static { delegates.add(new DatatypeStateEntityListener());"Adding DatatypeStateEntityListener to NabuccoEntityListener."); delegates.add(new DatatypeLoggingEntityListener());"Adding DatatypeLoggingEntityListener to NabuccoEntityListener."); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void visit(Foreach foreach, TestScriptResult argument) throws TestScriptException { getContext().setCurrentTestScriptElement(foreach); Name elementName = foreach.getElementName(); PropertyReference iterableId = foreach.getIterableRef(); Property iterableProperty = getContext().getProperty(iterableId); if (iterableProperty == null) { throw new TestScriptException("Property '" + iterableId + "' not found in context"); } PropertyIterator propertyIterator = new PropertyIterator(iterableProperty); if (getContext().getProperty(elementName) != null) { throw new TestScriptException( "Foreach configuration error -> Property '" + elementName + "' already exists in context"); }"Starting Foreach-Loop: " + foreach.getId()); Iterator<Property> iterator = propertyIterator.iterator(); Property currentProp = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { currentProp =; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Next element: id=" + currentProp.getName().getValue() + ", type=" + currentProp.getType()); } Property currentClone = currentProp.cloneObject(); currentClone.setName(elementName); getContext().put(currentClone); try { super.visit(foreach.getTestScriptElementList(), argument); } catch (BreakLoopException ex) { getContext().remove(currentClone); break; } // remove property with id=elementId from context getContext().remove(currentClone); } }
/** * Called before an entity is updated to the database. * * @param entity the entity to update */ public void preUpdate(Object entity) { if (!(entity instanceof Datatype)) { logger.warning("Entity to update is not of type Datatype."); return; } for (EntityListener listener : delegates) { listener.postPersist((Datatype) entity); } }
/** * Called after an entity is load from the database. * * @param entity the loaded entity */ public void postLoad(Object entity) { if (!(entity instanceof Datatype)) { logger.warning("Loaded entity is not of type Datatype."); return; } for (EntityListener listener : delegates) { listener.postLoad((Datatype) entity); } }
@Override public ActionResponse execute( TestContext context, PropertyList propertyList, List<Metadata> metadataList, SubEngineActionType actionType) throws SubEngineException { Metadata metadata = null; try { // Validation this.validateArguments(context, propertyList, metadataList, actionType); SwingActionType swingAction = (SwingActionType) actionType; // Init result metadata = metadataList.get(metadataList.size() - 1); this.initResult(context, metadata, actionType); // this.validateComponent(propertyList, swingAction); // Execute Command ExecutionCommand command = createCommand(propertyList, metadata, swingAction); Integer timeout = getTimeout(metadata, swingAction); Property reply = executeCommand(context, command, timeout); if (reply != null) { PropertyList returnList = PropertyHelper.createPropertyList("Return"); PropertyHelper.add(reply, returnList); result.setReturnProperties(returnList); } } catch (SwingValidationException e) { logger.error(e, "Error validating Swing component."); failResult(metadata, actionType, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, "Error during Swing component execution."); failResult(metadata, actionType); } return result; }
/** * Extracts the timeout time for the current action on the {@link Metadata} component. * * @param metadata the current {@link Metadata} object * @param actionType the type of action * @return the wait time for this object and action */ private Integer getTimeout(Metadata metadata, SwingActionType actionType) { NumericProperty property = null; try { switch (actionType) { case LEFTCLICK: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_CLICK); break; case RIGHTCLICK: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_CLICK); break; case DOUBLECLICK: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_CLICK); break; case FIND: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_CLICK); break; case ENTER: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_ENTER); break; case READ: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_READ); break; case COUNT: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_READ); break; case IS_AVAILABLE: property = (NumericProperty) PropertyHelper.getFromList(metadata.getPropertyList(), WAIT_READ); break; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning( e, "Problem extracting wait time for ", metadata.getName().getValue(), ", using DEFAULT."); } Integer waitTime = property != null ? property.getValue().getValue().intValue() : DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME; return waitTime; }
/** * Resolve the datatype with the given id from the table model. * * @param rowId the id of the datatype to resolve from the table model * @return the datatype with the given id, or null if the table model does not contain a datatype * with the given id */ protected Datatype getDatatypeById(String rowId) { if (rowId == null || rowId.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { long id = Long.parseLong(rowId); if (tableModel == null) { return null; } return this.tableModel.getDatatypeByObjectId(id); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warning(nfe, "Cannot parse id '", rowId, "' as long."); } return null; }
@Override public void relateAfter(ServiceMessage requestMessage, ServiceMessage responseMessage) throws RelatingException { if (responseMessage == null) { return; } try { ComponentRelationRelatingVisitor visitor = new ComponentRelationRelatingVisitor(super.getContext()); responseMessage.accept(visitor); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( e, "Error maintaining component relations for '" + requestMessage.getClass().getName() + "'."); } }
@Override public NabucoExtensionContainer parseExtension(Element e) throws ExtensionParserException { logger.debug("Parsing GeoConfig configuration"); try { GeoConfigExtension ext = new GeoConfigExtension(); ExtensionId id = new ExtensionId(e.getAttribute(ATTR_ID)); ext.setIdentifier(id); List<Element> schmemaList = getElementsByTagName(e, ELEMENT_GEOSCHEMA); List<GeoSchemaExtension> resList = ext.getGeoSchemaList(); for (Element schemaElement : schmemaList) { GeoSchemaExtension gs = new GeoSchemaExtension(); gs.setLocale(getStringProperty(schemaElement, ATTR_LOCALE)); resList.add(gs); List<Element> geoRegionList = getElementsByTagName(schemaElement, ELEMENT_GEOREGION); for (Element geoRegionElement : geoRegionList) { GeoRegionExtension gr = new GeoRegionExtension(); gr.setId(getStringProperty(geoRegionElement, ATTR_ID)); gr.setType(getStringProperty(geoRegionElement, ATTR_TYPE)); gr.setOptional(getBooleanProperty(geoRegionElement, ATTR_OPTIONAL)); gs.getGeoRegionList().add(gr); } } return new NabucoExtensionContainer(ext); } catch (ExtensionException ex) { throw new ExtensionParserException(ex); } }