public JComponent[] getMenuPresenters() { assert SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() : "Must be called from AWT"; removeAll(); final TopComponent tc = WindowManager.getDefault().getRegistry().getActivated(); if (tc != null) { setEnabled(true); MultiViewHandler handler = MultiViews.findMultiViewHandler(tc); if (handler != null) { ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); MultiViewPerspective[] pers = handler.getPerspectives(); final String[] names = new String[pers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pers.length; i++) { MultiViewPerspective thisPers = pers[i]; JRadioButtonMenuItem item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(); names[i] = thisPers.getDisplayName(); Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(item, thisPers.getDisplayName()); item.setActionCommand(thisPers.getDisplayName()); item.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { MultiViewHandler handler = MultiViews.findMultiViewHandler(tc); if (handler == null) { return; } MultiViewPerspective thisPers = null; MultiViewPerspective[] pers = handler.getPerspectives(); assert pers.length == names.length : "Arrays must have the same length"; for (int i = 0; i < pers.length; i++) { if (event.getActionCommand().equals(names[i])) { thisPers = pers[i]; break; } } if (thisPers != null) { handler.requestActive(thisPers); } } }); if (thisPers .getDisplayName() .equals(handler.getSelectedPerspective().getDisplayName())) { item.setSelected(true); } group.add(item); add(item); } } else { // handler == null // No reason to enable action on any TC because now it was enabled even for Welcome page setEnabled(false); /*JRadioButtonMenuItem but = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(); Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(but, NbBundle.getMessage(EditorsAction.class, "EditorsAction.source")); but.setSelected(true); add(but);*/ } } else { // tc == null setEnabled(false); } return new JComponent[] {this}; }
/** * Shows the desired multiview element. Must be called after the editor has been opened (i.e. * so the TopComponent will be the active one in the registry. * * @param id identifier of the multiview element. */ public static void requestMultiviewActive(String id) { TopComponent activeTC = TopComponent.getRegistry().getActivated(); MultiViewHandler handler = MultiViews.findMultiViewHandler(activeTC); if (handler != null) { MultiViewPerspective[] perspectives = handler.getPerspectives(); for (MultiViewPerspective perspective : perspectives) { if (perspective.preferredID().equals(id)) { handler.requestActive(perspective); } } } }