예제 #1
   * Called when this bundle is started so the Framework can perform the bundle-specific activities
   * necessary to start this bundle. This method can be used to register services or to allocate any
   * resources that this bundle needs.
   * <p>This method must complete and return to its caller in a timely manner.
   * @param context The execution context of the bundle being started.
   * @throws Exception If this method throws an exception, this bundle is marked as stopped and the
   *     Framework will remove this bundle's listeners, unregister all services registered by this
   *     bundle, and release all services used by this bundle.
  public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
    this.context = context;
        "Starting APSActivator for bundle '"
            + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
            + "' with activatorMode: "
            + this.activatorMode);
    Bundle bundle = context.getBundle();

    List<Class> classEntries = new LinkedList<>();
    if (!this.activatorMode) {
    collectClassEntries(bundle, classEntries, "/");

    for (Class entryClass : classEntries) {
      OSGiServiceProvider serviceProvider =
          (OSGiServiceProvider) entryClass.getAnnotation(OSGiServiceProvider.class);
      if (serviceProvider != null && serviceProvider.threadStart()) {
        new StartThread(entryClass, context).start();
      } else {
        handleServiceInstances(entryClass, context);
        handleFieldInjections(entryClass, context);
        handleServiceRegistrations(entryClass, context);
        handleMethods(entryClass, context);
예제 #2
   * This is the first thing done to instantiate all service instances needed, so that they all can
   * be injected later.
   * @param managedClass The manages class to create instances of.
   * @param context The bundles context.
   * @throws Exception
  protected void handleServiceInstances(Class managedClass, BundleContext context)
      throws Exception {
    OSGiServiceProvider serviceProvider =
        (OSGiServiceProvider) managedClass.getAnnotation(OSGiServiceProvider.class);
    if (serviceProvider != null) {
      int noInstances = 1;

      if (serviceProvider.instances().length > 0) {
        noInstances = serviceProvider.instances().length;
      } else if (!serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass().equals(InstanceFactory.class)) {
        InstanceFactory instanceFactory =
            (InstanceFactory) getManagedInstance(serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass());
        if (instanceFactory == null) {
          instanceFactory = serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass().newInstance();
        noInstances = instanceFactory.getPropertiesPerInstance().size();

      // This will just instantiate and cache the number of instances. Right now we don't care
      // about the instances themselves.
      getManagedInstances(managedClass, noInstances);
예제 #3
   * Handles publishing of bundle services. If a published service has any dependencies to other
   * services that are marked as required then the publishing is delayed until all required services
   * are available. In this case the service will be unpublished if any of the required services
   * times out.
   * @param managedClass The managed service class to instantiate and register as a service.
   * @param context The bundles context.
   * @throws Exception
  protected void handleServiceRegistrations(final Class managedClass, final BundleContext context)
      throws Exception {
    OSGiServiceProvider serviceProvider =
        (OSGiServiceProvider) managedClass.getAnnotation(OSGiServiceProvider.class);

    if (serviceProvider != null) {
      if (this.requiredServices.isEmpty()) {
        registerServices(managedClass, context, this.services);
      } else {
        for (Tuple4<APSServiceTracker, Class, Boolean, List<ServiceRegistration>> requiredService :
            this.requiredServices) {
              "Registering for delayed start of '"
                  + managedClass.getName()
                  + "' "
                  + "due to service '"
                  + requiredService.t1.getServiceClass().getName()
                  + "'!");
예제 #4
   * Registers/publishes services annotated with @OSGiServiceProvider.
   * @param managedClass The managed class to instantiate and register as an OSGi service.
   * @param context The bundle context.
   * @param serviceRegs The list to save all service registrations to for later unregistration.
   * @throws Exception
  protected void registerServices(
      Class managedClass, BundleContext context, List<ServiceRegistration> serviceRegs)
      throws Exception {
    OSGiServiceProvider serviceProvider =
        (OSGiServiceProvider) managedClass.getAnnotation(OSGiServiceProvider.class);
    if (serviceProvider != null) {
      List<Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>>> serviceInstData = new LinkedList<>();

      if (serviceProvider.properties().length > 0) {
        Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>> sd = new Tuple3<>();
        sd.t1 = osgiPropertiesToProperties(serviceProvider.properties());
      } else if (serviceProvider.instances().length > 0) {
        for (OSGiServiceInstance serviceInst : serviceProvider.instances()) {
          Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>> sd = new Tuple3<>();
          sd.t1 = osgiPropertiesToProperties(serviceInst.properties());
      } else if (!serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass().equals(InstanceFactory.class)) {
        InstanceFactory instanceFactory =
            (InstanceFactory) getManagedInstance(serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass());
        if (instanceFactory == null) {
          instanceFactory = serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass().newInstance();
        for (Properties props : instanceFactory.getPropertiesPerInstance()) {
          Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>> sd = new Tuple3<>();
          sd.t1 = props;
      } else {
        Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>> sd = new Tuple3<>();
        sd.t1 = new Properties();

      // The number of managedInstances and serviceInstData will always be the same. They both
      // originate
      // from the same information.
      List<Object> managedInstances = getManagedInstances(managedClass);
      for (int i = 0; i < serviceInstData.size(); i++) {

        List<String> serviceAPIs = new LinkedList<>();

        if (serviceProvider.serviceAPIs().length > 0) {
          for (Class svcAPI : serviceProvider.serviceAPIs()) {
        } else if (serviceProvider.instances().length > 0) {
          OSGiServiceInstance svsInstAnn = serviceProvider.instances()[i];
          for (Class svcAPI : svsInstAnn.serviceAPIs()) {
        } else if (!serviceProvider.instanceFactoryClass().equals(InstanceFactory.class)) {
          String svcAPIList =
          if (svcAPIList != null) {
            for (String svcAPI : svcAPIList.split(":")) {
          } else {
            Class[] interfaces = managedClass.getInterfaces();
            if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) {
        } else {
          Class[] interfaces = managedClass.getInterfaces();
          if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) {

        Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>> sd = serviceInstData.get(i);
        sd.t3 = serviceAPIs;
        sd.t2 = managedInstances.get(i);

      for (Tuple3<Properties, Object, List<String>> sd : serviceInstData) {
        sd.t1.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, managedClass.getName());
        if (!sd.t3.isEmpty()) {
          injectInstanceProps(sd.t2, sd.t1);
          for (String svcAPI : sd.t3) {
            ServiceRegistration serviceReg = context.registerService(svcAPI, sd.t2, sd.t1);

                "Registered '"
                    + managedClass.getName()
                    + "' as a service provider of '"
                    + svcAPI
                    + "' for bundle: "
                    + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
                    + "!");
        } else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "The @OSGiServiceProvider annotated service of class '"
                  + managedClass.getName()
                  + "' does not implement a service interface!");