private SWRLIndividualObject makeIndividalObject(final Node node) throws URISyntaxException { if (node.isVariable()) { final SWRLIndividualVariable var = swrlFactory.createIndividualVariable(new URI(varNS + node.getName())); vars.put(node.toString(), var); return var; } final OWLIndividual ind = owlModel.createIndividual(null, new URI(node.getURI())); return swrlFactory.wrapIndividual(ind); }
private SWRLDataObject makeDataObject(final Node node) throws URISyntaxException { if (node.isVariable()) { final SWRLDataVariable var = swrlFactory.createDataVariable(new URI(varNS + node.getName())); vars.put(node.toString(), var); return var; } final OWLDataValue value = new OWLDataValueImpl(new LiteralImpl(node, (EnhGraph) owlModel.getImplementation())); return swrlFactory.wrapDataValue(value); }
/* @see com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementVisitorBase#visit(com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementTriplesBlock) */ @Override public void visit(final ElementTriplesBlock elementtriplesblock) { for (final Triple t : elementtriplesblock.getPattern()) { try { if (t.getPredicate().isVariable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Variables cannot be used in predicate position in ABoxQuery"); Atom atom = null; final String predURI = t.getPredicate().getURI(); if (RDF.type.getURI().equals(predURI)) { if (t.getObject().isVariable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Variables cannot be used as objects of rdf:type triples in ABoxQuery"); final OWLClass c = owlModel.createClass(new URI(t.getObject().getURI())); final SWRLIndividualObject arg = makeIndividalObject(t.getSubject()); atom = swrlFactory.createClassAtom(c, arg); } else { final OWLProperty p = owlModel.getProperty(new URI(predURI)); if (p == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( predURI + " is unknown [Object|Datatype]Property in the backing OWL model."); else if (p.isDatatypeProperty()) { final OWLDataProperty dp = owlModel.createDataProperty(p.getURI()); final SWRLIndividualObject arg1 = makeIndividalObject(t.getSubject()); final SWRLDataObject arg2 = makeDataObject(t.getObject()); atom = swrlFactory.createDataPropertyAtom(dp, arg1, arg2); } else if (p.isObjectProperty()) { final OWLObjectProperty op = owlModel.createObjectProperty(p.getURI()); final SWRLIndividualObject arg1 = makeIndividalObject(t.getSubject()); final SWRLIndividualObject arg2 = makeIndividalObject(t.getObject()); atom = swrlFactory.createIndividualPropertyAtom(op, arg1, arg2); } // else it could be a annotation property, which are not relevant anyway } if (atom != null) atoms = atoms.cons(atom); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getInput() + " appearing in the query string is not a valid URI!"); } } }
ElementVisitor( final OWLModel model, final ISWRLFactory swrlFactory, final Map<String, Variable> vars) { this.owlModel = model; this.swrlFactory = swrlFactory; this.vars = vars; this.atoms = swrlFactory.createList(); }
private SWRLDataObject makeDataObject(final Expr expr) throws URISyntaxException { if (expr.isVariable()) { return swrlFactory.createDataVariable(new URI(varNS + expr.getVarName())); } else if (expr.isConstant()) { final NodeValue nv = (NodeValue) expr; OWLDataValue value; if (nv.isInteger()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(nv.getInteger()); else if (nv.isDouble()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(Double.valueOf(nv.getDouble())); else if (nv.isFloat()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(Float.valueOf(nv.getFloat())); else if (nv.isBoolean()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(Boolean.valueOf(nv.getBoolean())); else if (nv.isString()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(nv.getString()); else if (nv.isDecimal()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(nv.getDecimal()); else if (nv.hasDateTime()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(nv.getDateTime()); else /* if (nv.isLiteral()) */ throw new NotImplementedException(); return swrlFactory.wrapDataValue(value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Nested constraint (filter) near " + expr + " can not be transformed to SWRL atom."); } }
private SWRLDataObject makeDataObject(final Expression expr) throws URISyntaxException { if (expr.isVariable()) { return swrlFactory.createDataVariable(new URI(varNS + expr.getName())); } else if (expr.isConstant()) { OWLDataValue value = null; if (expr instanceof ParsedLiteral) { final ParsedLiteral lit = (ParsedLiteral) expr; if (lit.isInt()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(Long.valueOf(lit.getInt())); else if (lit.isDouble()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(Double.valueOf(lit.getDouble())); else if (lit.isBoolean()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(Boolean.valueOf(lit.getBoolean())); else if (lit.isString()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(lit.getString()); else if (lit.isURI()) value = owlModel.createDataValue(URI.create(lit.getURI())); else /* if (lit.isNode()) */ throw new NotImplementedException(); } else value = owlModel.createDataValue(expr.getValue()); return swrlFactory.wrapDataValue(value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Nested constraint expressions near " + expr + " can not be transformed to SWRL atom."); } }
/* @see com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementVisitorBase#visit(com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementFilter) */ @Override public void visit(final ElementFilter elementfilter) { final Expr expr = elementfilter.getExpr(); final BuiltinAtom atom; try { if (expr instanceof Expression) // RDQL { final Expression e = (Expression) expr; final SWRLDataObject arg1 = makeDataObject(e.getArg(0)); final SWRLDataObject arg2 = makeDataObject(e.getArg(1)); if (e instanceof Q_Equal) atom = swrlFactory.createEqual(arg1, arg2); else if (e instanceof Q_NotEqual) atom = swrlFactory.createNotEqual(arg1, arg2); else if (e instanceof Q_GreaterThan) atom = swrlFactory.createGreaterThan(arg1, arg2); else if (e instanceof Q_GreaterThanOrEqual) atom = swrlFactory.createGreaterThanOrEqual(arg1, arg2); else if (e instanceof Q_LessThan) atom = swrlFactory.createLessThan(arg1, arg2); else if (e instanceof Q_LessThanOrEqual) atom = swrlFactory.createLessThanOrEqual(arg1, arg2); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported constraint expression " + e + " used in RDQL query."); } else if (expr.isFunction()) // SPARQL { final ExprFunction f = (ExprFunction) expr; final SWRLDataObject arg1 = makeDataObject(f.getArg(0)); final SWRLDataObject arg2 = makeDataObject(f.getArg(1)); if (f instanceof E_Equals) atom = swrlFactory.createEqual(arg1, arg2); else if (f instanceof E_NotEquals) atom = swrlFactory.createNotEqual(arg1, arg2); else if (f instanceof E_GreaterThan) atom = swrlFactory.createGreaterThan(arg1, arg2); else if (f instanceof E_GreaterThanOrEqual) atom = swrlFactory.createGreaterThanOrEqual(arg1, arg2); else if (f instanceof E_LessThan) atom = swrlFactory.createLessThan(arg1, arg2); else if (f instanceof E_LessThanOrEqual) atom = swrlFactory.createLessThanOrEqual(arg1, arg2); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported constraint (filter) " + f + " used in SPARQL query."); } else return; atoms = atoms.cons(atom); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getInput() + " is not a valid URI!"); } }