public class Logger { private final JSONObject callLog; private static final String SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public Logger() { callLog = new JSONObject(); } private void logTimestamp() { callLog.put("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis()); } private void logTargetClass(Object target) { callLog.put("class", target.getClass().getName()); } private void logMethod(Method method) { callLog.put("method", method.getName()); } public void logMethodCall(Method method, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable { Throwable caught = null; Object returnValue = null; logTimestamp(); logTargetClass(target); logMethod(method); logArguments(args); } private void logArguments(Object[] args) { IdentityHashMap<Iterable, Boolean> identityHashMap = new IdentityHashMap<Iterable, Boolean>(); if (args != null) { callLog.put("arguments", logIterable(Arrays.asList(args), identityHashMap)); } else { callLog.put("arguments", new JSONArray()); } } private Object logIterable( Iterable iterable, IdentityHashMap<Iterable, Boolean> identityHashMap) { if (identityHashMap.containsKey(iterable)) { return "cyclic"; } identityHashMap.put(iterable, true); JSONArray iterableValues = new JSONArray(); if (iterable != null) { for (Object value : iterable) { if (value instanceof Iterable) { iterableValues.put(logIterable((Iterable) value, identityHashMap)); } else if ((value != null) && (value.getClass().isArray())) { iterableValues.put(value.toString()); } else { iterableValues.put(value); } } } return iterableValues; } public void logReturnValue(Object returnValue) { IdentityHashMap<Iterable, Boolean> identityHashMap = new IdentityHashMap<Iterable, Boolean>(); if (returnValue == null) { callLog.put("returnValue", JSONObject.NULL); } else if (!(returnValue instanceof Iterable)) { callLog.put("returnValue", returnValue); } else { callLog.put("returnValue", logIterable((Iterable) returnValue, identityHashMap)); } } public void logThrown(Throwable thrown) { callLog.put("thrown", thrown.toString()); } // for test purposes public JSONObject getResultObject() { return callLog; } @Override public String toString() { return (callLog.toString(2) + SEPARATOR); } }
/** * Parses a text file of JSONs into an array of tweets * * @param textFile The textfile containing the JSONs */ public parseJSON() { // get folder paths String currentDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String root = currentDir; String textFile = root + "/tweet_input/tweets.txt"; String outputFolderF1 = root + "/tweet_output/f1.txt"; String outputFolderF2 = root + "/tweet_output/f2.txt"; int numTweets = 0; int numGoodTweets = 0; hashtagEdges hashEdges = new hashtagEdges(); // try objects try { // create a reader object for tweet's textfile and read-in first line BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(textFile)); String currentJSON = reader.readLine(); // System.out.println(textFile); // initate a writer object with the outputFolder name PrintWriter writerF1 = new PrintWriter(outputFolderF1, "UTF-8"); PrintWriter writerF2 = new PrintWriter(outputFolderF2, "UTF-8"); // create an array list to save parsedTweets and declare problem variables List<parsedTweet> tweetList = new ArrayList<parsedTweet>(); String tweetText, tweetTime; JSONObject objJSON; String[] hashArray; parsedTweet tweetObj; float currentAverage; while (currentJSON != null) { try { objJSON = new JSONObject(currentJSON); // if the JSON has a text and time stamp, process it numTweets = numTweets + 1; if (objJSON.has("created_at") && objJSON.has("text")) { // get timestamp and text from JSON object tweetTime = objJSON.getString("created_at"); tweetText = objJSON.getString("text"); // create a tweet object and add it to folder tweetObj = new parsedTweet(tweetTime, tweetText, currentJSON); tweetList.add(tweetObj); // update hashObjet hashArray = tweetObj.hashtags.toArray(new String[tweetObj.hashtags.size()]); currentAverage = hashEdges.updateEdges(hashArray, tweetTime); // write correctly-formated cleen-tweet to output folder writerF1.println(tweetObj.formatTweet()); numGoodTweets = numGoodTweets + 1; writerF2.format("%.2f%n", currentAverage); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in parseJSON - 1"); e.printStackTrace(); } // read next line (which has the next JSON object) currentJSON = reader.readLine(); } writerF1.close(); writerF2.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in parseJSON - 2"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { DATASET = System.getProperty("dataset", "movielens-pos.json"); TRAINPERCENT = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("trainPercent", "0.8")); TESTPERCENT = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("testPercent", "0.5")); RUNS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("runs", "1")); PREDICTIONS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("predictions", "1")); // rand = new Random( Integer.parseInt( System.getProperty( "seed", "1" ) ) ); rand = new Random(); System.out.println("File: " + DATASET); System.out.println("Train Percent: " + TRAINPERCENT); System.out.println("Test Percent: " + TESTPERCENT); System.out.println("Runs: " + RUNS); System.out.println("Predictions: " + PREDICTIONS); docs = DatasetOld.loadDataset(DATASET); for (Algorithm alg : algs) { System.out.print( + "\t"); double total = 0.0; long trainTime = 0; long predictTime = 0; for (int run = 0; run < RUNS; run++) { ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Double>> traindocs = new ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Double>>(); ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Double>> testdocs = new ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Double>>(); for (HashMap<Integer, Double> doc : docs) { if (rand.nextDouble() < TRAINPERCENT) traindocs.add(doc); else testdocs.add(doc); } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); alg.train(traindocs); trainTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime; int successes = 0; for (HashMap<Integer, Double> testdoc : testdocs) { HashMap<Integer, Double> givenwords = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); HashSet<Integer> testwords = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int word : testdoc.keySet()) { if (rand.nextDouble() < TESTPERCENT) { testwords.add(word); } else { givenwords.put(word, testdoc.get(word)); } } startTime = System.nanoTime(); double[] scores = alg.predict(givenwords); predictTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime; // System.out.println(Arrays.toString( scores )); PriorityQueue<Pair> pq = new PriorityQueue<Pair>(); for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { if (givenwords.containsKey(i)) { continue; } if (pq.size() < PREDICTIONS) { pq.add(new Pair(i, scores[i])); } if (scores[i] > pq.peek().score) { pq.poll(); pq.add(new Pair(i, scores[i])); } } while (!pq.isEmpty()) { Pair pair = pq.poll(); // System.out.println( WordIndex.get( pair.word ) + "\t" + pair.score + "\t" + // testwords.contains( pair.word ) ); if (testwords.contains(pair.word)) { successes++; } } } total += (double) successes / PREDICTIONS / testdocs.size(); } System.out.println( total / RUNS + "\t" + (trainTime / 1000000000.0 / RUNS) + "\t" + (predictTime / 1000000000.0 / RUNS)); } }