public void testStrConvEncThatGrows() throws Exception { String javaStr = "--- こんにちは!"; RubyString rubyStr = RubyString.newString(runtime, javaStr); rubyStr = EncodingUtils.strConvEnc( runtime.getCurrentContext(), rubyStr, rubyStr.getEncoding(), SJISEncoding.INSTANCE); assertEquals(rubyStr.getEncoding(), SJISEncoding.INSTANCE); rubyStr = EncodingUtils.strConvEnc( runtime.getCurrentContext(), rubyStr, SJISEncoding.INSTANCE, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE); assertEquals(rubyStr.getEncoding(), UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE); }
@JRubyMethod(name = "ruby=") public IRubyObject ruby_set(final ThreadContext ctx, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString string; try { string = arg.convertToString(); } catch (RaiseException re) { throw newTypeError(ctx.runtime, arg.getMetaClass(), "String"); } if (string.getEncoding() == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE || string.getEncoding() == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) { ByteList bytes = string.getByteList(); value.set(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getRealSize()); } else { value.set(string.toString()); } return arg; }
private RubyString strioSubstr(Ruby runtime, int pos, int len) { RubyString str = ptr.string; ByteList strByteList = str.getByteList(); byte[] strBytes = strByteList.getUnsafeBytes(); Encoding enc = str.getEncoding(); int rlen = str.size() - pos; if (len > rlen) len = rlen; if (len < 0) len = 0; if (len == 0) return RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime); return RubyString.newStringShared(runtime, strBytes, strByteList.getBegin() + pos, len, enc); }
@JRubyMethod( name = {"write"}, required = 1) public IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { checkWritable(); Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString str = arg.asString(); int len, olen; Encoding enc, enc2; enc = ptr.string.getEncoding(); enc2 = str.getEncoding(); if (enc != enc2 && enc != EncodingUtils.ascii8bitEncoding(runtime) // this is a hack because we don't seem to handle incoming ASCII-8BIT properly in transcoder && enc2 != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) { str = runtime.newString(Transcoder.strConvEnc(context, str.getByteList(), enc2, enc)); } len = str.size(); if (len == 0) return; checkModifiable(); olen = ptr.string.size(); if ((ptr.flags & OpenFile.APPEND) != 0) { ptr.pos = olen; } if (ptr.pos == olen // this is a hack because we don't seem to handle incoming ASCII-8BIT properly in transcoder && enc2 != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) { EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, ptr.string, str.getByteList(), enc); } else { strioExtend(ptr.pos, len); ByteList ptrByteList = ptr.string.getByteList(); System.arraycopy( str.getByteList().getUnsafeBytes(), str.getByteList().getBegin(), ptrByteList.getUnsafeBytes(), ptrByteList.begin + ptr.pos, len); ptr.string.infectBy(str); } ptr.string.infectBy(this); ptr.pos += len; return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, len); }
@JRubyMethod(name = "ungetc", compat = CompatVersion.RUBY1_9) @Override public IRubyObject ungetc19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { checkReadable(); if (!arg.isNil()) { int c; if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { c = RubyNumeric.fix2int(arg); } else { RubyString str = arg.convertToString(); c = str.getEncoding().mbcToCode(str.getBytes(), 0, 1); } ungetcCommon(c); } return getRuntime().getNil(); }
@Override protected IRubyObject inspectAry(ThreadContext context) { if (!packed()) return super.inspectAry(context); final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString str = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, DEFAULT_INSPECT_STR_SIZE, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); EncodingUtils.strBufCat(runtime, str, OPEN_BRACKET); boolean tainted = isTaint(); RubyString s = inspect(context, value); if (s.isTaint()) tainted = true; else str.setEncoding(s.getEncoding()); str.cat19(s); EncodingUtils.strBufCat(runtime, str, CLOSE_BRACKET); if (tainted) str.setTaint(true); return str; }