTHANKS) == null || interfaces.get(Molly.MOLLY_CHATBOX_NOTHANKS).getComponent(0).getAbsoluteY() < 2)) { openDoor(); sleep(random(800, 1200)); } else { molly.doAction("Talk"); talkedToMolly = true; return (random(1000, 2000)); } } else { if (npcs.getNearest("Molly") != null) { finished = true; sleep(random(800, 1200)); } else { if (!inControlInterface()) { if (calc.tileOnScreen(controlPanel.getLocation())) { controlPanel.doAction("Use"); sleep(random(1200, 2000)); } else { walking.walkTileOnScreen(controlPanel.getLocation()); camera.setPitch(true); camera.turnTo(controlPanel); } } else { navigateClaw(); delayTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!interfaces.canContinue() && (System.currentTimeMillis() - delayTime < 15000)) {} if (interfaces.canContinue()) { interfaces.clickContinue(); } sleep(random(300, 400)); } } } return random(200, 400); }
@Override public boolean activateCondition() { molly = npcs.getNearest("Molly"); controlPanel = objects.getNearest(Molly.CONTROL_PANEL_ID); return (molly != null && molly.isInteractingWithLocalPlayer()) || (controlPanel != null); }
@Override public int loop() { camera.setAltitude(true); if (!activateCondition() && readyToLeave) { readyToLeave = false; failCount = 0; log(ScreenLog.cerFinish); return -1; } if (iface.getChild(241, 4).containsText("Ahem, ")) { readyToLeave = false; } if (iface.getChild(241, 4).containsText("Correct.") || iface.getChild(241, 4).containsText("You can go now.")) { readyToLeave = true; } if (readyToLeave) { final int PORTAL_ID = 11368; final RSObject portal = objects.getNearestByID(PORTAL_ID); if (portal != null) { final RSTile portalLocation = portal.getLocation(); if (portal.distanceTo() < 4) {, "Enter"); return random(3000, 4000); } else { walk.tileMM( walk.randomizeTile( new RSTile(portalLocation.getX() - 1, portalLocation.getY()), 1, 1)); return random(6000, 8000); } } } if (iface.getChild(184, 0).isValid()) { final int modelID = iface.getChild(184, 8).getChildren()[3].getModelID(); String itemName = null; for (int i = 0; i < MODEL_IDS.length; i++) { if (MODEL_IDS[i] == modelID) { itemName = ITEM_NAMES[i]; } } if (itemName == null) { log(ScreenLog.cerID + modelID); failCount++; if (failCount > 10) { stopScript(false); return -1; } return random(1000, 2000); } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { final RSInterfaceChild ifa = iface.getChild(184, 8).getChildren()[j]; if (ifa.containsText(itemName)) {; return random(3000, 5000); } } } if (iface.canContinue()) { iface.clickContinue(); return random(3000, 4000); } final RSNPC certer = npc.getNearestByName("Niles", "Miles", "Giles"); if (certer != null) { if (certer.distanceTo() < 4) { npc.action(certer, "Talk-to"); return random(4000, 5000); } else { final RSTile certerLocation = certer.getLocation(); walk.tileMM( walk.randomizeTile(new RSTile(certerLocation.getX() + 2, certerLocation.getY()), 1, 1)); return random(6000, 8000); } } failCount++; if (failCount > 10) { stopScript(false); return -1; } return random(1000, 2000); }
@Override public int loop() { final RSNPC mordaut = npcs.getNearest("Mr. Mordaut"); if (mordaut == null) { return -1; } if (getMyPlayer().isMoving() || (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() != -1)) { return random(800, 1200); } if (door != null) { if (calc.distanceTo(door) > 3) { walking.getPath(door.getLocation()).traverse(); sleep(random(1400, 2500)); } if (!calc.tileOnScreen(door.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(door.getLocation()); sleep(random(1400, 2500)); } if (door.getID() == 2188) { camera.setCompass('w'); } if (door.getID() == 2193) { camera.setCompass('e'); } if (door.getID() == 2189) { camera.setCompass('w'); } if (door.getID() == 2192) { camera.setCompass('n'); } clickObject(door, "Open"); return random(500, 1000); } final RSComponent inter = searchInterfacesText("To exit,"); if (inter != null) { if (inter.getText().toLowerCase().contains("red")) { door = objects.getNearest(2188); } if (inter.getText().toLowerCase().contains("green")) { door = objects.getNearest(2193); } if (inter.getText().toLowerCase().contains("blue")) { door = objects.getNearest(2189); } if (inter.getText().toLowerCase().contains("purple")) { door = objects.getNearest(2192); } return random(500, 1000); } if (!interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).isValid() && !getMyPlayer().isMoving() && !interfaces.get(relatedCardsInterface).isValid() && !interfaces.canContinue() && door == null) { if (calc.distanceTo(mordaut) > 4) { walking.getPath(mordaut.getLocation()).traverse(); } if (!calc.tileOnScreen(mordaut.getLocation())) { walking.walkTileMM(mordaut.getLocation()); } clickCharacter(mordaut, "Talk-to"); return (random(1500, 1700)); } if (interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).isValid()) {"Question Type: Next Object"); final NextObjectQuestion noq = new NextObjectQuestion(); if (noq.getObjects()) { if (noq.clickAnswer()) { return random(800, 1200); } else { noq.guess(); return random(800, 1200); } } else {"Could not find get object. Making educated guess."); noq.guess(); return random(800, 1200); } } if (interfaces.get(relatedCardsInterface).isValid()) {"Question Type: Similar Objects"); int z = 0; for (final SimilarObjectQuestion obj : simObjects) { if (obj.activateCondition()) { z = 1; if (obj.clickObjects()) { obj.accept(); } } } if (z == 0) { log.severe("This is a new question."); log.severe("Please post this on the forums."); log.severe("The Missing Question is :"); log(interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).getComponent(25).getText().toLowerCase()); } return random(800, 1200); } if (interfaces.clickContinue()) { return random(800, 3500); } return random(800, 1200); }