public boolean waitForIO(ThreadContext context, RubyIO io, int ops) { Channel channel = io.getChannel(); if (!(channel instanceof SelectableChannel)) { return true; } try { io.addBlockingThread(this); blockingIO = BlockingIO.newCondition(channel, ops); boolean ready = blockingIO.await(); // check for thread events, in case we've been woken up to die pollThreadEvents(); return ready; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError("Error with selector: " + ioe); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // FIXME: not correct exception throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError("Interrupted"); } finally { blockingIO = null; io.removeBlockingThread(this); } }
public boolean select(RubyIO io, int ops, long timeout) { return select(io.getChannel(), io, ops, timeout); }
public boolean select(RubyIO io, int ops) { return select(io.getChannel(), io, ops); }