private String AvailableName(java.util.ArrayList<String> list) { String retVal = getCommonName(); java.util.ArrayList<Integer> notAvialbleNumberList = new java.util.ArrayList<Integer>(); String temp; for (String str : list) { temp = str.replace(getCommonName(), ""); if (StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(temp)) { temp = "0"; } int tempInt = 0; RefObject<Integer> tempRef_tempInt = new RefObject<Integer>(tempInt); boolean tempVar = IntegerCompat.TryParse(temp, tempRef_tempInt); tempInt = tempRef_tempInt.argvalue; if (tempVar) { notAvialbleNumberList.add(tempInt); } } Collections.sort(notAvialbleNumberList); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < notAvialbleNumberList.size(); i++) { if (notAvialbleNumberList.get(i) == i) { continue; } break; } if (i > 0) { retVal = getCommonName() + (new Integer(i)).toString(); } return retVal; }
public void SetDefaultNames(VDS host, RefObject<String> message) { message.argvalue = null; setCommonName(StringFormat.format("%1$s-Local", host.getvds_name().replace('.', '-'))); storage_pool candidate = null; // selecet all possible DCs VdcQueryReturnValue returnValue = Frontend.RunQuery( VdcQueryType.Search, new SearchParameters( StringFormat.format("DataCenter: name=%1$s", getCommonName() + "*"), SearchType.StoragePool)); java.util.ArrayList<storage_pool> dataCenterList = new java.util.ArrayList<storage_pool>(); java.util.ArrayList<VDSGroup> clusterList = null; if (returnValue != null && returnValue.getSucceeded() && returnValue.getReturnValue() != null) { dataCenterList = Linq.<storage_pool>Cast( (java.util.ArrayList<IVdcQueryable>) returnValue.getReturnValue()); } // check if current settings suitable for local setup (in case just SD creation failed - // re-using the same setup) boolean useCurrentSettings = false; if (host.getstorage_pool_id() != null) { storage_pool tempCandidate = DataProvider.GetDataCenterById(host.getstorage_pool_id()); if (IsLocalDataCenterEmpty(tempCandidate)) { candidate = tempCandidate; useCurrentSettings = true; } else { if (tempCandidate != null && tempCandidate.getstorage_pool_type() == StorageType.LOCALFS) { message.argvalue = "Note: Local Storage is already configured for this Host. The Host belongs to " + host.getstorage_pool_name() + " with local Storage Domain. If OK is clicked - this Host will be moved to a new Data Center, and a new Local Storage Domain will be created. Hit Cancel to abort the operation."; } } } // check if there is other DC suitable for re-use if (candidate == null) { for (storage_pool dataCenter : dataCenterList) { // need to check if the new DC is without host. if (IsLocalDataCenterEmpty(dataCenter) && DataProvider.GetLocalStorageHost(dataCenter.getname()) == null) { candidate = dataCenter; break; } } } java.util.ArrayList<String> listNames = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); // in case we found a suitable candidte for re-use: if (candidate != null) { getDataCenter().setDataCenterId(candidate.getId()); getDataCenter().getName().setEntity(candidate.getname()); getDataCenter().getDescription().setEntity(candidate.getdescription()); Version compVersion = candidate.getcompatibility_version(); getDataCenter().getVersion().setSelectedItem(compVersion); getCluster().getVersion().setSelectedItem(compVersion); setDontCreateDataCenter(true); // if we use current settings there is no need to create cluster. if (useCurrentSettings) { getCluster().setClusterId(host.getvds_group_id().getValue()); getCluster().getName().setEntity(host.getvds_group_name()); VDSGroup cluster = DataProvider.GetClusterById(host.getvds_group_id().getValue()); if (cluster != null) { getCluster().getDescription().setEntity(cluster.getdescription()); ServerCpu tempVar = new ServerCpu(); tempVar.setCpuName(cluster.getcpu_name()); getCluster().getCPU().setSelectedItem(tempVar); } setDontCreateCluster(true); setDontChangeHostCluster(true); } // use differnt cluster else { // check the DC cluster list (for re-use) clusterList = DataProvider.GetClusterList(candidate.getId()); // no clusters avilable - pick up new name. if (clusterList.isEmpty()) { java.util.ArrayList<VDSGroup> listClusters = DataProvider.GetClusterList(); listNames = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); for (VDSGroup cluster : listClusters) { listNames.add(cluster.getname()); } getCluster().getName().setEntity(AvailableName(listNames)); } else { // use the DC cluster. getCluster().setClusterId(clusterList.get(0).getId()); getCluster().getName().setEntity(clusterList.get(0).getname()); getCluster().getDescription().setEntity(clusterList.get(0).getdescription()); VDSGroup cluster = DataProvider.GetClusterById(getCluster().getClusterId().getValue()); if (cluster != null) { ServerCpu tempVar2 = new ServerCpu(); tempVar2.setCpuName(cluster.getcpu_name()); getCluster().getCPU().setSelectedItem(tempVar2); } setDontCreateCluster(true); if (host.getvds_group_id().getValue().equals(getCluster().getClusterId())) { setDontChangeHostCluster(true); } } } } else { // didn't found DC to re-use, so we select new names: listNames = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); for (storage_pool storagePool : dataCenterList) { listNames.add(storagePool.getname()); } getDataCenter().getName().setEntity(AvailableName(listNames)); // Choose a Data Center version corresponding to the host. if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(host.getsupported_cluster_levels())) { // the supported_cluster_levels are sorted. String[] array = host.getsupported_cluster_levels().split("[,]", -1); Version maxCombindVersion = null; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { Version vdsVersion = new Version(array[i]); for (Version version : (java.util.List<Version>) getDataCenter().getVersion().getItems()) { if (version.equals(vdsVersion) && version.compareTo(maxCombindVersion) > 0) { maxCombindVersion = version; } } } if (maxCombindVersion != null) { getDataCenter().getVersion().setSelectedItem(maxCombindVersion); getCluster().getVersion().setSelectedItem(maxCombindVersion); } } listNames = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); if (clusterList == null) { clusterList = DataProvider.GetClusterList(); } for (VDSGroup cluster : clusterList) { listNames.add(cluster.getname()); } getCluster().getName().setEntity(AvailableName(listNames)); } // Choose default CPU name to match host. if (host.getCpuName() != null && getCluster().getCPU().getSelectedItem() != null) { getCluster() .getCPU() .setSelectedItem( Linq.FirstOrDefault( (java.util.List<ServerCpu>) getCluster().getCPU().getItems(), new Linq.ServerCpuPredicate(host.getCpuName().getCpuName()))); } // always choose a avialable storage name. java.util.ArrayList<storage_domains> listStorageDomains = DataProvider.GetStorageDomainList(); listNames = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); for (storage_domains storageDomain : listStorageDomains) { listNames.add(storageDomain.getstorage_name()); } getFormattedStorageName().setEntity(AvailableName(listNames)); }