private boolean isExceedThreashold(Date date) { Days daysBetweenCreationTimeAndNow = Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(date),; return daysBetweenCreationTimeAndNow.getDays() >= Integer.parseInt(VerigreenNeededLogic.VerigreenMap.get("daysThreashold")); }
private Duration estimateIntervalStep(String interval) { Duration step; switch (interval) { case "minute": step = Minutes.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "hour": step = Hours.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "day": step = Days.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "week": step = Weeks.ONE.toStandardDuration(); break; case "month": step = Days.days(31).toStandardDuration(); break; case "quarter": step = Days.days(31 * 3).toStandardDuration(); break; case "year": step = Days.days(365).toStandardDuration(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid duration specified: " + interval); } return step; }
/** * Handle an account state warning produced by ldaptive account state machinery. * * <p>Override this method to provide custom warning message handling. * * @param warning the account state warning messages. * @param response Ldaptive authentication response. * @param configuration Password policy configuration. * @param messages Container for messages produced by account state warning handling. */ protected void handleWarning( final AccountState.Warning warning, final AuthenticationResponse response, final LdapPasswordPolicyConfiguration configuration, final List<Message> messages) { logger.debug("Handling warning {}", warning); if (warning == null) { logger.debug("Account state warning not defined"); return; } final Calendar expDate = warning.getExpiration(); final Days ttl = Days.daysBetween(, new Instant(expDate)); logger.debug( "Password expires in {} days. Expiration warning threshold is {} days.", ttl.getDays(), configuration.getPasswordWarningNumberOfDays()); if (configuration.isAlwaysDisplayPasswordExpirationWarning() || ttl.getDays() < configuration.getPasswordWarningNumberOfDays()) { messages.add( new PasswordExpiringWarningMessage( "Password expires in {0} days. Please change your password at <href=\"{1}\">{1}</a>", ttl.getDays(), configuration.getPasswordPolicyUrl())); } if (warning.getLoginsRemaining() > 0) { messages.add( new Message( "password.expiration.loginsRemaining", "You have {0} logins remaining before you MUST change your password.", warning.getLoginsRemaining())); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { String dayStrBegin = "2016-03-14"; String dayStrEnd = "2016-03-20"; String datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd"; DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(datePattern); LocalDate localDateStart = dateFormatter.parseLocalDate(dayStrBegin); LocalDate localDateEnd = dateFormatter.parseLocalDate(dayStrEnd); // 比较大小,不返回相差的天数 // localDateStart.compareTo(localDateEnd); // 减去一个Period,不能应用于localDateEnd // localDateStart.minus(ReadablePeriod); // minus的入参是ReadablePeriod // Duration ninetyDays = new Duration(NINETY_DAYS_MILLI); /* * Period ninetyDays = new Period(NINETY_DAYS_MILLI); LocalDate limitStart = localDateEnd.minus(ninetyDays); if * (localDateStart.compareTo(limitStart) != -1) { System.out.println("Hi, there"); } */ Days durationDays = Days.daysBetween(localDateStart, localDateEnd); if (durationDays.getDays() <= 90) { System.out.println("Hi, there"); } }
@Override public void run() { while (true) { final MeasurementDataNumeric data; try { data = numericQueue.take(); if (data == KILL_SIGNAL) { return; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // We still keep getting interrupted.. we really need to die return; } DateTime collectionTimeSlice = dateTimeService.getTimeSlice( new DateTime(data.getTimestamp()), configuration.getRawTimeSliceDuration()); Days days = Days.daysBetween(collectionTimeSlice,; if (days.isGreaterThan(rawDataAgeLimit)) { data + " is older than the raw data age limit of " + rawDataAgeLimit.getDays() + " days. It will not be stored."); } else { StorageResultSetFuture rawFuture = dao.insertRawData(data); StorageResultSetFuture indexFuture = dao.updateIndex( IndexBucket.RAW, collectionTimeSlice.getMillis(), data.getScheduleId()); ListenableFuture<List<ResultSet>> insertsFuture = Futures.successfulAsList(rawFuture, indexFuture); Futures.addCallback( insertsFuture, new FutureCallback<List<ResultSet>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List<ResultSet> result) {} @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { boolean offerSuccess = numericQueue.offer(data); if (!offerSuccess) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "An error occurred while inserting raw data", ThrowableUtil.getRootCause(t)); } else { log.warn( "An error occurred while inserting raw data: " + ThrowableUtil.getRootMessage(t) + ", data was: " + data); } } } }, tasks); } } }
public int gap(TimeId start) { Days days = Days.daysBetween(start.getDateTime().toLocalDate(), dateTime.toLocalDate()); return days.getDays() * 288 + timeId - start.getTimeId(); // if(a >= 0) { // return (a * 288) + timeId - start.getTimeId(); // } else { // return (a * 288) + timeId - start.getTimeId(); // } }
private boolean isWebserviceInvocationAllowed(Calltype callType, Timestamp lastInvocation) { boolean oldEnough; if (lastInvocation == null) { oldEnough = true; } else if (lastInvocation.getTime() >> 32 == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // checks if invocation_time is close enough to 'infinity'. oldEnough = false; } else { DateTime lastInvocationDateTime = new DateTime(lastInvocation.getTime()); Days daysBetween = Days.daysBetween(lastInvocationDateTime, new DateTime()); oldEnough = daysBetween.getDays() > callType.getDaysToCache(); } return oldEnough; }
/** * Defines the magnitudes that can be added to the timestamp * * @param token token of form "[number][magnitude]" (ex. "1d") * @return integer indicating the magnitude of the date for the calendar system */ public static ReadablePeriod getTimePeriod(String token) { String valString = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1); int value = Integer.parseInt(valString); char mag = token.charAt(token.length() - 1); ReadablePeriod period; switch (mag) { case 's': period = Seconds.seconds(value); break; case 'm': period = Minutes.minutes(value); break; case 'h': period = Hours.hours(value); break; case 'd': period = Days.days(value); break; case 'M': period = Months.months(value); break; case 'y': period = Years.years(value); break; default: logger.warn("Invalid date magnitude: {}. Defaulting to seconds.", mag); period = Seconds.seconds(value); break; } return period; }
public static int getRecurrencesBetween( RecurrenceInterval interval, int multiplier, Date start, Date end) { DateTime then = new DateTime(start); DateTime now = new DateTime(end); int count = 1; switch (interval) { case ONCE: break; case DAY: count += Days.daysBetween(then, now).getDays() / multiplier; break; case MONTH: count += Months.monthsBetween(then, now).getMonths() / multiplier; break; case QUARTER: int quarters = Months.monthsBetween(then, now).getMonths() / 3; count += quarters / multiplier; break; case YEAR: count += Years.yearsBetween(then, now).getYears() / multiplier; break; } return count; }
@Override protected boolean isToFire() { int days = Days.daysBetween(calculateStartDate().toDateMidnight(), new LocalDate().toDateMidnight()) .getDays(); return days >= INTERVAL; }
private void when_all_jobs_within_X_days_are_executed(int days) { Date date =; Job job = managementService.createJobQuery().duedateLowerThan(date).singleResult(); assertThat(job, notNullValue()); managementService.executeJob(job.getId()); }
/** * 计算两个日期之间的时间间隔(不计算毫秒数) * * @param date1,date2 * @param timeType * @return int */ public static int periodBtDate(Date date1, Date date2, TimeType timeType) { if (date1 == null || date2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("date param can not be null"); } DateTime start = fromDate(date1); DateTime end = fromDate(date2); int period = 0; switch (timeType.getCode()) { case "Y": period = Years.yearsBetween(start, end).getYears(); break; case "M": period = Months.monthsBetween(start, end).getMonths(); break; case "W": period = Weeks.weeksBetween(start, end).getWeeks(); break; case "D": period = Days.daysBetween(start, end).getDays(); break; case "H": period = Hours.hoursBetween(start, end).getHours(); break; case "MIN": period = Minutes.minutesBetween(start, end).getMinutes(); break; case "S": period = Seconds.secondsBetween(start, end).getSeconds(); break; default: break; } return Math.abs(period); }
private int getDaysLeftForReview(PhdThesisProcess process) { return Days.daysBetween( process .getWhenJuryValidated() .plusDays(PhdReporterReviewAlert.getReporterReviewDeadlineDays()), new LocalDate()) .getDays(); }
@Test public void testWhenQuotesAreOnlyAvailableFromTheMiddleOfTheReportInterval() { DateMidnight startDate = new DateMidnight(2012, 12, 31); DateMidnight middleDate = new DateMidnight(2013, 2, 18); DateMidnight endDate = new DateMidnight(2013, 4, 1); // create model Client client = new Client(); new AccountBuilder() // .deposit_(startDate, 100 * Values.Amount.factor()) // .interest(startDate.plusDays(10), 10 * Values.Amount.factor()) // .addTo(client); Security security = new SecurityBuilder() // .generatePrices(50 * Values.Amount.factor(), middleDate, endDate) // .addTo(client); // calculate performance indices List<Exception> warnings = new ArrayList<Exception>(); ReportingPeriod reportInterval = new ReportingPeriod.FromXtoY(startDate.toDate(), endDate.toDate()); ClientIndex clientIndex = PerformanceIndex.forClient(client, reportInterval, warnings); PerformanceIndex securityIndex = PerformanceIndex.forSecurity(clientIndex, security, warnings); // asserts assertTrue(warnings.isEmpty()); Date[] clientDates = clientIndex.getDates(); Date[] securityDates = securityIndex.getDates(); assertThat(securityDates[0], is(middleDate.toDate())); assertThat(securityDates[securityDates.length - 1], is(endDate.toDate())); assertThat( new DateMidnight(clientDates[clientDates.length - 1]), is(new DateMidnight(securityDates[securityDates.length - 1]))); double[] clientAccumulated = clientIndex.getAccumulatedPercentage(); double[] securityAccumulated = securityIndex.getAccumulatedPercentage(); int index = Days.daysBetween(startDate, middleDate).getDays(); assertThat(new DateMidnight(clientDates[index]), is(middleDate)); assertThat(securityAccumulated[0], IsCloseTo.closeTo(clientAccumulated[index], 0.000001d)); long middlePrice = security.getSecurityPrice(middleDate.toDate()).getValue(); long lastPrice = security.getSecurityPrice(endDate.toDate()).getValue(); // 10% is interest of the deposit double performance = (double) (lastPrice - middlePrice) / (double) middlePrice + 0.1d; assertThat( securityAccumulated[securityAccumulated.length - 1], IsCloseTo.closeTo(performance, 0.000001d)); }
// Disconnection credit price protected BigDecimal getDisconnectionCredit( LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate, BigDecimal amount, String durationType, Integer chargeDuration) { LocalDate durationDate = startDate.plusMonths(chargeDuration).minusDays(1); int divisibleDays = Days.daysBetween(startDate, durationDate).getDays() + 1; int maxDaysOfMonth = startDate.dayOfMonth().withMaximumValue().getDayOfMonth(); int maximumDaysInYear = new LocalDate().dayOfYear().withMaximumValue().getDayOfYear(); BigDecimal pricePerDay = BigDecimal.ZERO; int totalDays = 0; if (startDate.isEqual(endDate)) { totalDays = 0; } else { // int numberOfMonths = // Months.monthsBetween(startDate,endDate).getMonths(); // LocalDate tempBillEndDate = endDate.minusMonths(numberOfMonths); totalDays = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate).getDays() + 1; } if (durationType.equalsIgnoreCase("month(s)")) { if (chargeDuration == 12) { pricePerDay = amount.divide(new BigDecimal(maximumDaysInYear), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } else if (chargeDuration != 1) { pricePerDay = amount.divide(new BigDecimal(divisibleDays), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } else { pricePerDay = amount.divide(new BigDecimal(maxDaysOfMonth), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } } else if (durationType.equalsIgnoreCase("week(s)")) { Integer billingDays = 7 * chargeDuration; pricePerDay = amount.divide(new BigDecimal(billingDays), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } return pricePerDay.multiply(new BigDecimal(totalDays)); }
/** * Calculate how long a movie is showing based on starting date and ending date * * @param sD Start Date * @param eD End Date * @return */ public static int calculateRunDate(Date sD, Date eD) { int minusDays = 0; DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(sD); DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(eD); minusDays = Days.daysBetween(dt1, dt2).getDays(); return minusDays; }
public void setRawDataAgeLimit(int rawDataAgeLimit) { if (rawDataAgeLimit > RAW_DATA_AGE_LIMIT_MAX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The requested limit, " + rawDataAgeLimit + ", exceeds the max age " + "limit of " + RAW_DATA_AGE_LIMIT_MAX); } this.rawDataAgeLimit = Days.days(rawDataAgeLimit); }
public List<Sessao> criaSessoes( LocalDate inicio, LocalDate fim, LocalTime horario, Periodicidade periodicidade) { if (inicio.isBefore(fim)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A data de início deve ser menor que a data fim"); } Days numeroDias = Days.daysBetween(inicio, fim); return null; }
public int getDaysInInterval(Interval interval) { LocalDate beginDate = getBeginDate().isBefore(interval.getStart().toLocalDate()) ? interval.getStart().toLocalDate() : getBeginDate(); LocalDate endDate = getEndDate() == null || getEndDate().isAfter(interval.getEnd().toLocalDate()) ? interval.getEnd().toLocalDate() : getEndDate(); return Days.daysBetween(beginDate, endDate).getDays(); }
public static int getDaysBetween(final String date1, final String date2, String format) { try { final DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(format) .withChronology(LenientChronology.getInstance(GregorianChronology.getInstance())); return Days.daysBetween(fmt.parseDateTime(date1), fmt.parseDateTime(date2)).getDays(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } }
public double getStartAsFractionOfPeriod(DateTime beginOfPeriod, DateTime endOfPeriod) { if (isCovered(beginOfPeriod, endOfPeriod)) { if (start.isBefore(beginOfPeriod)) { // { ? beginOfPeriod : start; return 0; } else { return Days.daysBetween(beginOfPeriod, start).getDays() / coveredPeriodLength(beginOfPeriod, endOfPeriod); } } else { return -1; } }
public double getEndAsFractionOfPeriod(DateTime beginOfPeriod, DateTime endOfPeriod) { if (isCovered(beginOfPeriod, endOfPeriod)) { if (end.isAfter(endOfPeriod)) { return 1; } else { return Days.daysBetween(beginOfPeriod, end).getDays() / coveredPeriodLength(beginOfPeriod, endOfPeriod); } } else { return -1; } }
/** * Extends the CSV row * * @param row existing row * @return the extended row */ public String[] extendRow(String[] row) { List<String> rowExt = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < dateColumnIndexes.size(); i++) { SourceColumn c = dates.get(i); int idx = dateColumnIndexes.get(i); int adjustedDataIndex = ((identityColumn >= 0) && (idx >= identityColumn)) ? (idx - 1) : (idx); String dateValue = row[idx]; if (dateValue != null && dateValue.trim().length() > 0) { try { DateTimeFormatter formatter = dateColumnFormats.get(i); DateTime dt = formatter.parseDateTime(dateValue); Days ds = Days.daysBetween(base, dt); rowExt.add(Integer.toString(ds.getDays() + 1)); if (c.isDatetime()) { int ts = dt.getSecondOfDay(); rowExt.add(Integer.toString(ts)); String scs = Integer.toString(ts); rowExt.add((scs.length() > 1) ? (scs) : ("0" + scs)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { l.debug("Can't parse date " + dateValue); rowExt.add(""); if (c.isDatetime()) { rowExt.add(""); rowExt.add("00"); } } } else { rowExt.add(""); if (c.isDatetime()) { rowExt.add(""); rowExt.add("00"); } } } if (rowExt.size() > 0) return mergeArrays(row, rowExt.toArray(new String[] {})); else return row; }
/** * Finds closest time key in raster to specified time value * * @param timValue Time value * @return Closest time value */ private LocalDate findNearestTimeKey() { // timFloor = floor value // timCeiling = ceiling value LocalDate timFloor; LocalDate timCeiling; if (!tim1.isAfter(mapDate.firstKey())) { return mapDate.firstKey(); } else if (!tim1.isBefore(mapDate.lastKey())) { return mapDate.lastKey(); } else { timFloor = mapDate.floorKey(tim1); timCeiling = mapDate.ceilingKey(tim1); if (Days.daysBetween(timFloor, tim1).getDays() < Days.daysBetween(tim1, timCeiling).getDays()) { return timFloor; } else { return timCeiling; } } }
public List<Days> getWorkingDaysAsJodaTimeDays() { List<Days> jodaWorkingDays = new ArrayList<Days>(); List<WeekDay> workingDaysAsWeekDays = getWorkingDays(); for (WeekDay weekDay : workingDaysAsWeekDays) { Days jodaWeekDay = Days.days(WeekDay.getJodaDayOfWeekThatMatchesMifosWeekDay(weekDay.getValue())); jodaWorkingDays.add(jodaWeekDay); } return jodaWorkingDays; }
/** * 求两个直接的日期差,月份. * * <p>*MSECONDS|*SECONDS|*MINUTES|*HOURS|*DAYS|*MONTHS|*YEARS * * @param tDate 日期格式"20150404" * @param txDate 日期格式"20150404" * @param type type 选择 DAYS||MONTHS||YEARS * @return */ public static int diff(String tDate, String txDate, String type) { if (txDate != null && tDate != null) { DateTime txDT = DateTime.parse(txDate, ISODateTimeFormat.basicDate()); DateTime tDT = DateTime.parse(tDate, ISODateTimeFormat.basicDate()); if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("DAYS")) { return Days.daysBetween(txDT, tDT).getDays(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("MONTHS")) { return Months.monthsBetween(txDT, tDT).getMonths(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("YEARS")) { return Years.yearsBetween(txDT, tDT).getYears(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("YEARS")) { return Years.yearsBetween(txDT, tDT).getYears(); } } return 0; }
private DateTime nextRepeatDaily(DateTime midnightTomorrow) { if (schedule.getRepeatRate() == 1) { return midnightTomorrow; } int distanceBetweenStartAndTomorrow = Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(schedule.getBeginDate()).toDateMidnight(), midnightTomorrow) .getDays(); if (distanceBetweenStartAndTomorrow == 0 || distanceBetweenStartAndTomorrow == schedule.getRepeatRate()) { return midnightTomorrow; } else if (distanceBetweenStartAndTomorrow > schedule.getRepeatRate()) { int remainder = distanceBetweenStartAndTomorrow % schedule.getRepeatRate(); return midnightTomorrow.plusDays(schedule.getRepeatRate() - remainder); } else { return midnightTomorrow.plusDays(schedule.getRepeatRate() - distanceBetweenStartAndTomorrow); } }
// Pro rate Weekly Bill public BillingOrderCommand getProrataWeeklyFirstBill( BillingOrderData billingOrderData, DiscountMasterData discountMasterData) { LocalDate startDate = null; LocalDate endDate = null; BigDecimal price = null; LocalDate invoiceTillDate = null; LocalDate nextbillDate = null; startDate = new LocalDate(billingOrderData.getBillStartDate()); endDate = startDate.dayOfWeek().withMaximumValue(); LocalDate weekStartDate = startDate.dayOfWeek().withMinimumValue(); Plan plan = this.planRepository.findOne(billingOrderData.getPlanId()); int totalDays = 0; totalDays = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate).getDays() + 1; BigDecimal weeklyPricePerDay = getWeeklyPricePerDay(billingOrderData); Integer billingDays = 7 * billingOrderData.getChargeDuration(); if (totalDays < billingDays) { price = weeklyPricePerDay.multiply(new BigDecimal(totalDays)); if (plan.getBillRule() == 300 && !startDate.equals(weekStartDate)) { price = BigDecimal.ZERO; } } else if (totalDays == billingDays) { price = billingOrderData.getPrice(); } invoiceTillDate = endDate; nextbillDate = endDate.plusDays(1); List<InvoiceTaxCommand> listOfTaxes = this.calculateDiscountAndTax( billingOrderData, discountMasterData, startDate, endDate, price); return this.createBillingOrderCommand( billingOrderData, startDate, endDate, invoiceTillDate, nextbillDate, price, listOfTaxes, discountMasterData); }
private float getNbJoursForAbsence(DemandeAbsence absence) throws Exception { // nombre de jours d'écart entre datedeb et dateFin float nbJours = Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(absence.getDateDebut()), new DateTime(absence.getDateFin())) .getDays(); nbJours += 1; if (absence.getDebutPM()) { nbJours -= 0.5; } if (absence.getFinAM()) { nbJours -= 0.5; } // recup des jours feries List<Date> joursFeries = null; try { joursFeries = calendarService.getJourFeries(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } // les samedis et dimanche ne sont pas pris en compte // supprimer les jours feries GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTime(absence.getDateDebut()); // gestion des dates différentes dans le cloud while (!DateUtils.isSameDay(calendar.getTime(), absence.getDateFin())) { // System.out.println("!!!! " + calendar.getTime() + ">" + // calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1 || calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 7) { nbJours -= 1; } if (joursFeries.contains(calendar.getTime())) { nbJours -= 1; } calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } return nbJours; }
private void checkDates(JobOfferBean bean) { LocalDate beginDate = bean.getBeginDate(); LocalDate endDate = bean.getEndDate(); if (beginDate.isAfter(endDate)) { throw new DomainException( "message.jobOffer.beginDate.isAfter.endDate", ResourceBundle.getBundle(JobBankSystem.JOB_BANK_RESOURCES, Language.getLocale())); } int days = Days.daysBetween(bean.getBeginDate(), bean.getEndDate()).getDays(); if (days < getMinNumberActiveDaysOffer()) { throw new DomainException( "", DomainException.getResourceFor(JobBankSystem.JOB_BANK_RESOURCES), getMinNumberActiveDaysOffer().toString()); } if (days > getMaxNumberActiveDaysOffer()) { throw new DomainException( "", DomainException.getResourceFor(JobBankSystem.JOB_BANK_RESOURCES), getMaxNumberActiveDaysOffer().toString()); } }