public void renameFlameBtn_clicked() { try { Flame flame = poolFlameHolder.getFlame(); if (flame != null) { int idx = flamePropertiesTree.getSelectionRows()[0]; String s = StandardDialogs.promptForText( rootTabbedPane, "Please enter the new title:", flame.getName()); if (s != null) { for (Flame tFlame : project.getFlames()) { if (!tFlame.isEqual(flame) && s.equals(tFlame.getName())) { throw new RuntimeException( "A different flame with the name \"" + s + "\" alread exists"); } } flame.setName(s); refreshProjectFlames(); if (project.getFlames().size() == 0) { flamePropertiesTree_changed(null); } else { try { flamePropertiesTree.setSelectionRow(idx); } catch (Exception ex) { } } enableControls(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } }
public void renameMotionBtn_clicked() { int row = motionTable.getSelectedRow(); if (row >= 0 && row < project.getMotions().size()) { Motion motion = project.getMotions().get(row); String s = StandardDialogs.promptForText( rootTabbedPane, "Please enter the new title:", motion.getDisplayLabel()); if (s != null) { motion.setCaption(s); refreshMotionTable(); if (row >= project.getMotions().size()) { row--; } if (row >= 0) { motionTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(row, row); } motionTableClicked(); enableControls(); } } }