// MMB-1893 public void testDeleteNodeWitRelationsAndCancel() { Cloud cloud = getCloud(); int urlCount0 = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); int relCount0 = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("insrel").createQuery()); Node url = cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createNode(); url.commit(); Node news = cloud.getNode(newNode); RelationManager rm = cloud.getRelationManager("urls", "news", "posrel"); Relation r = url.createRelation(news, rm); r.commit(); int urlCount = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); int relCount = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("insrel").createQuery()); assertEquals(urlCount0 + 1, urlCount); assertEquals(relCount0 + 1, relCount); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("deletewithrelationsandcancel"); Node turl = t.getNode(url.getNumber()); turl.delete(true); t.cancel(); int urlCountAfter = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); assertEquals(urlCount, urlCountAfter); int relCountAfter = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("insrel").createQuery()); assertEquals(relCount, relCountAfter); // MMB-1893 }
public void testCreateAndDelete2() { // Create new node. Request the node again. Delete that. Commit the transaction. // The new node must not exist. Cloud cloud = getCloud(); int urlCount = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("testcreateandelete"); Node url = t.getNodeManager("urls").createNode(); url.commit(); assertEquals(1, t.getNodes().size()); Node reurl = t.getNode(url.getNumber()); reurl.delete(); assertEquals( 1, t.getNodes() .size()); // 0 would also be an option, but the node remaisn in the transaction as // 'NOLONGER' t.commit(); int urlCountAfter = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); assertEquals(urlCount, urlCountAfter); }
// MMB-1889 public void testCreateRelationAndDeleteNode() { // Make a relation to an existing node. Then delete that node with the 'delete relations' // option'. Commit the transaction. // The new relations should not exist, since the node was deleted. // No errors. Cloud cloud = getCloud(); int urlCount = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); int relCount = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("insrel").createQuery()); Node url = cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createNode(); url.commit(); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("relatedandelete"); Node turl = t.getNode(url.getNumber()); Node news = t.getNode(newNode); RelationManager rm = t.getRelationManager("urls", "news", "posrel"); Relation r = turl.createRelation(news, rm); r.commit(); turl.delete(true); t.commit(); int urlCountAfter = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); assertEquals(urlCount, urlCountAfter); int relCountAfter = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("insrel").createQuery()); assertEquals(relCount, relCountAfter); }
// same case as above, only no changes are made to the node. public void testDeleteNodeOutsideTransactionNodeInTransactionButNotChanged() { Cloud cloud = getCloud(); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("bar11"); Node nodeInTransaction = t.getNode(newNode2); // nodeInTransaction.setStringValue("title", "foo2"); { // now delete the node Node nodeOutTransaction = cloud.getNode(newNode2); nodeOutTransaction.delete(); assertFalse(cloud.hasNode(newNode2)); } try { // make a relation to the (deleted) node, but in the transaction, where the node still // exists. // This demonstrate that there is an actual problem if the node ends up non-existing now. Node url = t.getNodeManager("urls").createNode(); RelationManager rm = t.getRelationManager("news", "urls", "posrel"); Relation r = nodeInTransaction.createRelation(url, rm); t.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { // should not give exception. MMB-1680 log.error(e.getMessage(), e); fail(e.getMessage()); } assertTrue(cloud.hasNode(newNode2)); assertEquals(1, cloud.getNode(newNode2).countRelations()); }
public void testCommitDelete() { Cloud cloud = getCloud(); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("bar6"); Node node = t.getNode(newNode); node.delete(); t.commit(); assertFalse(cloud.hasNode(newNode)); }
public void testCancelDelete() { Cloud cloud = getCloud(); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("bar5"); Node node = t.getNode(newNode); node.delete(); t.cancel(); assertTrue(cloud.hasNode(newNode)); }
public void testDeleteNodeOutsideTransaction() { Cloud cloud = getCloud(); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("bar11"); Node nodeInTransaction = t.getNode(newNode2); nodeInTransaction.setStringValue("title", "foo2"); { // now delete the node Node nodeOutTransaction = cloud.getNode(newNode2); nodeOutTransaction.delete(); assertFalse(cloud.hasNode(newNode2)); } try { t.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { // should not give exception. MMB-1680 log.error(e.getMessage(), e); fail(e.getMessage()); } assertTrue(cloud.hasNode(newNode2)); }
// MMB-1860 (2) public void testCreateRelateAndDelete() { // Create new node. Make a relation to it. Delete the node again. Commit the transaction. // The new node must not exist, but the relation shouldn't have caused errors Cloud cloud = getCloud(); int urlCount = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); Transaction t = cloud.getTransaction("testcreateandelete"); Node news = t.getNode(newNode); Node url = t.getNodeManager("urls").createNode(); RelationManager rm = t.getRelationManager("urls", "news", "posrel"); Relation r = url.createRelation(news, rm); url.delete(true); t.commit(); int urlCountAfter = Queries.count(cloud.getNodeManager("urls").createQuery()); assertEquals(urlCount, urlCountAfter); }