static void resolveTables( DBRProgressMonitor monitor, DBCExecutionContext executionContext, TemplateContext context, List<DBSEntity> entities) throws DBException { TemplateVariable schemaVariable = ((SQLContext) context).getTemplateVariable(SQLContainerResolver.VAR_NAME_SCHEMA); TemplateVariable catalogVariable = ((SQLContext) context).getTemplateVariable(SQLContainerResolver.VAR_NAME_CATALOG); String catalogName = catalogVariable == null ? null : catalogVariable.getDefaultValue(); String schemaName = schemaVariable == null ? null : schemaVariable.getDefaultValue(); DBSObjectContainer objectContainer = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSObjectContainer.class, executionContext.getDataSource()); if (objectContainer == null) { return; } if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(catalogName) || !CommonUtils.isEmpty(schemaName)) { // Find container for specified schema/catalog objectContainer = (DBSObjectContainer) DBUtils.getObjectByPath(monitor, objectContainer, catalogName, schemaName, null); } else { DBSObjectSelector objectSelector = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSObjectSelector.class, executionContext.getDataSource()); if (objectSelector != null) { objectContainer = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSObjectContainer.class, objectSelector.getSelectedObject()); } } if (objectContainer != null) { makeProposalsFromChildren(monitor, objectContainer, entities); } }
private SQLCompletionProposal makeProposalsFromObject( DBPNamedObject object, @Nullable DBPImage objectIcon) { String objectName = DBUtils.getObjectFullName(object); StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(); PropertyCollector collector = new PropertyCollector(object, false); collector.collectProperties(); for (DBPPropertyDescriptor descriptor : collector.getPropertyDescriptors2()) { Object propValue = collector.getPropertyValue(descriptor.getId()); if (propValue == null) { continue; } String propString = propValue.toString(); info.append("<b>").append(descriptor.getDisplayName()).append(": </b>"); info.append(propString); info.append("<br>"); } boolean isSingleObject = true; String replaceString = null; DBPDataSource dataSource = editor.getDataSource(); if (dataSource != null) { // If we replace short name with referenced object // and current active schema (catalog) is not this object's container then // replace with full qualified name if (!getPreferences().getBoolean(SQLPreferenceConstants.PROPOSAL_SHORT_NAME) && object instanceof DBSObjectReference) { if (wordDetector.getFullWord().indexOf(editor.getSyntaxManager().getStructSeparator()) == -1) { DBSObjectReference structObject = (DBSObjectReference) object; if (structObject.getContainer() != null) { DBSObject selectedObject = getSelectedObject(dataSource); if (selectedObject != structObject.getContainer()) { replaceString = DBUtils.getFullQualifiedName(dataSource, structObject.getContainer(), object); isSingleObject = false; } } } } if (replaceString == null) { replaceString = DBUtils.getQuotedIdentifier(dataSource, object.getName()); } } else { replaceString = DBUtils.getObjectShortName(object); } return createCompletionProposal( replaceString, objectName, info.toString(), objectIcon, isSingleObject, object); }
@Override public List<GenericSequence> loadSequences( @NotNull DBRProgressMonitor monitor, @NotNull GenericStructContainer container) throws DBException { try (JDBCSession session = DBUtils.openMetaSession(monitor, container.getDataSource(), "Read sequences")) { try (JDBCPreparedStatement dbStat = session.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES")) { List<GenericSequence> result = new ArrayList<>(); try (JDBCResultSet dbResult = dbStat.executeQuery()) { while ( { String name = JDBCUtils.safeGetString(dbResult, "SEQUENCE_NAME"); if (name == null) { continue; } String description = JDBCUtils.safeGetString(dbResult, "REMARKS"); GenericSequence sequence = new GenericSequence( container, name, description, JDBCUtils.safeGetLong(dbResult, "CURRENT_VALUE"), JDBCUtils.safeGetLong(dbResult, "MIN_VALUE"), JDBCUtils.safeGetLong(dbResult, "MAX_VALUE"), JDBCUtils.safeGetLong(dbResult, "INCREMENT")); result.add(sequence); } } return result; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DBException(e, container.getDataSource()); } }
void updateMappingType(DBRProgressMonitor monitor) throws DBException { switch (parent.getMappingType()) { case existing: { mappingType = DatabaseMappingType.unspecified; if (parent.getTarget() instanceof DBSEntity) { if (CommonUtils.isEmpty(targetName)) { targetName = source.getName(); } target = DBUtils.findObject( ((DBSEntity) parent.getTarget()).getAttributes(monitor), targetName); if (target != null) { mappingType = DatabaseMappingType.existing; } else { mappingType = DatabaseMappingType.create; } } break; } case create: mappingType = DatabaseMappingType.create; if (CommonUtils.isEmpty(targetName)) { targetName = source.getName(); } break; case skip: mappingType = DatabaseMappingType.skip; break; default: mappingType = DatabaseMappingType.unspecified; break; } }
/** * Sets entity attribute * * @return true if attribute type differs from meta attribute type. */ public boolean setEntityAttribute(@Nullable DBSEntityAttribute entityAttribute) { this.entityAttribute = entityAttribute; if (entityAttribute != null && !haveEqualsTypes(metaAttribute, entityAttribute)) { valueHandler = DBUtils.findValueHandler(getDataSource(), entityAttribute); return true; } return false; }
@Nullable private static DBSObject getSelectedObject(DBPDataSource dataSource) { DBSObjectSelector objectSelector = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSObjectSelector.class, dataSource); if (objectSelector != null) { return objectSelector.getSelectedObject(); } return null; }
@Override public void lateBinding(@NotNull DBCSession session, List<Object[]> rows) throws DBException { DBSEntityAttribute entityAttribute = getEntityAttribute(); if (entityAttribute != null) { referrers = DBUtils.getAttributeReferrers(session.getProgressMonitor(), entityAttribute); } super.lateBinding(session, rows); }
private static boolean equalObjects(DBSObject object1, DBSObject object2) { if (object1 == object2) { return true; } if (object1 == null || object2 == null) { return false; } while (object1 != null && object2 != null) { if (object1.getClass() != object2.getClass() || !CommonUtils.equalObjects( DBUtils.getObjectUniqueName(object1), DBUtils.getObjectUniqueName(object2))) { return false; } object1 = object1.getParentObject(); object2 = object2.getParentObject(); } return true; }
public String getTargetType(DBPDataSource targetDataSource) { if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(targetType)) { return targetType; } // TODO: make some smart data type matcher // Current solution looks like hack String typeName = source.getTypeName(); DBPDataKind dataKind = source.getDataKind(); if (targetDataSource instanceof DBPDataTypeProvider) { DBPDataTypeProvider dataTypeProvider = (DBPDataTypeProvider) targetDataSource; DBSDataType dataType = dataTypeProvider.getLocalDataType(typeName); if (dataType == null && typeName.equals("DOUBLE")) { dataType = dataTypeProvider.getLocalDataType("DOUBLE PRECISION"); if (dataType != null) { typeName = dataType.getTypeName(); } } if (dataType != null && dataType.getDataKind() != dataKind) { // Type mismatch dataType = null; } if (dataType == null) { // Type not supported by target database // Let's try to find something similar List<DBSDataType> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (DBSDataType type : dataTypeProvider.getLocalDataTypes()) { if (type.getDataKind() == dataKind) { possibleTypes.add(type); } } typeName = DBUtils.getDefaultDataTypeName(targetDataSource, dataKind); if (!possibleTypes.isEmpty()) { DBSDataType targetType = null; for (DBSDataType type : possibleTypes) { if (type.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) { targetType = type; break; } } if (targetType == null) { targetType = possibleTypes.get(0); } typeName = targetType.getTypeName(); } } if (dataType != null) { dataKind = dataType.getDataKind(); } } String modifiers = SQLUtils.getColumnTypeModifiers(source, typeName, dataKind); if (modifiers != null) { typeName += modifiers; } return typeName; }
@NotNull @Override public String getColumnId() { DBCExecutionContext context = getExecutionContext(); DBCAttributeMetaData metaAttribute = binding.getMetaAttribute(); return DBUtils.getSimpleQualifiedName( context == null ? null : context.getDataSource().getContainer().getName(), metaAttribute.getEntityName(), metaAttribute.getName()); }
void setSearchPath(DBRProgressMonitor monitor, PostgreSchema schema, JDBCExecutionContext context) throws DBCException { try (JDBCSession session = context.openSession(monitor, DBCExecutionPurpose.UTIL, "Change search path")) { JDBCUtils.executeSQL( session, "SET search_path = \"$user\"," + DBUtils.getQuotedIdentifier(schema)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DBCException("Error setting search path", e, dataSource); } }
/* * Turns the vector into an Array of ICompletionProposal objects */ protected SQLCompletionProposal createCompletionProposal( String replaceString, String displayString, String description, @Nullable DBPImage image, boolean isObject, @Nullable DBPNamedObject object) { DBPPreferenceStore store = getPreferences(); DBPDataSource dataSource = editor.getDataSource(); if (dataSource != null) { if (isObject) { // Escape replace string if required replaceString = DBUtils.getQuotedIdentifier(dataSource, replaceString); } } // If we have quoted string then ignore pref settings boolean quotedString = wordDetector.isQuoted(replaceString); final int proposalCase = quotedString ? SQLPreferenceConstants.PROPOSAL_CASE_DEFAULT : store.getInt(SQLPreferenceConstants.PROPOSAL_INSERT_CASE); switch (proposalCase) { case SQLPreferenceConstants.PROPOSAL_CASE_UPPER: replaceString = replaceString.toUpperCase(); break; case SQLPreferenceConstants.PROPOSAL_CASE_LOWER: replaceString = replaceString.toLowerCase(); break; default: DBPIdentifierCase convertCase = quotedString && dataSource instanceof SQLDataSource ? ((SQLDataSource) dataSource).getSQLDialect().storesQuotedCase() : DBPIdentifierCase.MIXED; replaceString = convertCase.transform(replaceString); break; } Image img = image == null ? null : DBeaverIcons.getImage(image); return new SQLCompletionProposal( editor.getSyntaxManager(), displayString, replaceString, // replacementString wordDetector, // wordDetector replaceString.length(), // cursorPosition the position of the cursor following the insert // relative to replacementOffset img, // image to display new ContextInformation( img, displayString, displayString), // the context information associated with this proposal description, object); }
@Override public void setDefaultObject(@NotNull DBRProgressMonitor monitor, @NotNull DBSObject object) throws DBException { if (object instanceof PostgreSchema) { PostgreSchema oldActive = getDefaultObject(); if (oldActive == object) { return; } for (JDBCExecutionContext context : dataSource.getAllContexts()) { setSearchPath(monitor, (PostgreSchema) object, context); } dataSource.setActiveSchemaName(object.getName()); dataSource.setSearchPath(object.getName()); if (oldActive != null) { DBUtils.fireObjectSelect(oldActive, false); } DBUtils.fireObjectSelect(object, true); } }
private Object createXmlObject(JDBCSession session, InputStream stream) throws DBCException { try { return BeanUtils.invokeStaticMethod( DBUtils.getDriverClass(dataSource, OracleConstants.XMLTYPE_CLASS_NAME), "createXML", new Class[] {java.sql.Connection.class,}, new Object[] {session.getOriginal(), stream}); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DBCException(e, session.getDataSource()); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new DBCException("Internal error when creating XMLType", e, session.getDataSource()); } }
public boolean appliesTo(DBPObject object, Object context) { object = DBUtils.getPublicObject(object); if (object == null) { return false; } Object adapted = adaptType(object); for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes) { if (objectType.appliesTo(object, context) || (adapted != null && objectType.appliesTo(adapted, context))) { return true; } } return false; }
@Override protected DBEPersistAction[] makeObjectDeleteActions(ObjectDeleteCommand command) { return new DBEPersistAction[] { new SQLDatabasePersistAction( ModelMessages.model_jdbc_drop_table_column, "ALTER TABLE " + command.getObject().getTable().getFullQualifiedName() + //$NON-NLS-2$ " DROP " + (hasDDLFeature(command.getObject(), DDL_FEATURE_OMIT_COLUMN_CLAUSE_IN_DROP) ? "" : "COLUMN ") + DBUtils.getQuotedIdentifier( command.getObject())) // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ }; }
public static boolean compileUnit( DBRProgressMonitor monitor, DBCCompileLog compileLog, OracleSourceObject unit) throws DBCException { final DBEPersistAction[] compileActions = unit.getCompileActions(); if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(compileActions)) { return true; } try (JDBCSession session = DBUtils.openUtilSession( monitor, unit.getDataSource(), "Compile '" + unit.getName() + "'")) { boolean success = true; for (DBEPersistAction action : compileActions) { final String script = action.getScript(); compileLog.trace(script); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } try { try (DBCStatement dbStat = session.prepareStatement(DBCStatementType.QUERY, script, false, false, false)) { dbStat.executeStatement(); } action.handleExecute(null); } catch (DBCException e) { action.handleExecute(e); throw e; } if (action instanceof OracleObjectPersistAction) { if (!logObjectErrors( session, compileLog, unit, ((OracleObjectPersistAction) action).getObjectType())) { success = false; } } } final DBSObjectState oldState = unit.getObjectState(); unit.refreshObjectState(monitor); if (unit.getObjectState() != oldState) { unit.getDataSource() .getContainer() .fireEvent(new DBPEvent(DBPEvent.Action.OBJECT_UPDATE, unit)); } return success; } }
@Override public boolean test(Object receiver, String property, Object[] args, Object expectedValue) { if (!(receiver instanceof SQLEditorBase)) { return false; } SQLEditor editor = (SQLEditor) receiver; final Control editorControl = editor.getEditorControl(); if (editorControl == null) { return false; } boolean isFocused = editorControl.isFocusControl(); boolean isConnected = editor.getDataSourceContainer() != null && editor.getDataSourceContainer().isConnected(); switch (property) { case PROP_CAN_EXECUTE: return isConnected && isFocused && (!"statement".equals(expectedValue) || editor.hasActiveQuery()); case PROP_CAN_EXPLAIN: return isConnected && isFocused && editor.hasActiveQuery() && DBUtils.getAdapter(DBCQueryPlanner.class, editor.getDataSource()) != null; case PROP_CAN_NAVIGATE: { // Check whether some word is under cursor ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = editor.getSelectionProvider(); if (selectionProvider == null) { return false; } ITextSelection selection = (ITextSelection) selectionProvider.getSelection(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); return selection != null && document != null && !new SQLIdentifierDetector( editor.getSyntaxManager().getStructSeparator(), editor.getSyntaxManager().getQuoteSymbol()) .detectIdentifier( document, new Region(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength())) .isEmpty(); } case PROP_CAN_EXPORT: return isConnected && editor.hasActiveQuery(); } return false; }
@Override public String getTargetName() { switch (mappingType) { case existing: if (target != null) { return DBUtils.getObjectFullName(target, DBPEvaluationContext.UI); } else { return targetName; } case create: return targetName; case skip: return TARGET_NAME_SKIP; default: return "?"; } }
public static boolean showDatabaseError( Shell shell, String title, String message, DBException error) { DBPDataSource dataSource = error.getDataSource(); DBPErrorAssistant errorAssistant = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBPErrorAssistant.class, dataSource); if (errorAssistant != null) { DBPErrorAssistant.ErrorType errorType = ((DBPErrorAssistant) dataSource).discoverErrorType(error); switch (errorType) { case CONNECTION_LOST: DataSourceInvalidateHandler.showConnectionLostDialog(shell, message, error); return true; case DRIVER_CLASS_MISSING: DriverEditDialog.showBadConfigDialog(shell, message, error); return true; } } return false; }
@Override protected StringBuilder getNestedDeclaration( TABLE_TYPE owner, DBECommandAbstract<OBJECT_TYPE> command) { OBJECT_TYPE column = command.getObject(); // Create column String columnName = DBUtils.getQuotedIdentifier(column.getDataSource(), column.getName()); if (command instanceof SQLObjectEditor.ObjectRenameCommand) { columnName = ((ObjectRenameCommand) command).getNewName(); } StringBuilder decl = new StringBuilder(40); decl.append(columnName); for (ColumnModifier modifier : getSupportedModifiers()) { modifier.appendModifier(column, decl, command); } return decl; }
@Override public String getViewDDL(DBRProgressMonitor monitor, GenericTable sourceObject) throws DBException { GenericDataSource dataSource = sourceObject.getDataSource(); try (JDBCSession session = DBUtils.openMetaSession(monitor, dataSource, "Read H2 view source")) { try (JDBCPreparedStatement dbStat = session.prepareStatement( "SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS " + "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=? AND TABLE_NAME=?")) { dbStat.setString(1, sourceObject.getContainer().getName()); dbStat.setString(2, sourceObject.getName()); try (JDBCResultSet dbResult = dbStat.executeQuery()) { if (dbResult.nextRow()) { return dbResult.getString(1); } return "-- H2 view definition not found"; } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DBException(e, dataSource); } }
@Override protected String[] resolveAll(final TemplateContext context) { final DBCExecutionContext executionContext = ((DBPContextProvider) context).getExecutionContext(); if (executionContext == null) { return super.resolveAll(context); } DBPDataTypeProvider dataTypeProvider = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBPDataTypeProvider.class, executionContext.getDataSource()); if (dataTypeProvider != null) { final Collection<? extends DBSDataType> localDataTypes = dataTypeProvider.getLocalDataTypes(); if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(localDataTypes)) { String[] result = new String[localDataTypes.size()]; int index = 0; for (DBSDataType dataType : localDataTypes) { result[index++] = dataType.getName(); } return result; } } return super.resolveAll(context); }
public void generateDiagramObjects( DBRProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<? extends DBSObject> roots) throws DBException { boolean showViews = ERDActivator.getDefault() .getPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(ERDConstants.PREF_DIAGRAM_SHOW_VIEWS); Collection<DBSEntity> tables = collectTables(monitor, roots); for (DBSEntity table : tables) { if (DBUtils.isHiddenObject(table)) { // Skip hidden tables continue; } if (!showViews && table instanceof DBSTable && ((DBSTable) table).isView()) { // Skip views continue; } addDiagramEntity(monitor, table); } // Add new relations for (ERDEntity erdEntity : erdEntities) { erdEntity.addRelations(monitor, tableMap, false); } }
@Override public void fetchStart( DBCSession session, final DBCResultSet resultSet, long offset, long maxRows) throws DBCException { this.rows.clear(); this.offset = offset; this.maxRows = maxRows; if (!nextSegmentRead) { // Get columns metadata DBCResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMeta(); List<DBCAttributeMetaData> rsAttributes = metaData.getAttributes(); columnsCount = rsAttributes.size(); // Extract column info metaColumns = new DBDAttributeBindingMeta[columnsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) { metaColumns[i] = DBUtils.getAttributeBinding(session, rsAttributes.get(i)); } resultSetViewer.setMetaData(metaColumns); } }
public DBDAttributeBindingMeta( @NotNull DBPDataSource dataSource, @NotNull DBCAttributeMetaData metaAttribute) { super(DBUtils.findValueHandler(dataSource, metaAttribute)); this.dataSource = dataSource; this.metaAttribute = metaAttribute; }
@Override public String getFullTypeName() { return DBUtils.getFullTypeName(this); }
public DBDAttributeBindingMeta( @NotNull DBCSession session, @NotNull DBCAttributeMetaData metaAttribute) { super(DBUtils.findValueHandler(session, metaAttribute)); this.dataSource = session.getDataSource(); this.metaAttribute = metaAttribute; }
@Nullable private DBSObject getTableFromAlias( DBRProgressMonitor monitor, DBSObjectContainer sc, @Nullable String token) { final DBPDataSource dataSource = editor.getDataSource(); if (!(dataSource instanceof SQLDataSource)) { return null; } if (activeQuery == null) { activeQuery = editor.extractQueryAtPos(documentOffset).getQuery() + " "; } final List<String> nameList = new ArrayList<>(); if (token == null) { token = ""; } { Matcher matcher; Pattern aliasPattern; SQLDialect sqlDialect = ((SQLDataSource) dataSource).getSQLDialect(); String quoteString = sqlDialect.getIdentifierQuoteString(); String quote = quoteString == null ? SQLConstants.STR_QUOTE_DOUBLE : SQLConstants.STR_QUOTE_DOUBLE.equals(quoteString) ? quoteString : Pattern.quote(quoteString); String catalogSeparator = sqlDialect.getCatalogSeparator(); while (token.endsWith(catalogSeparator)) token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1); String tableNamePattern = "((?:" + quote + "(?:[.[^" + quote + "]]+)" + quote + ")|(?:[\\w" + Pattern.quote(catalogSeparator) + "]+))"; String structNamePattern; if (CommonUtils.isEmpty(token)) { structNamePattern = "(?:from|update|join|into)\\s*" + tableNamePattern; } else { structNamePattern = tableNamePattern + "(?:\\s*\\.\\s*" + tableNamePattern + ")?" + "\\s+(?:(?:AS)\\s)?" + token + "[\\s,]+"; } try { aliasPattern = Pattern.compile(structNamePattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { // Bad pattern - seems to be a bad token return null; } matcher = aliasPattern.matcher(activeQuery); if (!matcher.find()) { return null; } int groupCount = matcher.groupCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= groupCount; i++) { String group =; if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(group)) { String[] allNames = group.split(Pattern.quote(catalogSeparator)); for (String name : allNames) { if (quoteString != null && name.startsWith(quoteString) && name.endsWith(quoteString)) { name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1); } nameList.add(name); } } } } if (nameList.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < nameList.size(); i++) { nameList.set( i, DBObjectNameCaseTransformer.transformName(sc.getDataSource(), nameList.get(i))); } try { DBSObject childObject = null; while (childObject == null) { childObject = DBUtils.findNestedObject(monitor, sc, nameList); if (childObject == null) { DBSObjectContainer parentSc = DBUtils.getParentAdapter(DBSObjectContainer.class, sc); if (parentSc == null) { break; } sc = parentSc; } } if (childObject == null && nameList.size() <= 1) { // No such object found - may be it's start of table name DBSStructureAssistant structureAssistant = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSStructureAssistant.class, sc); if (structureAssistant != null) { String objectNameMask = nameList.get(0); Collection<DBSObjectReference> tables = structureAssistant.findObjectsByMask( monitor, sc, structureAssistant.getAutoCompleteObjectTypes(), wordDetector.removeQuotes(objectNameMask), wordDetector.isQuoted(objectNameMask), 2); if (!tables.isEmpty()) { return tables.iterator().next().resolveObject(monitor); } } return null; } else { return childObject; } } catch (DBException e) { log.error(e); return null; } }
private void makeStructureProposals( DBRProgressMonitor monitor, DBPDataSource dataSource, List<SQLCompletionProposal> proposals) { final DBSObjectContainer rootContainer = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSObjectContainer.class, dataSource); if (rootContainer == null) { return; } DBSObjectContainer selectedContainer = null; { DBSObject selectedObject = getSelectedObject(dataSource); if (selectedObject != null) { selectedContainer = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSObjectContainer.class, selectedObject); } } DBSObjectContainer sc = rootContainer; DBSObject childObject = sc; List<String> tokens = wordDetector.splitWordPart(); String lastToken = null; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { String token = tokens.get(i); if (i == tokens.size() - 1 && !wordDetector.getWordPart().endsWith(".")) { lastToken = token; break; } if (sc == null) { break; } // Get next structure container try { String objectName = DBObjectNameCaseTransformer.transformName(dataSource, token); childObject = sc.getChild(monitor, objectName); if (childObject == null && i == 0 && selectedContainer != null) { // Probably it is from selected object, let's try it childObject = selectedContainer.getChild(monitor, objectName); if (childObject != null) { sc = selectedContainer; } } if (childObject == null) { if (i == 0) { // Assume it's a table alias ? childObject = this.getTableFromAlias(monitor, sc, token); if (childObject == null) { DBSStructureAssistant structureAssistant = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSStructureAssistant.class, sc); if (structureAssistant != null) { Collection<DBSObjectReference> references = structureAssistant.findObjectsByMask( monitor, null, structureAssistant.getAutoCompleteObjectTypes(), wordDetector.removeQuotes(token), wordDetector.isQuoted(token), 2); if (!references.isEmpty()) { childObject = references.iterator().next().resolveObject(monitor); } } } } else { // Path element not found. Damn - can't do anything. return; } } if (childObject instanceof DBSObjectContainer) { sc = (DBSObjectContainer) childObject; } else { sc = null; } } catch (DBException e) { log.error(e); return; } } if (childObject == null) { return; } if (lastToken == null) { // Get all children objects as proposals makeProposalsFromChildren(monitor, childObject, null, proposals); } else { // Get matched children makeProposalsFromChildren(monitor, childObject, lastToken, proposals); if (proposals.isEmpty() || tokens.size() == 1) { // At last - try to find child tables by pattern DBSStructureAssistant structureAssistant = null; for (DBSObject object = childObject; object != null; object = object.getParentObject()) { structureAssistant = DBUtils.getAdapter(DBSStructureAssistant.class, object); if (structureAssistant != null) { break; } } if (structureAssistant != null) { makeProposalsFromAssistant(monitor, structureAssistant, sc, lastToken, proposals); } } } }