/** * MaintainDynamicCodeCodeGroup. * * @param subContexts the ServiceSubContext.... * @param session the NabuccoSession. * @param message the DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg. * @return the DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg. * @throws MaintainException */ public DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg maintainDynamicCodeCodeGroup( DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg message, NabuccoSession session, ServiceSubContext... subContexts) throws MaintainException { ServiceRequest<DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg> request = new ServiceRequest<DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg>( super.createServiceContext(session, subContexts)); request.setRequestMessage(message); ServiceResponse<DynamicCodeCodeGroupMaintainMsg> response = null; Exception exception = null; if ((this.service != null)) { super.handleRequest(request, session); long start = NabuccoSystem.getCurrentTimeMillis(); try { response = service.maintainDynamicCodeCodeGroup(request); } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } finally { long end = NabuccoSystem.getCurrentTimeMillis(); long duration = (end - start); super.monitorResult( MaintainDynamicCode.class, "maintainDynamicCodeCodeGroup", duration, exception); } if ((response != null)) { super.handleResponse(response, session); return response.getResponseMessage(); } } throw new MaintainException( "Cannot execute service operation: MaintainDynamicCode.maintainDynamicCodeCodeGroup"); }
/** * ImportSchema. * * @param subContexts the ServiceSubContext.... * @param message the ImportRq. * @return the ImportRs. * @throws ClientException */ public ImportRs importSchema(ImportRq message, ServiceSubContext... subContexts) throws ClientException { ServiceRequest<ImportRq> request = new ServiceRequest<ImportRq>(super.createServiceContext(subContexts)); request.setRequestMessage(message); ServiceResponse<ImportRs> response = null; Exception exception = null; if ((service != null)) { super.handleRequest(request); long start = NabuccoSystem.getCurrentTimeMillis(); try { response = service.importSchema(request); } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } finally { long end = NabuccoSystem.getCurrentTimeMillis(); long duration = (end - start); super.monitorResult(ImportSchema.class, "importSchema", duration, exception); } if ((response != null)) { super.handleResponse(response); return response.getResponseMessage(); } } throw new ClientException("Cannot execute service operation: ImportSchema.importSchema"); }
/** * Getter for the DashboardStatistic. * * @param subContexts the ServiceSubContext.... * @param message the EmptyServiceMessage. * @return the DashboardStatisticMsg. * @throws ClientException */ public DashboardStatisticMsg getDashboardStatistic( EmptyServiceMessage message, ServiceSubContext... subContexts) throws ClientException { ServiceRequest<EmptyServiceMessage> request = new ServiceRequest<EmptyServiceMessage>(super.createServiceContext(subContexts)); request.setRequestMessage(message); ServiceResponse<DashboardStatisticMsg> response = null; Exception exception = null; if ((service != null)) { super.handleRequest(request); long start = NabuccoSystem.getCurrentTimeMillis(); try { response = service.getDashboardStatistic(request); } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } finally { long end = NabuccoSystem.getCurrentTimeMillis(); long duration = (end - start); super.monitorResult(ReportScript.class, "getDashboardStatistic", duration, exception); } if ((response != null)) { super.handleResponse(response); return response.getResponseMessage(); } } throw new ClientException( "Cannot execute service operation: ReportScript.getDashboardStatistic"); }