public void testShouldMatchEvenWhenTextIsAtTheStartOfAString() { GlobTextMatchingStrategy glob = new GlobTextMatchingStrategy(); // The second text contains the nbsp character. boolean result = glob.isAMatch( "this is the span", "this is the�span first option second option third,,option Line 1 Line 2 th1th2abcdf1f2�"); assertTrue(result); }
public void testShouldMatchAStarAgainstManyCharacters() { GlobTextMatchingStrategy glob = new GlobTextMatchingStrategy(); boolean result = glob.isAMatch("This * test", "\t\r\nThis is a test of the open command."); assertTrue(result); }
public void testShouldMatchAgainstAPatternContainingAFullStop() { GlobTextMatchingStrategy glob = new GlobTextMatchingStrategy(); boolean result = glob.isAMatch("This is a test of the open command.", "This is a test of the open command."); assertTrue(result); }
public void testShouldMatchUsingAStringThatIsASubstringOfTheFullText() { GlobTextMatchingStrategy glob = new GlobTextMatchingStrategy(); boolean result = glob.isAMatch("test", "This is a test of the open command."); assertTrue(result); }
public void testShouldMatchAgainstAMultilinePattern() { GlobTextMatchingStrategy glob = new GlobTextMatchingStrategy(); boolean result = glob.isAMatch("This is a test", "\n\nThis is a test.\n\n"); assertTrue(result); }