/** Sets the specified value to the {@code baseArrayLayer} field. */
 public VkImageSubresourceRange.Buffer baseArrayLayer(int value) {
   VkImageSubresourceRange.nbaseArrayLayer(address(), value);
   return this;
 /** Sets the specified value to the {@code layerCount} field. */
 public VkImageSubresourceRange.Buffer layerCount(int value) {
   VkImageSubresourceRange.nlayerCount(address(), value);
   return this;
 /** Sets the specified value to the {@code aspectMask} field. */
 public VkImageSubresourceRange.Buffer aspectMask(int value) {
   VkImageSubresourceRange.naspectMask(address(), value);
   return this;
 /** Sets the specified value to the {@code baseMipLevel} field. */
 public VkImageSubresourceRange.Buffer baseMipLevel(int value) {
   VkImageSubresourceRange.nbaseMipLevel(address(), value);
   return this;
 /** Returns the value of the {@code layerCount} field. */
 public int layerCount() {
   return VkImageSubresourceRange.nlayerCount(address());
 /** Returns the value of the {@code baseArrayLayer} field. */
 public int baseArrayLayer() {
   return VkImageSubresourceRange.nbaseArrayLayer(address());
 /** Returns the value of the {@code baseMipLevel} field. */
 public int baseMipLevel() {
   return VkImageSubresourceRange.nbaseMipLevel(address());
 /** Returns the value of the {@code aspectMask} field. */
 public int aspectMask() {
   return VkImageSubresourceRange.naspectMask(address());
  * Copies the specified struct data to this struct.
  * @param src the source struct
  * @return this struct
 public VkImageSubresourceRange set(VkImageSubresourceRange src) {
   return nset(src.address());