private void setModel(EditorModelContent model) {

    if (model.getDataObject() != null) {
    } else {
   * Tests that a java file without parse errors was successfully loaded.
   * @param loadTypesInfo indicates if the types and annotations definitions loading should be
   *     simulated.
  private void loadFileSuccessfulTest(boolean loadTypesInfo) {

    EditorModelContent content = createContent(loadTypesInfo, false);

    when(modelerService.loadContent(path, loadTypesInfo)).thenReturn(content);

    if (loadTypesInfo) {
      // types info is not loaded into the DataModelerWBContext.
    } else {
      // types info is already into the DataModelerWBContext.

    // just for convenience, since the DataModelerContext is initialized by taking this definitions
    // from the DMWC.

    presenter.onStartup(path, placeRequest);

    // Verifications during and after model loading.

    verify(view, times(1)).showLoading();
    verify(view, times(1)).hideBusyIndicator();

    // presenter should ask the DataModelerWBContext if the types info is already loaded.
    verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).isTypesInfoLoaded();

    if (loadTypesInfo) {
      // the types info should have been set into the DataModelerWBContext as part of the presenter
      // loading.
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).setPropertyTypes(testTypeDefs);
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).setAnnotationDefinitions(testAnnotationDefs);
    } else {
      // the types info shouldn't have been set into the DataModelerWBContext as part of the
      // presenter loading.
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(0)).setPropertyTypes(testTypeDefs);
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(0)).setAnnotationDefinitions(testAnnotationDefs);

    // presenter should clear the system messages related to this editor.
    verify(unpublishMessagesEvent, times(1)).fire(any(UnpublishMessagesEvent.class));

    // presenter should read the expected path.
    verify(modelerService, times(1)).loadContent(path, loadTypesInfo);

    // verify that the context created by the presenter was properly initialized.
    DataModelerContext context = presenter.context;

    assertEquals(testModel, context.getDataModel());
    assertEquals(testObject1, context.getDataObject());
    assertEquals(kieProject, context.getCurrentProject());
    assertEquals(testPackages, context.getCurrentProjectPackages());
    assertEquals(testAnnotationDefs, context.getAnnotationDefinitions());
    assertEquals(content, context.getEditorModelContent());

    // the file was read successfully, so the status should be PARSED
    assertEquals(DataModelerContext.ParseStatus.PARSED, context.getParseStatus());
    // the file was read and parsed successfully, so the editor should be now in the editor tab.
    assertEquals(DataModelerContext.EditionMode.GRAPHICAL_MODE, context.getEditionMode());
    // file was just read, so the status should be NO_CHANGES.
    assertEquals(DataModelerContext.EditionStatus.NO_CHANGES, context.getEditionStatus());

    // the view should have been initialized with the context.
    verify(view, times(1)).setContext(context);

    // the source editor should have been initialized with the source returned form server.
    verify(javaSourceEditor, times(1)).setContent(testSource);

    // current context should have been activated
    verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).setActiveContext(context);
    // and notifications should have been sent.
    verify(dataModelerFocusEvent, times(1)).fire(any(DataModelerWorkbenchFocusEvent.class));
   * Tests that a java file with parse errors was successfully loaded.
   * @param loadTypesInfo indicates if the types and annotations definitions loading should be
   *     simulated.
  private void loadFileUnSuccessfulTest(boolean loadTypesInfo) {

    EditorModelContent content = createContent(loadTypesInfo, true);
    // when there are parse errors the returned data object is null.

    when(modelerService.loadContent(path, loadTypesInfo)).thenReturn(content);

    if (loadTypesInfo) {
      // types info is not loaded into the DataModelerWBContext.
    } else {
      // types info is already into the DataModelerWBContext.

    // just for convenience, since the DataModelerContext is initialized by taking this definitions
    // from the DMWC.

    presenter.onStartup(path, placeRequest);

    // Verifications during and after model loading.

    verify(view, times(1)).showLoading();
    verify(view, times(1)).hideBusyIndicator();

    // presenter should ask the DataModelerWBContext if the types info is already loaded.
    verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).isTypesInfoLoaded();

    if (loadTypesInfo) {
      // the types info should have been set into the DataModelerWBContext as part of the presenter
      // loading.
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).setPropertyTypes(testTypeDefs);
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).setAnnotationDefinitions(testAnnotationDefs);
    } else {
      // the types info shouldn't have been set into the DataModelerWBContext as part of the
      // presenter loading.
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(0)).setPropertyTypes(testTypeDefs);
      verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(0)).setAnnotationDefinitions(testAnnotationDefs);

    // presenter should clear the system messages related to this editor.
    verify(unpublishMessagesEvent, times(1)).fire(any(UnpublishMessagesEvent.class));

    // presenter should read the expected path.
    verify(modelerService, times(1)).loadContent(path, loadTypesInfo);

    // parse errors should have been published.
    verify(publishBatchMessagesEvent, times(1)).fire(any(PublishBatchMessagesEvent.class));
    // parse errors dialog should have been raised.
    verify(view, times(1)).showParseErrorsDialog(anyString(), anyString(), any(Command.class));

    // at this point the parse errors popup is raised and waiting for the user to press the ok
    // button.
    // emulate the user click on the button.

    // verify that the context created by the presenter was properly initialized.
    DataModelerContext context = presenter.context;

    assertEquals(testModel, context.getDataModel());
    assertEquals(null, context.getDataObject());
    assertEquals(kieProject, context.getCurrentProject());
    assertEquals(testPackages, context.getCurrentProjectPackages());
    assertEquals(testAnnotationDefs, context.getAnnotationDefinitions());
    assertEquals(content, context.getEditorModelContent());

    // parse errors wherer produced on server so the status should be PARSE_ERRORS
    assertEquals(DataModelerContext.ParseStatus.PARSE_ERRORS, context.getParseStatus());
    // the file wasn't parsed the editor should go to the source tab.
    assertEquals(DataModelerContext.EditionMode.SOURCE_MODE, context.getEditionMode());
    // file was just read, so the status should be NO_CHANGES.
    assertEquals(DataModelerContext.EditionStatus.NO_CHANGES, context.getEditionStatus());

    // context wasn't set on the view since there aren't a data object to show.
    verify(view, times(0)).setContext(context);

    // the source editor should have been initialized with the source returned form server.
    verify(javaSourceEditor, times(2)).setContent(testSource);

    // current context should have been activated
    verify(dataModelerWBContext, times(1)).setActiveContext(context);
    // and notifications should have been sent.
    verify(dataModelerFocusEvent, times(1)).fire(any(DataModelerWorkbenchFocusEvent.class));