  * Replays the command on the given WmfFile.
  * @param file the meta file.
 public void replay(final WmfFile file) {
   final MfDcState state = file.getCurrentState();
   final Point p = getScaledDestination();
   state.setWindowOrg(state.getWindowOrgX() + p.x, state.getWindowOrgY() + p.y);
  * Replays the command on the given WmfFile.
  * @param file the meta file.
 public void replay(final WmfFile file) {
   final MfDcState state = file.getCurrentState();
  * Replays the command on the given WmfFile.
  * @param file the meta file.
 public void replay(final WmfFile file) {
   final MfDcState state = file.getCurrentState();
   final Point p = getScaledTarget();
   state.setViewportOrg(p.x, p.y);