public static synchronized void instanceDelete(String uri) { BaseUtil.out("SuiteManager.instanceDelete uri=" + uri); if (uri == null) { BaseUtil.out("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URI == NULL "); BaseUtil.out("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URI == NULL "); return; } SuiteNodesNotifier suiteNotifier = SuiteManager.getServerSuiteProject(uri).getLookup().lookup(SuiteNodesNotifier.class); Properties props = ServerUtil.removeInstanceProperties(uri); // // Delete InstancePreferencies // String instancePath = SuiteUtil.extractInstancePath(uri); if (instancePath != null) { DirectoryPreferences registry = new DirectoryPreferences(Paths.get(instancePath)); registry.remove(); Project suite = getServerSuiteProject(uri); if (suite != null) { suite.getLookup().lookup(DistributeModulesManager.class).remove(instancePath); } // DistributeModulesManager m = getInstance(uri); } suiteNotifier.instancesChanged(); // Can invoke this method too }
private void onDeploy() { if (isCompleteImmediately()) { return; } List<Pair<BaseTargetModuleID, BaseTargetModuleID>> modules = getManager().getInitialDeployedModulesOld(); Project wp = BaseUtil.getOwnerProject( FileUtil.toFileObject(new File(getTargetModuleID().getProjectDir()))); int i = 0; for (Pair<BaseTargetModuleID, BaseTargetModuleID> pair : modules) { if (pair.first().getContextPath().equals(getTargetModuleID().getContextPath())) { modules.set(i, Pair.of(getTargetModuleID(), (BaseTargetModuleID) null)); return; } i++; } i = 0; for (Pair<BaseTargetModuleID, BaseTargetModuleID> pair : modules) { if (pair.first().getProjectDir().equals(getTargetModuleID().getProjectDir())) { modules.set(i, Pair.of(getTargetModuleID(), (BaseTargetModuleID) null)); return; } i++; } modules.add(Pair.of(getTargetModuleID(), (BaseTargetModuleID) null)); // } }
public static synchronized List<String> getServerInstanceIds(FileObject suiteDir) { if (suiteDir == null) { return null; } Path suitePath = Paths.get(suiteDir.getPath()); Deployment d = Deployment.getDefault(); if (d == null || d.getServerInstanceIDs() == null) { return null; } List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String uri : d.getServerInstanceIDs()) { InstanceProperties ip = InstanceProperties.getInstanceProperties(uri); String foundSuiteLocation = SuiteUtil.getSuiteProjectLocation(ip); if (foundSuiteLocation == null || !new File(foundSuiteLocation).exists()) { // May be not a native plugin server continue; } Project foundSuite = BaseUtil.getOwnerProject(FileUtil.toFileObject(new File(foundSuiteLocation))); if (foundSuite == null) { continue; } Path p = Paths.get(foundSuiteLocation); if (suitePath.equals(p)) { result.add(uri); } } return result; }
public void register(Project webApp) { int result = SUCCESS; Path target = createRegistry(); if (target == null) { return; } FileObject propsFo = FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()) .getFileObject(SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_WEB_APPS_PROPS); Properties props = new Properties(); if (propsFo != null) { props = BaseUtil.loadProperties(propsFo); try { propsFo.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage()); } } WebModule wm = WebModule.getWebModule(webApp.getProjectDirectory()); String cp = wm.getContextPath(); if (cp != null) { props.setProperty(cp, webApp.getProjectDirectory().getPath()); } else { result = CONTEXTPATH_NOT_FOUND; } if (result == SUCCESS) { BaseUtil.storeProperties( props, FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()), SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_WEB_APPS_PROPS); String uri = SuiteManager.getManager(serverInstance).getUri(); SuiteNotifier sn = SuiteManager.getServerSuiteProject(uri).getLookup().lookup(SuiteNotifier.class); sn.childrenChanged(this, webApp); } return; }
protected static void saveInstanceProperties(Properties props) { BaseUtil.out("--- 1 SuiteManager : saveInstanceProperties()"); String uri = props.getProperty(BaseConstants.URL_PROP); String projDir = props.getProperty(BaseConstants.SERVER_LOCATION_PROP); if (uri == null) { BaseUtil.out("--- 2 SuiteManager : saveInstanceProperties() uri == null"); return; } BaseUtil.out("--- 3 SuiteManager : saveInstanceProperties() uri = " + uri); InstancePreferences prefs = getNbInstanceProperties(projDir, uri); props.forEach( (k, v) -> { BaseUtil.out( "--- 4 SuiteManager : saveInstanceProperties() key = " + k + "; value = " + v); prefs.setProperty((String) k, (String) v); }); }
public BaseDeployProgressObject destroy( BaseTargetModuleID module, FileObject projDir, boolean completeImmediately) { command = "destroy"; this.setTargetModuleID(module); setCompleteImmediately(completeImmediately); setMode(getManager().getCurrentDeploymentMode()); BaseUtil.out("command = 'destroy'"); fireRunning(CommandType.UNDEPLOY, getManager().getDefaultTarget().getName());, 0, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); return this; }
protected Properties getWebAppsProperties() { Properties props = new Properties(); FileObject target = getRegistry(); if (target == null) { return props; } FileObject propsFo = target.getFileObject(SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_WEB_APPS_PROPS); if (propsFo == null) { return props; } props = BaseUtil.loadProperties(propsFo); return props; }
public ContextAction(final Lookup webapplookup) { webProject = webapplookup.lookup(Project.class); J2eeModuleProvider p = BaseUtil.getJ2eeModuleProvider(webProject); String id = ""; if (p != null) { id = p.getServerInstanceID(); } if (p != null && id.startsWith("jettystandalone:deploy:server") && p.getInstanceProperties() != null) { File file = new File(BaseUtil.getServerLocation(p.getInstanceProperties())); FileObject fo = FileUtil.toFileObject(file); serverProject = BaseUtil.getOwnerProject(fo); } else { serverProject = null; } boolean enabled = serverProject == null ? false : true; if (enabled) { File f = Paths.get(serverProject.getProjectDirectory().getPath(), Utils.jettyBase(serverProject)) .toFile(); String jsfListener = JettyConfig.getInstance(serverProject).getJsfListener(); // BaseUtil.out("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AddListenerAction listener=" + jsfListener); String jsfModule = JettyConfig.getInstance(serverProject).getJSFModuleName(); enabled = jsfModule != null && !DDHelper.hasJsfListener(serverProject, webProject); setEnabled(enabled); String s = isEnabled() ? "(" + jsfModule + ") " : ""; putValue(NAME, "Add Listener " + s + " to web.xml "); } putValue(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED, true); }
public static InstancePreferences getNbInstanceProperties(String instanceDir, String uri) { BaseUtil.out("**** 1 SuiteRegistry.getNbInstancePreferences instanceDir=" + instanceDir); BaseUtil.out("**** 2 SuiteRegistry.getNbInstancePreferences uri=" + uri); Project suite = SuiteManager.getServerSuiteProject(uri); FileObject fo = FileUtil.toFileObject(new File(instanceDir)); if (fo == null) { return null; } BaseUtil.out("**** 3 SuiteRegistry.getNbInstancePreferences fo.getPath()=" + fo.getPath()); // FileObject suite = SuiteManager.getServerSuiteProject(serverInstance) String uid = SuiteUtil.getSuiteUID(suite.getProjectDirectory()); BaseUtil.out("**** 4 SuiteRegistry.getNbInstancePreferences UID" + uid); if (uid == null) { return null; } BaseUtil.out("**** 5 NbSuitePreferences.getNbInstancePreferences UID" + uid); return NbSuitePreferences.newInstance(instanceDir, uid).getProperties(); }
public String getServerInstanceProperty(String name) { Properties props = new Properties(); Path target = createRegistry(); if (target == null) { return null; } FileObject propsFo = FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()).getFileObject(""); if (propsFo != null) { props = BaseUtil.loadProperties(propsFo); } return props.getProperty(name); }
protected static void updateInstanceRegistry(Properties props) { Path dirpath = Paths.get("d:\\Netbeans_810_Plugins\\TestApps\\AMEmbServer04"); NbDirectoryPreferences ppp = new NbDirectoryPreferences(dirpath, "uid-025c0287-3243-4a16-837e-94be30ecfc19"); int l = ppp.childrenNames().length; BaseUtil.out( "--- 0000001 SuiteManager : updateInstanceRegistry I test NbDirectoryPreferences lengt=" + l); BaseUtil.out("--- 1 SuiteManager : updateInstanceRegistry(Properties)"); String serverLocation = props.getProperty(BaseConstants.SERVER_LOCATION_PROP); BaseUtil.out( "--- 2 SuiteManager : updateInstanceRegistry(Properties) serverLocation = " + serverLocation); InstancePreferences prefs = getInstanceProperties(serverLocation); props.forEach( (k, v) -> { BaseUtil.out( "--- 2 SuiteManager : updateInstanceRegistry(Properties) key = " + k + "; value = " + v); prefs.setProperty((String) k, (String) v); }); String shutdownPort = props.getProperty(BaseConstants.SHUTDOWN_PORT_PROP); if (shutdownPort == null) { // Cannot be shutdownPort = String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE); prefs.setProperty(BaseConstants.SHUTDOWN_PORT_PROP, shutdownPort); } }
public void setServerInstanceProperty(String name, String value) { Properties props = new Properties(); Path target = createRegistry(); if (target == null) { return; } FileObject propsFo = FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()) .getFileObject(SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_FILE); if (propsFo != null) { props = BaseUtil.loadProperties(propsFo); try { propsFo.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage()); } } props.setProperty(name, value); BaseUtil.storeProperties( props, FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()), SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_FILE); }
public static Project getServerSuiteProject(String uri) { InstanceProperties ip = InstanceProperties.getInstanceProperties(uri); String suiteLocation; if (ip != null) { suiteLocation = SuiteUtil.getSuiteProjectLocation(ip); } else { // extract from url String s = SuiteConstants.SUITE_URL_ID; // ":server:suite:project:"; int i = uri.indexOf(s); suiteLocation = uri.substring(i + s.length()); Path path = Paths.get(suiteLocation); suiteLocation = path.getParent().toString().replace("\\", "/"); } if (suiteLocation == null || !new File(suiteLocation).exists()) { // May be not a native plugin server return null; } return BaseUtil.getOwnerProject(FileUtil.toFileObject(new File(suiteLocation))); }
@Override public void run() { String command = this.command; // BaseUtil.out("BaseDeployProgressObject run command=" + command ); if (!isCompleteImmediately()) { // // actual execution // // BaseUtil.out("BaseDeployProgressObject run 1 command" + command ); executeServerCommand(); } CommandType commandType = CommandType.DISTRIBUTE; switch (command) { case "deploy": onDeploy(); commandType = CommandType.DISTRIBUTE; break; case "undeploy": onUndeploy(); commandType = CommandType.UNDEPLOY; break; case "redeploy": onRedeploy(); commandType = CommandType.REDEPLOY; break; case "start": commandType = CommandType.START; break; case "stop": commandType = CommandType.STOP; break; } try { fireCompleted(commandType, getManager().getDefaultTarget().getName()); } catch (Throwable ex) { BaseUtil.out("BaseDeploProgressObject run() EXCEPTION " + ex.getMessage()); LOG.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage()); } }
public static BaseDeploymentManager getManager(Project serverInstance) { return BaseUtil.managerOf(serverInstance); }
public int unregister(Project webApp) { int result = SUCCESS; Path serverDir = Paths.get(serverInstance.getProjectDirectory().getPath()); String root = serverDir.getRoot().toString().replaceAll(":", "_"); if (root.startsWith("/")) { root = root.substring(1); } Path targetPath = serverDir.getRoot().relativize(serverDir); String tmp = System.getProperty(""); Path target = Paths.get(tmp, SuiteConstants.TMP_DIST_WEB_APPS, root, targetPath.toString()); File file = target.toFile(); if (!file.exists()) { try { FileUtil.createFolder(file); } catch (IOException ex) { result = CREATE_FOLDER_ERROR; LOG.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage()); } } FileObject propsFo = FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()) .getFileObject(SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_WEB_APPS_PROPS); Properties props = new Properties(); if (propsFo != null) { props = BaseUtil.loadProperties(propsFo); try { propsFo.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { result = CREATE_FOLDER_ERROR; LOG.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage()); } } WebModule wm = WebModule.getWebModule(webApp.getProjectDirectory()); String cp = wm.getContextPath(); if (cp != null) { props.remove(cp); FileObject targetFo = FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()); } else { result = CONTEXTPATH_NOT_FOUND; } if (result == SUCCESS) { BaseUtil.storeProperties( props, FileUtil.toFileObject(target.toFile()), SuiteConstants.SERVER_INSTANCE_WEB_APPS_PROPS); String uri = SuiteManager.getManager(serverInstance).getUri(); Project suite = SuiteManager.getServerSuiteProject(uri); if (suite == null) { result = NOT_A_SUITE; } else { SuiteNotifier sn = suite.getLookup().lookup(SuiteNotifier.class); sn.childrenChanged(this, webApp); } } return result; }