public WaitTimeStuckCalculator( final Population population, final TransitSchedule transitSchedule, final int timeSlot, final int totalTime) { this.population = population; this.timeSlot = timeSlot; for (TransitLine line : transitSchedule.getTransitLines().values()) for (TransitRoute route : line.getRoutes().values()) { double[] sortedDepartures = new double[route.getDepartures().size()]; int d = 0; for (Departure departure : route.getDepartures().values()) sortedDepartures[d++] = departure.getDepartureTime(); Arrays.sort(sortedDepartures); Map<Id<TransitStopFacility>, WaitTimeData> stopsMap = new HashMap<Id<TransitStopFacility>, WaitTimeData>(100); Map<Id<TransitStopFacility>, double[]> stopsScheduledMap = new HashMap<Id<TransitStopFacility>, double[]>(100); for (TransitRouteStop stop : route.getStops()) { stopsMap.put( stop.getStopFacility().getId(), new WaitTimeDataArray(totalTime / timeSlot + 1)); double[] cacheWaitTimes = new double[totalTime / timeSlot + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < cacheWaitTimes.length; i++) { double endTime = timeSlot * (i + 1); if (endTime > 24 * 3600) endTime -= 24 * 3600; cacheWaitTimes[i] = Time.UNDEFINED_TIME; SORTED_DEPARTURES: for (double departure : sortedDepartures) { double arrivalTime = departure + (stop.getArrivalOffset() != Time.UNDEFINED_TIME ? stop.getArrivalOffset() : stop.getDepartureOffset()); if (arrivalTime >= endTime) { cacheWaitTimes[i] = arrivalTime - endTime; break SORTED_DEPARTURES; } } if (cacheWaitTimes[i] == Time.UNDEFINED_TIME) cacheWaitTimes[i] = sortedDepartures[0] + 24 * 3600 + (stop.getArrivalOffset() != Time.UNDEFINED_TIME ? stop.getArrivalOffset() : stop.getDepartureOffset()) - endTime; } stopsScheduledMap.put(stop.getStopFacility().getId(), cacheWaitTimes); } Tuple<Id<TransitLine>, Id<TransitRoute>> key = new Tuple<Id<TransitLine>, Id<TransitRoute>>(line.getId(), route.getId()); waitTimes.put(key, stopsMap); scheduledWaitTimes.put(key, stopsScheduledMap); } }
public void testStopFacility() { TransitStopFacility stopFacility1 = new TransitStopFacilityImpl( Id.create(1, TransitStopFacility.class), new CoordImpl(2, 3), false); TransitStopFacility stopFacility2 = new TransitStopFacilityImpl( Id.create(2, TransitStopFacility.class), new CoordImpl(3, 4), false); double arrivalDelay = 4; double departureDelay = 5; TransitRouteStop routeStop = createTransitRouteStop(stopFacility1, arrivalDelay, departureDelay); assertEquals(stopFacility1, routeStop.getStopFacility()); routeStop.setStopFacility(stopFacility2); assertEquals(stopFacility2, routeStop.getStopFacility()); }
private Set<Id> getStopsUsed(Collection<TransitRoute> routes) { Set<Id> stopsUsed = new TreeSet<Id>(); for (TransitRoute route : routes) { for (TransitRouteStop stop : route.getStops()) { stopsUsed.add(stop.getStopFacility().getId()); } } return stopsUsed; }
protected boolean containsId( List<TransitRouteStop> stopsToCome, Id<TransitStopFacility> egressStopId) { for (TransitRouteStop stop : stopsToCome) { if (egressStopId.equals(stop.getStopFacility().getId())) { return true; } } return false; }
private static boolean isRelatedWithLine(Person person, TransitLine line) { ExperimentalTransitRouteFactory factory = new ExperimentalTransitRouteFactory(); for (Plan plan : person.getPlans()) for (PlanElement planElement : plan.getPlanElements()) if (planElement instanceof Leg && ((Leg) planElement).getRoute() instanceof Route) { Route origRoute = ((Leg) planElement).getRoute(); ExperimentalTransitRoute route = (ExperimentalTransitRoute) factory.createRoute(origRoute.getStartLinkId(), origRoute.getEndLinkId()); route.setStartLinkId(origRoute.getStartLinkId()); route.setEndLinkId(origRoute.getEndLinkId()); route.setRouteDescription(origRoute.getRouteDescription()); for (TransitRoute transitRoute : line.getRoutes().values()) for (TransitRouteStop stop : transitRoute.getStops()) if (stop.getStopFacility().getId().equals(route.getAccessStopId()) || stop.getStopFacility().getId().equals(route.getEgressStopId())) return true; } return false; }
public void testInitialization() { TransitStopFacility stopFacility = new TransitStopFacilityImpl( Id.create(1, TransitStopFacility.class), new CoordImpl(2, 3), false); double arrivalDelay = 4; double departureDelay = 5; TransitRouteStop routeStop = createTransitRouteStop(stopFacility, arrivalDelay, departureDelay); assertEquals(stopFacility, routeStop.getStopFacility()); assertEquals(arrivalDelay, routeStop.getArrivalOffset(), EPSILON); assertEquals(departureDelay, routeStop.getDepartureOffset(), EPSILON); }
private final void createVehicleLinkSpeedAttributes() { for (TransitLine transitLine : scenario.getTransitSchedule().getTransitLines().values()) { for (TransitRoute transitRoute : transitLine.getRoutes().values()) { Set<Id> vehIds = new HashSet<Id>(); for (Departure departure : transitRoute.getDepartures().values()) { vehIds.add(departure.getVehicleId()); } Iterator<TransitRouteStop> iterator = transitRoute.getStops().iterator(); double departure =; while (iterator.hasNext()) { TransitRouteStop routeStop =; double arrival = routeStop.getArrivalOffset(); Link link = scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(routeStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()); double speed = link.getLength() / (arrival - departure); if (speed >= 200.0) { System.out.println( "line=" + transitLine.getId() + ";route=" + transitRoute.getId() + "stop=" + routeStop.getStopFacility().getId() + ": lLenth=" + link.getLength() + ";arr=" + arrival + ";dep=" + departure + ""); } for (Id vehId : vehIds) { this.vehicleAttributes.putAttribute(vehId.toString(), link.getId().toString(), speed); } departure = routeStop.getDepartureOffset(); } } } }
public static TransitSchedule removeAllRoutesWithMissingLinksFromSchedule( TransitSchedule transitSchedule, Network network) {"Removing stops and routes with missing links from the schedule"); TransitSchedule tS = TransitScheduleCleaner.makeTransitScheduleModifiable(transitSchedule); printStatistic(tS); int removedRoutes = 0; // Remove routes with missing links for (TransitLine transitLine : tS.getTransitLines().values()) { Set<TransitRoute> transitRouteToBeRemoved = new HashSet<TransitRoute>(); for (TransitRoute transitRoute : transitLine.getRoutes().values()) { // Remove Route, when links are missing in the network if (network.getLinks().get(transitRoute.getRoute().getStartLinkId()) == null) { transitRouteToBeRemoved.add(transitRoute); continue; } for (Id linkId : transitRoute.getRoute().getLinkIds()) { if (network.getLinks().get(linkId) == null) { transitRouteToBeRemoved.add(transitRoute); break; } } if (network.getLinks().get(transitRoute.getRoute().getEndLinkId()) == null) { transitRouteToBeRemoved.add(transitRoute); continue; } // Remove route, if one of its stops, has a missing link for (TransitRouteStop transitRouteStop : transitRoute.getStops()) { if (network.getLinks().get(transitRouteStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()) == null) { transitRouteToBeRemoved.add(transitRoute); break; } } } for (TransitRoute transitRoute : transitRouteToBeRemoved) { if (transitLine.removeRoute(transitRoute) == true) { removedRoutes++; } } }"Removed " + removedRoutes + " routes due to missing links or stops"); printStatistic(tS); return tS; }
private LeastCostPathCalculator.Path getShortestPath(Node startNode, TransitRouteStop toStop) { LeastCostPathCalculator.Path shortestPath = null; for (Id<TransitStopFacility> toStopFacilityId : linkedStopFacilitiesTree.get(toStop.getStopFacility().getId())) { TransitStopFacility facility = this.schedule.getFacilities().get(toStopFacilityId); Id<Link> linkId = facility.getLinkId(); Link link =; Node endNode = link.getFromNode(); LeastCostPathCalculator.Path tempShortestPath = this.router.calcLeastCostPath(startNode, endNode, "", ""); if (tempShortestPath != null && (shortestPath == null || (tempShortestPath.travelCost < shortestPath.travelCost))) { shortestPath = tempShortestPath; toStop.setStopFacility(this.schedule.getFacilities().get(toStopFacilityId)); } } return shortestPath; }
private void removeNonUsedStopFacilities() { // Collect all used stop facilities: Set<Id<TransitStopFacility>> usedStopFacilities = new HashSet<>(); for (TransitLine line : this.schedule.getTransitLines().values()) { for (TransitRoute route : line.getRoutes().values()) { for (TransitRouteStop stop : route.getStops()) { usedStopFacilities.add(stop.getStopFacility().getId()); } } } // Check all stop facilities if not used: Set<TransitStopFacility> unusedStopFacilites = new HashSet<>(); for (Id<TransitStopFacility> facilityId : this.schedule.getFacilities().keySet()) { if (!usedStopFacilities.contains(facilityId)) { unusedStopFacilites.add(this.schedule.getFacilities().get(facilityId)); } } // Remove all stop facilities not used: for (TransitStopFacility facility : unusedStopFacilites) { this.schedule.removeStopFacility(facility); } }
public static TransitSchedule removeStopsNotUsed(TransitSchedule transitSchedule) {"Removing stops not used"); TransitSchedule tS = TransitScheduleCleaner.makeTransitScheduleModifiable(transitSchedule); printStatistic(tS); Set<Id> stopsInUse = new TreeSet<Id>(); Set<Id> stopsToBeRemoved = new TreeSet<Id>(); for (TransitLine transitLine : tS.getTransitLines().values()) { for (TransitRoute transitRoute : transitLine.getRoutes().values()) { for (TransitRouteStop stop : transitRoute.getStops()) { stopsInUse.add(stop.getStopFacility().getId()); } } } for (TransitStopFacility transitStopFacility : tS.getFacilities().values()) { if (!stopsInUse.contains(transitStopFacility.getId())) { stopsToBeRemoved.add(transitStopFacility.getId()); } } StringBuffer sB = new StringBuffer(); for (Id transitStopFacilityId : stopsToBeRemoved) { tS.getFacilities().remove(transitStopFacilityId); sB.append(transitStopFacilityId.toString() + ", "); } printStatistic(tS); "Removed " + stopsToBeRemoved.size() + " stops from transitSchedule: " + sB.toString()); return tS; }
private void assignRoute(TransitRoute route) { List<Id<Link>> links = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; while (i < (route.getStops().size())) { TransitRouteStop presentStop = route.getStops().get(i); TransitRouteStop nextStop = (i < route.getStops().size() - 1) ? route.getStops().get(i + 1) : null; if (nextStop != null) { // Case 1: For both stops a link assigned, then just route between the two. if (linkedStopFacilities.contains(presentStop.getStopFacility().getId()) && linkedStopFacilities.contains(nextStop.getStopFacility().getId())) { links.add(presentStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()); Node startNode =; LeastCostPathCalculator.Path path = getShortestPath(startNode, nextStop); if (path != null) { for (Link link : path.links) { links.add(link.getId()); } } else { Node fromNode = network.getLinks().get(presentStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()).getToNode(); Node toNode = network.getLinks().get(nextStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()).getFromNode(); Link artificialLink = (artificiallyAddedLinks.containsKey(new Tuple<>(fromNode, toNode))) ? artificiallyAddedLinks.get(new Tuple<>(fromNode, toNode)) : getNewLink(fromNode, toNode); links.add(artificialLink.getId()); artificiallyAddedLinks.put(new Tuple<>(fromNode, toNode), artificialLink); } // Case 2: PresentStop has no link, but NextStop has link then create link to closest // network node and route between that node and link of follow-stop. } else if (!linkedStopFacilities.contains(presentStop.getStopFacility().getId()) && linkedStopFacilities.contains(nextStop.getStopFacility().getId())) { ArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility thisStopFacility = getArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility(presentStop.getStopFacility()); Node toNode = network.getLinks().get(nextStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()).getFromNode(); links.add(thisStopFacility.myLink.getId()); links.add(thisStopFacility.getLinkToNode(toNode).getId()); // Case 3: PresentStop has link, but NextStop has no link then create link to closest // network node for follow stop and then route between the two. } else if (linkedStopFacilities.contains(presentStop.getStopFacility().getId()) && !linkedStopFacilities.contains(nextStop.getStopFacility().getId())) { ArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility nextStopFacility = getArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility(nextStop.getStopFacility()); Node fromNode = network.getLinks().get(presentStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()).getToNode(); links.add(presentStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()); links.add(nextStopFacility.getLinkFromNode(fromNode).getId()); // Case 4: Neither PresentStop nor NextStop has link then standard link creation as with // Marcel's network creator. } else { ArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility thisStopFacility = getArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility(presentStop.getStopFacility()); ArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility nextStopFacility = getArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility(nextStop.getStopFacility()); links.add(thisStopFacility.myLink.getId()); links.add(nextStopFacility.getLinkFromNode(thisStopFacility.myNode).getId()); } // If nextStop was null, this means we have reached the end of the route and just add the // final link. } else { if (linkedStopFacilities.contains(presentStop.getStopFacility().getId())) { links.add(presentStop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()); } else { ArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility thisStopFacility = getArtificiallyConnectedStopFacility(presentStop.getStopFacility()); links.add(thisStopFacility.myLink.getId()); } } i++; } if (links.size() > 0) { route.setRoute(RouteUtils.createNetworkRoute(links,; } else { log.warn("No route found for transit route " + route.toString() + ". No route assigned."); } }
protected List<Leg> convertPathToLegList( double departureTime, Path p, Coord fromCoord, Coord toCoord, Person person) { List<Leg> legs = new ArrayList<Leg>(); Leg leg; double walkDistance, walkWaitTime, travelTime = 0; Route walkRoute; Coord coord = fromCoord; TransitRouteStop stop = null; double time = departureTime; for (Link link : p.links) { TransitRouterNetworkLink l = (TransitRouterNetworkLink) link; if (l.route != null) { // in line link double ttime = ttCalculator.getLinkTravelTime(l, time, person, null); travelTime += ttime; time += ttime; } else if (l.fromNode.route != null) { // inside link leg = new LegImpl(; ExperimentalTransitRoute ptRoute = new ExperimentalTransitRoute( stop.getStopFacility(), l.fromNode.line, l.fromNode.route, l.fromNode.stop.getStopFacility()); leg.setRoute(ptRoute); leg.setTravelTime(travelTime); legs.add(leg); travelTime = 0; stop = l.fromNode.stop; coord = l.fromNode.stop.getStopFacility().getCoord(); } else if (l.toNode.route != null) { // wait link leg = new LegImpl(TransportMode.transit_walk); walkDistance = CoordUtils.calcEuclideanDistance(coord, l.toNode.stop.getStopFacility().getCoord()); walkWaitTime = walkDistance / this.config.getBeelineWalkSpeed() + ttCalculator.getLinkTravelTime( l, time + walkDistance / this.config.getBeelineWalkSpeed(), person, null); walkRoute = new GenericRouteImpl( stop == null ? null : stop.getStopFacility().getLinkId(), l.toNode.stop.getStopFacility().getLinkId()); walkRoute.setDistance(walkDistance); leg.setRoute(walkRoute); leg.setTravelTime(walkWaitTime); legs.add(leg); stop = l.toNode.stop; time += walkWaitTime; } } leg = new LegImpl(TransportMode.transit_walk); walkDistance = CoordUtils.calcEuclideanDistance(coord, toCoord); walkWaitTime = walkDistance / this.config.getBeelineWalkSpeed(); walkRoute = new GenericRouteImpl(stop == null ? null : stop.getStopFacility().getLinkId(), null); walkRoute.setDistance(walkDistance); leg.setRoute(walkRoute); leg.setTravelTime(walkWaitTime); legs.add(leg); return legs; }
public TransitRouteData(Network network, TransitRoute transitRoute) { this.transportMode = transitRoute.getTransportMode(); this.firstDeparture = Double.MAX_VALUE; this.lastDeparture = -Double.MAX_VALUE; this.vehIds = new TreeSet<String>(); this.numberOfDepartures = 0; for (Departure departure : transitRoute.getDepartures().values()) { this.firstDeparture = Math.min(this.firstDeparture, departure.getDepartureTime()); this.lastDeparture = Math.max(this.lastDeparture, departure.getDepartureTime()); this.vehIds.add(departure.getVehicleId().toString()); this.numberOfDepartures++; } this.firstStop = transitRoute.getStops().get(0).getStopFacility(); this.lastStop = transitRoute.getStops().get(transitRoute.getStops().size() - 1).getStopFacility(); if (this.firstStop == this.lastStop) { // get the stop location of stop with the largest distance between first and last stop TransitStopFacility currentViaStop = null; double currentViaDistance = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (TransitRouteStop stop : transitRoute.getStops()) { double distanceFirstPotentialVia = CoordUtils.calcDistance(this.firstStop.getCoord(), stop.getStopFacility().getCoord()); double distanceLastProtenialVia = CoordUtils.calcDistance(this.lastStop.getCoord(), stop.getStopFacility().getCoord()); double newDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(distanceFirstPotentialVia, 2) + Math.pow(distanceLastProtenialVia, 2)); if (newDistance > currentViaDistance) { // this one is farther away - keep it currentViaStop = stop.getStopFacility(); currentViaDistance = newDistance; } } this.viaStop = currentViaStop; } else { // get the stop in the middle of the line this.viaStop = transitRoute.getStops().get((int) (transitRoute.getStops().size() / 2)).getStopFacility(); } // calculate the length of the route double distance = 0.0; double freeSpeedTravelTime = 0.0; for (Id<Link> linkId : transitRoute.getRoute().getLinkIds()) { Link link = network.getLinks().get(linkId); distance += link.getLength(); freeSpeedTravelTime += link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } // add last link but not the first link Link link = network.getLinks().get(transitRoute.getRoute().getEndLinkId()); distance += link.getLength(); freeSpeedTravelTime += link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); this.distance = distance; this.freeSpeedTravelTime = freeSpeedTravelTime; this.travelTime = transitRoute.getStops().get(transitRoute.getStops().size() - 1).getArrivalOffset(); this.avgSpeed = this.distance / this.travelTime; }
public void createGraph(final String filename, final TransitRoute route) { HashMap<Id, Integer> stopIndex = new HashMap<Id, Integer>(); int idx = 0; for (TransitRouteStop stop : route.getStops()) { stopIndex.put(stop.getStopFacility().getId(), idx); idx++; } HashSet<Id> vehicles = new HashSet<Id>(); for (Departure dep : route.getDepartures().values()) { vehicles.add(dep.getVehicleId()); } XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); int numSeries = 0; double earliestTime = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double latestTime = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (Map.Entry<Id, List<Tuple<Id, Double>>> entry : this.positions.entrySet()) { if (vehicles.contains(entry.getKey())) { XYSeries series = new XYSeries("t", false, true); for (Tuple<Id, Double> pos : entry.getValue()) { Integer stopIdx = stopIndex.get(pos.getFirst()); if (stopIdx != null) { double time = pos.getSecond().doubleValue(); series.add(stopIdx.intValue(), time); if (time < earliestTime) { earliestTime = time; } if (time > latestTime) { latestTime = time; } } } dataset.addSeries(series); numSeries++; } } JFreeChart c = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart( "Route-Time Diagram, Route = " + route.getId(), "stops", "time", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, // legend? false, // tooltips? false // URLs? ); c.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); XYPlot p = (XYPlot) c.getPlot(); p.getRangeAxis().setInverted(true); p.getRangeAxis().setRange(earliestTime, latestTime); XYItemRenderer renderer = p.getRenderer(); for (int i = 0; i < numSeries; i++) { renderer.setSeriesPaint(i,; } try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File(filename), c, 1024, 768, null, true, 9); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }