public DbIfServiceEntry[] getServices(Connection db) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); List<DbIfServiceEntry> l; try { stmt = db.prepareStatement(SQL_LOAD_IFSVC_LIST);; stmt.setLong(1, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(2, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); rset = stmt.executeQuery();; l = new ArrayList<DbIfServiceEntry>(); while ( { int sid = rset.getInt(1); DbIfServiceEntry entry = DbIfServiceEntry.get(db, m_nodeId, m_ipAddr, sid); if (entry != null) { l.add(entry); } } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } DbIfServiceEntry[] entries = new DbIfServiceEntry[l.size()]; return l.toArray(entries); }
/** * This method queries the database in search of a service id for a given serivice name * * @param service the name of the service * @return the serviceID of the service */ private int getServiceId(final String service) throws SQLException { int serviceID = 0; Connection connection = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = getConnection();; final PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT serviceID from service where serviceName = ?");; statement.setString(1, service); final ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();;; serviceID = results.getInt(1); return serviceID; } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * Return the count of current outages. * * <p>Note: This method has been optimized for the simplest query. * * @return a int. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public static int getOutageCount() throws SQLException { int outageCount = 0; final Connection conn = Vault.getDbConnection(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(OutageFactory.class, conn); try { final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();; final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT COUNT(OUTAGEID) AS OUTAGECOUNT FROM OUTAGES " + "JOIN NODE USING(NODEID) " + "JOIN IPINTERFACE ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IPINTERFACE.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IPINTERFACE.IPADDR " + "JOIN IFSERVICES ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IFSERVICES.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IFSERVICES.IPADDR AND OUTAGES.SERVICEID=IFSERVICES.SERVICEID " + "WHERE IFREGAINEDSERVICE IS NULL " + "AND (NODE.NODETYPE != 'D' AND IPINTERFACE.ISMANAGED != 'D' AND IFSERVICES.STATUS != 'D') ");; if ( { outageCount = rs.getInt("OUTAGECOUNT"); } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return outageCount; }
/** * getActiveNodes * * @return a {@link java.util.List} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public List<Integer> getActiveNodes() throws SQLException { String NODE_QUERY = "SELECT n.nodeid " + "FROM node n " + "WHERE n.nodetype != 'D' " + "ORDER BY n.nodelabel"; java.sql.Connection connection = null; final List<Integer> allNodes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = getConnection();; final Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();; final ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(NODE_QUERY);; if (rset != null) { // Iterate through the result and build the array list while ( { int nodeID = rset.getInt(1); allNodes.add(nodeID); } } return allNodes; } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * getOutage * * @param outageId a int. * @return a {@link org.opennms.web.outage.Outage} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public static Outage getOutage(int outageId) throws SQLException { Outage outage = null; final Connection conn = Vault.getDbConnection(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(OutageFactory.class, conn); try { final PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT OUTAGES.*, NODE.NODELABEL, IPINTERFACE.IPHOSTNAME, SERVICE.SERVICENAME, NOTIFICATIONS.NOTIFYID, NOTIFICATIONS.ANSWEREDBY FROM OUTAGES " + "JOIN NODE USING(NODEID) " + "JOIN IPINTERFACE ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IPINTERFACE.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IPINTERFACE.IPADDR " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE USING(SERVICEID) " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN NOTIFICATIONS ON SVCLOSTEVENTID=NOTIFICATIONS.EVENTID " + "WHERE OUTAGEID=?");; stmt.setInt(1, outageId); final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; Outage[] outages = rs2Outages(rs); if (outages != null && outages.length > 0) { outage = outages[0]; } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return outage; }
/** * getServiceNoticeStatus * * @param nodeID a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param ipaddr a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param service a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public String getServiceNoticeStatus( final String nodeID, final String ipaddr, final String service) throws SQLException { String notify = "Y"; final String query = "SELECT notify FROM ifservices, service WHERE nodeid=? AND ipaddr=? AND ifservices.serviceid=service.serviceid AND service.servicename=?"; java.sql.Connection connection = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = getConnection();; final PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query);; statement.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(nodeID)); statement.setString(2, ipaddr); statement.setString(3, service); final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();; if ( && rs.getString("notify") != null) { notify = rs.getString("notify"); if (notify == null) notify = "Y"; } return notify; } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isInterfaceInDB(Connection dbConn, InetAddress ifAddress) throws SQLException { boolean result = false; if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "isInterfaceInDB: attempting to lookup interface " + InetAddressUtils.str(ifAddress) + " in the database."); } // Set connection as read-only // // dbConn.setReadOnly(true); ResultSet rs = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { PreparedStatement s = dbConn.prepareStatement(RETRIEVE_IPADDR_SQL);; s.setString(1, InetAddressUtils.str(ifAddress)); rs = s.executeQuery();; result =; } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return result; }
/** * This method determines what label should be associated with a particular node. A database * connection is retrieved from the Vault. * * <p>WARNING: A properly instantiated and initialized Vault class object is required prior to * calling this method. This method will initially only be called from the WEB UI. * * @param nodeID Unique identifier of the node to be updated. * @return NodeLabel Object containing label and source values * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. * @deprecated Update this to use modern DAO methods instead of raw SQL */ public NodeLabelJDBCImpl computeLabel(final int nodeID) throws SQLException { final Connection dbConnection = DataSourceFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(NodeLabelJDBCImpl.class, dbConnection); try { return computeLabel(nodeID, null); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * This method updates the 'nodelabel' and 'nodelabelsource' fields of the 'node' table for the * specified nodeID. A database connection is retrieved from the Vault. * * <p>WARNING: A properly instantiated and initialized Vault class object is required prior to * calling this method. This method will initially only be called from the WEB UI. * * @param nodeID Unique identifier of the node to be updated. * @param nodeLabel Object containing label and source values. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. * @deprecated Use a {@link NodeDao#update(org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsNode)} method call instead */ public void assignLabel(final int nodeID, final NodeLabelJDBCImpl nodeLabel) throws SQLException { final Connection dbConnection = DataSourceFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(NodeLabelJDBCImpl.class, dbConnection); try { assignLabel(nodeID, nodeLabel, dbConnection); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * syncServices * * @param conn a {@link java.sql.Connection} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public void syncServices(Connection conn) throws SQLException { List<String> serviceNames = syncServicesTable(conn); PreparedStatement delFromIfServicesStmt = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { List<String> protocols = getCapsdConfig().getConfiguredProtocols(); /* * now iterate over the services from the 'service' table * and determine if any no longer exist in the list of * configured protocols */ for (String service : serviceNames) { if (!protocols.contains(service)) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "syncServices: service " + service + " exists in the database but not in the Capsd config file."); } Integer id = m_serviceNameToId.get(service); // Delete 'ifServices' table entries which refer to the // service if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "syncServices: deleting all references to service id " + id + " from the IfServices table."); } delFromIfServicesStmt = conn.prepareStatement(DELETE_IFSERVICES_SQL);; delFromIfServicesStmt.setInt(1, id.intValue()); delFromIfServicesStmt.executeUpdate(); log() .info( "syncServices: deleted service id " + id + " for service '" + service + "' from the IfServices table."); } } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * updateNoticeWithUserInfo * * @throws if any. * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if any. * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException if any. * @param userId a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param noticeId a int. * @param media a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param contactInfo a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param autoNotify a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public void updateNoticeWithUserInfo( final String userId, final int noticeId, final String media, final String contactInfo, final String autoNotify) throws SQLException, MarshalException, ValidationException, IOException { if (noticeId < 0) return; int userNotifId = getUserNotifId(); ThreadCategory log = this.log(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "updating usersnotified: ID = " + userNotifId + " User = "******", notice ID = " + noticeId + ", conctactinfo = " + contactInfo + ", media = " + media + ", autoNotify = " + autoNotify); } Connection connection = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = getConnection();; final PreparedStatement insert = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO usersNotified (id, userid, notifyid, notifytime, media, contactinfo, autonotify) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");; insert.setInt(1, userNotifId); insert.setString(2, userId); insert.setInt(3, noticeId); insert.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime())); insert.setString(5, media); insert.setString(6, contactInfo); insert.setString(7, autoNotify); insert.executeUpdate(); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * Count the number of outages for a given outage type. * * @param outageType a {@link org.opennms.web.outage.OutageType} object. * @param filters an array of org$opennms$web$filter$Filter objects. * @return a int. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public static int getOutageCount(OutageType outageType, Filter[] filters) throws SQLException { if (outageType == null || filters == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot take null parameters."); } int outageCount = 0; final Connection conn = Vault.getDbConnection(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(OutageFactory.class, conn); try { StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer( "SELECT COUNT(OUTAGEID) AS OUTAGECOUNT FROM OUTAGES " + "JOIN NODE USING(NODEID) " + "JOIN IPINTERFACE ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IPINTERFACE.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IPINTERFACE.IPADDR " + "JOIN IFSERVICES ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IFSERVICES.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IFSERVICES.IPADDR AND OUTAGES.SERVICEID=IFSERVICES.SERVICEID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE ON OUTAGES.SERVICEID=SERVICE.SERVICEID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN NOTIFICATIONS ON SVCLOSTEVENTID=NOTIFICATIONS.NOTIFYID " + "WHERE (NODE.NODETYPE != 'D' AND IPINTERFACE.ISMANAGED != 'D' AND IFSERVICES.STATUS != 'D') " + "AND "); select.append(outageType.getClause()); for (Filter filter : filters) { select.append(" AND "); select.append(filter.getParamSql()); } final PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(select.toString());; int parameterIndex = 1; for (Filter filter : filters) { parameterIndex += filter.bindParam(stmt, parameterIndex); } final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; if ( { outageCount = rs.getInt("OUTAGECOUNT"); } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return outageCount; }
/** * getInterfaceDbNodeId * * @param dbConn a {@link java.sql.Connection} object. * @param ifAddress a {@link} object. * @param ifIndex a int. * @return a int. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public int getInterfaceDbNodeId(Connection dbConn, InetAddress ifAddress, int ifIndex) throws SQLException { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "getInterfaceDbNodeId: attempting to lookup interface " + InetAddressUtils.str(ifAddress) + "/ifindex: " + ifIndex + " in the database."); } // Set connection as read-only // dbConn.setReadOnly(true); StringBuffer qs = new StringBuffer(RETRIEVE_IPADDR_NODEID_SQL); if (ifIndex != -1) { qs.append(" AND ifindex=?"); } int nodeid = -1; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { PreparedStatement s = dbConn.prepareStatement(qs.toString());; s.setString(1, InetAddressUtils.str(ifAddress)); if (ifIndex != -1) { s.setInt(2, ifIndex); } ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery();; if ( { nodeid = rs.getInt(1); } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return nodeid; }
/** * This method queries the 'node' table for the value of the 'nodelabel' and 'nodelabelsource' * fields for the node with the provided nodeID. A NodeLabel object is returned initialized with * the retrieved values. * * @param nodeID Unique ID of node whose label info is to be retrieved * @param dbConnection SQL database connection * @return object initialized with node label & source flag * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. * @deprecated Use a {@link NodeDao#load(Integer)} method call instead */ public NodeLabelJDBCImpl retrieveLabel(int nodeID, Connection dbConnection) throws SQLException { String nodeLabel = null; String nodeLabelSource = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(NodeLabelJDBCImpl.class); LOG.debug("NodeLabel.retrieveLabel: sql: {} node id: {}", SQL_DB_RETRIEVE_NODELABEL, nodeID); try { stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SQL_DB_RETRIEVE_NODELABEL);; stmt.setInt(1, nodeID); // Issue database query rs = stmt.executeQuery();; // Process result set, retrieve node's sysname if ( { nodeLabel = rs.getString(1); nodeLabelSource = rs.getString(2); } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } if (NodeLabelSource.ADDRESS.toString().equals(nodeLabelSource)) { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.ADDRESS); } else if (NodeLabelSource.HOSTNAME.toString().equals(nodeLabelSource)) { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.HOSTNAME); } else if (NodeLabelSource.NETBIOS.toString().equals(nodeLabelSource)) { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.NETBIOS); } else if (NodeLabelSource.SYSNAME.toString().equals(nodeLabelSource)) { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.SYSNAME); } else if (NodeLabelSource.UNKNOWN.toString().equals(nodeLabelSource)) { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.UNKNOWN); } else if (NodeLabelSource.USER.toString().equals(nodeLabelSource)) { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.USER); } else { return new NodeLabelJDBCImpl(nodeLabel, NodeLabelSource.UNKNOWN); } }
/** * This method updates the 'nodelabel' and 'nodelabelsource' fields of the 'node' table for the * specified nodeID. * * <p>If nodeLabel parameter is NULL the method will first call computeLabel() and use the * resulting NodeLabel object to update the database. * * @param nodeID Unique identifier of the node to be updated. * @param nodeLabel Object containing label and source values. * @param dbConnection SQL database connection * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. * @deprecated Use a {@link NodeDao#update(org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsNode)} method call instead */ public void assignLabel( final int nodeID, NodeLabelJDBCImpl nodeLabel, final Connection dbConnection) throws SQLException { final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(NodeLabelJDBCImpl.class); try { // Issue SQL update to assign the 'nodelabel' && 'nodelabelsource' fields of the 'node' table PreparedStatement stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SQL_DB_UPDATE_NODE_LABEL);; int column = 1; // Node Label LOG.debug( "NodeLabel.assignLabel: Node label: {} source: {}", nodeLabel.getLabel(), nodeLabel.getSource()); if (nodeLabel.getLabel() != null) { // nodeLabel may not exceed MAX_NODELABEL_LEN.if it does truncate it String label = nodeLabel.getLabel(); if (label.length() > MAX_NODE_LABEL_LENGTH) { label = label.substring(0, MAX_NODE_LABEL_LENGTH); } stmt.setString(column++, label); } else { stmt.setNull(column++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } // Node Label Source stmt.setString(column++, String.valueOf(nodeLabel.getSource())); // Node ID stmt.setInt(column++, nodeID); stmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * This method returns a boolean indicating if the page has been responded to by any member of the * group the page was sent to. * * @param noticeId a int. * @return a boolean. * @throws if any. * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException if any. * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if any. */ public boolean noticeOutstanding(final int noticeId) throws IOException, MarshalException, ValidationException { boolean outstanding = false; Connection connection = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = getConnection();; final PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( getConfigManager().getConfiguration().getOutstandingNoticesSql());; statement.setInt(1, noticeId); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();; // count how many rows were returned, if there is even one then the // page // has been responded too. int count = 0; while ( { count++; } if (count == 0) { outstanding = true; } } catch (SQLException e) { log().error("Error getting notice status: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return outstanding; }
/** * getCurrentAssetNodesList * * @return a {@link java.util.List} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public List<Integer> getCurrentAssetNodesList() throws SQLException { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { Connection conn = DataSourceFactory.getInstance().getConnection();; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT NODEID FROM ASSETS");; while ( { list.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("NODEID"))); } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return list; }
/** * Retrieve all the interfaces and services from the database, and keep them in the user session. * * @param userSession Current user working session * @param nodeId Id of the node to manage */ private List<ManagedInterface> getInterfaces(HttpSession userSession, int nodeId) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; List<ManagedInterface> allInterfaces = new ArrayList<ManagedInterface>(); int lineCount = 0; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = DataSourceFactory.getInstance().getConnection();; PreparedStatement ifaceStmt = connection.prepareStatement(INTERFACE_QUERY);; ifaceStmt.setInt(1, nodeId); ResultSet ifaceResults = ifaceStmt.executeQuery();; while ( { lineCount++; ManagedInterface newInterface = new ManagedInterface(); newInterface.setNodeid(nodeId); newInterface.setAddress(ifaceResults.getString(1)); newInterface.setStatus(ifaceResults.getString(2)); allInterfaces.add(newInterface); PreparedStatement svcStmt = connection.prepareStatement(SERVICE_QUERY);; svcStmt.setInt(1, nodeId); svcStmt.setString(2, newInterface.getAddress()); ResultSet svcResults = svcStmt.executeQuery();; while ( { lineCount++; ManagedService newService = new ManagedService(); newService.setId(svcResults.getInt(1)); newService.setName(svcResults.getString(2)); newService.setStatus(svcResults.getString(3)); newInterface.addService(newService); } } userSession.setAttribute("lineItems.nodemanagement", Integer.valueOf(lineCount)); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return allInterfaces; }
/** * Insert values into the EVENTS table * * @exception java.sql.SQLException Thrown if there is an error adding the event to the database. * @exception java.lang.NullPointerException Thrown if a required resource cannot be found in the * properties file. */ private void insertEvent(final Header eventHeader, final Event event, final Connection connection) throws SQLException { // Execute the statement to get the next event id final int eventID = getNextId(); LOG.debug("DBID: {}", eventID); synchronized (event) { event.setDbid(eventID); } final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { final PreparedStatement insStmt = connection.prepareStatement(EventdConstants.SQL_DB_INS_EVENT);; // eventID insStmt.setInt(1, eventID); // eventUEI insStmt.setString(2, Constants.format(event.getUei(), EVENT_UEI_FIELD_SIZE)); // nodeID final Long nodeid = event.getNodeid(); set(insStmt, 3, event.hasNodeid() ? nodeid.intValue() : -1); // eventTime insStmt.setTimestamp(4, getEventTime(event)); // Resolve the event host to a hostname using the ipInterface table String hostname = getEventHost(event); // eventHost set(insStmt, 5, Constants.format(hostname, EVENT_HOST_FIELD_SIZE)); // ipAddr set(insStmt, 6, Constants.format(event.getInterface(), EVENT_INTERFACE_FIELD_SIZE)); // eventDpName String dpName = "localhost"; if (eventHeader != null && eventHeader.getDpName() != null) { dpName = Constants.format(eventHeader.getDpName(), EVENT_DPNAME_FIELD_SIZE); } else if (event.getDistPoller() != null) { dpName = Constants.format(event.getDistPoller(), EVENT_DPNAME_FIELD_SIZE); } insStmt.setString(7, dpName); // eventSnmpHost set(insStmt, 8, Constants.format(event.getSnmphost(), EVENT_SNMPHOST_FIELD_SIZE)); // service identifier - convert the service name to a service id set(insStmt, 9, getEventServiceId(event)); // eventSnmp if (event.getSnmp() != null) { insStmt.setString(10, SnmpInfo.format(event.getSnmp(), EVENT_SNMP_FIELD_SIZE)); } else { insStmt.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR); } // eventParms // Replace any null bytes with a space, otherwise postgres will complain about encoding in // UNICODE final String parametersString = Parameter.format(event); set(insStmt, 11, Constants.format(parametersString, 0)); // eventCreateTime final Timestamp eventCreateTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); insStmt.setTimestamp(12, eventCreateTime); // eventDescr set(insStmt, 13, Constants.format(event.getDescr(), 0)); // eventLoggroup set( insStmt, 14, (event.getLoggroupCount() > 0) ? Constants.format(event.getLoggroup(), EVENT_LOGGRP_FIELD_SIZE) : null); // eventLogMsg // eventLog // eventDisplay if (event.getLogmsg() != null) { // set log message set(insStmt, 15, Constants.format(event.getLogmsg().getContent(), 0)); String logdest = event.getLogmsg().getDest(); if (logdest.equals("logndisplay")) { // if 'logndisplay' set both log and display column to yes set(insStmt, 16, MSG_YES); set(insStmt, 17, MSG_YES); } else if (logdest.equals("logonly")) { // if 'logonly' set log column to true set(insStmt, 16, MSG_YES); set(insStmt, 17, MSG_NO); } else if (logdest.equals("displayonly")) { // if 'displayonly' set display column to true set(insStmt, 16, MSG_NO); set(insStmt, 17, MSG_YES); } else if (logdest.equals("suppress")) { // if 'suppress' set both log and display to false set(insStmt, 16, MSG_NO); set(insStmt, 17, MSG_NO); } } else { insStmt.setNull(15, Types.VARCHAR); /* * If this is an event that had no match in the event conf * mark it as to be logged and displayed so that there * are no events that slip through the system * without the user knowing about them */ set(insStmt, 17, MSG_YES); } // eventSeverity set(insStmt, 18, OnmsSeverity.get(event.getSeverity()).getId()); // eventPathOutage set( insStmt, 19, (event.getPathoutage() != null) ? Constants.format(event.getPathoutage(), EVENT_PATHOUTAGE_FIELD_SIZE) : null); // eventCorrelation set( insStmt, 20, (event.getCorrelation() != null) ? org.opennms.netmgt.dao.util.Correlation.format( event.getCorrelation(), EVENT_CORRELATION_FIELD_SIZE) : null); // eventSuppressedCount insStmt.setNull(21, Types.INTEGER); // eventOperInstruct set(insStmt, 22, Constants.format(event.getOperinstruct(), EVENT_OPERINSTRUCT_FIELD_SIZE)); // eventAutoAction set( insStmt, 23, (event.getAutoactionCount() > 0) ? AutoAction.format(event.getAutoaction(), EVENT_AUTOACTION_FIELD_SIZE) : null); // eventOperAction / eventOperActionMenuText if (event.getOperactionCount() > 0) { final List<Operaction> a = new ArrayList<Operaction>(); final List<String> b = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Operaction eoa : event.getOperactionCollection()) { a.add(eoa); b.add(eoa.getMenutext()); } set(insStmt, 24, OperatorAction.format(a, EVENT_OPERACTION_FIELD_SIZE)); set(insStmt, 25, Constants.format(b, EVENT_OPERACTION_MENU_FIELD_SIZE)); } else { insStmt.setNull(24, Types.VARCHAR); insStmt.setNull(25, Types.VARCHAR); } // eventNotification, this column no longer needed insStmt.setNull(26, Types.VARCHAR); // eventTroubleTicket / eventTroubleTicket state if (event.getTticket() != null) { set( insStmt, 27, Constants.format(event.getTticket().getContent(), EVENT_TTICKET_FIELD_SIZE)); set(insStmt, 28, event.getTticket().getState().equals("on") ? 1 : 0); } else { insStmt.setNull(27, Types.VARCHAR); insStmt.setNull(28, Types.INTEGER); } // eventForward set( insStmt, 29, (event.getForwardCount() > 0) ? org.opennms.netmgt.dao.util.Forward.format( event.getForward(), EVENT_FORWARD_FIELD_SIZE) : null); // event mouseOverText set(insStmt, 30, Constants.format(event.getMouseovertext(), EVENT_MOUSEOVERTEXT_FIELD_SIZE)); // eventAckUser if (event.getAutoacknowledge() != null && event.getAutoacknowledge().getState().equals("on")) { set( insStmt, 31, Constants.format(event.getAutoacknowledge().getContent(), EVENT_ACKUSER_FIELD_SIZE)); // eventAckTime - if autoacknowledge is present, // set time to event create time set(insStmt, 32, eventCreateTime); } else { insStmt.setNull(31, Types.INTEGER); insStmt.setNull(32, Types.TIMESTAMP); } // eventSource set(insStmt, 33, Constants.format(event.getSource(), EVENT_SOURCE_FIELD_SIZE)); // ifindex if (event.hasIfIndex()) { set(insStmt, 34, event.getIfIndex()); } else { insStmt.setNull(34, Types.INTEGER); } // execute insStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } LOG.debug("SUCCESSFULLY added {} related data into the EVENTS table.", event.getUei()); }
/** * This method inserts a row into the notifications table in the database. This row indicates that * the page has been sent out. * * @param queueID a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param notification TODO * @param notifyId a int. * @param params a {@link java.util.Map} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public void insertNotice( final int notifyId, final Map<String, String> params, final String queueID, final Notification notification) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { connection = getConnection();; final PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO notifications (" + "textmsg, numericmsg, notifyid, pagetime, nodeid, interfaceid, serviceid, eventid, " + "eventuei, subject, queueID, notifConfigName) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");; // notifications textMsg field statement.setString(1, params.get(NotificationManager.PARAM_TEXT_MSG)); // notifications numericMsg field String numMsg = params.get(NotificationManager.PARAM_NUM_MSG); if (numMsg != null && numMsg.length() > 256) { log().warn("numericmsg too long, it will be truncated"); numMsg = numMsg.substring(0, 256); } statement.setString(2, numMsg); // notifications notifyID field statement.setInt(3, notifyId); // notifications pageTime field statement.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime())); // notifications nodeID field String node = params.get(NotificationManager.PARAM_NODE); if (node != null && !node.trim().equals("") && !node.equalsIgnoreCase("null") && !node.equalsIgnoreCase("%nodeid%")) { statement.setInt(5, Integer.parseInt(node)); } else { statement.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); } // notifications interfaceID field String ipaddr = params.get(NotificationManager.PARAM_INTERFACE); if (ipaddr != null && !ipaddr.trim().equals("") && !ipaddr.equalsIgnoreCase("null") && !ipaddr.equalsIgnoreCase("%interface%")) { statement.setString(6, ipaddr); } else { statement.setString(6, null); } // notifications serviceID field String service = params.get(NotificationManager.PARAM_SERVICE); if (service != null && !service.trim().equals("") && !service.equalsIgnoreCase("null") && !service.equalsIgnoreCase("%service%")) { statement.setInt(7, getServiceId(service)); } else { statement.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER); } // eventID field final String eventID = params.get("eventID"); if (eventID != null && !eventID.trim().equals("") && !eventID.trim().equals("0") && !eventID.equalsIgnoreCase("null") && !eventID.equalsIgnoreCase("%eventid%")) { statement.setInt(8, Integer.parseInt(eventID)); } else { statement.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER); } statement.setString(9, params.get("eventUEI")); // notifications subject field statement.setString(10, params.get(NotificationManager.PARAM_SUBJECT)); // the queue this will be sent on statement.setString(11, queueID); statement.setString(12, notification.getName()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } }
/** * syncSnmpPrimaryState * * @param conn a {@link java.sql.Connection} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public synchronized void syncSnmpPrimaryState(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (conn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sync failed...must have valid database connection."); } /* * Retrieve all non-deleted SNMP-supporting IP interfaces from the * ipInterface table and build a map of nodes to interface entry list */ log().debug("syncSnmpPrimaryState: building map of nodes to interfaces..."); Map<Integer, List<LightWeightIfEntry>> nodes = new HashMap<Integer, List<LightWeightIfEntry>>(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { // prepare the SQL statement to query the database PreparedStatement ipRetStmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_DB_RETRIEVE_SNMP_IP_INTERFACES);; ResultSet result = ipRetStmt.executeQuery();; // Iterate over result set and build map of interface // entries keyed by node id. List<LightWeightIfEntry> ifList = new ArrayList<LightWeightIfEntry>(); while ( { // Node Id int nodeId = result.getInt(1); // IP address String address = result.getString(2); if (address == null) { log().warn("invalid ipInterface table entry, no IP address, skipping..."); continue; } // ifIndex int ifIndex = result.getInt(6); if (result.wasNull()) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "ipInterface table entry for address " + address + " does not have a valid ifIndex "); } ifIndex = LightWeightIfEntry.NULL_IFINDEX; } else if (ifIndex < 1) { if (ifIndex == CapsdConfig.LAME_SNMP_HOST_IFINDEX) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "Using ifIndex = " + CapsdConfig.LAME_SNMP_HOST_IFINDEX + " for address " + address); } } else { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "ipInterface table entry for address " + address + " does not have a valid ifIndex "); } ifIndex = LightWeightIfEntry.NULL_IFINDEX; } } // Primary SNMP State char primarySnmpState = DbIpInterfaceEntry.SNMP_UNKNOWN; String str = result.getString(4); if (str != null) { primarySnmpState = str.charAt(0); } // ifType int ifType = result.getInt(5); if (result.wasNull()) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "snmpInterface table entry for address " + address + " does not have a valid ifType"); } ifType = LightWeightIfEntry.NULL_IFTYPE; } // New node or existing node? ifList = nodes.get(new Integer(nodeId)); if (ifList == null) { // Create new interface entry list ifList = new ArrayList<LightWeightIfEntry>(); ifList.add( new LightWeightIfEntry( nodeId, ifIndex, address, DbIpInterfaceEntry.STATE_UNKNOWN, primarySnmpState, ifType)); // Add interface entry list to the map nodes.put(nodeId, ifList); } else { // Just add the current interface to the // node's interface list ifList.add( new LightWeightIfEntry( nodeId, ifIndex, address, DbIpInterfaceEntry.STATE_UNKNOWN, primarySnmpState, ifType)); } } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } /* * Iterate over the nodes in the map and determine what the primary * SNMP interface for each node should be. Keep track of those * interfaces whose primary SNMP interface state has changed so that * the database can be updated accordingly. */ if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "syncSnmpPrimaryState: iterating over nodes in map and checking primary SNMP interface, node count: " + nodes.size()); } Iterator<Integer> niter = nodes.keySet().iterator(); while (niter.hasNext()) { // Get the nodeid (key) Integer nId =; if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log().debug("building SNMP address list for node " + nId); } // Lookup the interface list (value) List<LightWeightIfEntry> ifEntries = nodes.get(nId); /* * From the interface entries build a list of InetAddress objects * eligible to be the primary SNMP interface for the node, and a * list of loopback InetAddress objects eligible to be the primary * SNMP interface for the node. */ List<InetAddress> addressList = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); List<InetAddress> lbAddressList = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); for (LightWeightIfEntry lwIf : ifEntries) { /* * Skip interfaces which do not have a valid (non-null) ifIndex * as they are not eligible to be the primary SNMP interface */ if (lwIf.getIfIndex() == LightWeightIfEntry.NULL_IFINDEX) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "skipping address " + lwIf.getAddress() + ": does not have a valid ifIndex."); } continue; } InetAddress addr = InetAddressUtils.addr(lwIf.getAddress()); addressList.add(addr); if (lwIf.getIfType() == LightWeightIfEntry.LOOPBACK_IFTYPE) { lbAddressList.add(addr); } } /* * Determine primary SNMP interface from the lists of possible addresses * in this order: loopback interfaces in collectd-configuration.xml, * other interfaces in collectd-configuration.xml, loopback interfaces in * the database, other interfaces in the database. */ boolean strict = true; InetAddress primarySnmpIf = null; String psiType = null; if (lbAddressList != null) { primarySnmpIf = getCapsdConfig().determinePrimarySnmpInterface(lbAddressList, strict); psiType = ConfigFileConstants.getFileName(ConfigFileConstants.COLLECTD_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) + " loopback addresses"; } if (primarySnmpIf == null) { primarySnmpIf = getCapsdConfig().determinePrimarySnmpInterface(addressList, strict); psiType = ConfigFileConstants.getFileName(ConfigFileConstants.COLLECTD_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) + " addresses"; } strict = false; if ((primarySnmpIf == null) && (lbAddressList != null)) { primarySnmpIf = getCapsdConfig().determinePrimarySnmpInterface(lbAddressList, strict); psiType = "DB loopback addresses"; } if (primarySnmpIf == null) { primarySnmpIf = getCapsdConfig().determinePrimarySnmpInterface(addressList, strict); psiType = "DB addresses"; } if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { if (primarySnmpIf == null) { log().debug("syncSnmpPrimaryState: No primary SNMP interface found for node " + nId); } else { log() .debug( "syncSnmpPrimaryState: primary SNMP interface for node " + nId + " is: " + primarySnmpIf + ", selected from " + psiType); } } /* * Iterate back over interface list and update primary SNMP * iinterface state for this node...if the primary SNMP interface * state has changed, update the database to reflect the new state. */ for (LightWeightIfEntry lwIf : ifEntries) { if (lwIf.getIfIndex() == LightWeightIfEntry.NULL_IFINDEX) { lwIf.setSnmpPrimaryState(DbIpInterfaceEntry.SNMP_NOT_ELIGIBLE); } else if (primarySnmpIf == null || !lwIf.getAddress().equals(InetAddressUtils.str(primarySnmpIf))) { if (getCollectdConfig().isServiceCollectionEnabled(lwIf.getAddress(), "SNMP")) { lwIf.setSnmpPrimaryState(DbIpInterfaceEntry.SNMP_SECONDARY); } else { lwIf.setSnmpPrimaryState(DbIpInterfaceEntry.SNMP_NOT_ELIGIBLE); } } else { lwIf.setSnmpPrimaryState(DbIpInterfaceEntry.SNMP_PRIMARY); } // Has SNMP primary state changed? if (lwIf.hasSnmpPrimaryStateChanged()) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "syncSnmpPrimaryState: updating " + lwIf.getNodeId() + "/" + lwIf.getAddress() + ", marking with state: " + lwIf.getSnmpPrimaryState()); } try { // prepare the SQL statement to query the database PreparedStatement updateStmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_DB_UPDATE_SNMP_PRIMARY_STATE);; updateStmt.setString(1, new String(new char[] {lwIf.getSnmpPrimaryState()})); updateStmt.setInt(2, lwIf.getNodeId()); updateStmt.setString(3, lwIf.getAddress()); updateStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } } } } log().debug("syncSnmpPrimaryState: sync completed."); }
/** * Return all notices (optionally only unacknowledged notices) sorted by the given sort style. * * <p><strong>Note: </strong> This limit/offset code is <em>Postgres specific!</em> Per <a * href="mailto:[email protected]">Shane </a>, this is okay for now until we can come up with an * Oracle alternative too. * * @param limit if -1 or zero, no limit or offset is used * @param offset if -1, no limit or offset if used * @param sortStyle a {@link org.opennms.web.outage.SortStyle} object. * @param outType a {@link org.opennms.web.outage.OutageType} object. * @param filters an array of org$opennms$web$filter$Filter objects. * @return an array of {@link org.opennms.web.outage.Outage} objects. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. */ public static Outage[] getOutages( SortStyle sortStyle, OutageType outType, Filter[] filters, int limit, int offset) throws SQLException { if (sortStyle == null || outType == null || filters == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot take null parameters."); } boolean useLimits = false; if (limit > 0 && offset > -1) { useLimits = true; } Outage[] outages = null; final Connection conn = Vault.getDbConnection(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(OutageFactory.class, conn); try { StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer( "SELECT OUTAGES.*, NODE.NODELABEL, IPINTERFACE.IPHOSTNAME, SERVICE.SERVICENAME, NOTIFICATIONS.NOTIFYID, NOTIFICATIONS.ANSWEREDBY FROM OUTAGES " + "JOIN NODE USING(NODEID) " + "JOIN IPINTERFACE ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IPINTERFACE.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IPINTERFACE.IPADDR " + "JOIN IFSERVICES ON OUTAGES.NODEID=IFSERVICES.NODEID AND OUTAGES.IPADDR=IFSERVICES.IPADDR AND OUTAGES.SERVICEID=IFSERVICES.SERVICEID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE ON OUTAGES.SERVICEID=SERVICE.SERVICEID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN NOTIFICATIONS ON SVCLOSTEVENTID=NOTIFICATIONS.EVENTID " + "WHERE (NODE.NODETYPE != 'D' AND IPINTERFACE.ISMANAGED != 'D' AND IFSERVICES.STATUS != 'D') " + "AND "); select.append(outType.getClause()); for (Filter filter : filters) { select.append(" AND "); select.append(filter.getParamSql()); } select.append(sortStyle.getOrderByClause()); if (useLimits) { select.append(" LIMIT "); select.append(limit); select.append(" OFFSET "); select.append(offset); } log.debug(select.toString()); final PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(select.toString());; int parameterIndex = 1; for (Filter filter : filters) { parameterIndex += filter.bindParam(stmt, parameterIndex); } final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; outages = rs2Outages(rs); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return outages; }
/** * Inserts the new interface into the ipInterface table of the OpenNMS databasee. * * @param c The connection to the database. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown if an error occurs with the connection */ private void insert(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (m_fromDb) { throw new IllegalStateException("The record already exists in the database"); } // first extract the next node identifier StringBuffer names = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO ipInterface (nodeID,ipAddr"); StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer("?,?"); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",ifIndex"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_HOSTNAME) == CHANGED_HOSTNAME) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",ipHostname"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_MANAGED) == CHANGED_MANAGED) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",isManaged"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",ipStatus"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_POLLTIME) == CHANGED_POLLTIME) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",ipLastCapsdPoll"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_PRIMARY) == CHANGED_PRIMARY) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",isSnmpPrimary"); } names.append(") VALUES (").append(values).append(')'); if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "DbIpInterfaceEntry.insert: SQL insert statement for interface [" + m_nodeId + "," + m_ipAddr + "] = " + names.toString()); } // create the Prepared statement and then start setting the result values PreparedStatement stmt = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { stmt = c.prepareStatement(names.toString());; names = null; int ndx = 1; stmt.setLong(ndx++, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(ndx++, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_ifIndex); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_HOSTNAME) == CHANGED_HOSTNAME) { stmt.setString(ndx++, m_hostname); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_MANAGED) == CHANGED_MANAGED) { stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_managedState})); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_status); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_POLLTIME) == CHANGED_POLLTIME) { stmt.setTimestamp(ndx++, m_lastPoll); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_PRIMARY) == CHANGED_PRIMARY) { stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_primaryState})); } // Run the insert int rc = stmt.executeUpdate(); log().debug("DbIpInterfaceEntry.insert: SQL update result = " + rc); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // clear the mask and mark as backed by the database m_fromDb = true; m_changed = 0; }
/** * acknowledgeNotice * * @param event a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event} object. * @param uei a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param matchList an array of {@link java.lang.String} objects. * @return a {@link java.util.Collection} object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if any. * @throws if any. * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException if any. * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if any. */ public Collection<Integer> acknowledgeNotice( final Event event, final String uei, final String[] matchList) throws SQLException, IOException, MarshalException, ValidationException { Connection connection = null; List<Integer> notifIDs = new LinkedList<Integer>(); final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); ThreadCategory log = this.log(); try { // First get most recent event ID from notifications // that match the matchList, then get all notifications // with this event ID connection = getConnection();; int eventID = 0; boolean wasAcked = false; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT eventid FROM notifications WHERE eventuei=? "); for (int i = 0; i < matchList.length; i++) { sql.append("AND ").append(matchList[i]).append("=? "); } sql.append("ORDER BY eventid desc limit 1"); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString());; statement.setString(1, uei); for (int i = 0; i < matchList.length; i++) { if (matchList[i].equals("nodeid")) { statement.setLong(i + 2, event.getNodeid()); } if (matchList[i].equals("interfaceid")) { statement.setString(i + 2, event.getInterface()); } if (matchList[i].equals("serviceid")) { statement.setInt(i + 2, getServiceId(event.getService())); } } ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();; if (results != null && { eventID = results.getInt(1); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("EventID for notice(s) to be acked: " + eventID); sql = new StringBuffer( "SELECT notifyid, answeredby, respondtime FROM notifications WHERE eventID=?"); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); statement.setInt(1, eventID); results = statement.executeQuery(); if (results != null) { while ( { int notifID = results.getInt(1); String ansBy = results.getString(2); Timestamp ts = results.getTimestamp(3); if (ansBy == null) { ansBy = "auto-acknowledged"; ts = new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime()); } else if (ansBy.indexOf("auto-acknowledged") > -1) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Notice has previously been auto-acknowledged. Skipping..."); continue; } else { wasAcked = true; ansBy = ansBy + "/auto-acknowledged"; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Matching DOWN notifyID = " + notifID + ", was acked by user = "******", ansBy = " + ansBy); final PreparedStatement update = connection.prepareStatement( getConfigManager().getConfiguration().getAcknowledgeUpdateSql());; update.setString(1, ansBy); update.setTimestamp(2, ts); update.setInt(3, notifID); update.executeUpdate(); update.close(); if (wasAcked) { notifIDs.add(-1 * notifID); } else { notifIDs.add(notifID); } } } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("No matching DOWN eventID found"); } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } return notifIDs; }
/** * Load the current interface from the database. If the interface was modified, the modifications * are lost. The nodeid and ip address must be set prior to this call. * * @param c The connection used to load the data. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown if an error occurs with the connection */ private boolean load(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (!m_fromDb) throw new IllegalStateException("The record does not exists in the database"); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { // create the Prepared statement and then // start setting the result values stmt = c.prepareStatement(SQL_LOAD_REC);; stmt.setLong(1, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(2, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); stmt.setInt(3, m_serviceId); // Run the insert // rset = stmt.executeQuery();; if (! { return false; } // extract the values. // int ndx = 1; // get the ifIndex // m_ifIndex = rset.getInt(ndx++); if (rset.wasNull()) m_ifIndex = -1; // get the last good time // m_lastGood = rset.getTimestamp(ndx++); // get the last fail time // m_lastFail = rset.getTimestamp(ndx++); // get the qualifier // m_qualifier = rset.getString(ndx++); if (rset.wasNull()) m_qualifier = null; // get the status // String str = rset.getString(ndx++); if (str != null && !rset.wasNull()) m_status = str.charAt(0); else m_status = STATUS_UNKNOWN; // get the source // str = rset.getString(ndx++); if (str != null && !rset.wasNull()) m_source = str.charAt(0); else m_source = SOURCE_UNKNOWN; // get the notify // str = rset.getString(ndx++); if (str != null && !rset.wasNull()) m_notify = str.charAt(0); else m_notify = NOTIFY_UNKNOWN; } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // clear the mask and mark as backed by the database m_changed = 0; return true; }
/** * Updates an existing record in the OpenNMS ifServices table. * * @param c The connection used for the update. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown if an error occurs with the connection */ private void update(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (!m_fromDb) throw new IllegalStateException("The record does not exists in the database"); StringBuffer sqlText = new StringBuffer("UPDATE ifServices SET "); char comma = ' '; if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { sqlText.append(comma).append("ifIndex = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { sqlText.append(comma).append("status = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTGOOD) == CHANGED_LASTGOOD) { sqlText.append(comma).append("lastGood = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTFAIL) == CHANGED_LASTFAIL) { sqlText.append(comma).append("lastFail = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_SOURCE) == CHANGED_SOURCE) { sqlText.append(comma).append("source = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_NOTIFY) == CHANGED_NOTIFY) { sqlText.append(comma).append("notify = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_QUALIFIER) == CHANGED_QUALIFIER) { sqlText.append(comma).append("qualifier = ?"); comma = ','; } sqlText.append(" WHERE nodeID = ? AND ipAddr = ? AND serviceID = ? and status <> 'D'"); LOG.debug("DbIfServiceEntry.update: SQL update statment = {}", sqlText.toString()); // create the Prepared statement and then // start setting the result values PreparedStatement stmt = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { stmt = c.prepareStatement(sqlText.toString());; sqlText = null; int ndx = 1; if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { if (m_ifIndex == -1) stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.INTEGER); else stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_ifIndex); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { if (m_status != STATUS_UNKNOWN) stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_status})); else stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.CHAR); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTGOOD) == CHANGED_LASTGOOD) { if (m_lastGood != null) { stmt.setTimestamp(ndx++, m_lastGood); } else stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.TIMESTAMP); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTFAIL) == CHANGED_LASTFAIL) { if (m_lastFail != null) { stmt.setTimestamp(ndx++, m_lastFail); } else stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.TIMESTAMP); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_SOURCE) == CHANGED_SOURCE) { if (m_source == SOURCE_UNKNOWN) stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.CHAR); else stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_source})); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_NOTIFY) == CHANGED_NOTIFY) { if (m_notify == NOTIFY_UNKNOWN) stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.CHAR); else stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_notify})); } stmt.setLong(ndx++, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(ndx++, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_serviceId); // Run the insert int rc = stmt.executeUpdate(); LOG.debug("DbIfServiceEntry.update: update result = {}", rc); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // clear the mask and mark as backed // by the database // m_changed = 0; }
/** * Inserts the new interface into the ipInterface table of the OpenNMS database. * * @param c The connection to the database. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown if an error occurs with the connection */ private void insert(Connection c, boolean noRollback) throws SQLException { if (m_fromDb) throw new IllegalStateException("The record already exists in the database"); // first extract the next node identifier // StringBuffer names = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO ifServices (nodeID,ipAddr,serviceID"); StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer("?,?,?"); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",ifIndex"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",status"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTGOOD) == CHANGED_LASTGOOD) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",lastGood"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTFAIL) == CHANGED_LASTFAIL) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",lastFail"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_SOURCE) == CHANGED_SOURCE) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",source"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_NOTIFY) == CHANGED_NOTIFY) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",notify"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_QUALIFIER) == CHANGED_QUALIFIER) { values.append(",?"); names.append(",qualifier"); } names.append(") VALUES (").append(values).append(')'); LOG.debug("DbIfServiceEntry.insert: SQL insert statment = {}", names.toString()); // create the Prepared statement and then // start setting the result values // PreparedStatement stmt = null; PreparedStatement delStmt = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { // Delete any conflicting services marked as deleted // before inserting this one String delCmd = "DELETE FROM ifServices WHERE status = 'D' " + "AND nodeid = ? AND ipAddr = ? AND serviceID = ?"; delStmt = c.prepareStatement(delCmd);; delStmt.setLong(1, m_nodeId); delStmt.setString(2, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); delStmt.setInt(3, m_serviceId); delStmt.executeUpdate(); stmt = c.prepareStatement(names.toString());; names = null; int ndx = 1; stmt.setLong(ndx++, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(ndx++, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_serviceId); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_ifIndex); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_status})); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTGOOD) == CHANGED_LASTGOOD) { stmt.setTimestamp(ndx++, m_lastGood); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_LASTFAIL) == CHANGED_LASTFAIL) { stmt.setTimestamp(ndx++, m_lastFail); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_SOURCE) == CHANGED_SOURCE) stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_source})); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_NOTIFY) == CHANGED_NOTIFY) stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_notify})); if ((m_changed & CHANGED_QUALIFIER) == CHANGED_QUALIFIER) stmt.setString(ndx++, m_qualifier); // Run the insert int rc; try { rc = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (noRollback) { throw e; } else { LOG.warn( "ifServices DB insert got exception; will retry after deletion of any existing records for this ifService that are marked for deletion.", e); /* * Maybe there's already an entry for this (service, node, IP address) * in the table, but it's marked for deletion. Delete it and try * the insertion again. */ c.rollback(); delStmt = c.prepareStatement(delCmd);; delStmt.setLong(1, m_nodeId); delStmt.setString(2, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); delStmt.setInt(3, m_serviceId); delStmt.executeUpdate(); rc = stmt.executeUpdate(); } } LOG.debug("insert(): SQL update result = {}", rc); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // clear the mask and mark as backed by the database m_fromDb = true; m_changed = 0; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>Responsible for performing all necessary initialization for the specified interface in * preparation for thresholding. */ public void initialize(ThresholdNetworkInterface iface, Map<?, ?> parameters) { // Get interface address from NetworkInterface // if (iface.getType() != NetworkInterface.TYPE_INET) throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported interface type, only TYPE_INET currently supported"); InetAddress ipAddr = (InetAddress) iface.getAddress(); String groupName = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "thresholding-group", "default"); // Get the threshold group's RRD repository path // String repository = null; try { repository = ThresholdingConfigFactory.getInstance().getRrdRepository(groupName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Thresholding group '" + groupName + "' does not exist."); } // Add RRD repository as an attribute of the interface for retrieval // by the check() method. // iface.setAttribute(RRD_REPOSITORY_KEY, repository); // Get database connection in order to retrieve the nodeid and // ifIndex from the database for this interface. // java.sql.Connection dbConn = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { dbConn = DataSourceFactory.getInstance().getConnection();; } catch (SQLException sqlE) { if (log().isEnabledFor(ThreadCategory.Level.ERROR)) log().error("initialize: Failed getting connection to the database.", sqlE); throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(sqlE); } // Use IP address to lookup the node id // // NOTE: All database calls wrapped in try/finally block so we make // certain that the connection will be closed when we are // finished. // int nodeId = -1; final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(ipAddr); try { // Prepare & execute the SQL statement to get the 'nodeid', // 'ifIndex' and 'isSnmpPrimary' fields from the ipInterface table. // PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = dbConn.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_NODEID);; stmt.setString(1, hostAddress); // interface address ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; if ( { nodeId = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) nodeId = -1; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (log().isDebugEnabled()) log().debug("initialize: SQL exception!!", sqle); throw new RuntimeException( "SQL exception while attempting to retrieve node id for interface " + hostAddress); } if (log().isDebugEnabled()) log() .debug( "initialize: db retrieval info: nodeid = " + nodeId + ", address = " + hostAddress); if (nodeId == -1) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve node id for interface " + hostAddress); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // Add nodeId as an attribute of the interface for retrieval // by the check() method. // iface.setAttribute(NODE_ID_KEY, new Integer(nodeId)); // Retrieve the collection of Threshold objects associated with // the defined thresholding group and build maps of // ThresholdEntity objects keyed by datasource name. The // datasource type of the threshold determines which // map the threshold entity is added to. // // Each ThresholdEntity can wrap one high Threshold and one low // Threshold castor-generated object for a single datasource. // If more than one high or more than one low threshold is defined // for a single datasource a warning messages is generated. Only // the first threshold in such a scenario will be used for thresholding. // // Create empty map for storing threshold entities Map<String, ThresholdEntity> thresholdMap = new HashMap<String, ThresholdEntity>(); try { for (Basethresholddef thresh : ThresholdingConfigFactory.getInstance().getThresholds(groupName)) { // See if map entry already exists for this datasource // If not, create a new one. boolean newEntity = false; ThresholdEntity thresholdEntity = null; // All latency thresholds are per interface so confirm that // the datasource type is set to "if" // if (!thresh.getDsType().equals("if") && !thresh.getDsType().equals("expr")) { log() .warn( "initialize: invalid datasource type, latency thresholder only supports interface level datasources."); continue; // continue with the next threshold... } try { BaseThresholdDefConfigWrapper wrapper = BaseThresholdDefConfigWrapper.getConfigWrapper(thresh); // First attempt to lookup the entry in the map thresholdEntity = thresholdMap.get(wrapper.getDatasourceExpression()); // Found entry? if (thresholdEntity == null) { // Nope, create a new one newEntity = true; thresholdEntity = new ThresholdEntity(); } try { thresholdEntity.addThreshold(wrapper); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log() .warn( "Encountered duplicate " + thresh.getType() + " for datasource " + wrapper.getDatasourceExpression() + ": " + e, e); } // Add new entity to the map if (newEntity) { thresholdMap.put(wrapper.getDatasourceExpression(), thresholdEntity); } } catch (ThresholdExpressionException e) { log().warn("Could not parse threshold expression: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Thresholding group '" + groupName + "' does not exist."); } // Add threshold maps as attributes for retrieval by the check() method. // iface.setAttribute(THRESHOLD_MAP_KEY, thresholdMap); // Debug // if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log() .debug( "initialize: dumping interface thresholds defined for " + hostAddress + "/" + groupName + ":"); Iterator<ThresholdEntity> iter = thresholdMap.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) log().debug(; } if (log().isDebugEnabled()) log().debug("initialize: initialization completed for " + hostAddress); return; }
/** * Updates an existing record in the OpenNMS ipInterface table. * * @param c The connection used for the update. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown if an error occurs with the connection */ private void update(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (!m_fromDb) { throw new IllegalStateException("The record does not exists in the database"); } // first extract the next node identifier StringBuffer sqlText = new StringBuffer("UPDATE ipInterface SET "); char comma = ' '; if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { sqlText.append(comma).append("ifIndex = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_HOSTNAME) == CHANGED_HOSTNAME) { sqlText.append(comma).append("ipHostname = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_MANAGED) == CHANGED_MANAGED) { sqlText.append(comma).append("isManaged = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { sqlText.append(comma).append("ipStatus = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_POLLTIME) == CHANGED_POLLTIME) { sqlText.append(comma).append("ipLastCapsdPoll = ?"); comma = ','; } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_PRIMARY) == CHANGED_PRIMARY) { sqlText.append(comma).append("isSnmpPrimary = ?"); comma = ','; } if (m_useIfIndexAsKey) { sqlText.append(" WHERE nodeID = ? AND ipAddr = ? AND ifIndex = ?"); } else { sqlText.append(" WHERE nodeID = ? AND ipAddr = ?"); } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_PRIMARY) == CHANGED_PRIMARY && m_primaryState == 'N') { sqlText.append(" AND isSnmpPrimary != 'C'"); } sqlText.append(" AND isManaged <> 'D'"); log().debug("DbIpInterfaceEntry.update: SQL update statment = " + sqlText.toString()); // create the Prepared statement and then start setting the result values PreparedStatement stmt = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { stmt = c.prepareStatement(sqlText.toString());; sqlText = null; int ndx = 1; if ((m_changed & CHANGED_IFINDEX) == CHANGED_IFINDEX) { if (m_ifIndex == -1) { stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.INTEGER); } else { stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_ifIndex); } } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_HOSTNAME) == CHANGED_HOSTNAME) { if (m_hostname != null) { stmt.setString(ndx++, m_hostname); } else { stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.VARCHAR); } } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_MANAGED) == CHANGED_MANAGED) { if (m_managedState == STATE_UNKNOWN) { stmt.setString(ndx++, "N"); } else { stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_managedState})); } } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_STATUS) == CHANGED_STATUS) { if (m_status == -1) { stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.INTEGER); } else { stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_status); } } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_POLLTIME) == CHANGED_POLLTIME) { if (m_lastPoll != null) { stmt.setTimestamp(ndx++, m_lastPoll); } else { stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.TIMESTAMP); } } if ((m_changed & CHANGED_PRIMARY) == CHANGED_PRIMARY) { if (m_primaryState == SNMP_UNKNOWN) { stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.CHAR); } else { stmt.setString(ndx++, new String(new char[] {m_primaryState})); } } stmt.setLong(ndx++, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(ndx++, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); if (m_useIfIndexAsKey) { if (m_ifIndex == -1) { stmt.setNull(ndx++, Types.INTEGER); } else { stmt.setInt(ndx++, m_originalIfIndex); } } // Run the insert int rc = stmt.executeUpdate(); log().debug("DbIpInterfaceEntry.update: update result = " + rc); } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // clear the mask and mark as backed by the database m_changed = 0; }
/** * Load the current interface from the database. If the interface was modified, the modifications * are lost. The nodeid and ip address must be set prior to this call. * * @param c The connection used to load the data. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown if an error occurs with the connection */ private boolean load(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (!m_fromDb) { throw new IllegalStateException("The record does not exists in the database"); } // create the Prepared statement and then start setting the query values PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; final DBUtils d = new DBUtils(getClass()); try { if (m_useIfIndexAsKey) { stmt = c.prepareStatement(SQL_LOAD_REC_IFINDEX);; stmt.setLong(1, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(2, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); stmt.setInt(3, m_ifIndex); } else { stmt = c.prepareStatement(SQL_LOAD_REC);; stmt.setLong(1, m_nodeId); stmt.setString(2, InetAddressUtils.str(m_ipAddr)); } // Execute the query rset = stmt.executeQuery();; if (! { return false; } // extract the values int ndx = 1; // get the ifIndex m_ifIndex = rset.getInt(ndx++); if (rset.wasNull()) { m_ifIndex = -1; } // get the host name m_hostname = rset.getString(ndx++); if (rset.wasNull()) { m_hostname = null; } // get the managed status String str = rset.getString(ndx++); if (str != null && rset.wasNull() == false) { m_managedState = str.charAt(0); } else { m_managedState = STATE_UNKNOWN; } // get the status m_status = rset.getInt(ndx++); if (rset.wasNull()) { m_status = -1; } // get the time m_lastPoll = rset.getTimestamp(ndx++); // get the SNMP primary state str = rset.getString(ndx++); if (str != null && rset.wasNull() == false) { m_primaryState = str.charAt(0); } else { m_primaryState = STATE_UNKNOWN; } } finally { d.cleanUp(); } // clear the mask and mark as backed by the database m_changed = 0; return true; }