@Override public State traverse(State s0) { EdgeNarrative en = new FixedModeEdge(this, s0.getNonTransitMode(s0.getOptions())); RoutingRequest options = s0.getOptions(); if (options.wheelchairAccessible && !wheelchairAccessible) { return null; } TraverseMode mode = s0.getNonTransitMode(options); if (mode == TraverseMode.WALK && !permission.allows(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN)) { return null; } if (mode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE && !permission.allows(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE)) { return null; } // there are elevators which allow cars if (mode == TraverseMode.CAR && !permission.allows(StreetTraversalPermission.CAR)) { return null; } StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this, en); s1.incrementWeight(options.elevatorHopCost); s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(options.elevatorHopTime); return s1.makeState(); }
@Override public State traverse(State s0) { EdgeNarrative en = new FixedModeEdge(this, s0.getNonTransitMode(s0.getOptions())); StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this, en); s1.incrementWeight(1); return s1.makeState(); }
public State optimisticTraverse(State state0) { int runningTime = getPattern().getBestRunningTime(stopIndex); StateEditor s1 = state0.edit(this); s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(runningTime); s1.setBackMode(getMode()); s1.incrementWeight(runningTime); return s1.makeState(); }
public State traverse(State s0) { TripTimes tripTimes = s0.getTripTimes(); int runningTime = tripTimes.getRunningTime(stopIndex); StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this); s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(runningTime); if (s0.getOptions().isArriveBy()) s1.setZone(getStartStop().getZoneId()); else s1.setZone(getEndStop().getZoneId()); // s1.setRoute(pattern.getExemplar().getRoute().getId()); s1.incrementWeight(runningTime); s1.setBackMode(getMode()); return s1.makeState(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Void call() throws Exception { // LOG.debug("ORIGIN " + origin); int oi = stopIndices.get(origin); // origin index // first check for walking transfers // LOG.debug(" Walk"); BinHeap<State> heap; try { heap = (BinHeap<State>) heapPool.borrowObject(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } BasicShortestPathTree spt = new BasicShortestPathTree(500000); State s0 = new State(origin, options); spt.add(s0); heap.insert(s0, s0.getWeight()); while (!heap.empty()) { double w = heap.peek_min_key(); State u = heap.extract_min(); if (!spt.visit(u)) continue; Vertex uVertex = u.getVertex(); // LOG.debug("heap extract " + u + " weight " + w); if (w > MAX_WEIGHT) break; if (uVertex instanceof TransitStop) { int di = stopIndices.get(uVertex); // dest index table[oi][di] = (float) w; // LOG.debug(" Dest " + u + " w=" + w); } for (Edge e : uVertex.getOutgoing()) { if (!(e instanceof PreBoardEdge)) { State v = e.optimisticTraverse(u); if (v != null && spt.add(v)) heap.insert(v, v.getWeight()); } } } // then check what is accessible in one transit trip heap.reset(); // recycle heap spt = new BasicShortestPathTree(50000); // first handle preboard edges Queue<Vertex> q = new ArrayDeque<Vertex>(100); q.add(origin); while (!q.isEmpty()) { Vertex u = q.poll(); for (Edge e : u.getOutgoing()) { if (e instanceof PatternBoard) { Vertex v = ((PatternBoard) e).getToVertex(); // give onboard vertices same index as their // corresponding station stopIndices.put(v, oi); StateEditor se = (new State(u, options)).edit(e); se.incrementWeight(OPTIMISTIC_BOARD_COST); s0 = se.makeState(); spt.add(s0); heap.insert(s0, s0.getWeight()); // _log.debug(" board " + tov); } else if (e instanceof FreeEdge) { // handle preboard Vertex v = ((FreeEdge) e).getToVertex(); // give onboard vertices same index as their // corresponding station stopIndices.put(v, oi); q.add(v); } } } // all boarding edges for this stop have now been traversed // LOG.debug(" Transit"); while (!heap.empty()) { // check for transit stops when pulling off of heap // and continue when one is found // this is enough to prevent reboarding // need to mark closed vertices because otherwise cycles may // appear (interlining...) double w = heap.peek_min_key(); State u = heap.extract_min(); if (!spt.visit(u)) continue; // LOG.debug(" Extract " + u + " w=" + w); Vertex uVertex = u.getVertex(); if (uVertex instanceof TransitStop) { int di = stopIndices.get(uVertex); // dest index if (table[oi][di] > w) { table[oi][di] = (float) w; // LOG.debug(" Dest " + u + "w=" + w); } continue; } for (Edge e : uVertex.getOutgoing()) { // LOG.debug(" Edge " + e); State v = e.optimisticTraverse(u); if (v != null && spt.add(v)) heap.insert(v, v.getWeight()); // else LOG.debug(" (skip)"); } } heapPool.returnObject(heap); incrementCount(); return null; }
public State traverse(State state0) { RoutingContext rctx = state0.getContext(); RoutingRequest options = state0.getOptions(); Trip trip = pattern.getTrip(); if (options.isArriveBy()) { /* reverse traversal, not so much to do */ // do not alight immediately when arrive-depart dwell has been eliminated // this affects multi-itinerary searches if (state0.getBackEdge() instanceof TransitBoardAlight && !((TransitBoardAlight) state0.getBackEdge()).isBoarding()) { return null; } StateEditor s1 = state0.edit(this); int type = pattern.getBoardType(stopIndex); if (TransitUtils.handleBoardAlightType(s1, type)) { return null; } s1.setTripId(null); s1.setLastAlightedTime(state0.getTime()); s1.setBackMode(TraverseMode.BOARDING); s1.setPreviousStop(fromv); return s1.makeState(); } else { /* forward traversal: look for a transit trip on this pattern */ if (!options.getModes().get(modeMask)) { return null; } /* find next boarding time */ /* * check lists of transit serviceIds running yesterday, today, and tomorrow (relative to * initial state) if this pattern's serviceId is running look for the next boarding time * choose the soonest boarding time among trips starting yesterday, today, or tomorrow */ long currentTime = state0.getTime(); int bestWait = -1; TraverseMode mode = state0.getNonTransitMode(); if (options.bannedTrips.containsKey(trip.getId())) { // see comment in FrequencyAlight for details return null; } for (ServiceDay sd : rctx.serviceDays) { int secondsSinceMidnight = sd.secondsSinceMidnight(currentTime); // only check for service on days that are not in the future // this avoids unnecessarily examining tomorrow's services if (secondsSinceMidnight < 0) continue; if (sd.serviceIdRunning(serviceId)) { int startTime = pattern.getNextDepartureTime( stopIndex, secondsSinceMidnight, options.wheelchairAccessible, mode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE, true); if (startTime >= 0) { // a trip was found, wait will be non-negative int wait = (int) (sd.time(startTime) - currentTime); if (wait < 0) _log.error("negative wait time on board"); if (bestWait < 0 || wait < bestWait) { // track the soonest departure over all relevant schedules bestWait = wait; } } } } if (bestWait < 0) { return null; } /* check if trip is banned for this plan */ if (options.tripIsBanned(trip)) return null; /* check if route is preferred for this plan */ long preferences_penalty = options.preferencesPenaltyForTrip(trip); StateEditor s1 = state0.edit(this); int type = pattern.getBoardType(stopIndex); if (TransitUtils.handleBoardAlightType(s1, type)) { return null; } s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(bestWait); s1.incrementNumBoardings(); s1.setTripId(trip.getId()); s1.setZone(pattern.getZone(stopIndex)); s1.setRoute(trip.getRoute().getId()); s1.setBackMode(TraverseMode.BOARDING); long wait_cost = bestWait; if (state0.getNumBoardings() == 0) { wait_cost *= options.waitAtBeginningFactor; } else { wait_cost *= options.waitReluctance; } s1.incrementWeight(preferences_penalty); s1.incrementWeight(wait_cost + options.getBoardCost(mode)); return s1.makeState(); } }
@Override public State traverse(State s0) { RoutingRequest options = s0.getOptions(); // Ignore this edge if its stop is banned if (!options.bannedStops.isEmpty()) { if (options.bannedStops.matches(((TransitStop) fromv).getStop())) { return null; } } if (!options.bannedStopsHard.isEmpty()) { if (options.bannedStopsHard.matches(((TransitStop) fromv).getStop())) { return null; } } if (options.arriveBy) { /* Traverse backward: not much to do */ StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this); TransitStop fromVertex = (TransitStop) getFromVertex(); // apply board slack s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(options.boardSlack); s1.alightTransit(); s1.setBackMode(getMode()); return s1.makeState(); } else { /* Traverse forward: apply stop(pair)-specific costs */ // Do not pre-board if transit modes are not selected. // Return null here rather than in StreetTransitLink so that walk-only // options can be used to find transit stops without boarding vehicles. if (!options.modes.isTransit()) return null; // If we've hit our transfer limit, don't go any further if (s0.getNumBoardings() > options.maxTransfers) return null; /* apply transfer rules */ /* * look in the global transfer table for the rules from the previous stop to this stop. */ long t0 = s0.getTimeSeconds(); long slack; if (s0.isEverBoarded()) { slack = options.transferSlack - options.alightSlack; } else { slack = options.boardSlack; } long board_after = t0 + slack; long transfer_penalty = 0; // penalize transfers more heavily if requested by the user if (s0.isEverBoarded()) { // this is not the first boarding, therefore we must have "transferred" -- whether // via a formal transfer or by walking. transfer_penalty += options.transferPenalty; } StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this); s1.setTimeSeconds(board_after); long wait_cost = board_after - t0; s1.incrementWeight(wait_cost + transfer_penalty); s1.setBackMode(getMode()); return s1.makeState(); } }
/** * @param options * @param walkOptions * @param nBoardings * @param createdStates * @return whether search should continue */ public boolean walkPhase( RoutingRequest options, RoutingRequest walkOptions, int nBoardings, List<RaptorState> createdStates) { double distanceToNearestTransitStop = 0; if (options.rctx.target != null) { distanceToNearestTransitStop = options.rctx.target.getDistanceToNearestTransitStop(); } final int boardSlack = nBoardings == 1 ? options.getBoardSlack() : (options.getTransferSlack() - options.getAlightSlack()); ShortestPathTree spt; GenericDijkstra dijkstra = new GenericDijkstra(walkOptions); dijkstra.setShortestPathTreeFactory(bounder); List<State> transitStopStates = new ArrayList<State>(); if (nBoardings == 0) { // TODO: retry min-time bounding with this and with maxtime if (options.rctx.target != null && bounder.getTargetDistance(options.rctx.origin) < options.getMaxWalkDistance()) dijkstra.setHeuristic(bounder); MaxWalkState start = new MaxWalkState(options.rctx.origin, walkOptions); spt = dijkstra.getShortestPathTree(start); for (State state : spt.getAllStates()) { if (state.getVertex() instanceof TransitStop || state.getVertex() instanceof TransitStopArrive || state.getVertex() instanceof TransitStopDepart) transitStopStates.add(state); } // also, compute an initial spt from the target so that we can find out what transit // stops are nearby and what // the time is to them, so that we can start target bounding earlier if (maxTimeDayIndex > 0) { RoutingRequest reversedWalkOptions = walkOptions.clone(); reversedWalkOptions.setArriveBy(!walkOptions.isArriveBy()); GenericDijkstra destDijkstra = new GenericDijkstra(reversedWalkOptions); start = new MaxWalkState(options.rctx.target, reversedWalkOptions); ShortestPathTree targetSpt = destDijkstra.getShortestPathTree(start); for (State state : targetSpt.getAllStates()) { final Vertex vertex = state.getVertex(); if (!(vertex instanceof TransitStop)) continue; RaptorStop stop = data.raptorStopsForStopId.get(((TransitStop) vertex).getStopId()); if (stop == null) { // we have found a stop is totally unused, so skip it continue; } // Skip banned stops if (options.getBannedStops().matches(stop.stopVertex.getStop())) { continue; } if (options.getBannedStopsHard().matches(stop.stopVertex.getStop())) { continue; } addStopNearTarget(stop, state.getWalkDistance(), (int) state.getElapsedTimeSeconds()); } } } else { final List<MaxWalkState> startPoints = new ArrayList<MaxWalkState>(); for (RaptorState state : createdStates) { // bounding states // this reduces the number of initial vertices // and the state space size Vertex stopVertex = options.isArriveBy() ? state.stop.departVertex : state.stop.arriveVertex; if (stopVertex == null) { stopVertex = state.stop.stopVertex; } if (options.rctx.target != null) { double minWalk = distanceToNearestTransitStop; double targetDistance = bounder.getTargetDistance(stopVertex); if (targetDistance + state.walkDistance > options.getMaxWalkDistance()) { // can't walk to destination, so we can't alight at a local vertex if (state.stop.stopVertex.isLocal()) continue; } if (minWalk + state.walkDistance > options.getMaxWalkDistance()) { continue; } } StateEditor dijkstraState = new MaxWalkState.MaxWalkStateEditor(walkOptions, stopVertex); dijkstraState.setInitialWaitTimeSeconds(state.initialWaitTime); dijkstraState.setStartTimeSeconds(options.dateTime); dijkstraState.setNumBoardings(state.nBoardings); dijkstraState.setWalkDistance(state.walkDistance); dijkstraState.setTimeSeconds(state.arrivalTime); dijkstraState.setExtension("raptorParent", state); dijkstraState.setOptions(walkOptions); dijkstraState.incrementWeight(state.weight); MaxWalkState newState = (MaxWalkState) dijkstraState.makeState(); startPoints.add(newState); } if (startPoints.size() == 0) { return false; } System.out.println("walk starts: " + startPoints.size() + " / " + visitedEver.size()); dijkstra.setPriorityQueueFactory( new PrefilledPriorityQueueFactory(startPoints.subList(1, startPoints.size()))); bounder.addSptStates(startPoints.subList(1, startPoints.size())); bounder.prepareForSearch(); dijkstra.setSearchTerminationStrategy(bounder); if (options.rctx.target != null) { dijkstra.setSkipTraverseResultStrategy(bounder); dijkstra.setHeuristic(bounder); } // Do local search spt = dijkstra.getShortestPathTree(startPoints.get(0)); transitStopStates = bounder.getTransitStopsVisited(); } List<? extends State> targetStates = null; if (walkOptions.rctx.target != null) targetStates = spt.getStates(walkOptions.rctx.target); if (targetStates != null) { TARGET: for (State targetState : targetStates) { RaptorState parent = (RaptorState) targetState.getExtension("raptorParent"); RaptorState state; if (parent != null) { state = new RaptorState(parent); state.nBoardings = parent.nBoardings; state.rentingBike = targetState.isBikeRenting(); } else { state = new RaptorState(options); } state.weight = targetState.getWeight(); state.walkDistance = targetState.getWalkDistance(); state.arrivalTime = (int) targetState.getTimeSeconds(); state.walkPath = targetState; for (Iterator<RaptorState> it = getTargetStates().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { RaptorState oldState = it.next(); if (oldState.eDominates(state)) { continue TARGET; } else if (state.eDominates(oldState)) { it.remove(); } } addTargetState(state); log.debug("Found target at: " + state + " on " + state.getTrips()); } } for (State state : bounder.removedBoundingStates) { removeTargetState(state); } SPTSTATE: for (State state : transitStopStates) { final Vertex vertex = state.getVertex(); RaptorStop stop = data.raptorStopsForStopId.get(((OffboardVertex) vertex).getStopId()); if (stop == null) { // we have found a stop is totally unused, so skip it continue; } // Skip banned stops if (options.getBannedStops().matches(stop.stopVertex.getStop())) { continue; } if (options.getBannedStopsHard().matches(stop.stopVertex.getStop())) { continue; } if (options.rctx.target != null) { double minWalk = distanceToNearestTransitStop; double targetDistance = bounder.getTargetDistance(vertex); final double remainingWalk = options.maxWalkDistance - state.getWalkDistance(); if (maxTimeDayIndex > 0 && remainingWalk < 3218) { double minTime = (targetDistance - minWalk) / Raptor.MAX_TRANSIT_SPEED + minWalk / options.getStreetSpeedUpperBound(); if (targetDistance > remainingWalk) minTime += boardSlack; int maxTimeForVertex = 0; int region = vertex.getGroupIndex(); final int elapsedTime = (int) state.getElapsedTimeSeconds(); for (StopNearTarget stopNearTarget : stopsNearTarget.values()) { int destinationRegion = stopNearTarget.stop.stopVertex.getGroupIndex(); final int maxTimeFromThisRegion = data.maxTransitRegions.maxTransit[maxTimeDayIndex][destinationRegion][region]; int maxTime = elapsedTime + maxTimeFromThisRegion + stopNearTarget.time; if (maxTime > maxTimeForVertex) { maxTimeForVertex = maxTime; } } if (maxTimeForVertex < maxTime) { maxTime = maxTimeForVertex; } else { if (elapsedTime + minTime > maxTime * 1.5) { continue; } } } } List<RaptorState> states = statesByStop[stop.index]; if (states == null) { states = new ArrayList<RaptorState>(); statesByStop[stop.index] = states; } RaptorState parent = (RaptorState) state.getExtension("raptorParent"); RaptorState newState; if (parent != null) { newState = new RaptorState(parent); } else { // this only happens in round 0 newState = new RaptorState(options); } newState.weight = state.getWeight(); newState.nBoardings = nBoardings; newState.walkDistance = state.getWalkDistance(); newState.arrivalTime = (int) state.getTimeSeconds(); newState.walkPath = state; newState.stop = stop; newState.rentingBike = state.isBikeRenting(); for (RaptorState oldState : states) { if (oldState.eDominates(newState)) { continue SPTSTATE; } } visitedLastRound.add(stop); visitedEver.add(stop); states.add(newState); } return true; }
/** * return a StateEditor rather than a State so that we can make parking/mode switch modifications * for kiss-and-ride. */ private StateEditor doTraverse(State s0, RoutingRequest options, TraverseMode traverseMode) { boolean walkingBike = options.walkingBike; boolean backWalkingBike = s0.isBackWalkingBike(); TraverseMode backMode = s0.getBackMode(); Edge backEdge = s0.getBackEdge(); if (backEdge != null) { // No illegal U-turns. // NOTE(flamholz): we check both directions because both edges get a chance to decide // if they are the reverse of the other. Also, because it doesn't matter which direction // we are searching in - these traversals are always disallowed (they are U-turns in one // direction // or the other). // TODO profiling indicates that this is a hot spot. if (this.isReverseOf(backEdge) || backEdge.isReverseOf(this)) { return null; } } // Ensure we are actually walking, when walking a bike backWalkingBike &= TraverseMode.WALK.equals(backMode); walkingBike &= TraverseMode.WALK.equals(traverseMode); /* Check whether this street allows the current mode. If not and we are biking, attempt to walk the bike. */ if (!canTraverse(options, traverseMode)) { if (traverseMode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE) { return doTraverse(s0, options.bikeWalkingOptions, TraverseMode.WALK); } return null; } // Automobiles have variable speeds depending on the edge type double speed = calculateSpeed(options, traverseMode, s0.getTimeInMillis()); double time = getDistance() / speed; double weight; // TODO(flamholz): factor out this bike, wheelchair and walking specific logic to somewhere // central. if (options.wheelchairAccessible) { weight = getSlopeSpeedEffectiveLength() / speed; } else if (traverseMode.equals(TraverseMode.BICYCLE)) { time = getSlopeSpeedEffectiveLength() / speed; switch (options.optimize) { case SAFE: weight = bicycleSafetyFactor * getDistance() / speed; break; case GREENWAYS: weight = bicycleSafetyFactor * getDistance() / speed; if (bicycleSafetyFactor <= GREENWAY_SAFETY_FACTOR) { // greenways are treated as even safer than they really are weight *= 0.66; } break; case FLAT: /* see notes in StreetVertex on speed overhead */ weight = getDistance() / speed + getSlopeWorkCostEffectiveLength(); break; case QUICK: weight = getSlopeSpeedEffectiveLength() / speed; break; case TRIANGLE: double quick = getSlopeSpeedEffectiveLength(); double safety = bicycleSafetyFactor * getDistance(); // TODO This computation is not coherent with the one for FLAT double slope = getSlopeWorkCostEffectiveLength(); weight = quick * options.triangleTimeFactor + slope * options.triangleSlopeFactor + safety * options.triangleSafetyFactor; weight /= speed; break; default: weight = getDistance() / speed; } } else { if (walkingBike) { // take slopes into account when walking bikes time = getSlopeSpeedEffectiveLength() / speed; } weight = time; if (traverseMode.equals(TraverseMode.WALK)) { // take slopes into account when walking // FIXME: this causes steep stairs to be avoided. see #1297. double costs = ElevationUtils.getWalkCostsForSlope(getDistance(), getMaxSlope()); // as the cost walkspeed is assumed to be for 4.8km/h (= 1.333 m/sec) we need to adjust // for the walkspeed set by the user double elevationUtilsSpeed = 4.0 / 3.0; weight = costs * (elevationUtilsSpeed / speed); time = weight; // treat cost as time, as in the current model it actually is the same (this can // be checked for maxSlope == 0) /* // debug code if(weight > 100){ double timeflat = length / speed; System.out.format("line length: %.1f m, slope: %.3f ---> slope costs: %.1f , weight: %.1f , time (flat): %.1f %n", length, elevationProfile.getMaxSlope(), costs, weight, timeflat); } */ } } if (isStairs()) { weight *= options.stairsReluctance; } else { // TODO: this is being applied even when biking or driving. weight *= options.walkReluctance; } StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this); s1.setBackMode(traverseMode); s1.setBackWalkingBike(walkingBike); /* Handle no through traffic areas. */ if (this.isNoThruTraffic()) { // Record transition into no-through-traffic area. if (backEdge instanceof StreetEdge && !((StreetEdge) backEdge).isNoThruTraffic()) { s1.setEnteredNoThroughTrafficArea(); } // If we transitioned into a no-through-traffic area at some point, check if we are exiting // it. if (s1.hasEnteredNoThroughTrafficArea()) { // Only Edges are marked as no-thru, but really we need to avoid creating dominant, pruned // states // on thru _Vertices_. This could certainly be improved somehow. for (StreetEdge se : Iterables.filter(s1.getVertex().getOutgoing(), StreetEdge.class)) { if (!se.isNoThruTraffic()) { // This vertex has at least one through-traffic edge. We can't dominate it with a // no-thru state. return null; } } } } /* Compute turn cost. */ StreetEdge backPSE; if (backEdge != null && backEdge instanceof StreetEdge) { backPSE = (StreetEdge) backEdge; RoutingRequest backOptions = backWalkingBike ? s0.getOptions().bikeWalkingOptions : s0.getOptions(); double backSpeed = backPSE.calculateSpeed(backOptions, backMode, s0.getTimeInMillis()); final double realTurnCost; // Units are seconds. // Apply turn restrictions if (options.arriveBy && !canTurnOnto(backPSE, s0, backMode)) { return null; } else if (!options.arriveBy && !backPSE.canTurnOnto(this, s0, traverseMode)) { return null; } /* * This is a subtle piece of code. Turn costs are evaluated differently during * forward and reverse traversal. During forward traversal of an edge, the turn * *into* that edge is used, while during reverse traversal, the turn *out of* * the edge is used. * * However, over a set of edges, the turn costs must add up the same (for * general correctness and specifically for reverse optimization). This means * that during reverse traversal, we must also use the speed for the mode of * the backEdge, rather than of the current edge. */ if (options.arriveBy && tov instanceof IntersectionVertex) { // arrive-by search IntersectionVertex traversedVertex = ((IntersectionVertex) tov); realTurnCost = backOptions .getIntersectionTraversalCostModel() .computeTraversalCost( traversedVertex, this, backPSE, backMode, backOptions, (float) speed, (float) backSpeed); } else if (!options.arriveBy && fromv instanceof IntersectionVertex) { // depart-after search IntersectionVertex traversedVertex = ((IntersectionVertex) fromv); realTurnCost = options .getIntersectionTraversalCostModel() .computeTraversalCost( traversedVertex, backPSE, this, traverseMode, options, (float) backSpeed, (float) speed); } else { // In case this is a temporary edge not connected to an IntersectionVertex LOG.debug("Not computing turn cost for edge {}", this); realTurnCost = 0; } if (!traverseMode.isDriving()) { s1.incrementWalkDistance(realTurnCost / 100); // just a tie-breaker } long turnTime = (long) Math.ceil(realTurnCost); time += turnTime; weight += options.turnReluctance * realTurnCost; } if (walkingBike || TraverseMode.BICYCLE.equals(traverseMode)) { if (!(backWalkingBike || TraverseMode.BICYCLE.equals(backMode))) { s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(options.bikeSwitchTime); s1.incrementWeight(options.bikeSwitchCost); } } if (!traverseMode.isDriving()) { s1.incrementWalkDistance(getDistance()); } /* On the pre-kiss/pre-park leg, limit both walking and driving, either soft or hard. */ int roundedTime = (int) Math.ceil(time); if (options.kissAndRide || options.parkAndRide) { if (options.arriveBy) { if (!s0.isCarParked()) s1.incrementPreTransitTime(roundedTime); } else { if (!s0.isEverBoarded()) s1.incrementPreTransitTime(roundedTime); } if (s1.isMaxPreTransitTimeExceeded(options)) { if (options.softPreTransitLimiting) { weight += calculateOverageWeight( s0.getPreTransitTime(), s1.getPreTransitTime(), options.maxPreTransitTime, options.preTransitPenalty, options.preTransitOverageRate); } else return null; } } /* Apply a strategy for avoiding walking too far, either soft (weight increases) or hard limiting (pruning). */ if (s1.weHaveWalkedTooFar(options)) { // if we're using a soft walk-limit if (options.softWalkLimiting) { // just slap a penalty for the overage onto s1 weight += calculateOverageWeight( s0.getWalkDistance(), s1.getWalkDistance(), options.getMaxWalkDistance(), options.softWalkPenalty, options.softWalkOverageRate); } else { // else, it's a hard limit; bail LOG.debug("Too much walking. Bailing."); return null; } } s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(roundedTime); s1.incrementWeight(weight); return s1; }