public void run() { StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer(); Print.logDebug("Client:InputThread started"); while (true) { data.setLength(0); boolean timeout = false; try { if (this.readTimeout > 0L) { this.socket.setSoTimeout((int) this.readTimeout); } ClientSocketThread.socketReadLine(this.socket, -1, data); } catch (InterruptedIOException ee) { // SocketTimeoutException ee) { // error("Read interrupted (timeout) ..."); if (getRunStatus() != THREAD_RUNNING) { break; } timeout = true; // continue; } catch (Throwable t) { Print.logError("Client:InputThread - " + t); t.printStackTrace(); break; } if (!timeout || (data.length() > 0)) { ClientSocketThread.this.handleMessage(data.toString()); } } synchronized (this.threadLock) { this.isRunning = false; Print.logDebug("Client:InputThread stopped"); this.threadLock.notify(); } }
/** ** Main client thread loop */ public void run() { this.setRunStatus(THREAD_RUNNING); this.threadStarted(); try { this.openSocket(); this.inputThread = new InputThread(this.socket, this.readTimeout, this.ioThreadLock); this.outputThread = new OutputThread(this.socket, this.ioThreadLock); this.inputThread.start(); this.outputThread.start(); synchronized (this.ioThreadLock) { while (this.inputThread.isRunning() || this.outputThread.isRunning()) { try { this.ioThreadLock.wait(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } } catch (NoRouteToHostException nrthe) { Print.logInfo("Client:ControlThread - Unable to reach " + + ":" + this.port); nrthe.printStackTrace(); } catch (Throwable t) { Print.logInfo("Client:ControlThread - " + t); t.printStackTrace(); } finally { this.closeSocket(); } this.setRunStatus(THREAD_STOPPED); this.threadStopped(); }
public void run() { String command = null; Print.logInfo("Client:OutputThread started"); while (true) { /* wait for commands */ synchronized (this.cmdList) { while ((this.cmdList.size() <= 0) && (getRunStatus() == THREAD_RUNNING)) { try { this.cmdList.wait(5000L); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/ } } if (getRunStatus() != THREAD_RUNNING) { break; } command = this.cmdList.remove(0).toString(); } /* send commands */ try { ClientSocketThread.socketWriteLine(this.socket, command); } catch (Throwable t) { Print.logError("Client:OutputThread - " + t); t.printStackTrace(); break; } } if (getRunStatus() == THREAD_RUNNING) { Print.logWarn("Client:OutputThread stopped due to error"); } else { Print.logInfo("Client:OutputThread stopped"); } synchronized (this.threadLock) { this.isRunning = false; Print.logInfo("Client:OutputThread stopped"); this.threadLock.notify(); } }