private static List<Map<Object, Object>> getListMapsFromXmlFile(String XmlFilePath) { List<Map<Object, Object>> listMaps = FastList.newInstance(); InputStream ins = null; URL xmlFileUrl = null; Document xmlDocument = null; try { if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(XmlFilePath)) { xmlFileUrl = UtilURL.fromFilename(XmlFilePath); if (xmlFileUrl != null) ins = xmlFileUrl.openStream(); if (ins != null) { xmlDocument = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(ins, xmlFileUrl.toString()); List<? extends Node> nodeList = UtilXml.childNodeList(xmlDocument.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild()); for (Node node : nodeList) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Map<Object, Object> fields = FastMap.newInstance(); fields.put(node.getNodeName(), UtilXml.elementValue((Element) node)); Map<Object, Object> attrFields = getAttributeNameValueMap(node); Set<Object> keys = attrFields.keySet(); Iterator<Object> attrFieldsIter = keys.iterator(); while (attrFieldsIter.hasNext()) { Object key =; fields.put(key, attrFields.get(key)); } List<? extends Node> childNodeList = UtilXml.childNodeList(node.getFirstChild()); for (Node childNode : childNodeList) { fields.put(childNode.getNodeName(), UtilXml.elementValue((Element) childNode)); attrFields = getAttributeNameValueMap(childNode); keys = attrFields.keySet(); attrFieldsIter = keys.iterator(); while (attrFieldsIter.hasNext()) { Object key =; fields.put(key, attrFields.get(key)); } } listMaps.add(fields); } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.logError(exc, "Error reading xml file", module); } finally { try { if (ins != null) ins.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.logError(exc, "Error reading xml file", module); } } return listMaps; }
public static List<ComponentDef> getRootComponents(String configFile) throws ComponentException { if (componentsToLoad == null) { synchronized (ComponentLoaderConfig.class) { if (componentsToLoad == null) { if (configFile == null) { configFile = COMPONENT_LOAD_XML_FILENAME; } URL xmlUrl = UtilURL.fromResource(configFile); ComponentLoaderConfig.componentsToLoad = ComponentLoaderConfig.getComponentsFromConfig(xmlUrl); } } } return componentsToLoad; }
/* call run test suite from webtool selenium */ public static String runTestSuite(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Map parameters = UtilHttp.getParameterMap(request); String para = (String) parameters.get("testSuitePath"); if (para == null) { System.out.println("Error message : Test suite Path is null"); return "success"; } if (para.length() == 0) { System.out.println("Error message : Test suite Path is null"); return "success"; } try { URL url = UtilURL.fromResource(""); if (props == null) { props = new Properties(); initConfig(url); } SeleniumXml sel = new SeleniumXml(); File testFile = new File(para.trim()); if (testFile.exists()) { System.err.println(" Argument : " + para.trim()); System.err.println(" Full absolute path of file : " + testFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.err.println(" Full canonical path of file : " + testFile.getCanonicalPath()); sel.testCaseDirectory = sel.getFileDirectory(testFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.err.println(" testCaseDirectory: " + sel.testCaseDirectory); sel.runTest(testFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.err.println("Test File is not exist :" + para.trim()); } } catch (JDOMException jdome) { System.out.println(jdome.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Error message : " + ioe.getMessage()); } finally { return "success"; } }