예제 #1
   * Load schema.
   * @param schema the schema
   * @param schemaElement the schema element
   * @return the map
   * @throws Exception the exception
  private static Map<String, Object> loadSchema(
      Schema schema, org.dom4j.Element schemaElement, ServiceContext ctx) throws Exception {
    String schemaName1 =
            ExportConstants.NAME_ATTR); // FIXME: Do we need this local var?
    String schemaName = schema.getName();

    Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> it = schemaElement.elementIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      org.dom4j.Element element = it.next();
      String name = element.getName();
      Field field = schema.getField(name);
      if (field != null) {
        Object value = getElementData(element, field.getType(), ctx);
        data.put(name, value);
      } else {
        // FIXME: substitute an appropriate constant for "csid" below.
        // One potential class to which to add that constant, if it is not already
        // declared, might be AbstractCollectionSpaceResourceImpl - ADR 2012-09-24
        if (!name.equals("csid")) { // 'csid' elements in input payloads can be safely ignored.
              "Invalid input document. No such property was found ["
                  + name
                  + "] in schema "
                  + schemaName);

    return data;
예제 #2
 // called from XSDLoader
 protected void registerSchema(Schema schema) {
   schemas.put(schema.getName(), schema);
   Namespace ns = schema.getNamespace();
   uriToSchema.put(ns.uri, schema);
   if (!StringUtils.isBlank(ns.prefix)) {
     prefixToSchema.put(ns.prefix, schema);
예제 #3
 public Field getField(String xpath) {
   Field field = null;
   if (xpath != null && xpath.contains("/")) {
     // need to resolve subfields
     String[] properties = xpath.split("/");
     Field resolvedField = getField(properties[0]);
     for (int x = 1; x < properties.length; x++) {
       if (resolvedField == null) {
       resolvedField = getField(resolvedField, properties[x], x == properties.length - 1);
     if (resolvedField != null) {
       field = resolvedField;
   } else {
     field = fields.get(xpath);
     if (field == null) {
       QName qname = QName.valueOf(xpath);
       String prefix = qname.getPrefix();
       Schema schema = getSchemaFromPrefix(prefix);
       if (schema == null) {
         // try using the name
         schema = getSchema(prefix);
       if (schema != null) {
         field = schema.getField(qname.getLocalName());
         if (field != null) {
           // map is concurrent so parallelism is ok
           fields.put(xpath, field);
   return field;
예제 #4
  * Builds the document.
  * @param document the document
  * @param e the e
  * @param objectProps the object props
  * @throws Exception the exception
 public static void buildDocument(
     Document document, Element parent, Map<String, Object> objectProps, Schema schema)
     throws Exception {
   for (String prop : objectProps.keySet()) {
     Object value = objectProps.get(prop);
     if (value != null) {
       Field field = schema.getField(prop);
       // If there is no field, then we added this property to the properties,
       // and it must be a String (e.g., CSID)
       // TODO - infer the type from the type of Object, if we need more than String
       if (field == null) {
         field = new FieldImpl(new QName(prop), schema, StringType.INSTANCE);
       buildProperty(document, parent, field, value);
예제 #5
  * @return The message if it's found in message bundles, a generic message otherwise.
  * @since 7.1
 public String getMessage(Locale locale) {
   // test whether there's a specific translation for for this field and this constraint
   // the expected key is
   // label.schema.constraint.violation.[constraintName].[schemaName].[field].[subField]
   List<String> pathTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
   for (PathNode node : path) {
     String name = node.getField().getName().getLocalName();
   String key = StringUtils.join(pathTokens, '.');
   String computedInvalidValue = "null";
   if (invalidValue != null) {
     String invalidValueString = invalidValue.toString();
     if (invalidValueString.length() > 20) {
       computedInvalidValue = invalidValueString.substring(0, 15) + "...";
     } else {
       computedInvalidValue = invalidValueString;
   Object[] params = new Object[] {computedInvalidValue};
   Locale computedLocale = locale != null ? locale : Constraint.MESSAGES_DEFAULT_LANG;
   String message = null;
   try {
     message = I18NUtils.getMessageString(Constraint.MESSAGES_BUNDLE, key, params, computedLocale);
   } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
     log.trace("No bundle found", e);
     message = null;
   if (message != null && !message.trim().isEmpty() && !key.equals(message)) {
     // use the message if there's one
     return message;
   } else {
     if (locale != null && Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage().equals(locale.getLanguage())) {
       // use the constraint message
       return constraint.getErrorMessage(invalidValue, locale);
     } else {
       return getMessage(Locale.ENGLISH);
  /** Recomputes all the info needed for efficient access. */
  private void recomputeSourceInfos() throws DirectoryException {

    final Schema schema = schemaManager.getSchema(schemaName);
    if (schema == null) {
      throw new DirectoryException(
          String.format("Directory '%s' has unknown schema '%s'", directory.getName(), schemaName));
    final Set<String> sourceFields = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Field f : schema.getFields()) {
    if (!sourceFields.contains(schemaIdField)) {
      throw new DirectoryException(
              "Directory '%s' schema '%s' has no id field '%s'",
              directory.getName(), schemaName, schemaIdField));

    List<SourceInfo> newSourceInfos = new ArrayList<SourceInfo>(2);
    for (SourceDescriptor source : descriptor.sources) {
      int ndirs = source.subDirectories.length;
      if (ndirs == 0) {
        throw new DirectoryException(
                "Directory '%s' source '%s' has no subdirectories",
                directory.getName(), source.name));

      final List<SubDirectoryInfo> subDirectoryInfos = new ArrayList<SubDirectoryInfo>(ndirs);

      SubDirectoryInfo authDirectoryInfo = null;
      boolean hasRequiredDir = false;
      for (SubDirectoryDescriptor subDir : source.subDirectories) {
        final String dirName = subDir.name;
        final String dirSchemaName = directoryService.getDirectorySchema(dirName);
        final String dirIdField = directoryService.getDirectoryIdField(dirName);
        final boolean dirIsAuth = directoryService.getDirectoryPasswordField(dirName) != null;
        final Map<String, String> fromSource = new HashMap<String, String>();
        final Map<String, String> toSource = new HashMap<String, String>();
        final Map<String, Serializable> defaultEntry = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
        final boolean dirIsOptional = subDir.isOptional;

        // XXX check authenticating
        final Schema dirSchema = schemaManager.getSchema(dirSchemaName);
        if (dirSchema == null) {
          throw new DirectoryException(
                  "Directory '%s' source '%s' subdirectory '%s' " + "has unknown schema '%s'",
                  directory.getName(), source.name, dirName, dirSchemaName));
        // record default field mappings if same name and record default
        // values
        final Set<String> dirSchemaFields = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Field f : dirSchema.getFields()) {
          final String fieldName = f.getName().getLocalName();
          if (sourceFields.contains(fieldName)) {
            // XXX check no duplicates!
            fromSource.put(fieldName, fieldName);
            toSource.put(fieldName, fieldName);
          // XXX cast to Serializable
          defaultEntry.put(fieldName, (Serializable) f.getDefaultValue());
        // treat renamings
        // XXX id field ?
        for (FieldDescriptor field : subDir.fields) {
          final String sourceFieldName = field.forField;
          final String fieldName = field.name;
          if (!sourceFields.contains(sourceFieldName)) {
            throw new DirectoryException(
                    "Directory '%s' source '%s' subdirectory '%s' "
                        + "has mapping for unknown field '%s'",
                    directory.getName(), source.name, dirName, sourceFieldName));
          if (!dirSchemaFields.contains(fieldName)) {
            throw new DirectoryException(
                    "Directory '%s' source '%s' subdirectory '%s' "
                        + "has mapping of unknown field' '%s'",
                    directory.getName(), source.name, dirName, fieldName));
          fromSource.put(sourceFieldName, fieldName);
          toSource.put(fieldName, sourceFieldName);
        SubDirectoryInfo subDirectoryInfo =
            new SubDirectoryInfo(

        if (dirIsAuth) {
          if (authDirectoryInfo != null) {
            throw new DirectoryException(
                    "Directory '%s' source '%s' has two subdirectories "
                        + "with a password field, '%s' and '%s'",
                    directory.getName(), source.name, authDirectoryInfo.dirName, dirName));
          authDirectoryInfo = subDirectoryInfo;
        if (!dirIsOptional) {
          hasRequiredDir = true;
      if (isAuthenticating() && authDirectoryInfo == null) {
        throw new DirectoryException(
                "Directory '%s' source '%s' has no subdirectory " + "with a password field",
                directory.getName(), source.name));
      if (!hasRequiredDir) {
        throw new DirectoryException(
                "Directory '%s' source '%s' only has optional subdirectories: "
                    + "no directory can be used has a reference.",
                directory.getName(), source.name));
      newSourceInfos.add(new SourceInfo(source, subDirectoryInfos, authDirectoryInfo));
    sourceInfos = newSourceInfos;
예제 #7
  /** Sets a value (may be complex/list) into the document at the given xpath. */
  protected void setValueObject(T state, String xpath, Object value) throws PropertyException {
    xpath = canonicalXPath(xpath);
    String[] segments = xpath.split("/");

    ComplexType parentType = getType();
    for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
      String segment = segments[i];
      Field field = parentType.getField(segment);
      if (field == null && i == 0) {
        // check facets
        SchemaManager schemaManager = Framework.getService(SchemaManager.class);
        for (String facet : getFacets()) {
          CompositeType facetType = schemaManager.getFacet(facet);
          field = facetType.getField(segment);
          if (field != null) {
      if (field == null && i == 0 && getProxySchemas() != null) {
        // check proxy schemas
        for (Schema schema : getProxySchemas()) {
          field = schema.getField(segment);
          if (field != null) {
      if (field == null) {
        throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, i == 0 ? null : "Unknown segment: " + segment);
      String name = field.getName().getPrefixedName(); // normalize from segment
      Type type = field.getType();

      // check if we have a complex list index in the next position
      if (i < segments.length - 1 && StringUtils.isNumeric(segments[i + 1])) {
        int index = Integer.parseInt(segments[i + 1]);
        if (!type.isListType() || ((ListType) type).getFieldType().isSimpleType()) {
          throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Cannot use index after segment: " + segment);
        List<T> list = getChildAsList(state, name);
        if (index >= list.size()) {
          throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Index out of bounds: " + index);
        // find complex list state
        state = list.get(index);
        field = ((ListType) type).getField();
        if (i == segments.length - 1) {
          // last segment
          setValueComplex(state, field, value);
        } else {
          // not last segment
          parentType = (ComplexType) field.getType();

      if (i == segments.length - 1) {
        // last segment
        setValueField(state, field, value);
      } else {
        // not last segment
        if (type.isSimpleType()) {
          // scalar
          throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Segment must be last: " + segment);
        } else if (type.isComplexType()) {
          // complex property
          state = getChildForWrite(state, name, type);
          parentType = (ComplexType) type;
        } else {
          // list
          ListType listType = (ListType) type;
          if (listType.isArray()) {
            // array of scalars
            throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Segment must be last: " + segment);
          } else {
            // complex list but next segment was not numeric
            throw new PropertyNotFoundException(
                xpath, "Missing list index after segment: " + segment);
예제 #8
  /** Gets a value (may be complex/list) from the document at the given xpath. */
  protected Object getValueObject(T state, String xpath) throws PropertyException {
    xpath = canonicalXPath(xpath);
    String[] segments = xpath.split("/");

     * During this loop state may become null if we read an uninitialized complex property (DBS), in that case the
     * code must treat it as reading uninitialized values for its children.
    ComplexType parentType = getType();
    for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
      String segment = segments[i];
      Field field = parentType.getField(segment);
      if (field == null && i == 0) {
        // check facets
        SchemaManager schemaManager = Framework.getService(SchemaManager.class);
        for (String facet : getFacets()) {
          CompositeType facetType = schemaManager.getFacet(facet);
          field = facetType.getField(segment);
          if (field != null) {
      if (field == null && i == 0 && getProxySchemas() != null) {
        // check proxy schemas
        for (Schema schema : getProxySchemas()) {
          field = schema.getField(segment);
          if (field != null) {
      if (field == null) {
        throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, i == 0 ? null : "Unknown segment: " + segment);
      String name = field.getName().getPrefixedName(); // normalize from segment
      Type type = field.getType();

      // check if we have a complex list index in the next position
      if (i < segments.length - 1 && StringUtils.isNumeric(segments[i + 1])) {
        int index = Integer.parseInt(segments[i + 1]);
        if (!type.isListType() || ((ListType) type).getFieldType().isSimpleType()) {
          throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Cannot use index after segment: " + segment);
        List<T> list = state == null ? Collections.emptyList() : getChildAsList(state, name);
        if (index >= list.size()) {
          throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Index out of bounds: " + index);
        // find complex list state
        state = list.get(index);
        parentType = (ComplexType) ((ListType) type).getFieldType();
        if (i == segments.length - 1) {
          // last segment
          return getValueComplex(state, parentType);
        } else {
          // not last segment

      if (i == segments.length - 1) {
        // last segment
        return state == null ? null : getValueField(state, field);
      } else {
        // not last segment
        if (type.isSimpleType()) {
          // scalar
          throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Segment must be last: " + segment);
        } else if (type.isComplexType()) {
          // complex property
          state = state == null ? null : getChild(state, name, type);
          // here state can be null (DBS), continue loop with it, meaning uninitialized for read
          parentType = (ComplexType) type;
        } else {
          // list
          ListType listType = (ListType) type;
          if (listType.isArray()) {
            // array of scalars
            throw new PropertyNotFoundException(xpath, "Segment must be last: " + segment);
          } else {
            // complex list but next segment was not numeric
            throw new PropertyNotFoundException(
                xpath, "Missing list index after segment: " + segment);
    throw new AssertionError("not reached");