public void syncronize( IPentahoSession userSession, OutputStream out, IParameterProvider requestParams) throws Exception { // Read parameters Iterator<String> keys = requestParams.getParameterNames(); HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; parameters.put(key, requestParams.getStringParameter(key, null)); } String operation = requestParams.getStringParameter("operation", "").toLowerCase(); // Call sync method try { Class<?>[] params = new Class[1]; params[0] = HashMap.class; Method mthd = this.getClass().getMethod(operation, params); Object result = mthd.invoke(this, parameters); if (result != null) { JsonUtils.buildJsonResult(out, true, result); } JsonUtils.buildJsonResult(out, true, null); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new Exception( Messages.getString("CdfTemplates.ERROR_001_INVALID_SYNCRONIZE_METHOD_EXCEPTION")); } }
public String getContext(IParameterProvider requestParams) { try { String solution = requestParams.getStringParameter("solution", ""), path = requestParams.getStringParameter("path", ""), // Fix #29. Because there is no file parameter in CDF, but action parameter // file parameter is used in CDE file = requestParams.getStringParameter( "file", requestParams.getStringParameter("action", "")), fullPath = ("/" + solution + "/" + path + "/" + file).replaceAll("/+", "/"); final JSONObject context = new JSONObject(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Document config = getConfigFile(); context.put("queryData", processAutoIncludes(fullPath, config)); context.put("sessionAttributes", processSessionAttributes(config)); context.put("serverLocalDate", cal.getTimeInMillis()); context.put("serverUTCDate", cal.getTimeInMillis() + cal.getTimeZone().getRawOffset()); context.put("user", userSession.getName()); context.put("locale", userSession.getLocale()); context.put("solution", solution); context.put("path", path); context.put("file", file); context.put("fullPath", fullPath); SecurityParameterProvider securityParams = new SecurityParameterProvider(userSession); context.put("roles", securityParams.getParameter("principalRoles")); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); Iterator it = requestParams.getParameterNames(); while (it.hasNext()) { String p = (String); if (p.indexOf("param") == 0) { params.put(p.substring(5), requestParams.getParameter(p)); } } context.put("params", params); final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("\n<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); s.append(" Dashboards.context = "); s.append(context.toString(2) + "\n"); s.append("</script>\n"); // setResponseHeaders(MIME_PLAIN,0,null); "[Timing] Finished building context: " + (new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new Date())); return s.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { return ""; } }
/** * Start Audit Event * * @param processId Id for the audit process (usually the plugin name) * @param actionName Name of the action * @param objectName Object of the action * @param userSession Pentaho User Session * @param logger Logger object * @param requestParams parameters associated to the request * @return UUID of start event */ public static UUID startAudit( String processId, String actionName, String objectName, IPentahoSession userSession, ILogger logger, IParameterProvider requestParams) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (requestParams != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> iter = requestParams.getParameterNames(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String paramName =; sb.append(paramName) .append("=") .append(requestParams.getStringParameter(paramName, "novalue")) .append(";"); } } AuditHelper.audit( userSession.getId(), userSession.getName(), actionName, objectName, processId, MessageTypes.INSTANCE_START, uuid.toString(), sb.toString(), 0, logger); return uuid; }