예제 #1
   * Initializes the permanences of a column. The method returns a 1-D array the size of the input,
   * where each entry in the array represents the initial permanence value between the input bit at
   * the particular index in the array, and the column represented by the 'index' parameter.
   * @param c the {@link Connections} which is the memory model
   * @param potentialPool An array specifying the potential pool of the column. Permanence values
   *     will only be generated for input bits corresponding to indices for which the mask value is
   *     1. WARNING: potentialPool is sparse, not an array of "1's"
   * @param index the index of the column being initialized
   * @param connectedPct A value between 0 or 1 specifying the percent of the input bits that will
   *     start off in a connected state.
   * @return
  public double[] initPermanence(
      Connections c, int[] potentialPool, int index, double connectedPct) {
    double[] perm = new double[c.getNumInputs()];
    for (int idx : potentialPool) {
      if (c.random.nextDouble() <= connectedPct) {
        perm[idx] = initPermConnected(c);
      } else {
        perm[idx] = initPermNonConnected(c);

      perm[idx] = perm[idx] < c.getSynPermTrimThreshold() ? 0 : perm[idx];
    c.getColumn(index).setProximalPermanences(c, perm);
    return perm;
예제 #2
   * The primary method in charge of learning. Adapts the permanence values of the synapses based on
   * the input vector, and the chosen columns after inhibition round. Permanence values are
   * increased for synapses connected to input bits that are turned on, and decreased for synapses
   * connected to inputs bits that are turned off.
   * @param c the {@link Connections} (spatial pooler memory)
   * @param inputVector a integer array that comprises the input to the spatial pooler. There exists
   *     an entry in the array for every input bit.
   * @param activeColumns an array containing the indices of the columns that survived inhibition.
  public void adaptSynapses(Connections c, int[] inputVector, int[] activeColumns) {
    int[] inputIndices = ArrayUtils.where(inputVector, ArrayUtils.INT_GREATER_THAN_0);

    double[] permChanges = new double[c.getNumInputs()];
    Arrays.fill(permChanges, -1 * c.getSynPermInactiveDec());
    ArrayUtils.setIndexesTo(permChanges, inputIndices, c.getSynPermActiveInc());
    for (int i = 0; i < activeColumns.length; i++) {
      Pool pool = c.getPotentialPools().get(activeColumns[i]);
      double[] perm = pool.getDensePermanences(c);
      int[] indexes = pool.getSparsePotential();
      ArrayUtils.raiseValuesBy(permChanges, perm);
      Column col = c.getColumn(activeColumns[i]);
      updatePermanencesForColumn(c, perm, col, indexes, true);
예제 #3
   * The range of connectedSynapses per column, averaged for each dimension. This value is used to
   * calculate the inhibition radius. This variation of the function supports arbitrary column
   * dimensions.
   * @param c the {@link Connections} (spatial pooler memory)
   * @param columnIndex the current column for which to avg.
   * @return
  public double avgConnectedSpanForColumnND(Connections c, int columnIndex) {
    int[] dimensions = c.getInputDimensions();
    int[] connected = c.getColumn(columnIndex).getProximalDendrite().getConnectedSynapsesSparse(c);
    if (connected == null || connected.length == 0) return 0;

    int[] maxCoord = new int[c.getInputDimensions().length];
    int[] minCoord = new int[c.getInputDimensions().length];
    Arrays.fill(maxCoord, -1);
    Arrays.fill(minCoord, ArrayUtils.max(dimensions));
    SparseMatrix<?> inputMatrix = c.getInputMatrix();
    for (int i = 0; i < connected.length; i++) {
      maxCoord = ArrayUtils.maxBetween(maxCoord, inputMatrix.computeCoordinates(connected[i]));
      minCoord = ArrayUtils.minBetween(minCoord, inputMatrix.computeCoordinates(connected[i]));
    return ArrayUtils.average(ArrayUtils.add(ArrayUtils.subtract(maxCoord, minCoord), 1));
예제 #4
   * This method increases the permanence values of synapses of columns whose activity level has
   * been too low. Such columns are identified by having an overlap duty cycle that drops too much
   * below those of their peers. The permanence values for such columns are increased.
   * @param c
  public void bumpUpWeakColumns(final Connections c) {
    int[] weakColumns =
            new Condition.Adapter<Integer>() {
              public boolean eval(int i) {
                return c.getOverlapDutyCycles()[i] < c.getMinOverlapDutyCycles()[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < weakColumns.length; i++) {
      Pool pool = c.getPotentialPools().get(weakColumns[i]);
      double[] perm = pool.getSparsePermanences();
      ArrayUtils.raiseValuesBy(c.getSynPermBelowStimulusInc(), perm);
      int[] indexes = pool.getSparsePotential();
      Column col = c.getColumn(weakColumns[i]);
      updatePermanencesForColumnSparse(c, perm, col, indexes, true);
예제 #5
   * Step two of pooler initialization kept separate from initialization of static members so that
   * they may be set at a different point in the initialization (as sometimes needed by tests).
   * <p>This step prepares the proximal dendritic synapse pools with their initial permanence values
   * and connected inputs.
   * @param c the {@link Connections} memory
  public void connectAndConfigureInputs(Connections c) {
    // Initialize the set of permanence values for each column. Ensure that
    // each column is connected to enough input bits to allow it to be
    // activated.
    int numColumns = c.getNumColumns();
    for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
      int[] potential = mapPotential(c, i, true);
      Column column = c.getColumn(i);
      c.getPotentialPools().set(i, column.createPotentialPool(c, potential));
      double[] perm = initPermanence(c, potential, i, c.getInitConnectedPct());
      updatePermanencesForColumn(c, perm, column, potential, true);

    // The inhibition radius determines the size of a column's local
    // neighborhood.  A cortical column must overcome the overlap score of
    // columns in its neighborhood in order to become active. This radius is
    // updated every learning round. It grows and shrinks with the average
    // number of connected synapses per column.