private static void catchBody( BytecodeContext bc, GeneratorAdapter adapter, Catch ct, int pe, int lRef, boolean caugth, boolean store) throws BytecodeException { // pc.setCatch(pe,true); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(pe); adapter.push(caugth); adapter.push(store); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, TagTry.SET_CATCH3); // ref=, Expression.MODE_REF); adapter.storeLocal(lRef); adapter.loadLocal(lRef); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(pe); // (...,pe.getCatchBlock(pc)) adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_EXCEPTION, GET_CATCH_BLOCK); adapter.invokeInterface(Types.REFERENCE, SET); adapter.pop(); ct.body.writeOut(bc); }
public static void main(final String args[]) throws Exception { // Generates the bytecode corresponding to the following Java class: // // public class Example { // public static void main (String[] args) { // System.out.println("Hello world!"); // } // } // creates a ClassWriter for the Example public class, // which inherits from Object ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0); cw.visit(V1_1, ACC_PUBLIC, "Example", null, "java/lang/Object", null); // creates a MethodWriter for the (implicit) constructor MethodVisitor mw = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V", null, null); // pushes the 'this' variable mw.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); // invokes the super class constructor mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/Object", "<init>", "()V"); mw.visitInsn(RETURN); // this code uses a maximum of one stack element and one local variable mw.visitMaxs(1, 1); mw.visitEnd(); // creates a MethodWriter for the 'main' method mw = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", null, null); // pushes the 'out' field (of type PrintStream) of the System class mw.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;"); // pushes the "Hello World!" String constant mw.visitLdcInsn("Hello world!"); // invokes the 'println' method (defined in the PrintStream class) mw.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); mw.visitInsn(RETURN); // this code uses a maximum of two stack elements and two local // variables mw.visitMaxs(2, 2); mw.visitEnd(); // gets the bytecode of the Example class, and loads it dynamically byte[] code = cw.toByteArray(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("Example.class"); fos.write(code); fos.close(); Helloworld loader = new Helloworld(); Class<?> exampleClass = loader.defineClass("Example", code, 0, code.length); // uses the dynamically generated class to print 'Helloworld' exampleClass.getMethods()[0].invoke(null, new Object[] {null}); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Same example with a GeneratorAdapter (more convenient but slower) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); cw.visit(V1_1, ACC_PUBLIC, "Example", null, "java/lang/Object", null); // creates a GeneratorAdapter for the (implicit) constructor Method m = Method.getMethod("void <init> ()"); GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC, m, null, null, cw); mg.loadThis(); mg.invokeConstructor(Type.getType(Object.class), m); mg.returnValue(); mg.endMethod(); // creates a GeneratorAdapter for the 'main' method m = Method.getMethod("void main (String[])"); mg = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, m, null, null, cw); mg.getStatic(Type.getType(System.class), "out", Type.getType(PrintStream.class)); mg.push("Hello world!"); mg.invokeVirtual(Type.getType(PrintStream.class), Method.getMethod("void println (String)")); mg.returnValue(); mg.endMethod(); cw.visitEnd(); code = cw.toByteArray(); loader = new Helloworld(); exampleClass = loader.defineClass("Example", code, 0, code.length); // uses the dynamically generated class to print 'Helloworld' exampleClass.getMethods()[0].invoke(null, new Object[] {null}); }
private void _writeOutCatch(BytecodeContext bc, int lRef, int lThrow) throws BytecodeException { GeneratorAdapter adapter = bc.getAdapter(); int pe = adapter.newLocal(Types.PAGE_EXCEPTION); // instance of Abort Label abortEnd = new Label(); adapter.loadLocal(lThrow); adapter.invokeStatic(Types.ABORT, TryCatchFinally.IS_ABORT); // adapter.instanceOf(Types.ABORT); adapter.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFEQ, abortEnd); adapter.loadLocal(lThrow); adapter.throwException(); adapter.visitLabel(abortEnd); // PageExceptionImpl old=pc.getCatch(); int old = adapter.newLocal(Types.PAGE_EXCEPTION); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, TagTry.GET_CATCH); adapter.storeLocal(old); // cast to PageException Caster.toPagException(t); adapter.loadLocal(lThrow); adapter.invokeStatic(Types.CASTER, TO_PAGE_EXCEPTION); // PageException pe=... adapter.storeLocal(pe); // catch loop Label endAllIf = new Label(); Iterator<Catch> it = catches.iterator(); Catch ctElse = null; while (it.hasNext()) { Catch ct =; // store any for else if (ct.type != null && ct.type instanceof LitString && ((LitString) ct.type).getString().equalsIgnoreCase("any")) { ctElse = ct; continue; } ExpressionUtil.visitLine(bc, ct.line); // pe.typeEqual(type) if (ct.type == null) { LitBoolean.TRUE.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_VALUE); } else { adapter.loadLocal(pe); ct.type.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_EXCEPTION, TYPE_EQUAL); } Label endIf = new Label(); adapter.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFEQ, endIf); catchBody(bc, adapter, ct, pe, lRef, true, true); adapter.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, endAllIf); adapter.visitLabel(endIf); } if (ctElse != null) { catchBody(bc, adapter, ctElse, pe, lRef, true, true); } else { // pc.setCatch(pe,true); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(pe); adapter.push(false); adapter.push(false); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, TagTry.SET_CATCH3); adapter.loadLocal(pe); adapter.throwException(); } adapter.visitLabel(endAllIf); // PageExceptionImpl old=pc.setCatch(old); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(old); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, TagTry.SET_CATCH_PE); }
public static void invokeMethod(GeneratorAdapter adapter, Type type, Method method) { if (type.getClass().isInterface()) adapter.invokeInterface(type, method); else adapter.invokeVirtual(type, method); }
@Override public Type load(Context ctx) { GeneratorAdapter g = ctx.getGeneratorAdapter(); owner.load(ctx); List<Class<?>> argumentClasses = new ArrayList<>(); List<Type> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Expression argument : arguments) { argument.load(ctx); argumentTypes.add(argument.type(ctx)); argumentClasses.add(getJavaType(ctx.getClassLoader(), argument.type(ctx))); } Type returnType; try { if (ctx.getThisType().equals(owner.type(ctx))) { org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method method = null; for (org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method m : ctx.getMethods().keySet()) { if (m.getName().equals(methodName)) { if (m.getArgumentTypes().length == arguments.size()) { Type[] methodTypes = m.getArgumentTypes(); boolean isSame = true; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) { if (!methodTypes[i].equals(argumentTypes.get(i))) { isSame = false; break; } } if (isSame) { method = m; break; } } } } if (method == null) throw new NoSuchMethodException(); g.invokeVirtual(owner.type(ctx), method); return method.getReturnType(); } Class<?> ownerJavaType = getJavaType(ctx.getClassLoader(), owner.type(ctx)); Method method = ownerJavaType.getMethod(methodName, argumentClasses.toArray(new Class<?>[] {})); Class<?> returnClass = method.getReturnType(); returnType = getType(returnClass); invokeVirtualOrInterface( g, ownerJavaType, new org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method( methodName, returnType, argumentTypes.toArray(new Type[] {}))); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException( format( "No method %s.%s(%s). %s", owner.type(ctx).getClassName(), methodName, (!argumentClasses.isEmpty() ? argsToString(argumentClasses) : ""), exceptionInGeneratedClass(ctx))); } return returnType; }
public static Type invokeScope(GeneratorAdapter adapter, Method m, Type type) { if (type == null) type = Types.PAGE_CONTEXT; adapter.invokeVirtual(type, m); return m.getReturnType(); }