예제 #1
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public EList<Widget> renderWidget(Widget w, StringBuilder sb) throws RenderException {
    Colorpicker cp = (Colorpicker) w;

    String snippetName = "colorpicker";

    String snippet = getSnippet(snippetName);

    // set the default send-update frequency to 200ms
    String frequency = cp.getFrequency() == 0 ? "200" : Integer.toString(cp.getFrequency());

    // get RGB hex value
    State state = itemUIRegistry.getState(cp);
    String hexValue = "#ffffff";
    if (state instanceof HSBType) {
      HSBType hsbState = (HSBType) state;
      Color color = hsbState.toColor();
      hexValue = "#" + Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB()).substring(2);
    String label = getLabel(cp);
    String purelabel = label;
    if (label.contains("<span>")) {
      purelabel = purelabel.substring(0, label.indexOf("<span>"));

    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%id%", itemUIRegistry.getWidgetId(cp));
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%icon%", escapeURLPath(itemUIRegistry.getIcon(cp)));
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%item%", w.getItem());
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%label%", label);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%purelabel%", purelabel);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%state%", hexValue);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%frequency%", frequency);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%servletname%", WebAppServlet.SERVLET_NAME);

    String style = "";
    String color = itemUIRegistry.getLabelColor(w);
    if (color != null) {
      style = "color:" + color;
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%labelstyle%", style);

    style = "";
    color = itemUIRegistry.getValueColor(w);
    if (color != null) {
      style = "color:" + color;
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%valuestyle%", style);

    return null;
예제 #2
  private void setHSBValue(DmxService service, HSBType hsbValue) {

    hsbState = hsbValue;

    int valueLength = isRgbw() ? 4 : 3;
    int[] values = new int[valueLength];
    values[0] = DmxUtil.getByteFromPercentType(hsbValue.getRed());
    values[1] = DmxUtil.getByteFromPercentType(hsbValue.getGreen());
    values[2] = DmxUtil.getByteFromPercentType(hsbValue.getBlue());
    if (isRgbw()) {
      values[3] = DmxUtil.calculateWhite(values[0], values[1], values[3]);

    int j = 0;
    for (int c : channels) {
      service.setChannelValue(c, values[j++]);
      if (j == values.length) {
        j = 0;
  private StateTransformable getState(Item item) {
    StateTransformable state = null;
    if (item.getState() instanceof HSBType) {
      HSBType hsb = (HSBType) item.getState();
      state =
          new HSBData(hsb.getHue().longValue(), hsb.getHue().longValue(), hsb.getHue().longValue());
    } else if (item.getState() instanceof DateTimeType) {
      DateTimeType dt = (DateTimeType) item.getState();
      DateTimeDataType data = new DateTimeDataType(dt.toString());
      state = new DateTimeData(data);
    } else if (item.getState() instanceof DecimalType) {

    } else if (item.getState() instanceof OnOffType) {

    } else if (item.getState() instanceof OpenClosedType) {

    } else if (item.getState() instanceof PercentType) {

    } else if (item.getState() instanceof UpDownType) {

    return state;
예제 #4
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void processCommand(DmxService service, Command command) {

    // process HSB command
    if (command instanceof HSBType) {
      HSBType hsbValue = (HSBType) command;
      setHSBValue(service, hsbValue);

    // process increase/decrease
    if (command instanceof IncreaseDecreaseType
        && !isRedefinedByCustomCommand(command)
        && !service.hasChannelActions(channels[0])) {

      // rather than doing a linear fade on all channels, we fade only the
      // V part of HSV to maintain the color during the fade

      HSBType hsb = hsbState;
      int brightness = 0;
      IncreaseDecreaseType t = (IncreaseDecreaseType) command;
      if (IncreaseDecreaseType.INCREASE.equals(t)) {

        if (hsb == null) {
          hsb = new HSBType(Color.WHITE);
        for (int ch : channels) {

        brightness = hsb.getBrightness().intValue();
        brightness += BRIGHTNESS_STEP_SIZE;
        if (brightness > 100) {
          brightness = 100;

      } else {

        if (hsb == null) {
          hsb = new HSBType(Color.BLACK);
        brightness = hsb.getBrightness().intValue();
        brightness -= BRIGHTNESS_STEP_SIZE;
        if (brightness <= 0) {
          brightness = 0;

      HSBType newHsb = new HSBType(hsb.getHue(), hsb.getSaturation(), new PercentType(brightness));
      setHSBValue(service, newHsb);

    // process percent command
    if (command instanceof PercentType
        && !isRedefinedByCustomCommand(command)
        && !service.hasChannelActions(channels[0])) {
      PercentType t = (PercentType) command;

      HSBType hsb = hsbState;
      if (hsb == null) {
        hsb = new HSBType(Color.WHITE);

      HSBType newHsb = new HSBType(hsb.getHue(), hsb.getSaturation(), t);
      setHSBValue(service, newHsb);

    // process on/off, increase/decrease, percent type
    super.processCommand(service, command);
예제 #5
   * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated NOT
  public void setSelectedColor(HSBType color, DeviceOptions opts) {
    logger.debug("setSelectedColor called");
    // ColorMapping may be overridden by itemConfiguration
    char[] colorMapping = getColorMapping().toCharArray();
    String leds = null;

    // handle options
    if (opts != null) {
      if (opts.containsKey(COLOR_MAPPING)) {
        logger.debug("custom color mapping {} ", opts.getOption(COLOR_MAPPING));
        colorMapping = opts.getOption(COLOR_MAPPING).toCharArray();
      if (opts.containsKey(LEDS)) {
        leds = opts.getOption(LEDS).trim();
        logger.debug("leds: {}", leds);
    if (leds == null || leds.length() == 0) {
      logger.error("\"leds\" option missing or empty, items configuration has to be fixed!");

    // get the rgb values from HSBType
    Color rgbColor = color.toColor();
    short red = (short) rgbColor.getRed();
    short green = (short) rgbColor.getGreen();
    short blue = (short) rgbColor.getBlue();
    logger.debug("rgb is: {}:{}:{}", red, green, blue);

    // construct the values for the setRGBValues call
    HashMap<Character, short[]> colorMap = new HashMap<Character, short[]>(3);
    short[] reds = {red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red};
    short[] greens = {
      green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green,
      green, green, green
    short[] blues = {
      blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue
    colorMap.put('r', reds);
    colorMap.put('g', greens);
    colorMap.put('b', blues);
    LedList ledList = Tools.parseLedString(leds);

    try {
      if (ledList.hasLedRanges()) {
        Map<Integer, Short> ledRanges = ledList.getLedRanges();
        for (Integer led : ledRanges.keySet()) {
      if (ledList.hasLeds()) {
        for (Integer led : ledList.getLedNumbers()) {
              (short) 1,
      setColor(new HSBValue(color));
    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
      TinkerforgeErrorHandler.handleError(this, TinkerforgeErrorHandler.TF_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION, e);
    } catch (NotConnectedException e) {
          this, TinkerforgeErrorHandler.TF_NOT_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, e);