/** * Tests if the scoring function correctly handles {@link PersonMoneyEvent}. It generates one * person with one plan having two activities (home, work) and a car-leg in between. It then tests * the scoring function by calling several methods on an instance of the scoring function with the * aforementioned plan. */ @Test public void testAddMoney() { Fixture f = new Fixture(); // score the same plan twice PersonImpl person1 = new PersonImpl(Id.create(1, Person.class)); PlanImpl plan1 = person1.createAndAddPlan(true); Activity act1a = plan1.createAndAddActivity("home", (Id<Link>) null); // , 0, 7.0*3600, 7*3600, false); act1a.setEndTime(f.secondLegStartTime); Leg leg1 = plan1.createAndAddLeg(TransportMode.car); // , 7*3600, 100, 7*3600+100); leg1.setDepartureTime(f.secondLegStartTime); leg1.setTravelTime(f.secondLegTravelTime); Route route2 = new GenericRouteImpl(null, null); leg1.setRoute(route2); route2.setDistance(20000.0); Activity act1b = plan1.createAndAddActivity( "work", (Id<Link>) null); // , 7.0*3600+100, Time.UNDEFINED_TIME, Time.UNDEFINED_TIME, false); act1b.setStartTime(f.secondLegStartTime + f.secondLegTravelTime); ScoringFunction sf1 = getScoringFunctionInstance(f, person1); sf1.handleActivity(act1a); sf1.handleLeg(leg1); sf1.handleActivity(act1b); sf1.finish(); double score1 = sf1.getScore(); ScoringFunction sf2 = getScoringFunctionInstance(f, person1); sf2.handleActivity(act1a); sf2.addMoney(1.23); sf2.handleLeg(leg1); sf2.addMoney(-2.46); sf2.handleActivity(act1b); sf2.addMoney(4.86); sf2.addMoney(-0.28); sf2.finish(); double score2 = sf2.getScore(); assertEquals(1.23 - 2.46 + 4.86 - 0.28, score2 - score1, EPSILON); }
private void processDiary() { LOG.info("Processing diary..."); PopulationFactory pf = this.sc.getPopulation().getFactory(); Map<String, Integer> chainCount = new TreeMap<>(); int noTrips = 0; int noFirstTrip = 0; int noZoneInfo = 0; int zoneInfo = 0; Counter counter = new Counter(" person # "); for (Id<Person> pId : this.tripMap.keySet()) { List<String[]> list = tripMap.get(pId); Map<String, String[]> map = new TreeMap<>(); for (String[] sa : list) { String tripNumber = sa[23]; if (!tripNumber.equals("")) { String tripId = String.format("%02d", Integer.parseInt(tripNumber)); map.put(tripId, sa); } } if (map.size() == 0) { noTrips++; } else { /* Try and do some magic with the diary. */ Plan plan = pf.createPlan(); /* Check the first activity. */ String chain = ""; String[] sa = map.get("01"); if (sa == null) { /* There is no first trip numbered '01'. */ LOG.warn(pId.toString() + ": " + map.keySet().toString()); noFirstTrip++; } else { chain += "h"; String homeZone = sa[7]; Coord homeCoord = sampleCoord(homeZone, "h"); Activity firstHome = pf.createActivityFromCoord("h", homeCoord); double homeEnd = 0.0; try { homeEnd = Time.parseTime(sa[25]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.error(" TIME: ===> " + pId.toString() + ": " + sa[25]); } firstHome.setEndTime(homeEnd); plan.addActivity(firstHome); } /* Parse the chain. */ Iterator<String> it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String trip = it.next(); String[] tripSa = map.get(trip); String tripPurpose = tripSa[33]; String matsimTrip = DiaryEnums.TripPurpose.parseFromCode( tripPurpose.equals("") || tripPurpose.equals(" ") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(tripPurpose)) .getMatsimActivityCode(); chain += "-" + matsimTrip; /* Add the trip to plan. */ String recordedMode = tripSa[34]; if (recordedMode.contains(";")) { LOG.error("Multiple modes for " + pId.toString() + ": " + recordedMode); throw new RuntimeException(); } String matsimMode = DiaryEnums.ModeOfTravel.parseFromCode( tripSa[34].equals("") || tripSa[34].equalsIgnoreCase(" ") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(tripSa[34])) .getMatsimMode(); Leg leg = pf.createLeg(matsimMode); double tripStartTime = 0.0; double tripEndTime = 0.0; try { tripStartTime = Time.parseTime(tripSa[25]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.error(" TIME: ===> " + pId.toString() + ": " + tripSa[25]); } try { tripEndTime = Time.parseTime(tripSa[27]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.error(" TIME: ===> " + pId.toString() + ": " + tripSa[27]); } leg.setDepartureTime(tripStartTime); leg.setTravelTime(tripEndTime - tripStartTime); plan.addLeg(leg); /* Add the destination activity. */ if (tripSa[32].equals("") || tripSa[32].equals(" ")) { if (!matsimTrip.equalsIgnoreCase("h")) { zoneInfo++; } else { noZoneInfo++; } } else { zoneInfo++; } Coord actCoord = sampleCoord(tripSa[32], matsimTrip); Activity act = pf.createActivityFromCoord(matsimTrip, actCoord); act.setStartTime(tripEndTime); plan.addActivity(act); } /* Check and add chain. */ if (!chainCount.containsKey(chain)) { chainCount.put(chain, 1); } else { int oldCount = chainCount.get(chain); chainCount.put(chain, oldCount + 1); } /* Finally, associate the plan with the person. */ sc.getPopulation().getPersons().get(pId).addPlan(plan); } counter.incCounter(); } counter.printCounter(); LOG.info(" Number of persons with no trips: " + noTrips); LOG.info(" Number of persons with no first trips: " + noFirstTrip); LOG.info(" Number of destinations without zone info: " + noZoneInfo); LOG.info(" Number of destinations with zone info: " + zoneInfo); /* Report the activity chain types. */ SortedSet<Entry<String, Integer>> set = entriesSortedByValues(chainCount); Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Integer> entry = iter.next(); LOG.info(" " + entry.getKey() + " (" + entry.getValue() + ")"); } LOG.info("Done processing diary."); }
/** * @param args * @throws FactoryException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FactoryException { String popFile = args[0]; String facFile = args[1]; String netFile = args[2]; int n = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); String outDir = args[4]; Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DemoScenario.class); MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(CRSUtils.getCRS(31467), CRSUtils.getCRS(3857)); Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig(); Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(config); /* * remove foreign persons and extract subsample */ logger.info("Loading persons..."); MatsimPopulationReader pReader = new MatsimPopulationReader(scenario); pReader.readFile(popFile); logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Removing foreign persons..."); Set<Id<Person>> remove = new HashSet<>(); for (Id<Person> id : scenario.getPopulation().getPersons().keySet()) { if (id.toString().startsWith("foreign")) { remove.add(id); } } int cnt = 0; for (Id<Person> id : remove) { if (scenario.getPopulation().getPersons().remove(id) != null) { cnt++; } } logger.info(String.format("Done. Removed %s foreign persons.", cnt)); logger.info("Drawing population subsample..."); List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>(scenario.getPopulation().getPersons().values()); Collections.shuffle(persons); Population population = PopulationUtils.createPopulation(config); cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { population.addPerson(persons.get(i)); } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Bluring activity end times..."); Random random = new XORShiftRandom(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { for (Plan plan : person.getPlans()) { for (int i = 0; i < plan.getPlanElements().size(); i += 2) { Activity act = (Activity) plan.getPlanElements().get(i); double endTim = act.getEndTime() - 15 * 60 + (random.nextDouble() * 30 * 60); act.setEndTime(endTim); double startTim = act.getStartTime() - 15 * 60 + (random.nextDouble() * 30 * 60); act.setStartTime(startTim); } } } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Writing population..."); PopulationWriter pWriter = new PopulationWriter(population); pWriter.write(String.format("%s/plans.xml.gz", outDir)); logger.info("Done."); /* * filter only used facilities */ logger.info("Loading facilities..."); MatsimFacilitiesReader fReader = new MatsimFacilitiesReader(scenario); fReader.readFile(facFile); logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Removing unsused facilities..."); Set<Id<ActivityFacility>> unused = new HashSet<>(scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().keySet()); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { for (Plan plan : person.getPlans()) { for (int i = 0; i < plan.getPlanElements().size(); i += 2) { Activity act = (Activity) plan.getPlanElements().get(i); unused.remove(act.getFacilityId()); } } } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Transforming facility coordinates..."); for (ActivityFacility fac : scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().values()) { double[] points = new double[] {fac.getCoord().getX(), fac.getCoord().getY()}; try { transform.transform(points, 0, points, 0, 1); } catch (TransformException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ((ActivityFacilityImpl) fac).setCoord(new Coord(points[0], points[1])); } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Writing facilities..."); FacilitiesWriter fWrtier = new FacilitiesWriter(scenario.getActivityFacilities()); fWrtier.write(String.format("%s/facilities.xml.gz", outDir)); logger.info("Done."); /* * clean network from foreign links */ logger.info("Loading network..."); MatsimNetworkReader nReader = new MatsimNetworkReader(scenario); nReader.readFile(netFile); logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Removing foreign links..."); Set<Id<Link>> linksRemove = new HashSet<>(); for (Id<Link> id : scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().keySet()) { if (id.toString().contains(".l")) { linksRemove.add(id); } } for (Id<Link> id : linksRemove) { scenario.getNetwork().removeLink(id); } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Removing foreign nodes..."); Set<Id<Node>> nodesRemove = new HashSet<>(); for (Id<Node> id : scenario.getNetwork().getNodes().keySet()) { if (id.toString().contains(".n")) { nodesRemove.add(id); } } for (Id<Node> id : nodesRemove) { scenario.getNetwork().removeNode(id); } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Transforming node coordinates..."); for (Node node : scenario.getNetwork().getNodes().values()) { double[] points = new double[] {node.getCoord().getX(), node.getCoord().getY()}; try { transform.transform(points, 0, points, 0, 1); } catch (TransformException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ((NodeImpl) node).setCoord(new Coord(points[0], points[1])); } logger.info("Done."); logger.info("Writing network..."); NetworkWriter nWriter = new NetworkWriter(scenario.getNetwork()); nWriter.write(String.format("%s/network.xml.gz", outDir)); logger.info("Done."); }