private Duration estimateIntervalStep(String interval) { Duration step; switch (interval) { case "minute": step = Minutes.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "hour": step = Hours.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "day": step = Days.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "week": step = Weeks.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "month": step = Days.days(31).toStandardDuration(); break; case "quarter": step = Days.days(31 * 3).toStandardDuration(); break; case "year": step = Days.days(365).toStandardDuration(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid duration specified: " + interval); } return step; }
public class CommentsAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<CommentsAdapter.CommentView> { private final String selfName; private ImmutableList<CommentEntry> comments; private Optional<String> op; private CommentActionListener commentActionListener; private long selectedCommentId; private boolean prioritizeOpComments; private final Instant scoreVisibleThreshold = now().minus(Hours.ONE.toStandardDuration()); private TLongSet favedComments = new TLongHashSet(); private boolean showFavCommentButton; public CommentsAdapter(String selfName) { this.selfName = selfName; setHasStableIds(true); set(emptyList(), emptyMap(), null); } public void set(Collection<Comment> comments, Map<Long, Vote> votes, String op) { ImmutableMap<Long, Comment> byId = Maps.uniqueIndex(comments, Comment::getId); this.op = Optional.fromNullable(op); this.comments = FluentIterable.from(sort(comments, op)) .transform( comment -> { int depth = getCommentDepth(byId, comment); Vote baseVote = firstNonNull(votes.get(comment.getId()), Vote.NEUTRAL); return new CommentEntry(comment, baseVote, depth); }) .toList(); notifyDataSetChanged(); } public void setShowFavCommentButton(boolean showFavCommentButton) { this.showFavCommentButton = showFavCommentButton; } public void setPrioritizeOpComments(boolean enabled) { if (prioritizeOpComments != enabled) { prioritizeOpComments = enabled; notifyDataSetChanged(); } } public void setSelectedCommentId(long id) { if (selectedCommentId != id) { selectedCommentId = id; notifyDataSetChanged(); } } public void setFavedComments(TLongSet favedComments) { boolean hasChanged = !this.favedComments.equals(favedComments); if (hasChanged) { this.favedComments = favedComments; notifyDataSetChanged(); } } public List<Comment> getComments() { return FluentIterable.from(comments).transform(c -> c.comment).toList(); } @Override public CommentView onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { return new CommentView( LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.comment_layout, parent, false)); } @Override public void onViewRecycled(CommentView holder) { super.onViewRecycled(holder); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(CommentView view, int position) { CommentEntry entry = comments.get(position); Comment comment = entry.comment; view.setCommentDepth(entry.depth); view.senderInfo.setSenderName(comment.getName(), comment.getMark()); view.senderInfo.setOnSenderClickedListener(v -> doOnAuthorClicked(comment)); AndroidUtility.linkify(view.comment, comment.getContent()); // show the points if (equalsIgnoreCase(comment.getName(), selfName) || comment.getCreated().isBefore(scoreVisibleThreshold)) { view.senderInfo.setPoints(getCommentScore(entry)); } else { view.senderInfo.setPointsUnknown(); } // and the date of the post view.senderInfo.setDate(comment.getCreated()); // enable or disable the badge boolean badge = op.transform(op -> op.equalsIgnoreCase(comment.getName())).or(false); view.senderInfo.setBadgeOpVisible(badge); // and register a vote handler, true); v -> { boolean changed = doVote(entry, v); notifyItemChanged(position); return changed; }); // set alpha for the sub views. sadly, setting alpha on view.itemView is not working view.comment.setAlpha( == Vote.DOWN ? 0.5f : 1f); view.senderInfo.setAlpha( == Vote.DOWN ? 0.5f : 1f); view.senderInfo.setOnAnswerClickedListener(v -> doAnswer(comment)); Context context = view.itemView.getContext(); view.itemView.setBackgroundColor( ContextCompat.getColor( context, comment.getId() == selectedCommentId ? R.color.selected_comment_background : R.color.feed_background)); if (view.kFav != null) { if (showFavCommentButton) { boolean isFavorite = favedComments.contains(comment.getId()); view.kFav.setTextColor( isFavorite ? ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.primary) : ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.grey_700)); view.kFav.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); view.kFav.setOnClickListener( v -> { commentActionListener.onCommentMarkAsFavoriteClicked(comment, !isFavorite); }); } else { view.kFav.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } } private int getCommentScore(CommentEntry entry) { int score = entry.comment.getUp() - entry.comment.getDown(); score += - entry.baseVote.getVoteValue(); return score; } private void doOnAuthorClicked(Comment comment) { if (commentActionListener != null) commentActionListener.onCommentAuthorClicked(comment); } private void doAnswer(Comment comment) { if (commentActionListener != null) commentActionListener.onAnswerClicked(comment); } private boolean doVote(CommentEntry entry, Vote vote) { if (commentActionListener == null) return false; boolean performVote = commentActionListener.onCommentVoteClicked(entry.comment, vote); if (performVote) { = vote; } return performVote; } @Override public int getItemCount() { return comments.size(); } @Override public long getItemId(int position) { return comments.get(position).comment.getId(); } public void setCommentActionListener(CommentActionListener commentActionListener) { this.commentActionListener = commentActionListener; } public static class CommentView extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { final TextView comment; final VoteView vote; final SenderInfoView senderInfo; final TextView kFav; public CommentView(View itemView) { super(itemView); // get the subviews comment = findById(itemView,; vote = ButterKnife.findById(itemView,; senderInfo = ButterKnife.findById(itemView,; kFav = ButterKnife.findById(itemView,; } public void setCommentDepth(int depth) { ((CommentSpacerView) itemView).setDepth(depth); } } public interface CommentActionListener { boolean onCommentVoteClicked(Comment comment, Vote vote); void onAnswerClicked(Comment comment); void onCommentAuthorClicked(Comment comment); void onCommentMarkAsFavoriteClicked(Comment comment, boolean markAsFavorite); } /** * "Flattens" a list of hierarchical comments to a sorted list of comments. * * @param comments The comments to sort */ private List<Comment> sort(Collection<Comment> comments, String op) { ImmutableListMultimap<Long, Comment> byParent = Multimaps.index(comments, Comment::getParent); ArrayList<Comment> result = new ArrayList<>(); appendChildComments(result, byParent, 0, op); return result; } private void appendChildComments( List<Comment> target, ListMultimap<Long, Comment> byParent, long id, String op) { Ordering<Comment> ordering = COMMENT_BY_CONFIDENCE; if (op != null && prioritizeOpComments) { ordering = Ordering.natural() .reverse() .onResultOf((Comment c) -> op.equalsIgnoreCase(c.getName())) .compound(ordering); } List<Comment> children = ordering.sortedCopy(byParent.get(id)); for (Comment child : children) { target.add(child); appendChildComments(target, byParent, (int) child.getId(), op); } } private static int getCommentDepth(Map<Long, Comment> byId, Comment comment) { int depth = 0; while (comment != null) { depth++; comment = byId.get(comment.getParent()); } return Math.min(8, depth); } private static final Ordering<Comment> COMMENT_BY_CONFIDENCE = Ordering.natural().reverse().onResultOf(Comment::getConfidence); private static class CommentEntry { final Comment comment; final Vote baseVote; final int depth; Vote vote; public CommentEntry(Comment comment, Vote baseVote, int depth) { this.comment = comment; this.baseVote = baseVote; this.depth = depth; = baseVote; } } }