예제 #1
  private static final SensorModelResult computeNoEdgeMovementLogProb(
      VehicleState state, VehicleState prevState, Observation obs)
      throws BadProbabilityParticleFilterException {

    final SensorModelResult result = new SensorModelResult("no-edge");
    final Observation prevObs = obs.getPreviousObservation();
    final double obsDistDelta = obs.getDistanceMoved();

    if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled()) result.addResult("dist: " + obsDistDelta, 0d);

    final double expAvgDist;
    final double logpDistAlong;
    if (prevObs != null) {

       * Trying to get away with not using a real tracking filter.
       * FIXME really lame. use a Kalman filter.
      final double obsTimeDelta = obs.getTimeDelta();
      if (prevObs.getTimeDelta() != null) {
        final double prevObsDistDelta = prevObs.getDistanceMoved();
        final double prevObsTimeDelta = prevObs.getTimeDelta();
        final double velocityEstimate = prevObsDistDelta / prevObsTimeDelta;
        expAvgDist =
            state.getMotionState().hasVehicleNotMoved() ? 0d : velocityEstimate * obsTimeDelta;
      } else {
        expAvgDist = state.getMotionState().hasVehicleNotMoved() ? 0d : _avgVelocity * obsTimeDelta;

      if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled()) result.addResult("expAvgDist: " + expAvgDist, 0d);

       * TODO: Is this needed?
      final boolean prevInProgress;
      double prevOrientation;
      if (prevState != null
          && prevState.getBlockState() != null
          && prevState.getJourneyState().getPhase() == EVehiclePhase.IN_PROGRESS) {
        prevOrientation = prevState.getBlockState().getBlockLocation().getOrientation();
        prevInProgress = true;
        if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled())
          result.addResult("prevOrient (state): " + prevOrientation, 0d);
      } else {
        prevOrientation = prevObs.getOrientation();
        prevInProgress = false;
        if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled())
          result.addResult("prevOrient: " + prevOrientation, 0d);

      final boolean isOff;
      final double currentOrientation;
      if (state.getBlockState() != null
          && state.getJourneyState().getPhase() == EVehiclePhase.IN_PROGRESS) {
         * We're entering an edge in progress, so we want to compare the
         * entrance orientation to the direction of the edge
        isOff = false;
        currentOrientation = state.getBlockState().getBlockLocation().getOrientation();
         * We don't want to use the obs orientation when we're considered stopped
         * since gps error can reverse the orientation, making reverse
         * trip transitions look reasonable.
         * Similarly, if we were on a trip, use that orientation.
         * TODO FIXME: we should have the orientation in the motion state, then
         * we wouldn't need to evaluate this logic here.
        if (!state.getMotionState().hasVehicleNotMoved()) {
          if (!prevInProgress) {
            prevOrientation = obs.getOrientation();

          if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled())
            result.addResult("new prevOrient (state): " + prevOrientation, 0d);
      } else {
        isOff = true;
        currentOrientation = obs.getOrientation();

      if (ParticleFilter.getDebugEnabled())
        result.addResult("curOrient: " + currentOrientation, 0d);

      final double orientDiff;
      if (Double.isNaN(prevOrientation) || Double.isNaN(currentOrientation)) {
        orientDiff = 0d;
      } else {
        orientDiff =
            Angle.diff(Math.toRadians(prevOrientation), Math.toRadians(currentOrientation));

      logpDistAlong =
                  obsDistDelta, expAvgDist, Math.pow(obsTimeDelta, 4) / 4d)
              + (isOff
                  ? _deadheadOffProb * logVonMisesPdf(orientDiff, _deadheadConcParam)
                  : _inProgressProb * logVonMisesPdf(orientDiff, _deadheadEntranceConcParam));

    } else {
       * No movement
      logpDistAlong = 1d;

    result.addLogResultAsAnd("lik", logpDistAlong);

    return result;