/** * Check whether a given input string is valid according to this SimpleType * * @param value the input string to be checked * @param nsResolver a namespace resolver used to resolve namespace prefixes if the type is * namespace sensitive. The value supplied may be null; in this case any namespace-sensitive * content will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. * @param nameChecker XML 1.0 or 1.1 name checker, for types such as xs:NCName * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the type is namespace-sensitive and no namespace * resolver is supplied */ public ValidationFailure validateContent( CharSequence value, NamespaceResolver nsResolver, NameChecker nameChecker) { SimpleType base = getItemType(); StringTokenIterator iter = new StringTokenIterator(value.toString()); ValidationFailure result = null; int count = 0; // try { while (true) { StringValue val = (StringValue) iter.next(); if (val == null) break; count++; ValidationFailure v = base.validateContent(val.getStringValue(), nsResolver, nameChecker); if (v != null) { return v; } } // } catch (ValidationException err) { // result = err; // } catch (XPathException err) { // result = new ValidationException(err); // } if (count == 0) { result = new ValidationFailure( "The built-in list type " + StandardNames.getDisplayName(fingerprint) + " does not allow a zero-length list"); } return result; }
/** * Analyze a picture string into two sub-pictures. * * @param picture the picture as written (possibly two subpictures separated by a semicolon) * @param dfs the decimal format symbols * @return an array of two sub-pictures, the positive and the negative sub-pictures respectively. * If there is only one sub-picture, the second one is null. */ private SubPicture[] getSubPictures(String picture, DecimalSymbols dfs) throws XPathException { int[] picture4 = StringValue.expand(picture); SubPicture[] pics = new SubPicture[2]; if (picture4.length == 0) { XPathException err = new XPathException("format-number() picture is zero-length"); err.setErrorCode("XTDE1310"); throw err; } int sep = -1; for (int c = 0; c < picture4.length; c++) { if (picture4[c] == dfs.patternSeparator) { if (c == 0) { grumble("first subpicture is zero-length"); } else if (sep >= 0) { grumble("more than one pattern separator"); } else if (sep == picture4.length - 1) { grumble("second subpicture is zero-length"); } sep = c; } } if (sep < 0) { pics[0] = new SubPicture(picture4, dfs); pics[1] = null; } else { int[] pic0 = new int[sep]; System.arraycopy(picture4, 0, pic0, 0, sep); int[] pic1 = new int[picture4.length - sep - 1]; System.arraycopy(picture4, sep + 1, pic1, 0, picture4.length - sep - 1); pics[0] = new SubPicture(pic0, dfs); pics[1] = new SubPicture(pic1, dfs); } return pics; }
@Override public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException { final StringValue result; try { final StringValue url = (StringValue) argument[0].evaluateItem(context); if (url == null) { return null; } result = new StringValue(readFile(url.getStringValue(), expressionBaseURI)); } catch (XPathException e) { if (operation == DOC_BASE64_AVAILABLE) { return BooleanValue.FALSE; } else { throw e; } } if (operation == DOC_BASE64_AVAILABLE) { return BooleanValue.TRUE; } else { return result; } }
/** * Format a number using this sub-picture * * @param value the absolute value of the number to be formatted * @param dfs the decimal format symbols to be used * @param minusSign the representation of a minus sign to be used * @return the formatted number */ public CharSequence format(NumericValue value, DecimalSymbols dfs, String minusSign) { // System.err.println("Formatting " + value); if (value.isNaN()) { return dfs.NaN; // changed by W3C Bugzilla 2712 } if ((value instanceof DoubleValue || value instanceof FloatValue) && Double.isInfinite(value.getDoubleValue())) { return minusSign + prefix + dfs.infinity + suffix; } int multiplier = 1; if (isPercent) { multiplier = 100; } else if (isPerMille) { multiplier = 1000; } if (multiplier != 1) { try { // value = value.arithmetic(Token.MULT, new Int64Value(multiplier), null); value = (NumericValue) ArithmeticExpression.compute( value, Calculator.TIMES, new Int64Value(multiplier), null); } catch (XPathException e) { value = new DoubleValue(value.getDoubleValue() * multiplier); } } FastStringBuffer sb = new FastStringBuffer(20); if (value instanceof DoubleValue || value instanceof FloatValue) { BigDecimal dec = adjustToDecimal(value.getDoubleValue(), 2); formatDecimal(dec, sb); // formatDouble(value.getDoubleValue(), sb); } else if (value instanceof Int64Value || value instanceof BigIntegerValue) { formatInteger(value, sb); } else if (value instanceof DecimalValue) { //noinspection RedundantCast formatDecimal(((DecimalValue) value).getDecimalValue(), sb); } // System.err.println("Justified number: " + sb.toString()); // Map the digits and decimal point to use the selected characters int[] ib = StringValue.expand(sb); int ibused = ib.length; int point = sb.indexOf('.'); if (point == -1) { point = sb.length(); } else { ib[point] = dfs.decimalSeparator; // If there is no fractional part, delete the decimal point if (maxFractionPartSize == 0) { ibused--; } } // Map the digits if (dfs.zeroDigit != '0') { int newZero = dfs.zeroDigit; for (int i = 0; i < ibused; i++) { int c = ib[i]; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { ib[i] = (c - '0' + newZero); } } } // Add the whole-part grouping separators if (wholePartGroupingPositions != null) { if (wholePartGroupingPositions.length == 1) { // grouping separators are at regular positions int g = wholePartGroupingPositions[0]; int p = point - g; while (p > 0) { ib = insert(ib, ibused++, dfs.groupingSeparator, p); // sb.insert(p, unicodeChar(dfs.groupingSeparator)); p -= g; } } else { // grouping separators are at irregular positions for (int i = 0; i < wholePartGroupingPositions.length; i++) { int p = point - wholePartGroupingPositions[i]; if (p > 0) { ib = insert(ib, ibused++, dfs.groupingSeparator, p); // sb.insert(p, unicodeChar(dfs.groupingSeparator)); } } } } // Add the fractional-part grouping separators if (fractionalPartGroupingPositions != null) { // grouping separators are at irregular positions. for (int i = 0; i < fractionalPartGroupingPositions.length; i++) { int p = point + 1 + fractionalPartGroupingPositions[i] + i; if (p < ibused - 1) { ib = insert(ib, ibused++, dfs.groupingSeparator, p); // sb.insert(p, dfs.groupingSeparator); } else { break; } } } // System.err.println("Grouped number: " + sb.toString()); // sb.insert(0, prefix); // sb.insert(0, minusSign); // sb.append(suffix); FastStringBuffer res = new FastStringBuffer(prefix.length() + minusSign.length() + suffix.length() + ibused); res.append(minusSign); res.append(prefix); res.append(StringValue.contract(ib, ibused)); res.append(suffix); return res; }