/** Modifies the existing password. */ private void changePassword() { UserNotifier un; if (!oldPassword.isVisible()) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(passwordNew.getPassword()); String newPass = buf.toString(); if (newPass == null || newPass.length() == 0) { un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo(PASSWORD_CHANGE_TITLE, "Please enter the new password."); passwordNew.requestFocus(); return; } un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo(PASSWORD_CHANGE_TITLE, "Password changed."); passwordNew.setText(""); model.resetPassword(newPass); return; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(passwordNew.getPassword()); String newPass = buf.toString(); String pass = buf.toString(); buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(passwordConfirm.getPassword()); String confirm = buf.toString(); buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(oldPassword.getPassword()); String old = buf.toString(); if (old == null || old.trim().length() == 0) { un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo(PASSWORD_CHANGE_TITLE, "Please specify your old password."); oldPassword.requestFocus(); return; } if (newPass == null || newPass.length() == 0) { un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo(PASSWORD_CHANGE_TITLE, "Please enter your new password."); passwordNew.requestFocus(); return; } if (pass == null || confirm == null || confirm.length() == 0 || !pass.equals(confirm)) { un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo( PASSWORD_CHANGE_TITLE, "The passwords entered do not match. " + "Please try again."); passwordNew.setText(""); passwordConfirm.setText(""); passwordNew.requestFocus(); return; } model.changePassword(old, confirm); }
/** * Handles the exception thrown if any while creating the images for the split view. * * @param e The exception to handle. */ private void handleGridImageCreationException(Exception e) { UserNotifier un = ImViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Split View", "Unable to create the images for the view"); LogMessage msg = new LogMessage(); msg.print("Grid Images creation"); msg.print(e); ImViewerAgent.getRegistry().getLogger().error(this, msg); gridImages.clear(); gridImagesAsTextures.clear(); }
/** * Creates or recycles the existing figure dialog. * * @param name The name to display. * @param pixels The pixels object of reference. * @param index One of the constants defined by this class. * @return See above. */ FigureDialog createFigureDialog(String name, PixelsData pixels, int index) { if (figureDialog != null) return figureDialog; UserNotifier un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); if (FigureDialog.needPixels(index) && pixels == null) { un.notifyInfo("Figure", "The image is not valid," + " cannot create the figure."); return null; } JFrame f = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getTaskBar().getFrame(); figureDialog = new FigureDialog(f, name, pixels, index, view.getRefObject().getClass()); figureDialog.addPropertyChangeListener(this); return figureDialog; }
/** * Implemented as specified by the {@link Importer} interface. * * @see Importer#importData(ImportableObject) */ public void importData(ImportableObject data) { if (model.getState() == DISCARDED) return; if (data == null || data.getFiles() == null || data.getFiles().size() == 0) { UserNotifier un = ImporterAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Import", "No Files to import."); return; } view.showRefreshMessage(chooser.isRefreshLocation()); if (data.hasNewTags()) model.setTags(null); ImporterUIElement element = view.addImporterElement(data); if (model.getState() == IMPORTING) return; importData(element); }
/** * Creates the {@link #displayedImage}. The method should be invoked after the {@link * #setRenderedImage(BufferedImage)} method. */ void createDisplayedProjectedImage() { if (projectedImage == null) return; if (displayedProjectedImage != null) displayedProjectedImage.flush(); if (zoomFactor != ZoomAction.DEFAULT_ZOOM_FACTOR) { BufferedImage img = null; try { img = Factory.magnifyImage(projectedImage, zoomFactor, 0); } catch (Throwable e) { UserNotifier un = ImViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Magnification", "An error occurred while magnifying the image."); } if (img != null) displayedProjectedImage = img; } else displayedProjectedImage = projectedImage; }
/** * Opens a dialog box for users to enter a URL * * @see ActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFrame f = EditorAgent.getRegistry().getTaskBar().getFrame(); InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog(f, "Enter ID of Editor File on Server", ""); int option = dialog.centerMsgBox(); if (option == InputDialog.SAVE) { String newFileID = dialog.getText(); // could check valid ID (integer) etc? if (EditorLinkParam.isLinkValidId(newFileID)) { attributeEdited(TextParam.PARAM_VALUE, newFileID); } else { UserNotifier un = EditorAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Not valid ID", "Did not enter a valid Editor file ID"); } } }
/** * Sets the file to edit. If the file cannot be read by {@link TreeModelFactory#getTree()} then * the state of this model is re-set to {@link Editor#NEW}. * * @param file The file to edit. * @return See above. */ boolean setFileToEdit(File file) { if (file == null) { fileToEdit = null; state = Editor.NEW; fileName = EditorFactory.BLANK_MODEL; return false; } TreeModel treeModel = null; // try opening file as recognised OMERO.editor file (pro.xml or cpe.xml) try { treeModel = TreeModelFactory.getTree(file); fileToEdit = file; } catch (ParsingException e) { // may get a parsing exception simply because the file was not // recognised as Editor File.. Registry reg = EditorAgent.getRegistry(); UserNotifier un = reg.getUserNotifier(); // ... try opening as ANY xml file try { treeModel = TreeModelFactory.getTreeXml(file); // if this worked, we have an XML file converted to cpe.xml // .. tell user.. un.notifyInfo( "File not recognised", "File was converted from an unrecognised format into\n" + "OMERO.editor's cpe.xml format.\nOverwriting the " + "original file will erase the original XML format."); // must avoid overwriting the original file... // 'Save' won't work. if (fileID > 0) { // try to read a file downloaded file.delete(); } fileToEdit = null; setFileAnnotationData(null); } catch (ParsingException ex) { LogMessage message = new LogMessage(); message.print(ex); reg.getLogger().error(this, message); // ...and notify the user. Use the exception message. String errMsg = ex.getMessage(); un.notifyInfo("File Failed to Open", errMsg); } } if (treeModel == null) { fileToEdit = null; state = Editor.NEW; fileName = EditorFactory.BLANK_MODEL; return false; } fileName = file.getName(); browser.setTreeModel(treeModel); state = Editor.READY; return true; }
/** Message displayed when one of the required fields is left blank. */ private void showRequiredField() { UserNotifier un = MetadataViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Edit Profile", "The required fields cannot be left " + "blank."); return; }
/** * Saves the displayed images. * * @param init Pass <code>true</code> to initialize the images to save, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ void saveImage(boolean init) { UserNotifier un = ImViewerAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); if (init) createImages(uiDelegate.getSavingType()); // Builds the image to display. boolean unitBar = model.isUnitBar(); String v = getUnitBarValue(); int s = (int) getUnitBarSize(); boolean constrain; try { String name = uiDelegate.getSelectedFilePath(); // make sure the parent directory paths all exist FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(name).getParentFile()); if (imageComponents == null) { constrain = unitBar && v != null && s < mainImage.getWidth() && imageType == ImgSaverUI.IMAGE; writeSingleImage(mainImage, constrain, name); } else { if (mainImage == null) return; Iterator i; int h, w; BufferedImage newImage; Graphics2D g2; if (uiDelegate.isSaveImagesInSeparatedFiles()) { constrain = unitBar && v != null && s < mainImage.getWidth() && imageType == ImgSaverUI.IMAGE; writeSingleImage(mainImage, constrain, name); i = imageComponents.iterator(); int j = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { constrain = unitBar && v != null && imageType != ImgSaverUI.LENS_IMAGE_AND_COMPONENTS; writeSingleImage((BufferedImage) i.next(), constrain, name + "_" + j); j++; } } else { int width = mainImage.getWidth(); h = mainImage.getHeight(); int n = imageComponents.size(); w = width * (n + 1) + ImgSaverPreviewer.SPACE * (n - 1); newImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g2 = (Graphics2D) newImage.getGraphics(); g2.setColor(Color.WHITE); ImagePaintingFactory.setGraphicRenderingSettings(g2); // Paint the original image. i = imageComponents.iterator(); int x = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { g2.drawImage((BufferedImage) i.next(), null, x, 0); if (unitBar && v != null && imageType != ImgSaverUI.LENS_IMAGE_AND_COMPONENTS) ImagePaintingFactory.paintScaleBar(g2, x + width - s - 10, h - 10, s, v); x += width; g2.fillRect(x, 0, ImgSaverPreviewer.SPACE, h); x += ImgSaverPreviewer.SPACE; } g2.drawImage(mainImage, null, x, 0); if (unitBar && v != null && !(imageType == ImgSaverUI.LENS_IMAGE_AND_COMPONENTS || imageType == ImgSaverUI.LENS_IMAGE)) ImagePaintingFactory.paintScaleBar(g2, x + width - s - 10, h - 10, s, v); writeImage(newImage, name); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof IOException || e.getCause() instanceof IOException) un.notifyInfo( "Save Image failure", "Could not access file " + uiDelegate.getSelectedFilePath() + "\nMake sure you have the necessary permissions to perform this action."); else un.notifyError("Save Image failure", "An error occurred while saving the image.", e); return; } notifySave(getExtendedName(uiDelegate.getSelectedFilePath(), format)); if (uiDelegate.isSetDefaultFolder()) UIUtilities.setDefaultFolder(uiDelegate.getCurrentDirectory()); }
/** Save the results to an Excel File. */ private void saveResults() { channelsSelectionForm = new ChannelSelectionForm(channelName); FileChooser chooser = view.createSaveToExcelChooser(); chooser.addComponentToControls(channelsSelectionForm); int results = chooser.showDialog(); if (results != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; File file = chooser.getFormattedSelectedFile(); // TODO: Modify that code when we have various writer. if (!file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(ExcelFilter.EXCEL)) { String fileName = file.getAbsolutePath() + "." + ExcelFilter.EXCEL; file = new File(fileName); } List<Integer> channels = channelsSelectionForm.getUserSelection(); if (channels == null || channels.size() == 0) { UserNotifier un = MeasurementAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save Results", " Please select at least a channel."); view.setStatus("No Channel selected to output."); return; } try { ExcelWriter writer = new ExcelWriter(file.getAbsolutePath()); writer.openFile(); writer.createSheet("Channel Summary"); Iterator<Coord3D> coordMapIterator = shapeMap.keySet().iterator(); Coord3D currentCoord; int n = channels.size(); Integer channel; if (channelSummarySelected(channels)) outputSummary(writer, shapeMap); BufferedImage originalImage = model.getRenderedImage(); if (originalImage != null) { BufferedImage image = Factory.copyBufferedImage(originalImage); // Add the ROI for the current plane to the image. // TODO: Need to check that. model.setAttributes(MeasurementAttributes.SHOWID, true); model.getDrawingView().print(image.getGraphics()); model.setAttributes(MeasurementAttributes.SHOWID, false); try { writer.addImageToWorkbook("ThumbnailImage", image); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO } int col = writer.getMaxColumn(0); writer.writeImage(0, col + 1, 256, 256, "ThumbnailImage"); } if (channelSummarySelected(channels) && channels.size() != 1) while (coordMapIterator.hasNext()) { currentCoord = coordMapIterator.next(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { channel = channels.get(i); if (channel == ChannelSelectionForm.SUMMARYVALUE) continue; if (!nameMap.containsKey(channelName.get(channel))) continue; int rowIndex = 0; writer.createSheet("Channel Number " + channelName.get(channel)); writeHeader(writer, rowIndex, currentCoord); channel = nameMap.get(channelName.get(channel)); writeData(writer, rowIndex, currentCoord, channel.intValue()); } } writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger logger = MeasurementAgent.getRegistry().getLogger(); logger.error(this, "Cannot save ROI results: " + e.toString()); UserNotifier un = MeasurementAgent.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); String message = "An error occurred while trying to" + " save the data.\nPlease try again."; if (e instanceof NumberFormatException) { message = "We only support the British/American style of " + "representing numbers,\nusing a decimal point rather " + "than a comma."; } un.notifyInfo("Save Results", message); return; } Registry reg = MeasurementAgent.getRegistry(); UserNotifier un = reg.getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save ROI results", "The ROI results have been " + "successfully saved."); }