  * Rounds {@code term} to the specfiied precision and exponent range.
  * <p>Method is undefined if either integer is less than 2 because 2 is the minimum precision and
  * exponent. Two exponents must be used to store zero/subnormal/infinity/nan, so 4 is the minimum
  * number of distinct exponents a float can have. MPFR does not support floats with 1 bit of
  * precision. bits of the float.
 public static FloatToken round(
     FloatToken term, IntToken precision, IntToken exponent, TermContext context) {
   if (precision.intValue() < 2 || exponent.intValue() < 2) {
     return null;
   return FloatToken.of(
           .round(new BinaryMathContext(precision.intValue(), exponent.intValue())),
  * Get the number of bits of exponent to use to compute the arithmetic operation.
  * <p>Currently only floats with the same precision and exponent range can be used in a
  * calculation. Users will have to cast floating point types manually using round() if they wish.
 private static int getExponent(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2) {
   if (term1.exponent() != term2.exponent()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "mismatch exponent: "
             + "first argument exponent is represented on "
             + term1.exponent()
             + " bits "
             + "while second argument exponent is represented on "
             + term2.exponent()
             + "bits");
   return term1.exponent();
  * Get the {@link BinaryMathContext} object to use to compute the arithmetic operation.
  * <p>Currently only floats with the same precision and exponent range can be used in a
  * calculation. Users will have to cast floating point types manually using round() if they wish.
 private static BinaryMathContext getMathContext(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2) {
   getExponent(term1, term2);
   if (term1.bigFloatValue().precision() != term2.bigFloatValue().precision()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "mismatch precision: "
             + "first argument precision is represented on "
             + term1.bigFloatValue().precision()
             + " bits "
             + "while second argument precision is represented on "
             + term2.bigFloatValue().precision()
             + "bits");
   return getMathContext(term1);
 public static FloatToken int2float(
     IntToken term, IntToken precision, IntToken exponent, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
       new BigFloat(
           new BinaryMathContext(precision.intValue(), exponent.intValue())),
  * Get the {@link BinaryMathContext} object to use to compute the arithmetic operation. Uses
  * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN} and the precision and exponent range of the {@link FloatToken}.
 private static BinaryMathContext getMathContext(FloatToken term) {
   return new BinaryMathContext(term.bigFloatValue().precision(), term.exponent());
 public static BoolToken isNaN(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return BoolToken.of(term.bigFloatValue().isNaN());
 public static FloatToken minValue(
     IntToken precision, IntToken exponentBits, TermContext context) {
   BinaryMathContext mc = new BinaryMathContext(precision.intValue(), exponentBits.intValue());
   return FloatToken.of(BigFloat.minValue(mc.precision, mc.minExponent), exponentBits.intValue());
 public static FloatToken rem(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
       term1.bigFloatValue().remainder(term2.bigFloatValue(), getMathContext(term1, term2)),
       getExponent(term1, term2));
 public static FloatToken floor(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
 public static IntToken exponentBits(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return IntToken.of(term.exponent());
 public static BitVector<?> significand(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   BinaryMathContext mc = getMathContext(term);
   return BitVector.of(
       term.bigFloatValue().significand(mc.minExponent, mc.maxExponent), mc.precision);
 public static BoolToken gt(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return BoolToken.of(term1.bigFloatValue().greaterThan(term2.bigFloatValue()));
 public static IntToken precision(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return IntToken.of(term.bigFloatValue().precision());
  * Floating point equality. Uses {@link BigFloat#equalTo(BigFloat)} and not {@link
  * BigFloat#equals(Object)} in order to preserve the behavior that -0.0 ==Float 0.0 and NaN
  * =/=Float NaN. ==K can be used to compare identity on floating point numbers.
 public static BoolToken eq(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return BoolToken.of(term1.bigFloatValue().equalTo(term2.bigFloatValue()));
 public static FloatToken min(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
       BigFloat.min(term1.bigFloatValue(), term2.bigFloatValue(), getMathContext(term1, term2)),
       getExponent(term1, term2));
 public static FloatToken atan(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(term.bigFloatValue().atan(getMathContext(term)), term.exponent());
 public static FloatToken root(FloatToken term1, IntToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
       term1.bigFloatValue().root(term2.intValue(), getMathContext(term1)), term1.exponent());
 public static FloatToken unaryMinus(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(term.bigFloatValue().negate(getMathContext(term)), term.exponent());
 public static IntToken exponent(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   BinaryMathContext mc = getMathContext(term);
   return IntToken.of(term.bigFloatValue().exponent(mc.minExponent, mc.maxExponent));
 public static BoolToken le(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return BoolToken.of(term1.bigFloatValue().lessThanOrEqualTo(term2.bigFloatValue()));
 public static BoolToken sign(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return BoolToken.of(term.bigFloatValue().sign());
  * Rounds {@code term} to an integer by truncating it. Function is only defined on ordinary
  * numbers (i.e. not NaN or infinity).
 public static IntToken float2int(FloatToken term, TermContext context) {
   return IntToken.of(
 public static FloatToken sub(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
       term1.bigFloatValue().subtract(term2.bigFloatValue(), getMathContext(term1, term2)),
       getExponent(term1, term2));
 public static FloatToken mul(FloatToken term1, FloatToken term2, TermContext context) {
   return FloatToken.of(
       term1.bigFloatValue().multiply(term2.bigFloatValue(), getMathContext(term1, term2)),
       getExponent(term1, term2));