public void checkSlice( String[][] values, Set<KeyColumn> removed, int key, int start, int end, int limit) { List<Entry> entries; if (limit <= 0) entries = store.getSlice( KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(key), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(start), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(end), tx); else entries = store.getSlice( KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(key), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(start), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(end), limit, tx); int pos = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (removed.contains(new KeyColumn(key, i))) continue; if (limit <= 0 || pos < limit) { Entry entry = entries.get(pos); int col = KeyValueStoreUtil.getID(entry.getColumn()); String str = KeyValueStoreUtil.getString(entry.getValue()); assertEquals(i, col); assertEquals(values[key][i], str); } pos++; } assertNotNull(entries); if (limit > 0 && pos > limit) assertEquals(limit, entries.size()); else assertEquals(pos, entries.size()); }
@Test public void testParameterToPairsWhenValueIsCollection() throws Exception { Map<String, String> collectionFormatMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); collectionFormatMap.put("csv", ","); collectionFormatMap.put("tsv", "\t"); collectionFormatMap.put("ssv", " "); collectionFormatMap.put("pipes", "\\|"); collectionFormatMap.put("", ","); // no format, must default to csv collectionFormatMap.put("unknown", ","); // all other formats, must default to csv String name = "param-a"; List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add("value-a"); values.add(123); values.add(new Date()); // check for multi separately List<Pair> multiPairs = apiClient.parameterToPairs("multi", name, values); assertEquals(values.size(), multiPairs.size()); // all other formats for (String collectionFormat : collectionFormatMap.keySet()) { List<Pair> pairs = apiClient.parameterToPairs(collectionFormat, name, values); assertEquals(1, pairs.size()); String delimiter = collectionFormatMap.get(collectionFormat); String[] pairValueSplit = pairs.get(0).getValue().split(delimiter); // must equal input values assertEquals(values.size(), pairValueSplit.length); } }
@Test public void testCaseInsensitive() { sql2o .createQuery( "create table testCI(id2 int primary key, value2 varchar(20), sometext varchar(20), valwithgetter varchar(20))") .executeUpdate(); Query query = sql2o.createQuery( "insert into testCI(id2, value2, sometext, valwithgetter) values(:id, :value, :someText, :valwithgetter)"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { query .addParameter("id", i) .addParameter("value", "some text " + i) .addParameter("someText", "whatever " + i) .addParameter("valwithgetter", "spaz" + i) .addToBatch(); } query.executeBatch(); List<CIEntity> ciEntities = sql2o .createQuery("select * from testCI") .setCaseSensitive(false) .executeAndFetch(CIEntity.class); assertTrue(ciEntities.size() == 20); // test defaultCaseSensitive; sql2o.setDefaultCaseSensitive(false); List<CIEntity> ciEntities2 = sql2o.createQuery("select * from testCI").executeAndFetch(CIEntity.class); assertTrue(ciEntities2.size() == 20); }
@Test public void testSendAndReceive() throws Exception { // Run the main controller ControllerRunner controllerRunner = new ControllerRunner(10, 9090, InetAddress.getLocalHost(), "", 8008);; System.out.println("Controller running"); Random random = new Random(); int player = random.nextInt(); // Connect a new controller and send test alarm Controller controller = new Controller(10); Socket connection1 = controller.connectTo(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(), 9090); Alarm alarm = new Alarm(player, System.currentTimeMillis(), new PlayerCause(player)); controller.send(alarm, connection1); Controller controller2 = new Controller(10); Socket connection2 = controller2.connectTo(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(), 9090); long alarmtime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 500; Position position1 = new Position(player, System.currentTimeMillis(), 1, 2, 3); Position position2 = new Position(player, alarmtime, 100, 200, 300); controller2.send(position1, connection2); controller2.send(position2, connection2); controller2.send(new Request(player, DataType.ACCEL, -1, -1), connection2); controller2.send(new Request(player, DataType.POS, -1, -1), connection2); Thread.sleep(15000); List<Sendable> received = controller2.receive(connection2); List<Alarm> alarms = new ArrayList<Alarm>(); List<Acceleration> accelerations = new ArrayList<Acceleration>(); List<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); // Distribute the sendable objects for (Sendable sendable : received) { if (sendable instanceof Alarm) { alarms.add((Alarm) sendable); } else if (sendable instanceof Service) { Service service = (Service) sendable; List<?> data = service.getData(); for (Object o : data) { if (o instanceof Acceleration) { accelerations.add((Acceleration) o); } else if (o instanceof Position) { positions.add((Position) o); } } } } controller.disconnectFromClient(connection1); controller2.disconnectFromClient(connection2); assertTrue("Alarm was not sent from controller", alarms.size() >= 1); assertTrue("Acceleration not received from controller", accelerations.size() >= 1); assertTrue("Position 1 not contained in received positions", positions.contains(position1)); assertTrue("Position 2 not contained in received positions", positions.contains(position2)); }
@Override public void restore() throws TransformException { List<Node> references = mod.references(); ItemList targets = mod.nearest(NodeTarget.class).targets(); proxies = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Node>>(references.size()); for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { proxies.add(Pair.of(targets.get(i).query().single("@xml:id").value(), references.get(i))); } }
@org.junit.Test public void testUnmanagedClasspath() { List<Object> list1 = WrapUtil.toList("a", new Object()); assertSame(test, test.unmanagedClasspath(list1.toArray(new Object[list1.size()]))); assertEquals(list1, test.getUnmanagedClasspath()); List list2 = WrapUtil.toList(WrapUtil.toList("b", "c")); test.unmanagedClasspath(list2.toArray(new Object[list2.size()])); assertEquals(GUtil.addLists(list1, GUtil.flatten(list2)), test.getUnmanagedClasspath()); }
@Test public void testGetElementsWithAttributeValue() { Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<div style='bold'><p><p><b style></b></p></div>"); List<Element> els = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("style", "bold"); assertEquals(1, els.size()); assertEquals("div", els.get(0).tagName()); List<Element> none = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("style", "none"); assertEquals(0, none.size()); }
@Test public void canFollowLogfile() throws IOException { File tempFile = File.createTempFile("commons-io", "", new File(System.getProperty(""))); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); System.out.println("Temp file = " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); PrintStream log = new PrintStream(tempFile); LogfileFollower follower = new LogfileFollower(tempFile); List<String> lines; // Empty file: lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(0, lines.size()); // Write two lines: log.println("Line 1"); log.println("Line 2"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(2, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 2", lines.get(1)); // Write one more line: log.println("Line 3"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 3", lines.get(0)); // Write one and a half line and finish later: log.println("Line 4"); log.print("Line 5 begin"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); // End last line and start a new one: log.println(" end"); log.print("Line 6 begin"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 5 begin end", lines.get(0)); // End last line: log.println(" end"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 6 begin end", lines.get(0)); // A line only missing a newline: log.print("Line 7"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(0, lines.size()); log.println(); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 7", lines.get(0)); // Delete: log.close(); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(0, lines.size()); }
@Test public void testFindAvailableAttributes1() { List<Attribute> attrs = attributeService.findAvailableAttributes(AttributeGroupNames.PRODUCT, null); // getByKey all assertEquals(24, attrs.size()); List<String> assignedAttributes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Attribute attr : attrs) { assignedAttributes.add(attr.getCode()); } attrs = attributeService.findAvailableAttributes(AttributeGroupNames.PRODUCT, assignedAttributes); assertEquals(0, attrs.size()); }
private void assertQuery(MongodbQuery<User> query, User... expected) { // System.out.println(query.toString()); List<User> results = query.list(); assertNotNull(results); if (expected == null) { assertEquals("Should get empty result", 0, results.size()); return; } assertEquals(expected.length, results.size()); int i = 0; for (User u : expected) { assertEquals(u, results.get(i++)); } }
@Override public void verify() throws TransformException { ItemList targets = mod.nearest(NodeTarget.class).targets(); List<Node> references = mod.references(); ItemList records = mod.supplementQuery().all("sort-proxy"); assert targets.size() == references.size(); assert records.size() == references.size(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { Node target = targets.get(i).node(); Node restoredProxy = references.get(i); ItemList items = query.runOn(mod.scope(target.query())); if (items.size() != 1) throw new TransformException( "sort by corresponding node must select one node per target, but instead selected " + items.size() + ": " + items); Node proxy = items.get(0).node(); if (!restoredProxy.equals(proxy)) throw new TransformException("computed proxy changed"); if (!proxy .query() .single( "(count(preceding::*) + count(ancestor::*)) eq xs:integer($_1/@position)", records.get(i)) .booleanValue()) throw new SortingException("computed proxy moved"); } }
@Test public void test2() { List<Integer> input = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); List<Integer> output = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1)); WithList.reverse(input); for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) assertEquals(output.get(i), input.get(i)); }
/** * Test usage from multiple threads. * * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted */ public final void testInstancesUsedFromMultipleThreads() throws InterruptedException { final Set<Touchable> set = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Touchable>()); final List<Touchable> list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Touchable>()); final ComponentAdapter componentAdapter = new ThreadLocalizing.ThreadLocalized( new ConstructorInjection.ConstructorInjector( Touchable.class, SimpleTouchable.class, null)); final Touchable touchable = (Touchable) componentAdapter.getComponentInstance(null, ComponentAdapter.NOTHING.class); final Thread[] threads = { new Thread(new Runner(touchable, list, set), "junit-1"), new Thread(new Runner(touchable, list, set), "junit-2"), new Thread(new Runner(touchable, list, set), "junit-3"), }; for (int i = threads.length; i-- > 0; ) { threads[i].start(); } Thread.sleep(300); for (int i = threads.length; i-- > 0; ) { synchronized (threads[i]) { threads[i].notifyAll(); } } Thread.sleep(300); for (int i = threads.length; i-- > 0; ) { threads[i].interrupt(); } Thread.sleep(300); assertEquals(6, list.size()); assertEquals(3, set.size()); }
@Test public void test_find_children_2() { for (boolean left : new boolean[] {true, false}) { for (boolean right : new boolean[] {true, false}) { List keys = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) { keys.add(i); } int[] child = new int[keys.size() + (right ? 1 : 0) + (left ? 1 : 0)]; Arrays.fill(child, 11); if (right) child[child.length - 1] = 0; BTreeMap.BNode n = new BTreeMap.DirNode(keys.toArray(), left, right, false, mkchild(child)); for (int i = -10; i < 110; i++) { int pos = BTreeKeySerializer.BASIC.findChildren(n, i); int expected = (i + (left ? 19 : 9)) / 10; expected = Math.max(left ? 1 : 0, expected); expected = Math.min(left ? 11 : 10, expected); assertEquals("i:" + i + " - l:" + left + " - r:" + right, expected, pos); } } } }
@Test public void testNetworkConfig() { NetworkConfig networkConfig = config.getNetworkConfig(); assertNotNull(networkConfig); assertEquals(5700, networkConfig.getPort()); assertFalse(networkConfig.isPortAutoIncrement()); final Collection<String> allowedPorts = networkConfig.getOutboundPortDefinitions(); assertEquals(2, allowedPorts.size()); Iterator portIter = allowedPorts.iterator(); assertEquals("35000-35100",; assertEquals("36000,36100",; assertFalse(networkConfig.getJoin().getMulticastConfig().isEnabled()); assertEquals(networkConfig.getJoin().getMulticastConfig().getMulticastTimeoutSeconds(), 8); assertEquals(networkConfig.getJoin().getMulticastConfig().getMulticastTimeToLive(), 16); assertFalse(networkConfig.getInterfaces().isEnabled()); assertEquals(1, networkConfig.getInterfaces().getInterfaces().size()); assertEquals("10.10.1.*", networkConfig.getInterfaces().getInterfaces().iterator().next()); TcpIpConfig tcp = networkConfig.getJoin().getTcpIpConfig(); assertNotNull(tcp); assertTrue(tcp.isEnabled()); assertTrue(networkConfig.getSymmetricEncryptionConfig().isEnabled()); final List<String> members = tcp.getMembers(); assertEquals(members.toString(), 2, members.size()); assertEquals("", members.get(0)); assertEquals("", members.get(1)); assertEquals("", tcp.getRequiredMember()); AwsConfig aws = networkConfig.getJoin().getAwsConfig(); assertFalse(aws.isEnabled()); assertEquals("sample-access-key", aws.getAccessKey()); assertEquals("sample-secret-key", aws.getSecretKey()); assertEquals("sample-region", aws.getRegion()); assertEquals("sample-group", aws.getSecurityGroupName()); assertEquals("sample-tag-key", aws.getTagKey()); assertEquals("sample-tag-value", aws.getTagValue()); }
@Test public void getSliceRespectsAllBoundsInclusionArguments() throws Exception { // Test case where endColumn=startColumn+1 ByteBuffer key = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(0); ByteBuffer columnBeforeStart = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(776); ByteBuffer columnStart = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(777); ByteBuffer columnEnd = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(778); ByteBuffer columnAfterEnd = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(779); // First insert four test Entries TransactionHandle txn = manager.beginTransaction(); List<Entry> entries = Arrays.asList( new Entry(columnBeforeStart, columnBeforeStart), new Entry(columnStart, columnStart), new Entry(columnEnd, columnEnd), new Entry(columnAfterEnd, columnAfterEnd)); store.mutate(key, entries, null, txn); txn.commit(); // getSlice() with only start inclusive txn = manager.beginTransaction(); List<Entry> result = store.getSlice(key, columnStart, columnEnd, txn); assertEquals(1, result.size()); assertEquals(777, result.get(0).getColumn().getLong()); txn.commit(); }
@Test public void testUtilDate() { sql2o .createQuery("create table testutildate(id int primary key, d1 datetime, d2 timestamp)") .executeUpdate(); sql2o .createQuery("insert into testutildate(id, d1, d2) values(:id, :d1, :d2)") .addParameter("id", 1) .addParameter("d1", new Date()) .addParameter("d2", new Date()) .addToBatch() .addParameter("id", 2) .addParameter("d1", new Date()) .addParameter("d2", new Date()) .addToBatch() .addParameter("id", 3) .addParameter("d1", new Date()) .addParameter("d2", new Date()) .addToBatch() .executeBatch(); List<UtilDateEntity> list = sql2o.createQuery("select * from testutildate").executeAndFetch(UtilDateEntity.class); assertTrue(list.size() == 3); }
@Test public void testJodaTime() { sql2o .createQuery("create table testjoda(id int primary key, joda1 datetime, joda2 datetime)") .executeUpdate(); sql2o .createQuery("insert into testjoda(id, joda1, joda2) values(:id, :joda1, :joda2)") .addParameter("id", 1) .addParameter("joda1", new DateTime()) .addParameter("joda2", new DateTime().plusDays(-1)) .addToBatch() .addParameter("id", 2) .addParameter("joda1", new DateTime().plusYears(1)) .addParameter("joda2", new DateTime().plusDays(-2)) .addToBatch() .addParameter("id", 3) .addParameter("joda1", new DateTime().plusYears(2)) .addParameter("joda2", new DateTime().plusDays(-3)) .addToBatch() .executeBatch(); List<JodaEntity> list = sql2o.createQuery("select * from testjoda").executeAndFetch(JodaEntity.class); assertTrue(list.size() == 3); assertTrue(list.get(0).getJoda2().isBeforeNow()); }
/** * Test importing of Clinical Data File. * * @throws DaoException Database Access Error. * @throws IOException IO Error. */ @Test @Ignore("To be fixed") public void testImportClinicalDataSurvival() throws Exception { // TBD: change this to use getResourceAsStream() File clinicalFile = new File("target/test-classes/clinical_data.txt"); ImportClinicalData importClinicalData = new ImportClinicalData(study, clinicalFile); importClinicalData.importData(); LinkedHashSet<String> caseSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); caseSet.add("TCGA-A1-A0SB"); caseSet.add("TCGA-A1-A0SI"); caseSet.add("TCGA-A1-A0SE"); List<Patient> clinicalCaseList = DaoClinicalData.getSurvivalData(study.getInternalId(), caseSet); assertEquals(3, clinicalCaseList.size()); Patient clinical0 = clinicalCaseList.get(0); assertEquals(new Double(79.04), clinical0.getAgeAtDiagnosis()); assertEquals("DECEASED", clinical0.getOverallSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals("Recurred/Progressed", clinical0.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals(new Double(43.8), clinical0.getOverallSurvivalMonths()); assertEquals(new Double(15.05), clinical0.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalMonths()); Patient clinical1 = clinicalCaseList.get(1); assertEquals(new Double(55.53), clinical1.getAgeAtDiagnosis()); assertEquals("LIVING", clinical1.getOverallSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals("DiseaseFree", clinical1.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals(new Double(49.02), clinical1.getOverallSurvivalMonths()); assertEquals(new Double(49.02), clinical1.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalMonths()); Patient clinical2 = clinicalCaseList.get(2); assertEquals(null, clinical2.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalMonths()); }
@Test public void testAdd() throws DatabaseException { Project census = new Project("census", 2, 3, 4, 5); Project births = new Project("births", 6, 7, 8, 9); dbProjects.add(census); dbProjects.add(births); List<Project> all = dbProjects.getAll(); assertEquals(2, all.size()); boolean foundAge = false; boolean foundPlace = false; for (Project p : all) { assertFalse(p.getId() == -1); if (!foundAge) { foundAge = areEqual(p, census, false); } if (!foundPlace) { foundPlace = areEqual(p, births, false); } } assertTrue(foundAge && foundPlace); }
@Test public void testCompareSame() throws Exception { final Category cat1 = context.mock(Category.class, "cat1"); context.checking( new Expectations() { { allowing(cat1).getRank(); will(returnValue(0)); allowing(cat1).getDisplayName(); will(returnValue("en#~#Name 1#~#ru#~#Name 1")); allowing(cat1).getName(); will(returnValue("name 1")); allowing(cat1).getCategoryId(); will(returnValue(1L)); } }); final SortedSet<Category> set = new TreeSet<Category>(new CategoryRankNameComparator()); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(cat1, cat1)); final List<Category> list = new ArrayList<Category>(set); assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertTrue(cat1 == list.get(0)); }
public RelOptTable getTableForMember(List<String> names) { final SqlValidatorTable table = catalogReader.getTable(names); final RelDataType rowType = table.getRowType(); final List<RelCollation> collationList = deduceMonotonicity(table); if (names.size() < 3) { String[] newNames2 = {"CATALOG", "SALES", ""}; List<String> newNames = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; while (newNames.size() < newNames2.length) { newNames.add(i, newNames2[i]); ++i; } names = newNames; } return createColumnSet(table, names, rowType, collationList); }
/** Reads a custom schema. */ @Test public void testCustomSchema() throws IOException { final ObjectMapper mapper = mapper(); JsonRoot root = mapper.readValue( "{\n" + " version: '1.0',\n" + " schemas: [\n" + " {\n" + " type: 'custom',\n" + " name: 'My Custom Schema',\n" + " factory: 'com.acme.MySchemaFactory',\n" + " operand: {a: 'foo', b: [1, 3.5] }\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}", JsonRoot.class); assertEquals("1.0", root.version); assertEquals(1, root.schemas.size()); final JsonCustomSchema schema = (JsonCustomSchema) root.schemas.get(0); assertEquals("My Custom Schema",; assertEquals("com.acme.MySchemaFactory", schema.factory); assertEquals("foo", schema.operand.get("a")); assertNull(schema.operand.get("c")); assertTrue(schema.operand.get("b") instanceof List); final List list = (List) schema.operand.get("b"); assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertEquals(1, list.get(0)); assertEquals(3.5, list.get(1)); }
public void orderTest3() { Customer customer = customerDAO.getCustomerById(2); List list = orderService.getOrdersByUsername(customer.getUsername()); System.out.println("List size :" + list.size()); for (Object obj : list) { System.out.println(obj); } }
public void testAddElements(int size) { List<Integer> src = makeRandomNumberList(size); SinglyLinkedList l = new SinglyLinkedList(); copy(src, l); ListIterator it = src.listIterator(src.size()); while (it.hasPrevious()) assertEquals(it.previous(), l.pop_back()); }
@Test public void mustRepeat() throws Exception { final CompletionStage<List<Integer>> f = Source.repeat(42).grouped(10000).runWith(Sink.<List<Integer>>head(), materializer); final List<Integer> result = f.toCompletableFuture().get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(result.size(), 10000); for (Integer i : result) assertEquals(i, (Integer) 42); }
@Test public void testGetDataNodes() { Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<script>One Two</script> <style>Three Four</style> <p>Fix Six</p>"); Element script ="script").first(); Element style ="style").first(); Element p ="p").first(); List<DataNode> scriptData = script.dataNodes(); assertEquals(1, scriptData.size()); assertEquals("One Two", scriptData.get(0).getWholeData()); List<DataNode> styleData = style.dataNodes(); assertEquals(1, styleData.size()); assertEquals("Three Four", styleData.get(0).getWholeData()); List<DataNode> pData = p.dataNodes(); assertEquals(0, pData.size()); }
@Test public void testParameterToPairsWhenValueIsEmptyStrings() throws Exception { // single empty string List<Pair> pairs = apiClient.parameterToPairs("csv", "param-a", " "); assertEquals(1, pairs.size()); // list of empty strings List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>(); strs.add(" "); strs.add(" "); strs.add(" "); List<Pair> concatStrings = apiClient.parameterToPairs("csv", "param-a", strs); assertEquals(1, concatStrings.size()); assertFalse(concatStrings.get(0).getValue().isEmpty()); // should contain some delimiters }
@Test public void testDelete() throws DatabaseException { Project census = new Project("census", 2, 3, 4, 5); Project births = new Project("births", 6, 7, 8, 9); dbProjects.add(census); dbProjects.add(births); List<Project> all = dbProjects.getAll(); assertEquals(2, all.size()); dbProjects.delete(census); dbProjects.delete(births); all = dbProjects.getAll(); assertEquals(0, all.size()); }
@Test public void mustWorkFromRange() throws Exception { CompletionStage<List<Integer>> f = Source.range(0, 10).grouped(20).runWith(Sink.<List<Integer>>head(), materializer); final List<Integer> result = f.toCompletableFuture().get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(11, result.size()); Integer counter = 0; for (Integer i : result) assertEquals(i, counter++); }