예제 #1
   * Created an entity for the axis.
   * @param cursor the initial cursor value.
   * @param state the axis state after completion of the drawing with a possibly updated cursor
   *     position.
   * @param dataArea the data area.
   * @param edge the edge.
   * @param plotState the PlotRenderingInfo from which a reference to the entity collection can be
   *     obtained.
   * @since 1.0.13
  protected void createAndAddEntity(
      double cursor,
      AxisState state,
      Rectangle2D dataArea,
      RectangleEdge edge,
      PlotRenderingInfo plotState) {

    if (plotState == null || plotState.getOwner() == null) {
      return; // no need to create entity if we can´t save it anyways...
    Rectangle2D hotspot = null;
    if (edge.equals(RectangleEdge.TOP)) {
      hotspot =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              dataArea.getX(), state.getCursor(), dataArea.getWidth(), cursor - state.getCursor());
    } else if (edge.equals(RectangleEdge.BOTTOM)) {
      hotspot =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              dataArea.getX(), cursor, dataArea.getWidth(), state.getCursor() - cursor);
    } else if (edge.equals(RectangleEdge.LEFT)) {
      hotspot =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              state.getCursor(), dataArea.getY(), cursor - state.getCursor(), dataArea.getHeight());
    } else if (edge.equals(RectangleEdge.RIGHT)) {
      hotspot =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              cursor, dataArea.getY(), state.getCursor() - cursor, dataArea.getHeight());
    EntityCollection e = plotState.getOwner().getEntityCollection();
    if (e != null) {
      e.add(new AxisEntity(hotspot, this));
   * Adds an entity with the specified hotspot, but only if an entity collection is accessible via
   * the renderer state.
   * @param entities the entity collection.
   * @param dataset the dataset.
   * @param row the row index.
   * @param column the column index.
   * @param hotspot the hotspot.
  protected void addItemEntity(
      EntityCollection entities, CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column, Shape hotspot) {

    String tip = null;
    CategoryToolTipGenerator tipster = getToolTipGenerator(row, column);
    if (tipster != null) {
      tip = tipster.generateToolTip(dataset, row, column);
    String url = null;
    CategoryURLGenerator urlster = getItemURLGenerator(row, column);
    if (urlster != null) {
      url = urlster.generateURL(dataset, row, column);
    CategoryItemEntity entity =
        new CategoryItemEntity(
            hotspot, tip, url, dataset, row, dataset.getColumnKey(column), column);
  * Draws the block within the specified area.
  * @param g2  the graphics device.
  * @param area  the area.
  * @param params  passed on to blocks within the container
  *                (<code>null</code> permitted).
  * @return An instance of {@link EntityBlockResult}, or <code>null</code>.
 public Object draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Object params) {
     // draw the block without collecting entities
     super.draw(g2, area, null);
     EntityBlockParams ebp = null;
     BlockResult r = new BlockResult();
     if (params instanceof EntityBlockParams) {
         ebp = (EntityBlockParams) params;
         if (ebp.getGenerateEntities()) {
             EntityCollection ec = new StandardEntityCollection();
             LegendItemEntity entity = new LegendItemEntity(
                     (Shape) area.clone());
     return r;
   * Draws the visual representation of a single data item, second pass. In the second pass, the
   * renderer draws the lines and shapes for the individual points in the two series.
   * @param x_graphics the graphics device.
   * @param x_dataArea the area within which the data is being drawn.
   * @param x_info collects information about the drawing.
   * @param x_plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color information etc).
   * @param x_domainAxis the domain (horizontal) axis.
   * @param x_rangeAxis the range (vertical) axis.
   * @param x_dataset the dataset.
   * @param x_series the series index (zero-based).
   * @param x_item the item index (zero-based).
   * @param x_crosshairState crosshair information for the plot (<code>null</code> permitted).
  protected void drawItemPass1(
      Graphics2D x_graphics,
      Rectangle2D x_dataArea,
      PlotRenderingInfo x_info,
      XYPlot x_plot,
      ValueAxis x_domainAxis,
      ValueAxis x_rangeAxis,
      XYDataset x_dataset,
      int x_series,
      int x_item,
      CrosshairState x_crosshairState) {

    Shape l_entityArea = null;
    EntityCollection l_entities = null;
    if (null != x_info) {
      l_entities = x_info.getOwner().getEntityCollection();

    Paint l_seriesPaint = getItemPaint(x_series, x_item);
    Stroke l_seriesStroke = getItemStroke(x_series, x_item);

    PlotOrientation l_orientation = x_plot.getOrientation();
    RectangleEdge l_domainAxisLocation = x_plot.getDomainAxisEdge();
    RectangleEdge l_rangeAxisLocation = x_plot.getRangeAxisEdge();

    double l_x0 = x_dataset.getXValue(x_series, x_item);
    double l_y0 = x_dataset.getYValue(x_series, x_item);
    double l_x1 = x_domainAxis.valueToJava2D(l_x0, x_dataArea, l_domainAxisLocation);
    double l_y1 = x_rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(l_y0, x_dataArea, l_rangeAxisLocation);

    if (getShapesVisible()) {
      Shape l_shape = getItemShape(x_series, x_item);
      if (l_orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        l_shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(l_shape, l_y1, l_x1);
      } else {
        l_shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(l_shape, l_x1, l_y1);
      if (l_shape.intersects(x_dataArea)) {
        x_graphics.setPaint(getItemPaint(x_series, x_item));
      l_entityArea = l_shape;

    // add an entity for the item...
    if (null != l_entities) {
      if (null == l_entityArea) {
        l_entityArea = new Rectangle2D.Double((l_x1 - 2), (l_y1 - 2), 4, 4);
      String l_tip = null;
      XYToolTipGenerator l_tipGenerator = getToolTipGenerator(x_series, x_item);
      if (null != l_tipGenerator) {
        l_tip = l_tipGenerator.generateToolTip(x_dataset, x_series, x_item);
      String l_url = null;
      XYURLGenerator l_urlGenerator = getURLGenerator();
      if (null != l_urlGenerator) {
        l_url = l_urlGenerator.generateURL(x_dataset, x_series, x_item);
      XYItemEntity l_entity =
          new XYItemEntity(l_entityArea, x_dataset, x_series, x_item, l_tip, l_url);

    // draw the item label if there is one...
    if (isItemLabelVisible(x_series, x_item)) {
          x_graphics, l_orientation, x_dataset, x_series, x_item, l_x1, l_y1, (l_y1 < 0.0));

    int l_domainAxisIndex = x_plot.getDomainAxisIndex(x_domainAxis);
    int l_rangeAxisIndex = x_plot.getRangeAxisIndex(x_rangeAxis);

    if (0 == x_item) {

    double l_x2 =
            x_dataset.getXValue(x_series, (x_item - 1)), x_dataArea, l_domainAxisLocation);
    double l_y2 =
            x_dataset.getYValue(x_series, (x_item - 1)), x_dataArea, l_rangeAxisLocation);

    Line2D l_line = null;
    if (PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL == l_orientation) {
      l_line = new Line2D.Double(l_y1, l_x1, l_y2, l_x2);
    } else if (PlotOrientation.VERTICAL == l_orientation) {
      l_line = new Line2D.Double(l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2);

    if ((null != l_line) && l_line.intersects(x_dataArea)) {
      x_graphics.setPaint(getItemPaint(x_series, x_item));
      x_graphics.setStroke(getItemStroke(x_series, x_item));
예제 #5
   * Draws a single data item.
   * @param g2 the graphics device (<code>null</code> not permitted).
   * @param section the section index.
   * @param dataArea the data plot area.
   * @param state state information for one chart.
   * @param currentPass the current pass index.
  protected void drawItem(
      Graphics2D g2, int section, Rectangle2D dataArea, PiePlotState state, int currentPass) {

    PieDataset dataset = getDataset();
    Number n = dataset.getValue(section);
    if (n == null) {
    double value = n.doubleValue();
    double angle1 = 0.0;
    double angle2 = 0.0;

    Rotation direction = getDirection();
    if (direction == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) {
      angle1 = state.getLatestAngle();
      angle2 = angle1 - value / state.getTotal() * 360.0;
    } else if (direction == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) {
      angle1 = state.getLatestAngle();
      angle2 = angle1 + value / state.getTotal() * 360.0;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Rotation type not recognised.");

    double angle = (angle2 - angle1);
    if (Math.abs(angle) > getMinimumArcAngleToDraw()) {
      double ep = 0.0;
      double mep = getMaximumExplodePercent();
      if (mep > 0.0) {
        ep = getExplodePercent(section) / mep;
      Rectangle2D arcBounds =
          getArcBounds(state.getPieArea(), state.getExplodedPieArea(), angle1, angle, ep);
      Arc2D.Double arc = new Arc2D.Double(arcBounds, angle1, angle, Arc2D.OPEN);

      // create the bounds for the inner arc
      RectangleInsets s =
          new RectangleInsets(
              UnitType.RELATIVE, sectionDepth, sectionDepth, sectionDepth, sectionDepth);
      Rectangle2D innerArcBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
      // calculate inner arc in reverse direction, for later
      // GeneralPath construction
      Arc2D.Double arc2 = new Arc2D.Double(innerArcBounds, angle1 + angle, -angle, Arc2D.OPEN);
      GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
      path.moveTo((float) arc.getStartPoint().getX(), (float) arc.getStartPoint().getY());
      path.append(arc.getPathIterator(null), false);
      path.append(arc2.getPathIterator(null), true);

      Line2D separator = new Line2D.Double(arc2.getEndPoint(), arc.getStartPoint());

      if (currentPass == 0) {
        Paint shadowPaint = getShadowPaint();
        double shadowXOffset = getShadowXOffset();
        double shadowYOffset = getShadowYOffset();
        if (shadowPaint != null) {
          Shape shadowArc =
                  path, (float) shadowXOffset, (float) shadowYOffset);
      } else if (currentPass == 1) {

        Paint paint = getSectionPaint(section);
        Paint outlinePaint = getSectionOutlinePaint(section);
        Stroke outlineStroke = getSectionOutlineStroke(section);
        if (getSectionOutlinesVisible()) {

        // add an entity for the pie section
        if (state.getInfo() != null) {
          EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection();
          if (entities != null) {
            Comparable key = dataset.getKey(section);
            String tip = null;
            PieToolTipGenerator toolTipGenerator = getToolTipGenerator();
            if (toolTipGenerator != null) {
              tip = toolTipGenerator.generateToolTip(dataset, key);
            String url = null;
            PieURLGenerator urlGenerator = getURLGenerator();
            if (urlGenerator != null) {
              url = urlGenerator.generateURL(dataset, key, getPieIndex());
            PieSectionEntity entity =
                new PieSectionEntity(path, dataset, getPieIndex(), section, key, tip, url);
      } else if (currentPass == 2) {
        // if there were 3 passes...
        if (this.sectionSeparatorsVisible) {
          Line2D extendedSeparator =
              extendLine(separator, this.innerSeparatorExtension, this.outerSeparatorExtension);
   * Draws the category labels and returns the updated axis state.
   * @param g2 the graphics device (<code>null</code> not permitted).
   * @param plotArea the plot area (<code>null</code> not permitted).
   * @param dataArea the area inside the axes (<code>null</code> not permitted).
   * @param edge the axis location (<code>null</code> not permitted).
   * @param state the axis state (<code>null</code> not permitted).
   * @param plotState collects information about the plot (<code>null</code> permitted).
   * @return The updated axis state (never <code>null</code>).
  protected AxisState drawCategoryLabels(
      Graphics2D g2,
      Rectangle2D plotArea,
      Rectangle2D dataArea,
      RectangleEdge edge,
      AxisState state,
      PlotRenderingInfo plotState) {

    ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(state, "state");
    if (!isTickLabelsVisible()) {
      return state;
    List<CategoryTick> ticks = refreshTicks(g2, state, plotArea, edge);
    // state.setTicks(ticks);        //FIXME MMC had to remove this as the types don't match

    int categoryIndex = 0;
    for (CategoryTick tick : ticks) {


      CategoryLabelPosition position = this.categoryLabelPositions.getLabelPosition(edge);
      double x0 = 0.0;
      double x1 = 0.0;
      double y0 = 0.0;
      double y1 = 0.0;
      if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
        x0 = getCategoryStart(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        x1 = getCategoryEnd(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        y1 = state.getCursor() - this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
        y0 = y1 - state.getMax();
      } else if (edge == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
        x0 = getCategoryStart(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        x1 = getCategoryEnd(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        y0 = state.getCursor() + this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
        y1 = y0 + state.getMax();
      } else if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
        y0 = getCategoryStart(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        y1 = getCategoryEnd(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        x1 = state.getCursor() - this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
        x0 = x1 - state.getMax();
      } else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
        y0 = getCategoryStart(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        y1 = getCategoryEnd(categoryIndex, ticks.size(), dataArea, edge);
        x0 = state.getCursor() + this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
        x1 = x0 - state.getMax();
      Rectangle2D area = new Rectangle2D.Double(x0, y0, (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0));
      Point2D anchorPoint = RectangleAnchor.coordinates(area, position.getCategoryAnchor());
      TextBlock block = tick.getLabel();
          (float) anchorPoint.getX(),
          (float) anchorPoint.getY(),
          (float) anchorPoint.getX(),
          (float) anchorPoint.getY(),
      Shape bounds =
              (float) anchorPoint.getX(),
              (float) anchorPoint.getY(),
              (float) anchorPoint.getX(),
              (float) anchorPoint.getY(),
      if (plotState != null && plotState.getOwner() != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = plotState.getOwner().getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
          String tooltip = getCategoryLabelToolTip(tick.getCategory());
          String url = getCategoryLabelURL(tick.getCategory());
          entities.add(new CategoryLabelEntity(tick.getCategory(), bounds, tooltip, url));

    if (edge.equals(RectangleEdge.TOP)) {
      double h = state.getMax() + this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
    } else if (edge.equals(RectangleEdge.BOTTOM)) {
      double h = state.getMax() + this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
    } else if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
      double w = state.getMax() + this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
    } else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
      double w = state.getMax() + this.categoryLabelPositionOffset;
    return state;
예제 #7
   * Draws the visual representation of a single data item.
   * @param g2 the graphics device.
   * @param state the renderer state.
   * @param dataArea the area within which the data is being drawn.
   * @param info collects information about the drawing.
   * @param plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color information etc).
   * @param domainAxis the domain axis.
   * @param rangeAxis the range axis.
   * @param dataset the dataset.
   * @param series the series index (zero-based).
   * @param item the item index (zero-based).
   * @param crosshairState crosshair information for the plot (<code>null</code> permitted).
   * @param pass the pass index.
  public void drawItem(
      Graphics2D g2,
      XYItemRendererState state,
      Rectangle2D dataArea,
      PlotRenderingInfo info,
      XYPlot plot,
      ValueAxis domainAxis,
      ValueAxis rangeAxis,
      XYDataset dataset,
      int series,
      int item,
      CrosshairState crosshairState,
      int pass) {

    if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) {
    XYAreaRendererState areaState = (XYAreaRendererState) state;

    // get the data point...
    double x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item);
    double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item);
    if (Double.isNaN(y1)) {
      y1 = 0.0;
    double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
    double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());

    // get the previous point and the next point so we can calculate a
    // "hot spot" for the area (used by the chart entity)...
    int itemCount = dataset.getItemCount(series);
    double x0 = dataset.getXValue(series, Math.max(item - 1, 0));
    double y0 = dataset.getYValue(series, Math.max(item - 1, 0));
    if (Double.isNaN(y0)) {
      y0 = 0.0;
    double transX0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x0, dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
    double transY0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());

    double x2 = dataset.getXValue(series, Math.min(item + 1, itemCount - 1));
    double y2 = dataset.getYValue(series, Math.min(item + 1, itemCount - 1));
    if (Double.isNaN(y2)) {
      y2 = 0.0;
    double transX2 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x2, dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
    double transY2 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y2, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());

    double transZero = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
    Polygon hotspot = null;
    if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
      hotspot = new Polygon();
      hotspot.addPoint((int) transZero, (int) ((transX0 + transX1) / 2.0));
      hotspot.addPoint((int) ((transY0 + transY1) / 2.0), (int) ((transX0 + transX1) / 2.0));
      hotspot.addPoint((int) transY1, (int) transX1);
      hotspot.addPoint((int) ((transY1 + transY2) / 2.0), (int) ((transX1 + transX2) / 2.0));
      hotspot.addPoint((int) transZero, (int) ((transX1 + transX2) / 2.0));
    } else { // vertical orientation
      hotspot = new Polygon();
      hotspot.addPoint((int) ((transX0 + transX1) / 2.0), (int) transZero);
      hotspot.addPoint((int) ((transX0 + transX1) / 2.0), (int) ((transY0 + transY1) / 2.0));
      hotspot.addPoint((int) transX1, (int) transY1);
      hotspot.addPoint((int) ((transX1 + transX2) / 2.0), (int) ((transY1 + transY2) / 2.0));
      hotspot.addPoint((int) ((transX1 + transX2) / 2.0), (int) transZero);

    if (item == 0) { // create a new area polygon for the series
      areaState.area = new Polygon();
      // the first point is (x, 0)
      double zero = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
      if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
        areaState.area.addPoint((int) transX1, (int) zero);
      } else if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        areaState.area.addPoint((int) zero, (int) transX1);

    // Add each point to Area (x, y)
    if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
      areaState.area.addPoint((int) transX1, (int) transY1);
    } else if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
      areaState.area.addPoint((int) transY1, (int) transX1);

    PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
    Paint paint = getItemPaint(series, item);
    Stroke stroke = getItemStroke(series, item);

    Shape shape = null;
    if (getPlotShapes()) {
      shape = getItemShape(series, item);
      if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
        shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transX1, transY1);
      } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transY1, transX1);

    if (getPlotLines()) {
      if (item > 0) {
        if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
          areaState.line.setLine(transX0, transY0, transX1, transY1);
        } else if (plot.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
          areaState.line.setLine(transY0, transX0, transY1, transX1);

    // Check if the item is the last item for the series.
    // and number of items > 0.  We can't draw an area for a single point.
    if (getPlotArea() && item > 0 && item == (itemCount - 1)) {

      if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
        // Add the last point (x,0)
        areaState.area.addPoint((int) transX1, (int) transZero);
      } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        // Add the last point (x,0)
        areaState.area.addPoint((int) transZero, (int) transX1);


      // draw an outline around the Area.
      if (isOutline()) {
        g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item));
        g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item));

    updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, transX1, transY1, orientation);

    // collect entity and tool tip information...
    if (state.getInfo() != null) {
      EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection();
      if (entities != null && hotspot != null) {
        String tip = null;
        XYToolTipGenerator generator = getToolTipGenerator(series, item);
        if (generator != null) {
          tip = generator.generateToolTip(dataset, series, item);
        String url = null;
        if (getURLGenerator() != null) {
          url = getURLGenerator().generateURL(dataset, series, item);
        XYItemEntity entity = new XYItemEntity(hotspot, dataset, series, item, tip, url);