@Override public List<String> listDevices() { FVLog.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, null, "API listDevices() by: " + APIUserCred.getUserName()); FlowVisor fv = FlowVisor.getInstance(); // get list from main flowvisor instance List<String> dpids = new ArrayList<String>(); String dpidStr; /* * if (TopologyController.isConfigured()) { for (Long dpid : * TopologyController.getRunningInstance() .listDevices()) { dpidStr = * HexString.toHexString(dpid); if (!dpids.contains(dpidStr)) * dpids.add(dpidStr); else FVLog.log(LogLevel.WARN, TopologyController * .getRunningInstance(), "duplicate dpid detected: " + dpidStr); } } * else { */ // only list a device is we have a features reply for it for (FVEventHandler handler : fv.getHandlersCopy()) { if (handler instanceof FVClassifier) { OFFeaturesReply featuresReply = ((FVClassifier) handler).getSwitchInfo(); if (featuresReply != null) { dpidStr = FlowSpaceUtil.dpidToString(featuresReply.getDatapathId()); if (!dpids.contains(dpidStr)) dpids.add(dpidStr); else FVLog.log(LogLevel.WARN, handler, "duplicate dpid detected: " + dpidStr); } } } // } return dpids; }
/** The topologyController handles LLDP messages and ignores everything else */ @Override public void topologyController(TopologyConnection topologyConnection) { synchronized (topologyConnection) { DPIDandPort dpidandport = TopologyConnection.parseLLDP(this.getPacketData()); if (dpidandport == null) { FVLog.log( LogLevel.DEBUG, topologyConnection, "ignoring non-lldp packetin: " + this.toVerboseString()); return; } OFFeaturesReply featuresReply = topologyConnection.getFeaturesReply(); if (featuresReply == null) { FVLog.log(LogLevel.WARN, topologyConnection, "ignoring packet_in: no features_reply yet"); return; } LinkAdvertisement linkAdvertisement = new LinkAdvertisement( dpidandport.getDpid(), dpidandport.getPort(), featuresReply.getDatapathId(), this.inPort); topologyConnection.getTopologyController().reportProbe(linkAdvertisement); topologyConnection.signalFastPort(this.inPort); } }
@Override @JsonIgnore public void setFeaturesReply(OFFeaturesReply featuresReply) { synchronized (portLock) { if (stringId == null) { /* ports are updated via port status message, so we * only fill in ports on initial connection. */ for (OFPhysicalPort port : featuresReply.getPorts()) { setPort(port); } } this.datapathId = featuresReply.getDatapathId(); this.capabilities = featuresReply.getCapabilities(); this.buffers = featuresReply.getBuffers(); this.actions = featuresReply.getActions(); this.tables = featuresReply.getTables(); this.stringId = HexString.toHexString(this.datapathId); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.flowvisor.api.FVUserAPI#getDeviceInfo() */ @Override public Map<String, String> getDeviceInfo(String dpidStr) throws DPIDNotFound { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); long dpid = HexString.toLong(dpidStr); FVClassifier fvClassifier = null; for (FVEventHandler handler : FlowVisor.getInstance().getHandlersCopy()) { if (handler instanceof FVClassifier) { OFFeaturesReply featuresReply = ((FVClassifier) handler).getSwitchInfo(); if (featuresReply != null && featuresReply.getDatapathId() == dpid) { fvClassifier = (FVClassifier) handler; break; } } } if (fvClassifier == null) throw new DPIDNotFound("dpid does not exist: " + dpidStr + " ::" + String.valueOf(dpid)); OFFeaturesReply config = fvClassifier.getSwitchInfo(); map.put("dpid", FlowSpaceUtil.dpidToString(dpid)); if (config != null) { map.put("nPorts", String.valueOf(config.getPorts().size())); String portList = ""; String portNames = ""; int p; for (Iterator<OFPhysicalPort> it = config.getPorts().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OFPhysicalPort port = it.next(); p = U16.f(port.getPortNumber()); portList += p; portNames += port.getName() + "(" + p + ")"; if (it.hasNext()) { portList += ","; portNames += ","; } } map.put("portList", portList); map.put("portNames", portNames); } else { FVLog.log(LogLevel.WARN, null, "null config for: " + dpidStr); } map.put("remote", String.valueOf(fvClassifier.getConnectionName())); return map; }