예제 #1
  public static boolean isConsistent(final Application app) {
    ConnectivityInspector<OPNode, DStream> inspector =
        new ConnectivityInspector<OPNode, DStream>(app);

    for (OPNode srcnode : app.getSources())
      for (OPNode snknode : app.getSinks())
        if (!inspector.pathExists(srcnode, snknode)) return false;
    return true;
예제 #2
  @Help("gives the details of the connected components of the pom graph")
  public String components(WorkingSession session) {
    StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();

    ConnectivityInspector<GAV, Relation> ccon =
        new ConnectivityInspector<>(session.graph().internalGraph());
    res.append("There are " + ccon.connectedSets().size() + " weakly connected components<br/>");

    for (Set<GAV> gavs : ccon.connectedSets()) {
      res.append("<br/>Set of connected GAVs :<br/>");
      for (GAV gav : gavs) {
        res.append("- " + gav + "<br/>");

    return res.toString();
예제 #3
  @Help("general statistics on the session")
  public String main(WorkingSession session) {
    StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();

    res.append("There are " + session.graph().gavs().size() + " gavs<br/>");

    StrongConnectivityInspector<GAV, Relation> conn =
        new StrongConnectivityInspector<>(session.graph().internalGraph());
        "There are " + conn.stronglyConnectedSets().size() + " strongly connected components<br/>");

    ConnectivityInspector<GAV, Relation> ccon =
        new ConnectivityInspector<>(session.graph().internalGraph());
    res.append("There are " + ccon.connectedSets().size() + " weakly connected components<br/>");

    CycleDetector<GAV, Relation> cycles =
        new CycleDetector<GAV, Relation>(session.graph().internalGraph());
    res.append("Is there cycles ? " + cycles.detectCycles() + "<br/>");

    return res.toString();