public void markStaleServersDown(Subject subject) { if (!authorizationManager.isOverlord(subject)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The markStaleServersDown method must be called by the overlord"); } long staleTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - SERVER_DOWN_INTERVAL; String serverName = null; try { serverName = serverManager.getIdentity(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(serverName + " is marking stale servers DOWN"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not determine which instance is marking stale servers DOWN"); } Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Server.QUERY_UPDATE_SET_STALE_DOWN); query.setParameter("downMode", Server.OperationMode.DOWN); query.setParameter("normalMode", Server.OperationMode.NORMAL); query.setParameter("staleTime", staleTime); query.setParameter("thisServerName", serverName); // might be null int resultCount = query.executeUpdate(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.valueOf(resultCount) + " stale servers were marked DOWN"); } // Perform requested partition events. Note that we only need to execute one cloud partition // regardless of the number of pending requests, as the work would be duplicated. partitionEventManager.processRequestedPartitionEvents(); }
public PageList<Dashboard> findDashboardsByCriteria(Subject subject, DashboardCriteria criteria) { if (criteria.isInventoryManagerRequired()) { if (!authorizationManager.isInventoryManager(subject)) { throw new PermissionException( "Subject [" + subject.getName() + "] requires InventoryManager permission for requested query criteria."); } Integer ownerId = criteria.getFilterOwnerId(); if (null != ownerId && 0 == ownerId.intValue()) { criteria.addFilterOwnerId(null); } } else { criteria.addFilterOwnerId(subject.getId()); } if (null == criteria.getFilterCategory()) { criteria.addFilterCategory(DashboardCategory.INVENTORY); } CriteriaQueryGenerator generator = new CriteriaQueryGenerator(subject, criteria); CriteriaQueryRunner<Dashboard> queryRunner = new CriteriaQueryRunner<Dashboard>(criteria, generator, entityManager); return queryRunner.execute(); }
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public MeasurementBaseline calculateAutoBaselineForGroupInNewTransaction( Subject subject, int groupId, int definitionId, long startDate, long endDate, boolean save) throws BaselineCreationException, MeasurementNotFoundException { if (save && !authorizationManager.hasGroupPermission( subject, Permission.MANAGE_MEASUREMENTS, groupId)) { throw new PermissionException( "User[" + subject.getName() + "] does not have permission to calculate and set baselines for group[id=" + groupId + "]"); } MeasurementBaseline baseline; try { baseline = calculateBaselineForGroup(groupId, definitionId, true, startDate, endDate, save); if (save) { // We have changed the baseline information for the schedule, so remove the now outdated OOB // info. oobManager.removeOOBsForGroupAndDefinition(subject, groupId, definitionId); } } catch (DataNotAvailableException e) { throw new BaselineCreationException( "Error fetching data for baseline calculation for group[id=" + groupId + "], definition[id=" + definitionId + "]"); } return baseline; }
public void removeDashboard(Subject subject, int dashboardId) { Dashboard toDelete = entityManager.find(Dashboard.class, dashboardId); if (!authorizationManager.hasGlobalPermission(subject, Permission.MANAGE_SETTINGS) && toDelete.getOwner().getId() != subject.getId()) { throw new PermissionException("You may only delete dashboards you own."); } entityManager.remove(toDelete); }
public Dashboard storeDashboard(Subject subject, Dashboard dashboard) { Dashboard d = null; if ((d = entityManager.find(Dashboard.class, dashboard.getId())) == null) { dashboard.setOwner(subject); entityManager.persist(dashboard); return dashboard; } else { if (!authorizationManager.hasGlobalPermission(subject, Permission.MANAGE_SETTINGS) && d.getOwner().getId() != subject.getId()) { throw new PermissionException("You may only alter dashboards you own."); } return entityManager.merge(dashboard); } }
public void setLdapGroupsForRole(int roleId, List<String> groupIds) throws RuntimeException { try { // add permissions check Set<Permission> globalPermissions = authorizationManager.getExplicitGlobalPermissions(getSessionSubject()); Boolean accessGranted = globalPermissions.contains(Permission.MANAGE_SECURITY); if (accessGranted) { // clean out existing roles as this defines the new list of roles PageList<LdapGroup> existing = ldapManager.findLdapGroupsByRole(roleId, PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance()); log.trace("Removing " + existing.getTotalSize() + " groups from role '" + roleId + "'."); int[] groupIndices = new int[existing.size()]; int indx = 0; for (LdapGroup lg : existing) { groupIndices[indx++] = lg.getId(); } log.trace("Removing " + groupIndices.length + " LDAP Groups." + groupIndices); ldapManager.removeLdapGroupsFromRole(subjectManager.getOverlord(), roleId, groupIndices); PageList<LdapGroup> nowGroups = ldapManager.findLdapGroupsByRole(roleId, PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance()); // from among all available groups, if group name matches then add it to the list. ArrayList<String> validGroupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<Map<String, String>> allAvailableLdapGroups = ldapManager.findAvailableGroups(); for (String group : groupIds) { for (Map<String, String> map : allAvailableLdapGroups) { if (map.get("name").equals(group)) { validGroupIds.add(group); } } } log.trace("Adding " + validGroupIds.size() + " ldap groups to role[" + roleId + "]."); ldapManager.addLdapGroupsToRole(subjectManager.getOverlord(), roleId, groupIds); nowGroups = ldapManager.findLdapGroupsByRole(roleId, PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance()); } else { String message = "User '" + getSessionSubject().getName() + "' does not have sufficient permissions to modify LDAP group assignments for roles."; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionException(message); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw getExceptionToThrowToClient(t); } }
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public MeasurementBaseline calculateAutoBaselineInNewTransaction( Subject subject, Integer measurementScheduleId, long startDate, long endDate, boolean save) throws BaselineCreationException, MeasurementNotFoundException { MeasurementBaseline baseline; MeasurementSchedule sched = entityManager.find(MeasurementSchedule.class, measurementScheduleId); if (sched != null) { Resource resource = sched.getResource(); // only check permissions if the user is attempting to save a new baseline if (save && !authorizationManager.hasResourcePermission( subject, Permission.MANAGE_MEASUREMENTS, resource.getId())) { log.error( "Cannot calculate baseline - permission denied. " + "resource=" + resource + "; user="******"; perm=" + Permission.MANAGE_MEASUREMENTS); throw new PermissionException( "Cannot calculate baseline - you do not have permission on this resource"); } } else { throw new MeasurementNotFoundException( "Scheduled measurement [" + measurementScheduleId + "] not found"); } try { baseline = calculateBaseline(sched, true, startDate, endDate, save); if (save) { // We have changed the baseline information for the schedule, so remove the now outdated OOB // info. oobManager.removeOOBsForSchedule(subject, sched); } } catch (DataNotAvailableException e) { throw new BaselineCreationException( "Error fetching data for baseline calculation for measurementSchedule[id=" + measurementScheduleId + "]"); } return baseline; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<MeasurementBaseline> findBaselinesForResource(Subject subject, int resourceId) { if (authorizationManager.canViewResource(subject, resourceId) == false) { throw new PermissionException( "User[" + subject.getName() + " ] does not have permission to view baselines for resource[id=" + resourceId + "]"); } Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(MeasurementBaseline.QUERY_FIND_BY_RESOURCE); query.setParameter("resourceId", resourceId); List<MeasurementBaseline> results = query.getResultList(); return results; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PageList<CallTimeDataComposite> findCallTimeDataForResource( Subject subject, int scheduleId, long beginTime, long endTime, PageControl pageControl) { pageControl.initDefaultOrderingField( "SUM(", PageOrdering.DESC); // only set if no ordering yet specified pageControl.addDefaultOrderingField( "key.callDestination", PageOrdering.ASC); // add this to sort, if not already specified MeasurementSchedule schedule = entityManager.find(MeasurementSchedule.class, scheduleId); int resourceId = schedule.getResource().getId(); if (authorizationManager.canViewResource(subject, resourceId) == false) { throw new PermissionException( "User [" + subject + "] does not have permission to view call time data for measurementSchedule[id=" + scheduleId + "] and resource[id=" + resourceId + "]"); } String query = CallTimeDataValue.QUERY_FIND_COMPOSITES_FOR_RESOURCE; Query queryWithOrderBy = PersistenceUtility.createQueryWithOrderBy(entityManager, query, pageControl); Query queryCount = PersistenceUtility.createCountQuery(this.entityManager, query); queryWithOrderBy.setParameter("scheduleId", scheduleId); queryWithOrderBy.setParameter("beginTime", beginTime); queryWithOrderBy.setParameter("endTime", endTime); List<CallTimeDataComposite> results = queryWithOrderBy.getResultList(); queryCount.setParameter("scheduleId", scheduleId); queryCount.setParameter("beginTime", beginTime); queryCount.setParameter("endTime", endTime); // Because of the use of the GROUP BY clause, the result list count will be returned as // the number of rows, rather than as a single number. long count = queryCount.getResultList().size(); return new PageList<CallTimeDataComposite>(results, (int) count, pageControl); }
public void enableAutoBaselineCalculation( Subject subject, Integer[] resourceIds, Integer[] definitionIds) { // bail out early if there's nothing to do if ((resourceIds.length < 1) || (definitionIds.length < 1)) { return; } List<MeasurementBaseline> bList = getBaselinesForResourcesAndDefinitionIds(resourceIds, definitionIds); for (MeasurementBaseline bl : bList) { if (!authorizationManager.hasResourcePermission( subject, Permission.MANAGE_MEASUREMENTS, bl.getSchedule().getResource().getId())) { throw new PermissionException( "Cannot enable baseline [" + bl + "] - you do not have permission"); } bl.setUserEntered(false); } }
@Override public Set<Map<String, String>> findAvailableGroupsStatus() throws RuntimeException { try { // add permissions check Set<Permission> globalPermissions = authorizationManager.getExplicitGlobalPermissions(getSessionSubject()); Boolean accessGranted = globalPermissions.contains(Permission.MANAGE_SECURITY); Set<Map<String, String>> results = null; if (accessGranted) { results = ldapManager.findAvailableGroupsStatus(); } else { String message = "User '" + getSessionSubject().getName() + "' does not have sufficient permissions to query the status of available LDAP groups request."; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionException(message); } return SerialUtility.prepare(results, "findAvailableGroups"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw getExceptionToThrowToClient(t); } }
public PageList<LdapGroup> findLdapGroupsAssignedToRole(int roleId) throws RuntimeException { try { // add permissions check Set<Permission> globalPermissions = authorizationManager.getExplicitGlobalPermissions(getSessionSubject()); Boolean accessGranted = globalPermissions.contains(Permission.MANAGE_SECURITY); PageList<LdapGroup> allAssignedLdapGroups = null; if (accessGranted) { allAssignedLdapGroups = ldapManager.findLdapGroupsByRole(roleId, PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance()); } else { String message = "User '" + getSessionSubject().getName() + "' does not have permissions to query LDAP group by role."; log.debug(message); throw new PermissionException(message); } return SerialUtility.prepare(allAssignedLdapGroups, "findLdapGroupsAssignedToRole"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw getExceptionToThrowToClient(t); } }
public PageList<CallTimeDataComposite> findCallTimeDataForContext( Subject subject, EntityContext context, long beginTime, long endTime, String destination, PageControl pageControl) { // lookup measurement definition id CallTimeDataCriteria criteria = new CallTimeDataCriteria(); criteria.addFilterBeginTime(beginTime); criteria.addFilterEndTime(endTime); if (destination != null && !destination.trim().equals("")) { criteria.addFilterDestination(destination); } pageControl.initDefaultOrderingField( "SUM(", PageOrdering.DESC); // only set if no ordering yet specified pageControl.addDefaultOrderingField( "calltimedatavalue.key.callDestination", PageOrdering.ASC); // add this to sort, if not already specified criteria.setPageControl(pageControl); // criteria.addSortAverage(PageOrdering.DESC); if (context.type == EntityContext.Type.Resource) { criteria.addFilterResourceId(context.resourceId); } else if (context.type == EntityContext.Type.ResourceGroup) { criteria.addFilterResourceGroupId(context.groupId); } else if (context.type == EntityContext.Type.AutoGroup) { criteria.addFilterAutoGroupParentResourceId(context.parentResourceId); criteria.addFilterAutoGroupResourceTypeId(context.resourceTypeId); } CriteriaQueryGenerator generator = new CriteriaQueryGenerator(subject, criteria); ; String replacementSelectList = "" // + " new org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.calltime.CallTimeDataComposite( " // + " calltimedatavalue.key.callDestination, " // + " MIN(calltimedatavalue.minimum), " // + " MAX(calltimedatavalue.maximum), " // + " SUM(, " // + " SUM(calltimedatavalue.count), " // + " SUM( / SUM(calltimedatavalue.count) ) "; generator.alterProjection(replacementSelectList); generator.setGroupByClause("calltimedatavalue.key.callDestination"); if (authorizationManager.isInventoryManager(subject) == false) { generator.setAuthorizationResourceFragment( CriteriaQueryGenerator.AuthorizationTokenType.RESOURCE, "key.schedule.resource", subject.getId()); } //; //; CriteriaQueryRunner<CallTimeDataComposite> queryRunner = new CriteriaQueryRunner<CallTimeDataComposite>(criteria, generator, entityManager); PageList<CallTimeDataComposite> results = queryRunner.execute(); return results; }