/** Create LockssKeystores from config subtree below {@link #PARAM_KEYSTORE} */ void configureKeyStores(Configuration config) { Configuration allKs = config.getConfigTree(PARAM_KEYSTORE); for (Iterator iter = allKs.nodeIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String id = (String) iter.next(); Configuration oneKs = allKs.getConfigTree(id); try { LockssKeyStore lk = createLockssKeyStore(oneKs); String name = lk.getName(); if (name == null) { log.error("KeyStore definition missing name: " + oneKs); continue; } LockssKeyStore old = keystoreMap.get(name); if (old != null && !lk.equals(old)) { log.warning( "Keystore " + name + " redefined. " + "New definition may not take effect until daemon restart"); } log.debug("Adding keystore " + name); keystoreMap.put(name, lk); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Couldn't create keystore: " + oneKs, e); } } }
/** Create LockssKeystore from a config subtree */ LockssKeyStore createLockssKeyStore(Configuration config) { log.debug2("Creating LockssKeyStore from config: " + config); String name = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_NAME); LockssKeyStore lk = new LockssKeyStore(name); String file = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_FILE); String resource = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_RESOURCE); String url = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_URL); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(file)) { lk.setLocation(file, LocationType.File); } else if (!StringUtil.isNullString(resource)) { lk.setLocation(resource, LocationType.Resource); } else if (!StringUtil.isNullString(url)) { lk.setLocation(url, LocationType.Url); } lk.setType(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_TYPE, defaultKeyStoreType)); lk.setProvider(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_PROVIDER, defaultKeyStoreProvider)); lk.setPassword(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_PASSWORD)); lk.setKeyPassword(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD)); lk.setKeyPasswordFile(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE)); lk.setMayCreate(config.getBoolean(KEYSTORE_PARAM_CREATE, DEFAULT_CREATE)); return lk; }
/** * Return a TitleConfig for the AU. Returns matching entry from the title db if found, else * creates one */ TitleConfig titleConfigFromAu(InactiveAuProxy au) { PluginProxy plugin = au.getPlugin(); String auname = au.getName(); Configuration auConfig = au.getConfiguration(); TitleConfig tc = AuUtil.findTitleConfig(auConfig, plugin.getPlugin()); if (tc != null) { return tc; } tc = new TitleConfig(auname, plugin.getPluginId()); ArrayList<ConfigParamAssignment> params = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = auConfig.keyIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String) iter.next(); if (!ConfigParamDescr.isReservedParam(key)) { String val = auConfig.get(key); ConfigParamDescr descr = plugin.findAuConfigDescr(key); if (descr != null) { ConfigParamAssignment cpa = new ConfigParamAssignment(descr, val); params.add(cpa); } else { log.warning("Unknown parameter key: " + key + " in au: " + auname); } } } params.trimToSize(); tc.setParams(params); return tc; }
public static String getRepositorySpec(ArchivalUnit au) { Configuration auConfig = au.getConfiguration(); if (auConfig != null) { // can be null in unit tests String repoSpec = auConfig.get(PluginManager.AU_PARAM_REPOSITORY); if (repoSpec != null && repoSpec.startsWith("local:")) { return repoSpec; } } return "local:" + CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_CACHE_LOCATION); }
private boolean startCrawl(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force, boolean deep) throws CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException { CrawlManagerImpl cmi = (CrawlManagerImpl) crawlMgr; if (force) { RateLimiter limit = cmi.getNewContentRateLimiter(au); if (!limit.isEventOk()) { limit.unevent(); } } cmi.checkEligibleToQueueNewContentCrawl(au); String delayMsg = ""; String deepMsg = ""; try { cmi.checkEligibleForNewContentCrawl(au); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { delayMsg = ", Start delayed due to: " + e.getMessage(); } Configuration config = ConfigManager.getCurrentConfig(); int pri = config.getInt(PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY); CrawlReq req; try { req = new CrawlReq(au); req.setPriority(pri); if (deep) { int d = Integer.parseInt(formDepth); if (d < 0) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + d; return false; } req.setRefetchDepth(d); deepMsg = "Deep (" + req.getRefetchDepth() + ") "; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + formDepth; return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + au, e); errMsg = "Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + e.toString(); return false; } cmi.startNewContentCrawl(req, null); statusMsg = deepMsg + "Crawl requested for " + au.getName() + delayMsg; return true; }
public synchronized void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration prevConfig, Configuration.Differences changedKeys) { if (changedKeys.contains(PREFIX)) { defaultKeyStoreType = config.get(PARAM_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE); defaultKeyStoreProvider = config.get(PARAM_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER); paramExitIfMissingKeyStore = config.getBoolean(PARAM_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE, DEFAULT_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE); if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_KEYSTORE)) { configureKeyStores(config); // defer initial set of keystore loading until startService if (isInited()) { // load any newly added keystores loadKeyStores(); } } } }
/** Set the session timeout to the configured value */ protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session) { Configuration config = CurrentConfig.getCurrentConfig(); setSessionTimeout( session, config.getTimeInterval(PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT)); }
/** Called by org.lockss.config.MiscConfig */ public static void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration oldConfig, Configuration.Differences diffs) { if (diffs.contains(PREFIX)) { maxErrors = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_ERRORS, DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS); } }
public void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration oldConfig, Configuration.Differences changedKeys) { // Build list of repositories from list of disk (fs) paths). Needs to // be generalized if ever another repository implementation. if (changedKeys.contains(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST)) { List lst = new ArrayList(); String dspace = config.get(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST, ""); List paths = StringUtil.breakAt(dspace, ';'); if (paths != null) { for (Iterator iter = paths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { lst.add("local:" + (String) iter.next()); } } repoList = lst; } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE)) { paramNodeCacheSize = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE); for (Iterator iter = getDaemon().getAllLockssRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { LockssRepository repo = (LockssRepository) iter.next(); if (repo instanceof LockssRepositoryImpl) { LockssRepositoryImpl repoImpl = (LockssRepositoryImpl) repo; repoImpl.setNodeCacheSize(paramNodeCacheSize); } } } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE)) { paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize = config.getInt( PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE); suspectVersionsCache.setMaxSize(paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize); } if (changedKeys.contains(GLOBAL_CACHE_PREFIX)) { paramIsGlobalNodeCache = config.getBoolean(PARAM_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED, DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED); if (paramIsGlobalNodeCache) { paramGlobalNodeCacheSize = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE); log.debug("global node cache size: " + paramGlobalNodeCacheSize); globalNodeCache.setMaxSize(paramGlobalNodeCacheSize); } } if (changedKeys.contains(DISK_PREFIX)) { int minMB = config.getInt(PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB); double minPer = config.getPercentage(PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT); paramDFWarn = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(minMB, minPer); minMB = config.getInt(PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB); minPer = config.getPercentage(PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT); paramDFFull = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(minMB, minPer); } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD)) { sizeCalcMaxLoad = config.getPercentage(PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD, DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD); } if (changedKeys.contains(PREFIX)) { maxUnusedDirSearch = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH, DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH); isStatefulUnusedDirSearch = config.getBoolean( PARAM_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH, DEFAULT_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH); enableLongComponents = config.getBoolean(PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS, DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS); enableLongComponentsCompatibility = config.getBoolean( PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY, DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY); maxComponentLength = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH); checkUnnormalized = (CheckUnnormalizedMode) config.getEnum( CheckUnnormalizedMode.class, PARAM_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED, DEFAULT_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED); } }