private void loadModel(UserRequest ureq) { IdentityEnvironment identityEnv = ureq.getUserSession().getIdentityEnvironment(); List<Binder> currentBinders = portfolioService.searchOwnedBindersFromCourseTemplate(getIdentity()); Set<CurrentBinder> currentSet = new HashSet<>(); for (Binder currentBinder : currentBinders) { Long courseEntryKey = currentBinder.getEntry().getKey(); String nodeIdent = currentBinder.getSubIdent(); currentSet.add(new CurrentBinder(courseEntryKey, nodeIdent)); } List<RepositoryEntry> entries = portfolioService.searchCourseWithBinderTemplates(getIdentity()); List<CourseTemplateRow> rows = new ArrayList<>(entries.size()); for (RepositoryEntry entry : entries) { ICourse course = CourseFactory.loadCourse(entry); UserCourseEnvironment uce = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identityEnv, course.getCourseEnvironment()); uce.getScoreAccounting().evaluateAll(); CourseNode rootNode = uce.getCourseEnvironment().getRunStructure().getRootNode(); loadCourseModel(rootNode, uce, rows, currentSet); } model.setObjects(rows); tableEl.reset(); tableEl.reloadData(); }
@Override protected void event(UserRequest ureq, Controller source, Event event) { if (commentCalloutCtrl == source) { cleanUp(); } else if (editCommentCtrl == source) { if (event == Event.DONE_EVENT) { table.reset(); } commentCalloutCtrl.deactivate(); cleanUp(); } super.event(ureq, source, event); }
private void loadTable() { // Hardcoded same as VideoAdminSetController int[] resolution = {2160, 1080, 720, 480, 360, 240}; // FIXME:FK fetch using one single SQL query for (int i = 0; i < resolution.length; i++) { int sizeOfTranscodings = availableTranscodings.get(resolution[i]).size(); int counter = 0; for (OLATResource videoResource : olatresources) { VideoMetadata videoMetadata = videoManager.readVideoMetadataFile(videoResource); if (videoMetadata != null && videoMetadata.getHeight() >= resolution[i]) counter++; } resolutions.add( new TranscodingRow( resolution[i], sizeOfTranscodings, counter, mayTranscode(resolution[i]))); } if (resolutions != null) tableModel.setObjects(resolutions); transcodingTable.reset(true, true, true); }
private void updateModel() { List<Solution> solutionList = solutions.getSolutions(); List<SolutionRow> rows = new ArrayList<>(solutionList.size()); for (Solution solution : solutionList) { String filename = solution.getFilename(); String author = null; VFSItem item = solutionContainer.resolve(filename); if (item instanceof MetaTagged) { MetaInfo metaInfo = ((MetaTagged) item).getMetaInfo(); if (metaInfo != null && metaInfo.getAuthorIdentityKey() != null) { author = userManager.getUserDisplayName(metaInfo.getAuthorIdentityKey()); } } rows.add(new SolutionRow(solution, author)); } solutionModel.setObjects(rows); solutionTable.reset(); }
/** * Perform a search for the given search value in the search result providers and clear any GUI * errors that might be on the page * * @param searchValue * @param ureq */ private void doSearchGroups(String searchValue, UserRequest ureq) { if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(searchValue)) { SearchBusinessGroupParams param1s = new SearchBusinessGroupParams(); param1s.setNameOrDesc(searchValue); List<BusinessGroup> group1s = businessGroupService.findBusinessGroups(param1s, null, 0, -1); filterGroups(group1s); SearchBusinessGroupParams param2s = new SearchBusinessGroupParams(); param2s.setCourseTitle(searchValue); List<BusinessGroup> group2s = businessGroupService.findBusinessGroups(param2s, null, 0, -1); filterGroups(group2s); List<BusinessGroup> groups = new ArrayList<BusinessGroup>(group1s.size() + group2s.size()); groups.addAll(group1s); groups.addAll(group2s); List<Long> groupKeysWithRelations = PersistenceHelper.toKeys(groups); List<BGRepositoryEntryRelation> resources = businessGroupService.findRelationToRepositoryEntries(groupKeysWithRelations, 0, -1); List<GroupWrapper> groupWrappers = new ArrayList<GroupWrapper>(); for (BusinessGroup group : groups) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (BGRepositoryEntryRelation resource : resources) { if (resource.getGroupKey().equals(group.getKey())) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(resource.getRepositoryEntryDisplayName()); } } GroupWrapper wrapper = new GroupWrapper(group, sb.toString()); wrapper.setTutor(createSelection("tutor_" + group.getKey())); wrapper.setParticipant(createSelection("participant_" + group.getKey())); groupWrappers.add(wrapper); } table.reset(); tableDataModel.setObjects(groupWrappers); errorComp.clearError(); } }
/** @return True if all results are the same */ private ModelInfos loadModel() { // load participants, load datas ICourse course = CourseFactory.loadCourse(courseEnv.getCourseResourceableId()); List<Identity> identities = businessGroupService.getMembers(assessedGroup,; Map<Identity, AssessmentEntry> identityToEntryMap = new HashMap<>(); List<AssessmentEntry> entries = course .getCourseEnvironment() .getAssessmentManager() .getAssessmentEntries(assessedGroup, gtaNode); for (AssessmentEntry entry : entries) { identityToEntryMap.put(entry.getIdentity(), entry); } int count = 0; boolean same = true; StringBuilder duplicateWarning = new StringBuilder(); Float scoreRef = null; Boolean passedRef = null; String commentRef = null; List<AssessmentRow> rows = new ArrayList<>(identities.size()); for (Identity identity : identities) { AssessmentEntry entry = identityToEntryMap.get(identity); ScoreEvaluation scoreEval = null; if (withScore || withPassed) { scoreEval = gtaNode.getUserScoreEvaluation(entry); if (scoreEval == null) { scoreEval = ScoreEvaluation.EMPTY_EVALUATION; } } String comment = null; if (withComment && entry != null) { comment = entry.getComment(); } boolean duplicate = duplicateMemberKeys.contains(identity.getKey()); if (duplicate) { if (duplicateWarning.length() > 0) duplicateWarning.append(", "); duplicateWarning.append(StringHelper.escapeHtml(userManager.getUserDisplayName(identity))); } AssessmentRow row = new AssessmentRow(identity, duplicate); rows.add(row); if (withScore) { Float score = scoreEval.getScore(); String pointVal = AssessmentHelper.getRoundedScore(score); TextElement pointEl = uifactory.addTextElement("point" + count, null, 5, pointVal, flc); pointEl.setDisplaySize(5); row.setScoreEl(pointEl); if (count == 0) { scoreRef = score; } else if (!same(scoreRef, score)) { same = false; } } if (withPassed && cutValue == null) { Boolean passed = scoreEval.getPassed(); MultipleSelectionElement passedEl = uifactory.addCheckboxesHorizontal("check" + count, null, flc, onKeys, onValues); if (passed != null && passed.booleanValue()) {[0], passed.booleanValue()); } row.setPassedEl(passedEl); if (count == 0) { passedRef = passed; } else if (!same(passedRef, passed)) { same = false; } } if (withComment) { FormLink commentLink = uifactory.addFormLink( "comment-" + CodeHelper.getRAMUniqueID(), "comment", "comment", null, flc, Link.LINK); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(comment)) { commentLink.setIconLeftCSS("o_icon o_icon_comments"); } else { commentLink.setIconLeftCSS("o_icon o_icon_comments_none"); } commentLink.setUserObject(row); row.setComment(comment); row.setCommentEditLink(commentLink); if (count == 0) { commentRef = comment; } else if (!same(commentRef, comment)) { same = false; } } count++; } model.setObjects(rows); table.reset(); return new ModelInfos(same, scoreRef, passedRef, commentRef, duplicateWarning.toString()); }